Mackie’s MS12 02- VLZ
is the updated, upgraded
version of our classic 12channel compact mic/line
mixer. The original MS1202
earned a seemingly unbeatable reputation as the
mixer with
the best price/features ratio, and for being as
solid as a rock. The MS12 02VLZ adds more features and
flexibility to what was already one formidable product.
That’s why New Media
Magazine gave the MS1202VLZ its Hyper Award for Best
Audio Hardware:
“The new 1202-VLZ
mixer is the pinnacle of
Mackie’s legendary ability
to pack great sonic performance, durability and lots
of features into a small size
for a low cost. …[It] is the
hottest performer we’ve
ever seen…”
– New Media,
January 1 996
Features you want.
Low noise and high
headroom are important
for clear, dynamic mixes.
No matter what your
application, the MS1202VLZ’s Very Low Impedance
architecture – based on
that of our large 8•Bus
consoles – delivers pro-
fessional sound.
For the same
reasons, the mic
uses are
studiograde, low
inputs. Plus, 48V
phantom power gives you
full compatibility with your
favorite microphones
– dynamic or condenser.
T o rid your mics of wind
noise and mic thumps, each
of the four mic channels has
a Low Cut Filter that eliminates subsonic noise. Lo
shelving EQ can now be
used for the upper low frequencies, instead of as a
makeshift low frequency
To make level-setting
simple, the MS1202-VLZ
has PFL Solo on every
channel. That, along with
the Level Set Marker at the
1202’s ultra-sensitive L/R
LEDs, lets you take advantage of our VLZ design and
maximize headroom.
Don’t have room for an
outboard equalizer? The
RM1202-VL Z
■ 4 low noise/high head-
room XLR mic inputs
(–129.5dBm E.I.N.)
■ 4 balanced/unbalanced
mono line inputs
■ 4 balanced/unbalanced
stereo line inputs
■ 48V phantom power
■ 3-Band EQ (12kHz,
2.5kHz, 80Hz)
■ Low Cut Filter on
channels 1-4
■ PFL Solo on every
■ Very Low Impedance
■ EFX to Monitor switch
■ Balanced inputs and
outputs (except RCAs,
phones and inserts)
■ Balanced XLR Main L/R
outputs with mic/line
level switch
■ 1/4” main outputs
■ 60dB Gain on chs. 1-4
■ Global Aux 1 Pre/Post
■ Level Setting Marker

MS1202- VLZ’s musical
3-band EQ will take care of
it. We chose 12kHz, 2.5kHz
and 80Hz to make our EQ
more practical to the needs
of today’s sound engineers
– not those of thirty years ago.
Flexibility you need.
The MS1202- VLZ is loaded
with flexible mixdown and
monitor routing possibilities.
Mute/Alt 3-4 is a dualpurpose feature: Normally,
the mute button on each
channel acts that way – as a
mute. But when the Alt 3-4
outputs are in use, the button
acts as a router to the 3-4
stereo bus. Y ou can create
two stereo pairs for 4-track
recording or for an extra
monitor or cry room mix.
EFX to Monitor lets you
blend reverb or other effects
back into a monitor mix via
Aux Send 1.
Aux 1’s Pre/Post switch
lets you set it for prefader/post-EQ use – great
for stage monitor mixes, or
post-fader/post-EQ, which
is handy for studio effects.
It also has a level control
for added flexibility.
Control Room/Phones
has its own level control
and separate outputs, allowing you to select any
combination of Main Mix,
T ape In and Alt 3-4 so you
can create custom headphone mixes, monitor tape
levels, and more. A separate switch routes this
multi-source signal back
into the Main Mix.
Balanced XLR Main Outputs – which are switchable to mic or line level –
make it easy to use the
MS1202-VLZ with professional audio and video
equipment. Main outputs
are also available at 1/ 4”
jacks. And of course, all the
mixer’s inputs and outputs
are balanced (except channel inserts, phones and
RCA jacks). You can also
use unbalanced cables if
need be.
Durable and solid.
Greg Mackie designed the
MicroSeries 1202- VLZ the
same way he designs every
Mackie mixer: to stand up
to non-stop, 24 hour-a-day
professional duty. In broadcast and PA applications, TV
and radio production studios, video post suites –
wherever a high quality
compact mixer is desired.
Sealed, co-molded rotary
controls keep the MS 1 202-VLZ
free from airborne dust and
contamination better than
the open-frame phenolic
pots others use. Mackie’s
pots provide minimal contact noise, and their design
– along with the energyabsorbing way they’re
mounted to the mixer –
helps prevent impact
Along with its steel chassis and thru-hole-plated
fiberglass circuit boards, the
MicroSeries 1202-VLZ also
features a built-in power
supply instead of a “wall
wart.” Not only does this
eliminate the inevitable
hassles of dealing with external power supplies, it
also reduces hum. The tiny
transformers in wall warts
waste more energy, and
can introduce additional
hum into the mix. Not so
with our built-in power
supply . It introduces far less
noise – and far less trouble.
RFI protection is implemented with circuitry and
construction that makes
the MS 1202- VLZ virtually
impervious to RF interference in high-energy
Any place, any time,
The MS12 02- VLZ can be
used continuously in all
kinds of places by all kinds
of people: TV and radio
stations, video production
houses, touring sound
companies, big-studio
engineers and corporate