Mackie LP48 User's Manual

1.1 Introduction.................................................................3
Insert EQ Features ......................................................3
Lake Loudspeaker Processor Features ....................3
Getting Started ............................................................4
Installing the Card .......................................................4
Updating the Software ................................................4
Opening the LP48 Setup Screen ................................4
2. Modes of Operation .....................................................6
Overview ......................................................................7
LP48 Card Outputs ......................................................7
3. Lake EQ Mode (10 Insert Equalizers) .......................8
Source Assign ..............................................................8
Low-shelf EQ .............................................................11
Parametric EQ ...........................................................11
High-shelf EQ .............................................................12
Parametric EQ ...........................................................13
Mesa EQ .....................................................................14
Button Bar ..................................................................15
Home ...........................................................................15
Overlay Functions .....................................................15
Overlay GEQ ..............................................................15
Overlay PEQ ..............................................................16
EQ Preferences ..........................................................16
4. Lake Loudspeaker Processor Mode (4x8) .............18
Source Assign ............................................................18
4.1 Home ..........................................................................20
4.2 System Store/Recall..................................................21
4.3 Modules ......................................................................23
Default Modules ........................................................28
Two Auxiliary Outputs ..............................................30
XOVER Tab ................................................................32
Levels Tab ..................................................................39
4.4 Groups .........................................................................44
Gang ............................................................................49
4.5 Solo/Mute ....................................................................50
4.6 User Preferences .......................................................51
4.7 Icon Control ...............................................................53
5. Introduction to Designer Mode ...............................54
6. Functional Reference Guide ....................................63
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Part No. SW0726 Rev. A 09/08 ©2008 LOUD Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1. Introduction
Thank you for choosing to upgrade your TT24 Digital Live Mixing Console with the LP48 Lake Processor expansion card. Dolby Laboratories designed the highly regarded Lake Contour™ Digital Loudspeaker processor, and worked with us here at Mackie to develop the fi rst integrated Lake EQ and Lake Loudspeaker modules for a digital console.
The TT24 with an LP48 expansion card provides 10 channels of Lake Insert EQ processing, or eight channels of Lake Loudspeaker processing, or a combination of the two (fi ve channels of EQ processing and four channels of Lake Loudspeaker processing).
The inputs to the LP48 are assigned in the TT Control software application running on your PC from virtually any point in the TT24 signal path. The loudspeaker processor outputs from the LP48 card can be routed to any physical output connector on the console or the DS3232 Digital Snake.
LP48 confi guration is done within the TT Control software Setup>Expansion menu.
Insert EQ Features
The Lake EQ Mode provides ten EQ processors that can be inserted into any of the TT24 digital insert points. Each EQ processor can operate with the Lake Ideal Graphic EQ (28-bands) or the Lake Mesa EQ (parametric EQ).
Unlike standard graphic equalizers whose adjacent fi lters interact and add to each other, the Lake Ideal Graphic EQ provides a frequency response curve exactly like the curve of the user interface sliders. This allows you to have more precise control over your sound. What you see is what you get!
Lake Loudspeaker Processor Features
The Lake Loudspeaker Processor Mode provides a four input by eight output speaker processor (two input by four output when in split mode). It has two DSP engines that split up the work between them.
In split mode, you can confi gure the processor as follows:
• Two two-way crossovers
• One three-way crossover
• One four-way crossover
• Two Aux mode
When the whole card is confi gured in Lake Loudspeaker Processor mode, you can confi gure the processors as follows:
• Four two-way crossovers
• One four-way crossover and one three-way
• One four-way crossover and two two-way
• Two four-way crossovers
• Two three-way crossovers
• Two Aux mode
You can select from the following crossover types for each individual crossover fi lter, using fi lter orders from 6 dB/octave up to 48 dB/octave:
2 Aux mode
2-way Xover
2-way Xover
2-way Xover
2-way Xover
3-way Xover
4-way Xover
4-way Xover
• Bessel
• Butterworth
• Linkwitz-Riley
Important default presets allow you to set up and change between the various crossover types. Presets for EAW and Mackie loudspeakers are also provided.
Getting Started
Installing the Card
The fi rst thing to do is to install the LP48 expansion card into your TT24. See the “TT24 Expansion Card Installation Instructions” that came with your LP48 for instructions on how to install the expansion card.
Updating the Software
The next thing is to make sure you have the latest fi rmware for the TT24 and the latest TT Control software application for your PC. Version 1.7 or greater is required to run the LP48 card.
If you don't know the software version you are currently using, you can check your software ver sion and build number by pressing the “HELP” button on the console, application.
You can fi nd the latest version of the TT24 fi rmware and TT Control PC application on the Mackie website:
Be sure to follow the instructions when upgrading to new software, as described in the TT24 Firmware/Software Installation guide found in the link.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you always update the fi rmware in the following order:
1. DS3232 Digital Snake (if present)
or by clicking Menu > About in the TT Control PC
2. Expansion Cards (if present)
3. The TT24 Console.
Opening the LP48 Setup Screen
Now you have installed the LP48 expansion card and updated the fi rmware and software, you are ready to turn on the TT24 and start confi guring the LP48 Lake Processor Card.
To confi rm that the LP48 card is installed and properly recognized:
1. Press the SETUP button in the QuickMix area.
2. Touch the EXPANSION button in the MENU SELECTION window.
3. The EXPANSION window displays the cards installed in the two expansion slots on the TT24. That’s as far as you can go on the TT24 Touchscreen. All the configurations for the LP48 are done through the TT Control PC application.
4. Connect a USB cable between the TT24 and your computer.
5. Open the TT Control PC application on your computer.
6. If the Expansion window isn’t open yet, press F11 on the keyboard to open the Expansion window.
7. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the expansion slot window.
8. This is your window into the amazing world of Lake processing, where you can access all the tools provided by this powerful software and expansion card.
Snapshots Warning
The LP48 card has its own Snapshot Backup and Snapshot Restore items available in the Menu>Expansion Card Options drop-down menu of the TT Control software.
Make sure that you backup your LP48 Card Snapshots when you backup your console, or the LP48 will not be backed up.
NOTE: The LP48 snapshot backup and snapshot recall process can take a long time, such as 30 minutes or so!!!
2. Modes of Operation
There are three Card Modes from which to choose in the Lake Card Edit window: 10 Insert Equalizers, 4x8 Speaker Processor, and 2x4 Speaker Processor with 5 Insert EQs. Select the mode of operation you want to use from the window shown below. If you make a change, you will be prompted to confi rm your choice:
10 Insert Equalizers
4x8 Speaker Processor
2x4 Speaker Processor with 5 Insert EQs
When this mode of operation is selected, the LP48 supplies up to ten 1/3-octave graphic equalizers or parametric equalizers, each of which can be inserted into the pre- or post-inserts for each channel (Analog 1-24 pre or post, Digital 25-48 pre or post, card return 1-8 pre or post), the insert for an aux send (Aux Send 1-12), or the insert for the Main Left, Right, or Mono output.
The Lake Ideal Graphic EQ™ provides tighter fi lter control over traditional analog (and digital) graphic EQs. It features “raised cosine” algorithms that provide a frequency response that truly matches the curve established on the graphic interface.
If one were to the boost a conventional graphic equalizer by 6 dB at 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1600, and 2000 Hz, the resulting frequency response would resemble the wavy curve in the top trace of the illustration below. The bottom trace shows that the same adjacent fi lters in the Lake Ideal Graphic EQ sum to a fl at frequency response, providing a response curve just like the one you expect when you adjust the Graphic EQ sliders.
The Lake Mesa EQ™ offers the classic shelving and parametric fi lters of traditional parametric EQs. But it goes one step further by providing asymmetric fi ltering for independent control over upward and downward slopes of a parametric fi lter section. This is particularly useful when performing corrective adjustments to the asymmetric response patterns of all loudspeakers.
4x8 SPEAKER PROCESSOR Lake Loudspeaker Processor Mode (4x8)
When this mode is selected, the LP48 provides four 1x2 crossover modules, each accepting an input from an aux send (Aux Send 1-12), Matrix Out (Matrix A-H), or the Main Left, Right, or Mono output. can also be confi gured as 1x3 (3-way) or 1x4 (4-way) crossovers, or a 1-input, 2-aux preset can be chosen.
Each input and output has a delay function for time alignment of delay stacks and drivers. In addition, each output has a limiter function to provide protection for each driver. An extensive library of presets are provided, tailored for many popular loudspeaker systems, including EAW and Mackie loudspeaker products.
The crossover modules
2x4 SPEAKER PROCESSOR with 5 INSERT EQs Split Mode (2x4 Lake Loudspeaker Processor with 5 Lake Insert EQs)
This mode provides a combination of the fi rst two modes: two 1x2 crossover modules and fi ve insert EQ modules. The features remain the same for each type, only the number of modules has been reduced by half for each type.
Refer to this manual’s sections regarding Lake EQ Mode and Lake Loudspeaker Processor Mode for an explanation of each of the modes contained within Split Mode.
LP48 Card Outputs
For Inserts EQs, the processed output from the card is routed to the insert point. For Loudspeaker Processor outputs, the output from the LP48 card (either 8, or 4 in split mode) can be routed using the TT Control Routing Output screen of software version 1.7 or greater.
3. Lake EQ Mode (10 Insert Equalizers)
When this mode is selected, you can choose between a 28-band graphic EQ (Lake Ideal Graphic EQ) or a full­featured parametric EQ (Lake Mesa EQ) for each insert.
Source Assign
You must assign a source for each insert EQ. You can select from any analog input (1-24 pre/post), digital input (25-48 pre/post), card channel (1-8 pre/post), aux send (1-12 post), or the main left, right, or mono outputs (post). Since these are insert points, the processed signal is returned to the signal path at the selected insert point.
Click the EDIT button to open the EQ Edit window. This is where you select either the graphic EQ or parametric EQ, and confi gure the various parameters of the equalizer.
NOTE: After clicking EDIT, there may be a warning that the graphics need to be 16 bit. Usually it is OK to ignore this warning, but if you have any trouble then adjust your computer display to suit.
The parametric EQ is the default selection when you enter the EQ Edit window. The EQ Edit window consists of a graph, with the x-axis (horizontal) representing frequency, and the y-axis (vertical) representing amplitude. The icons at the top of the graph represent a low-shelf EQ, parametric EQ, Mesa EQ, and high-shelf EQ. The the bottom of the graph provide access to other EQ options.
To confi gure the parametric EQ, simply click one of the blue icons at the top of the graph and move it to the approximate point in the graph where you want it to be, then click again to place it.
buttons at
EQ Edit Window
Frequency Lock
This button, located in the upper left corner of the graph, locks the frequency of the selected fi lter so it cannot be changed by clicking within the graph area. You will have to click below the graph. mode as well, since you can adjust the cut or boost without accidentally moving to the next fi lter along.
This is useful in graphic EQ
Button Menus used in Insert EQ mode
The LP48 uses a row of buttons along the bottom to choose and navigate within menu items.
This map shows the general layout of the button menus and their submenus for the Insert EQ mode. For example, clicking on the Home button takes you to the top level. Clicking on Overlay Functions takes you to another world of enchantment where you can select from graphic EQ or Parametric EQ, select EQ display preferences, or copy and paste an EQ overlay.
Selectable buttons are blue. Buttons that lead to sub-menus turn orange when selected. Non-selectable buttons are grey (for example Filter Delete is not selectable for the graphic EQ).
Overlay Functions
Overlay GEQ/Overlay PEQ
EQ Preferences
No Scale
Reset Scale
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Overlay Copy
Overlay Paste
Overlay Bypass
Overlay Flat
Filter Bypass
Filter Flat
Filter Delete
Filter Edit
Parametric EQ
Click on Overlay Functions and select the Overlay PEQ button (if it is not already in that mode). The operations that follow can be made no matter which row of buttons is displayed, even Home, but you need to
get into the Overlay Functions menu to change from GEQ to PEQ.)
Low-shelf EQ
Click the low-shelf EQ icon at the top of the work area (it glows orange) and move it to the area of 0 dB, 100 Hz on the graph, then click again to place it.
The icon appears at the bottom of the graph and the parameters appear at the top of the graph (frequency, Q, and amplitude).
Click the blue icon at the bottom of the graph and move it left or right to adjust the cutoff frequency of the fi lter.
Click the vertical bar at the right tip of the icon and move it left or right to adjust the slope (Q) of the fi lter.
Click the horizontal bar (0 dB) in the graph and move it up or down to adjust the amplitude of the fi lter.
High-shelf EQ
Click the high-shelf EQ icon (it glows orange) and move it to the area of 0 dB, 10 kHz on the graph, then click again to place it.
The icon appears at the bottom of the graph and the parameters appear at the top of the graph (frequency, Q, and amplitude).
Notice that the low-shelf EQ icon disappears from the bottom of the graph, and an “X” appears in the graph. This indicates that there is a fi lter located at that frequency. Simply click on or below the “X” to select it or click on the blue box above the X, and readjust the parameters if desired.
Click in the blue icon at the bottom of the graph and move it left or right to adjust the cutoff frequency of the fi lter.
Click on the vertical bar at the left tip of the icon and move it left or right to adjust the slope (Q) of the fi lter.
Click on the horizontal bar (0 dB) in the graph and move it up or down to adjust the amplitude of the fi lter.
Parametric EQ
Click the parametric EQ icon (it glows orange) and drag it to the area of 1 kHz on the graph, then click again to place it.
The icon appears at the bottom of the graph and the parameters appear at the top of the graph (frequency, Q, and amplitude).
Notice that the high-shelf EQ icon disappears from the bottom of the graph, and an “X” appears in the graph. This indicates that there is a fi lter located at that frequency. Simply click on the “X” to select it and readjust the parameters, if desired.
Click inside the blue icon at the bottom of the graph and move it left or right to adjust the center frequency of the fi lter.
Click to the left or right of the vertical bar at either tip of the icon and move it left or right to adjust the slope (Q) of the fi lter. Note this adjusts the slope at both ends of the fi lter symmetrically.
Click on the horizontal bar (0 dB) in the graph and move it
up or down to adjust the amplitude of the fi lter.
Mesa EQ
The Mesa EQ is similar to the parametric EQ, except that the bandwidth of the fi lter and the slope at both sides of the fi lter envelope can be adjusted independently. This allows you to tailor the fi lter for complex frequency response corrections required for certain loudspeaker/room combinations.
The icon appears at the bottom of the graph and the parameters appear at the top of the graph (frequency, Q, and amplitude of each end of the fi lter envelope).
Click inside the blue icon at the bottom of the graph and move it left or right to adjust the center frequency of the fi lter.
Click and move inside either tapered end of the blue icon to increase or decrease the bandwidth.
Click to the left of the left tip of the icon and move it left or right to adjust the slope (Q) of the low end of the fi lter.
Click to the right of the right tip of the icon and move it left or right to adjust the slope (Q) of the high end of the fi lter.
Click on the horizontal bar (0 dB) in the graph and move it up or down to adjust the amplitude of the fi lter.
Button Bar
The buttons at the bottom of the EQ Edit window provide access to EQ options.
Click this button to quickly return to the default EQ Edit screen.
Overlay Functions
Click this button and the other buttons will change function. These options allow you to change to the 28-band Graphic EQ, to change EQ preferences, and to copy/paste EQ settings.
Overlay GEQ
Click this button to switch to a graphic EQ instead of a parametric EQ. A warning message asks you to confi rm that you want to change to the graphic EQ overlay and lose the current EQ settings. Click “Yes” to switch to the graphic EQ overlay.
Note: You cannot “undo” this action.
Each yellow “X” on the horizontal line (0 dB) represents a fi lter. You can click on an “X” to select it, or click and drag across the bottom horizontal bar to access each individual graphic EQ fi lter.
Click on each “X” and drag up or down to adjust the amplitude (boost or cut) for each fi lter. The frequency and slope for each fi lter are fi xed, and not adjustable.
Frequency Lock
If you click this button in the top left corner, then the fi lters cannot be selected by clicking on, above, or below the yellow Xs. To select a different frequency, move the blue fi lter icon along the bottom of the screen left or right.
If this is not engaged, then fi lters can be selected by clicking on, above, or below the yellow Xs.
Overlay PEQ
Click this button to switch back to a parametric EQ from the graphic EQ. Once again, you will get a warning message to confi rm that you want to change to the parametric EQ overlay and lose the current EQ settings. Click “Yes” to switch to the parametric EQ overlay.
Note: You cannot “undo” this action.
EQ Preferences
No Scale: Hides the horizontal lines on the graph. Reset Scale: Resets the 0 dB line back to center in the graph, and the vertical scale back to ±15 dB. Zoom In: Magnifi es the vertical scale up to ±3 dB. This allows for fi ne tuning the amplitude settings. Zoom Out: Diminishes the vertical scale up to ±60 dB in 3 dB steps. This allows you to adjust the view to see the
entire frequency response curve of the graphic EQ. Up: Shifts the 0 dB line upwards by 3 dB increments on the graph. Down: Shifts the 0 dB line downwards by 3 dB increments on the graph. EQ Pref EXIT: Return to the Overlay Functions selections.
Overlay Copy
This copies all the current settings for the graphic EQ to the clipboard. Use this to copy your current settings to other channels of the mixer.
Overlay Paste
This overwrites all the current settings for the graphic EQ with the settings that were last copied to the clipboard. Note that if you copy a graphic EQ and paste it, this will appear even if you are currently in the parametric EQ view, and similarly, if you copy a PEQ, and paste it, it will appear even if you are in the GEQ view.
Overlay Bypass/Overlay Insert
Click this button to bypass all the fi lters in the EQ section. This allows the signal to pass without processing. The button will change to “Overlay Insert” and the other buttons will grey-out and become inactive. Note: if this is a new EQ, and no EQ fi lters have been added, or the EQ has been made fl at with the overlay fl at button, then the other buttons are already greyed out.
Click the Overlay Insert button to reinsert the EQ section into the signal path.
Use this bypass/insert to do a quick A/B comparison of the signal with and without EQ.
Overlay Flat
This button returns all the fi lter settings to their default values. want to fl atten the EQ overlay and lose the current EQ settings. Click “Yes” to fl atten the EQ overlay.
Note: You cannot “undo” this action.
You will get a warning message to confi rm that you
Filter Bypass/Filter Insert
Click this button to bypass the selected fi lter in the EQ section. This allows the signal to pass without the selected fi lter affecting it, so you can do a quick A/B comparison of the signal with and without the selected fi lter. The fi lter boost or cut will shift to fl at at 0 dB. The button changes to read Filter Insert.
Click the Filter Insert button to reinsert the selected fi lter into the signal path, and it will change to Filter Bypass. Shortcut: You can quickly bypass/insert a fi lter by clicking on the blue box above, and dragging it down
Filter Flat
This button returns the settings for the selected fi lter to their default values. message to confi rm that you want to fl atten the fi lter. Click “Yes” to fl atten the selected fi lter.
Note: You cannot “undo” this action.
You will get a warning
Filter Delete
This button deletes the selected fi lter (applies to the parametric EQ only). message to confi rm that you want to delete the fi lter. Click “Yes” to delete the selected fi lter.
You will get a warning
Note: You cannot “undo” this action or delete a graphic EQ.
Filter Edit
This button allows you to edit the parameters of the selected fi lter with an onscreen numeric keypad. When you click the button, the editable parameters for the selected fi lter appear as buttons at the top of the graph. Click a button to bring up the keypad, which you can use to enter a precise value for that parameter (Gain, Frequency, and BW for the parametric EQ, and Gain for the graphic EQ). Note that the computer numeric keypad cannot be used, so do not try it or you will exit out to other TT24 screens.
4. Lake Loudspeaker Processor Mode (4x8)
When the Lake Loudspeaker Processor mode is selected, you can choose from among a variety of confi gurations, including 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way crossover operation, as well as presets optimized for specifi c types of loudspeakers.
Source Assign
You must assign a source for each crossover module. You can select from any aux send (1-12), matrix send (A-H), or the main left, right, or mono outputs. The processed signals are sent to the outputs of the LP48 card (1-8).
Click the EDIT button to open the Speaker Processing Edit window. This window is where you confi gure the types of crossovers you want to use, and add fi lters, delay, and limiting features.
Normally there is a short delay for the window to appear, and there may be a warning that the display should be set to 16-bit for best performance. It is usually OK to ignore this warning, but if you see any problems, set your computer graphics display to suit.
Main Buttons
The Speaker Processing Edit Window is your main work area. Below it are buttons that are described in this chapter in the following order:
Home System Store/Recall Modules Groups Solo/Mute User Preferences Icon Control
Button Menus used in Loudspeaker Processor mode
This map shows the general layout of the button menus and their submenus for the Loudspeaker Processor mode. The buttons at the bottom of the Speaker Processing Edit window provide access to processing options. This bar updates as you go into various screens and menus.
Selectable buttons are blue. Buttons that lead to sub-menus turn orange with black text when selected. Non-selectable buttons are grey. Some will turn blue when items such as modules or groups are selected, and
some will turn blue when you are in Designer Mode.
4.1 Home
Click this button to quickly return to the default Speaker Processing Edit window.
HOME System Store/Recall
New Store
File Utilities
Read Only
New Folder
Limiter Max
Enable Mute
Enable Polarity
Meter Options
Label & Lock
Label Module
Unlock Module
Set Mod Password
Unlock Base
Set Base Password
Module Store/Recall
New Store
Base Configuration
File Utilities
Read Only
New Folder
Crossover Functions
Max RMS Level
Max RMS Corner
Max RMS Attack
Max RMS Release
Max Peak Level
Input +4dBu Reference
Pre Limiter
AmpClip reference
Assign Meters
Label Channel
Level Limits
Adjust Factory
Gain/Delay Limits
Limiter Max Limits
Meter Parameters
Designer Mode Only
Crossover Split
Crossover Select
Filter Bypass
Filter Flat
Filter Delete
Filter Edit
Designer Mode is accessed through the User Preferences/Designer Functions menu
HPF/LPF Functions
Crossover Hide
Crossover View Only
EQ Preferences
Crossover Copy
Crossover Paste
Input HPF
Low Output HPF
HPF Enable
LPF Enable
No Scale
Reset Scale
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Phase Large
User Preferenc es
Delay Units
Designer Functions
Show Mode
Change Password
Designer Mode
Global Access
EQ Hide
EQ View Only
Xover Hide
Xover View Only
Levels Hide
Levels View Only
Solo/Mute Enable
All Mute
Icon Control
Meter On/Off
Icon Small
Icon Normal
Icon Medium
Icon Large
4.2 System Store/Recall
System Store/Recall
New Store
File Utilities
Read Only
New Folder
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