1.1 En ter into system and power on-off
Enter into DVB system
It will enter DVB mod e as soon as system powe r on.
It will continue to play the last est program before previous powe r off if the
database having and TV. or RADI O program.
Power on
Whe n it is“standby”mod e,press“powe r”to powe r on.
Power off
Whe n it is running, press“ powe r” wi ll enter into“standby”mod e.
1.2 Volume adjustmen t and Mut e
Press “VOL +/ -”to adjust volume wh en system is in normal playing mod e: and it wi ll
show volume bar on the imag e.
Press“MUTE ”to enter into the mod e when normal ly playing and repress“MUTE ”to
back the normal state.
1.3 St ation swi tch
Press “CH+ /-”to swi tch to the previous or next program.
Press“OK” to swi tch to the speediness program list, press “VOL +/-”to select
different program class; press“ CH+ /-” to select program
Press“OK” to affirm program Se lection, press“ EXI T”to hide men u
1.Press numbe r keys to input program numbe r.
2.If there are some favorite programs that been set up, just press “FAV” to enter
into the favorite program list:
Press“CH+ /-” to select favorite program, Pr ess“OK” affirm the selection, press
“EXI T” to hide men u.
1.4 Di splay informat ion of programs
Press key“INFO” to show the informat ion of current programs wh en it is in normal
playing state. Pr ess again to show mor e detail informat ion.
1.5 Pr ogram return
Press key“RECA LL”under state of full-screen to return to the previous program
1.6 Audio language swi tch and L/R channel switch
1.Press “AUDI O”key to swi tch the language of current programs and swi tch amon g
“stereo”→“Left”→“right”(stereo→left channel→ right channel)
2.Pr ess “VOL +/ -”to switch amon g “stereo” “left” “right”(stereo→left
channel→right channel),press “CH+ /-”to swi tch the language of sound.