Luxman SQ-38U User Manual

Owner`s Manual
* Note
* *
Installation place
This product shall be installed in a well-ventilated and effec-
tively heat-released place.
Especially, installation of this product where direct sunlight is
present, where the temperature rises excessively high such
as close to a heater, or where it is humid or dusty may cause
a malfunction even if heat is efficiently released. Therefore, do
not install this unit in such places.
Ventilation holes
Do not block the top and bottom faces because this product
is a heat-generating amplifier that contains vacuum tubes. If
the amplifier is installed on a rack or the like, secure ample
space for cooling and leave the door open. Do not pile up
other things on the amplifier and never put articles on it. Fail-
ure to observe this may cause a malfunction.
For heat dispersal, do not install this equipment in a confined
space such as a book case or similar unit.
Cautions in connecting speakers
When making speaker system connections, exercise extra
care not to short-circuit between ! and @ of the speaker ter-
minals and speaker input terminals of this product. If a signal
is applied to the amplifier with its circuit left short-circuited, a
large current may be passed through the output circuit and
cause a malfunction.
The sound is not generated immediately after the power supply is turned on.
This amplifier is equipped with a time muting circuit in order to
separate the output circuit. Therefore, no sound is generated
immediately after the power supply is turned on.
If the volume control of the amplifier is moved to a high sound
level before the time muting circuit is canceled, a large sound
is suddenly generated. Please be advised that the volume
control shall be set to a low level at first and adjusted after
sound comes out of the speakers.
Batteries used for remote controller shall not be exposed to
excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
Precautions in connecting with other components
When connecting this product to input devices such as a CD/
DVD player and a tuner, be sure to turn off the power of this
product and all other connected devices. Failure to observe
this may generate a strong noise resulting in speaker damage
or cause a malfunction.
The pin-plug to be inserted in each input terminal of this prod-
uct shall be pushed in firmly. If the grounding terminal is inad-
equately connected, noises including hum may be generated,
resulting in an adverse S/N ratio.
Repair and adjustment
When repairs or adjustments are needed, please ask the
dealer where you bought the unit.
For cleaning, use a piece of soft cloth to wipe the unit such as
cleaning cloth available on the market. If the unit has become
remarkably dirty, remove the dirt with soft cloth absorbing
a small amount of neutral detergent, and then wipe the unit
with dry cloth. Do not use a solvent like benzine or thinner
because such a substance can damage the exterior.
Names and Functions
1 3 6 7 8 9 1110
1. Operation switch (OPERATION)
Toggles the power on and off. When connection of the in-
put/output terminals is performed, be sure to turn off this
switch. When the power is turned off and on again, put 1
minute or more between off and on.
3. Separate switch (separate)
2. Speaker selector (speakers)
Selects either of 2 speaker systems, A or B, located at the
rear panel.
off : No sound is generated from any speakers.
The headphone output cannot be disabled.
A : Selects the A system speaker terminal.
B : Selects the B system speaker terminal.
A+B : Simultaneously activates both A and B system
When both speaker terminals are simultaneously
used, select speakers with impedance of 8 ohms
or more because both output terminals are con-
nected in parallel.
4. Low cut switch (low cut)
Separates the pre-amplifier and main-amplifier each other.
off : Uses this unit as a normal pre-main amplifier.
on : Feeds external signals from the MAIN IN terminal on
the rear panel to the main-amplifier section.
When the separate switch is set to on, the volume control
of this unit cannot adjust the volume of the speakers con-
nected to this unit. Volume adjustment shall be performed
at the input device side such as the control amplifier con-
nected to the MAIN IN terminal.
Entry of direct output into the MAIN IN terminal from a CD/
DVD player or other devices that cannot adjust sound vol-
ume constantly provides a full power state and accordingly
results in the risk of speaker damage.
For such input devices, be sure to use a control ampli-
fier equipped with sound volume adjustment function as
a relay, generate sound through the speakers with volume
lowered, and adjust the volume to your favorite level.
Toggles the low-frequency cutoff function on and off.
off : Provides the normal state.
on : Cuts the low-frequency range.
Names and Functions
5. Mode switch (mode)
Changes the output mode.
mono : Mixes the signals from right and left channels.
stereo : Provides normal stereophonic reproduction.
6. Monitor switch (monitor)
Reproduces the data from the recorder on the monitor.
Selection of ON enables to reproduce the data from the
recorder. Selection of OFF enables to reproduce the data
from the source selected with the input selector.
7. Input selector (INPUT SELECTOR)
Selects an input device from the devices such as a CD/DVD
player and a tuner connected to each input terminal.
This selector has 5 positions consisting of PHONO, CD,
LINE-1, LINE-2, and LINE-3 that correspond to each input
terminal on the rear panel. To select an input source, set the
indicator to the position of the source to be reproduced.
8. Pilot light
Turns orange when the power is turned on.
13. Mute button (mute)
Temporarily mutes the sound. Pressing this button activates
the mute function and blinks the sound volume indicator re-
sulting in no sound generated. Pressing this button again to
cancel the mute function allows sound to be generated.
14. Cartridge selector (cartridge)
Adjusting the input impedance of the amplifier may be re-
quired depending on the impedance of the cartridge to be
The input impedance of the amplifier is selectable with the
cartridge selector.
The selectable positions are MM, MC high, and MC low.
Select a position in accordance with the input impedance
specified in the operating instructions of the cartridge or
your taste.
Cartridge selector
Impedance 47kΩ 40Ω 2.5Ω
MM MC high MC low
9. Volume control (VOLUME CONTROL)
Adjusts the sound volume.
Sound is not generated when this control is rotated coun-
terclockwise to the end. The sound volume gradually be-
comes higher as the control is rotated clockwise.
10. Remote control photoreceiver (R)
Receives signals from the accessory remote control. Do not
block the front of the photoreceiver.
11. Sound volume indicator
Indicates the sound volume level.
This indicator blinks during the muting time immediately af-
ter turning on the power and at activating the mute function
using the main unit or remote control.
12. Balance (balance)
Adjusts the balance of sound volume between right and left
channels. Rotating this switch counterclockwise causes the
left sound volume to be enhanced, and rotating the switch
clockwise causes the right sound volume to be enhanced.
This switch shall be set to the center position under normal
conditions and rotated to make adjustment if necessary.
15. Headphone jack (phones)
Is used to listen to sound with use of stereo headphones.
Insert the headphone plug into this output jack.
To listen to sound with only use of headphones, set the
speaker selector to off.
16. Tone control for treble (TONE CONTROL, treble)
Controls the frequency characteristics in the high-frequency
range. When this switch is set to the center position, flat
frequency characteristic is obtained. Rotating the switch
clockwise causes the high-frequency range to be enhanced,
and rotating the switch counterclockwise causes the high-
frequency range to be attenuated.
17. Tone control for bass (TONE CONTROL, bass)
Controls the frequency characteristics in the low-frequency
range. When this switch is set to the center position, flat
frequency characteristic is obtained. Rotating the switch
clockwise causes the low-frequency range to be enhanced,
and rotating the switch counterclockwise causes the low-
frequency range to be attenuated.
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