other countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed, or altered in any
fashion by any entity (either internal or external to Lucent Technologies),
except in accordance with applicable agreements, contracts or licensing,
without the express written consent of the originating organization and the
business management owner of the material.
This document was prepared by the Information Desi gn and Development
Team of Lucent Technologies, PacketStar
in Landover, Maryland, USA.
7R/E, APX-8 000, CellPipe, ConnectReach, ConnectStar, and S TINGER are
trademarks; and PacketStar, AQueView, Lucent Technologies, and the Lucent
Technologies logo are registered trademarks of Lucent Technologies in the
USA. Other product and brand names mentioned in this guide are
trademarks or registered trade marks of their respective owners.
Warranty Information
Software and Hardware Limited Warranties
Lucent Technologies provides a 90-day limited software warranty, and a oneyear limited hardware warranty on this product. Refer to the Software License
and Limited Warranty Agreement and the Lucent Technologies InterNetworking
Systems G lobal Warranty that accompanied your package for more
Every effort has been made to ensure that this document is complete and
accurate at the time of release, but information is subject to change. Lucent
Technologies assumes no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies
that may appear in th is guide.
PSAX Products. O ffi c e s ar e lo ca te d
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Copyright and Legal Notices
Regulatory Standards Compliance
Warr anty Warnings
Modifying or tampering with PSAX chassis components may void your
warranty. Any modification to this equipment not expressly authorized
by Lucent Technologies may void your granted authority to operate such
When inserting modules into the chassis, slide them gently, not
forcefully. Excessive force may cause the modules to be seated
improperly in the chassis, and result in possible damage to the module or
the chassis. Install or remove modules one at a time. Doing this aids in
preventing the Multiservice Media Gateway system from indicating any
erroneous failure messages, and allows the Multiservice Media Gateway
system to reinitialize and display the accurate configuration of the
module that is inserted.
Shipping the chassis with removable modules installed may cause
damage to the chassis and the modules. Damage to any of the
components in the system resulting from shipping the chassis with
removable modules installed could void your warranty. Only Lucentauthorized personnel should ship the Multiservice Media Gateway
chassis with a module installed.
Regulatory Standards Compliance
Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
The 6-Port DS1 IMA module (model 23N33) is compliant with applicable
safety and EMC standards when configured with the following PacketStar
PSAX systems:
•PSAX 20 base system, 110 V ac (models 02S00 and 02S01)
•PSAX AC 60 base systems:
~ PSAX AC 60 system, 110 V ac (models 50S01 and 51S01)
~ PSAX AC 60 system, 220 V ac (models 50S02 and 51S02)
~ PSAX AC 60 system, -48 V dc (models 50S48 and 51S48)
•PSAX 1000 chassis (model 10S00)
•PSAX 1250 chassis (models 20S00 and 20S10)
•PSAX 2300 chassis (model 23S00)
•PSAX 4500 chassis (model 45S00)
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
iv 255-700-166
Copyright and Legal Notices
Regulatory Statements
Please refer to the appropriate PacketStar® PSAX Multiservice Media Gate way
user guide or installation guide for additional information.
•FCC Part 68 (USA)
•CS-03 Issue 8 (Canada)
•JATE (Japan)
Regulatory Statements
USA Regulatory State ments
FCC Part 68This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On the back of the
PSAX chassis is a label that contains the FCC registration number, in addition
to other information. You must provide this information to the telephone
company, if they request it. The FCC requires Lucent Technologies to
provide you with the following information:
1. This equipment has digital service interface capabilities using RJ-48C
and RJ-48H connectors. The facility interface codes with which this
equipment complies for digital services are as follows: 04DU9-BN,
04DU9-DN, 04DU9-1KN, and 04DU9-1SN. This equipment has loop
start interface capabilities using an RJ-11C connector. The facility
interface code with which this equipment complies for service is 02LS2.
The service order codes for this equipment are 6.0F for the T-1 interface
and 9.0Y for the loop start interface.
2. An FCC-compliant telephone network interface jack is built into this
equipment and is compatible with interconnections that are Part 68
3. The REN for the Voice 2-Wire Office module when used in this
equipment is 0.7B.
4. If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone
company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of
service might be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the
telephone company will notify you as soon as possible. Also, you will be
advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe this
is necessary.
5. The telephone company might make changes in its facilities, equipment,
operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of this
equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide
advance notice for you to make necessary modifications to maintain
uninterrupted service.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Copyright and Legal Notices
Regulatory Statements
6. If you experience trouble with this equipment, or need repairs or
warranty information, please refer to the Lucent Techn o l o g i es InterNetworking Systems Global Warranty that accompanied your PSAX
product shipment for instructions on obtaining technical support in your
If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company might request that you disconnect the equipment
until the problem is resolved.
7. This equipment has no user-serviceable parts.
This equipment cannot be used on public coin telephone service provided by
the telephone company. Connection to party line service is subject to state
tariffs. Contact your state public utility commission, public service
commission, or corporation commission for information.
Canadian Regulatory Statements
CS-03 Issue 8The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification
means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications netwo rk
protective, operational, and safety requirements. The Department does not
guarantee that the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, the user should ensure that it is permissible
to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company.
The equipment must also be installed by using an acceptable method of
connection. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring associated with a
single-line individual service may be extended by means of a certified
connector assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer should be
aware that compliance with the above condition may not prevent
degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to some certified equipment should be made by an authorized
maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations
made by the user to this equipment or equipment malfunctions might give
the telecommunications company caus e to request the user to disconnect the
For their own protection, users should ensure that the ground connections of
the power utility , telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system are
connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural
Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but
should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority or
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to the Voice 2-Wire Office
module denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a
telephone loop, which is used by the device, to prevent overloading. The
termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only
to the requirement that the total of the REN of all devices does not exceed 5.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
vi 255-700-166
Copyright and Legal Notices
Regulatory Statements
The REN for the Voice 2-Wire Office module when used in the PSAX system
is 0.7B.
SH-03 Version 8Le label Industrie Canada permet de reconnaître les équipements
homologués. Cette homologation indique que l’équipement satisfait
certaines règles de protection, d’exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de
télécommunications. Le ministère de l’Industrie ne garantit pas que
l’équipement fonctionnera à la satisfaction de l’utilisateur.
Avant d’installer cet équipement, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer qu’il est permis
de le connecter aux installations de la compagnie de télécommunications
locale. L’équipement doit également être connecté suivant une méthode
convenable. Dans certains cas, il sera nécessaire de prolonger le câblage
intérieur de la ligne d’abonné de la compagnie au moyen d’un connecteur
homologué (rallonge de téléphone). L’abonné doit savoir que, dans certaines
situations, la conformité aux dispositions ci-dessus ne prévient pas
nécessairement la dégradation du service.
La réparation de certains équipements homologués doit être assurée par un
atelier agréé désigné par le fournisseur. Toute réparation ou altération
effectuée par l’utilisateur ou tout mauvais fonctionnement de cet
équipement peut donner à la compagnie de téléphone des raisons de
demander audit utilisateur de déconnecter celui-ci.
Pour leur propre sécurité, les utilisateurs doivent veiller à ce que les mises à
la terre de l’alimentation secteur, des lignes téléphoniques et du système
intérieur de conduites d’eau métalliques soient raccordés ensemble. Cette
précaution peut s’avérer particulièrement importante dans les zones rurales.
Les utilisateurs ne doivent pas tenter d’effectuer eux-mêmes ces
raccordements, mais doivent prendre contact avec un électricien ou
organisme de vérification compétent.
Le nombre équivalent de sonnerie (REN) attribué au module central bifilaire
(Voice 2-Wire Office) correspond au pourcentage de la charge totale à
connecter à un circuit téléphonique bifilaire; il est utilisé par l’appareil pour
prévenir la surc harge. Le circuit peut être terminé par n’importe quelle
combinaison d’appareils, à la seule condition que le total des REN de ces
derniers ne dépasse pas cinq.
Lorsqu’il est utilisé dans le système PSAX, le module central bifilaire possède
un REN de 0,7 B.
Japanese Regulatory Statements
JATEThis module complies with the Japan Approvals Institute for
Telecommunication Equipment (JATE) requirements. The approval number
for the 6-Port DS1 IMA module is D00-0807JP.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Copyright and Legal Notices
Regulatory Statements
The marking for the 6-Port DS1 IMA module is as follows:
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
viii 255-700-166
Safety Warnings and Information
When installing and operating the PacketStar® PSAX Multiservice Media
Gateway, follow the safety guidelines provided below to help prevent serious
personal injury and damage to the Multiservice Media Gateway equipment.
Please read all warnings and instructions supplied before beginning
installation or configuration of the Multiservice Media Gateway equipment.
In addition to the general safety information provided below, you should also
refer to the text in the user and installation guides for other important safety
information and procedures.
Read all installation instructions before connecting the system to a
power source.
Be sure to use the ejector handles during installation and removal of I/O
and server modules.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage module and chassis
components. All personnel should be grounded and follow proper ESD
procedures before installing, removing, or handling hardware
Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all laws
and regulations in your specific geographic region.
Do not make electrical or mechanical modifications to any of the
components in the PSAX system. Lucent Technologies is not responsible
for the safety or the performance of a modified Lucent product. Do not
attempt to repair any failed Power Supply module, Stratum 3–4 module,
CPU module, I/O, or server module.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Safety Warnings and Information
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
x 255-700-166
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xx 255-700-166
Purpose of This Guide
The PacketStar® 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide provides information about
the following:
•Configuring the ports, channels, and interfaces for the 6-Port DS1 IMA
•Provisioning connections for permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), switched
virtual circuits (SVCs), and soft permanent virtual circuits (SPVCs)
Note:If you are using this module to provision connections for the first
time, you should read through this guide before beginning the
provisioning process.
Audience for This Guide
The information in this guide is intended for users who will configure ports
and channels for the 6-Port DS1 IMA module, configure the interface types,
and provision connections for the PSAX Multiservice Media Gateway system,
whether using the console or the AQueView
1 Getting Started
element management software
What You Should Know
Before you use this document or operate a PacketStar® PSAX device, you
should already understand and have experience with the following:
•ATM Forum and Frame Relay Forum specifications
•Ethernet network capabilities
•Internet Protocol capabilities
•Data network design
•Telephony network design
Related Reading
Lucent Technologies Information Products
Product Information
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
To install and configure your Multiservice Media Gateway system and I/O or
server modules, read the PSAX publications provided on your Lucent
Chapter 1 Getting Started
About Lucent Techno lo gie s
Technologies PacketStar® PSAX Multiservice Media Gateways Central Office
(CO) Products, Product Information Library CD-ROM.
Printed DocumentsFor your convenience, many of the documents included on the PacketStar
Multiservice Media Gateway Central Office (CO) Products Product
Information Library CD-ROM are also available in printed form. You can
order these documents through the Lucent Technologies Customer
Information Center Web site at: www.lucentdocs.com.
Other PublicationsNumerous books are currently available on the subject of basic
telecommunications technology and specific protocols. In addition to such
general reading, you should also be familiar with the specifications identified
in the appendix entitled Reference Tables at the back of the guide.
About Lucent Technologies
Lucent Technologies is the communications systems and technology
company formed through the restructuring of AT&T. We bring with us a
tradition of more than 125 years of experience and a dedication to superior
customer service.
Lucent Technologies manufactures, sells, and services a complete line of
customer premises communications units, and commercial and multimedia
communications and messaging systems designed and supported by our
research and development unit, Bell Laboratories.
Our legacy and our spirit of innovation allow Lucent to provide our
customers with the tools needed to communicate effectively, any time and
anywhere, and to integrate the latest technologies into real-life solutions that
help make business work.
For More Information
T o learn more about the PacketStar® PSAX family of ATM Mult ise rvi ce Me dia
Gateways and the complete line of Lucent Technologies products, visit our
Web site at www.lucent.com.
About the PacketStar® PSAX Product Family
Lucent Technologies provides a complete range of PSAX Multiservice Media
Gateways in the PacketStar
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
1-2 255-700-166
PSAX family, as described in Table 1-1.
About the PacketStar® PSAX Product Family
Table 1-1. PacketStar® PSAX Product Family
Target Market Device NameApplication/Description
The PacketStar
scalable and flexible multiservice access product in its class. This scalability enables service providers to meet the demands of a growing
PSAX 20 Multiservice Media Gateway is the most
enterprise customer with a single-edge solution. The PSAX 20 system
is nonredundant.
Supporting two slots for I/O and server modules and two factoryinstalled components (Enhanced DS1 and DSP2C V oice Server) and a
600 Mbps ATM cell bus architecture, this system optimizes wide area
network (WAN) bandwidth with toll-quality voice compression, traffic optimization, and port scalability from T1/E1 to OC-3c/STM-1c
connections. It also supports a full range of interfaces such as DS1,
DS3, 10/100Base-T Ethernet, and serial.
The PacketStar
enterprise networks se eki ng to consolid ate bra nch offi ce voice, vi deo ,
and data traffic onto a single ATM network. The PSAX AC 60 system
PSAX AC 60 Multiservice Media Gateway is ideal for
is nonredundant.
Supporting four slots for I/O and server modules, this system offers
high port-density in a small footprint for mid- to large-sized customer
premises applications. The PSAX AC 60 chassis has a 650 Mbps backplane and supports a full range of interfaces such as DS1/E1, DS3/E3,
OC-12c/STM-4c, 10/100Base-T Ethernet, and serial.
PSAX 1250
The PacketStar
to provide a full range of central office-based multiservice ATM access
PSAX 1250 Multiservice Media Gateway is designed
functions. Ideal for the central office or a large enterprise’s multiser-
vice media gateway, the PacketStar
PSAX 1250 system provides
highly reliable network access for time-division multiplex voice,
frame relay, and ATM data applications.
Supporting ten slots (19-inch chassis) or 14 slots (23-inch chassis) for
I/O and server modules, a 1.2 Gbps ATM cell bus architecture, carrierclass reliability, full redundancy, and a full range of interfaces such as
DS1/E1, DS3/E3, OC-12c/STM-4c, 10/100Base-T Ethernet, and
serial, the PSA X 1250 system is a cost -ef f ect ive access switch s olut i on
for bridging to legacy equipment.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Text Conventions
Table 1-1. PacketStar® PSAX Product Family
Target Market Device NameApplication/Description
PSAX 2300
The PacketStar
rier-grade, high-density multiservice ATM access functions. Designed
PSAX 2300 Multiservice Media Gateway offers car-
as the multiservice media gateway for the central office or for a large
enterprise customer, the PacketStar
PSAX 2300 system provides network access for time-division multiplex voice, frame relay, and ATM
data applications.
Supporting 15 slots for I/O and server modules, a 3.9 Gbps ATM cell
bus architecture, carrier-class reliability, full redundancy, provisions
for OC-12c/STM-4c interfaces, N x T1/E1 module protection switching, and a full range of interfaces such as DS1/E1, DS3/E3,
10/100Base-T Ethernet, and serial the PSAX 2300 system solves
many demanding and diverse network design challenges with ease.
PSAX 4500
The PacketStar
10 Gbps of switching capacity, the highest in the PacketStar
PSAX 4500 Multiservice Media Gateway offers up to
and carrier-class reliability. The PSAX 4500 system offers an
unmatched range of service capabilities, end-to-end traffic prioritization, “any-service, any-channel” flexibility, and breakthrough voice
technology. The new high-performance backplane design supports 15
interface slo ts.
In four segments, the uni qu e PSAX 45 00 ba ckplan e allow s each segment to be scaled independently to provide nonblocking, redundant
chassis bandwidths beyond 10 Gbps. Protection for two groups of four
multiport DS3, STS-1e, and E3 modules is provided via an N:1 protection scheme using rear access line interface modules. The protection
module can fill in so that on the failure of any one of the four modules, traffic is maintained.
Using the latest voice-compression technology, the DSP2x Vo ice
Server modules deliver service providers eight times the capacity of
traditional time division multiplex circuits while maintaining toll
quality and reducing costs by nearly 30 percent per channel. A single
PSAX 4500 system at the edge of the carrier network can transition
traffic from a large number of network customers over high-speed
OC-12c/STM-4c trunks into the ATM core, managing the whole
quickly and efficiently, down to the individual permanent virtual circuit.
Text Conventions
Text Types Used in This Document
This book uses a different kind of type for each kind of text you will see on
screens and equipment. In general, text you see in the book will closely
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
1-4 255-700-166
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Text Conventions
resemble what you see on the screens and equipment. The following table
shows how each typographical convention is used.
AppearanceHow it is used
SANS SERIF BOLD, ALL CAPSLabels on module panels, chassis face-
plates, or other hardware
Fixed-width normalMessage text displayed on the user
interface window
Serif bold• Button name (GUI interface) or
command name (console interface)
on the user interface window
• Literal text for values that the user
types in fields or selects from predefined sets of values for fields
• Command keywords or literal argument values
Icons and Symbols
Fixed-width boldSystem prompt displayed on the user
interface window
Serif italics• A variable name or string for which
you will substitute your own information
• An argument or parameter on a
command line for which you will
substitute your own information
Standard icons and symbols to alert you to dangers and cautions are listed
Warnings for a personal injury hazard are identified by this format.
Warnings relating to risk of equipment damage or failure are identified
by this format.
Warnings relating to risk of data loss or other general precautionary
notes are identified by this format.
Note:Identifies additional information pertinent to the text preceding
this note.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Electroststic Discha rge Precautions
Electroststic Discharge Precautions
The room where the Multiservice Media Gateway system is located must
have built-in precautions to provide protection from electrostatic discharge
damage to electronic components. The following sections provide details on
these necessary precautions.
Grounding Wrist Straps
Attach at least one grounding wrist strap to a common ground for each
chassis/electronic rack to be handled. Follow these guidelines for wrist straps:
•Make sure the wrist straps or wrist strap cords have built-in 1-megaohm
(minimum) resistance.
•Make sure the wrist straps and wrist strap cords are UL listed.
•Ensure the wrist strap cord is long enough so it can be worn while
working either at the front or the back of the rack.
•Always discharge any static charge by touching your wrist strap before
you touch the Multiservice Media Gateway chassis.
Floor Covering
Be sure the room has an antistatic floor covering (conductive mat, tiles, or
carpeting) to minimize static charge buildup as you walk across the room.
Follow these guidelines for installing and maintaining proper floor coverings:
•Using foot grounding straps (attached to the heels of your shoes) is
recommended, even if you are walking in rooms with antistatic floor
covering. Thes e straps provide additional protection against electrostati c
discharge. The straps should have built-in 1-megaohm (minimum)
•Wool carpet is not an acceptable floor covering.
•Other types of carpet must be sprayed daily with a topical antistatic
chemical before you perform any work in the room. Paying constant
attention to carpet maintenance is time-consuming but required, if used.
Temperature and Humidity
Establishing the proper temperature and humidity in the room where the
Multiservice Media Gateway system is located helps control many static
discharge problems. Maintaining proper room climate is especially important
when heat is turned on during the cold weather. To avoid damage to the
Multiservice Media Gateway system, do not allow the humidity to increase to
the level where water droplets appear on surfaces.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
1-6 255-700-166
Chapter 1 Getting Started
When working with the Multiservice Media Gateway system, avoid wearing
clothing made from wool or synthetic materials. Try to minimize contact
between clothing and electronic components.
Handling Multiservice Media Gateway System Components
Follow these guidelines for proper handling of the Multiservice Media
Gateway hardware to minimize electrostatic discharge damage :
•Do not remove the chassis, modules, and other items from their
protective packaging until you are ready to install them.
•When installing modules and components, use a grounding wrist strap
connected to a common electrical ground to prevent electrost atic
discharge damage. (A common electrical ground is a complete circuit
between a person or an electrical/electr onic device and the earth.)
•Store components in electrostatic-discharge-protective bags when they
are not in use.
Technical Support
Technical Support
If you experience a problem with your Multiservice Media Gateway system,
refer to the Lucent Technologies InterNetworking Systems Global Warranty, which
accompanied your shipment, for instructions on obtaining support in your
Comments on This Guide
T o comment o n the PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module Use r Guide, please
complete the comment card that accompanied your shipment and mail it to
the following address:
Manager, Information Design and Development Team
Lucent Technologies
8301 Professional Place
Landover, MD 20785
You can also fax the comment card to us at: 301-809-4540.
PSAX Products
Before You Begin
Before you start setting up, configuring, and using your new Multiservice
Media Gateway system, be sure you complete the following:
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Before You Begin
•Carefully read the safety cautions listed in the section, “Safety
•Record your site-specific specifications such as the IP addresses you will
•Make sure you have IP connectivity to all PSAX devices to be managed.
•Determine the numbering scheme for the in-band connections you will
Information,” at the beginning of this guide.
use, and the connections and interfaces you will need. Decide which user
names and passwords you will assign.
be using.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
1-8 255-700-166
Overview of This Module
The 6-Port DS1 IMA module (see Figure 2-1) has six physical RJ-45 ports.
Inverse multiplexing over ATM permits a user to strap two to six of the
physical ports together to create ATM interfaces that support 3–9 Mbps of
bandwidth. A maximum of three IMA groups may be configured per module.
Source data enters the module from the backplane and is divided between
the ports within the IMA group specified in the virtual circuit connection.
The data leaves the front of the module and is transported across individual
T1 lines. At the destination IMA module, the T1 streams are merged back
together in correct order and passed on to other modules as directed by
virtual circuit connections. IMA dynamically handles conditions when T1s
within an IMA group become unavailable: the IMA "pipe" shrinks in
bandwidth to the remaining T1s and continues to pass traffic. When a
problem T1 comes back on line, the IMA "pipe" will enlarge to take full
advantage of the restored bandwidth.
2 Module Description
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
Chapter 2 Module Description
Software Features
Figure 2-1. DS1 IMA Module
Software Features
The 6-Port DS1 IMA module offers native DS1 ATM services and DS1 IMA
services, including permanent virtual circuits, soft permanent virtual circuits,
and switched virtual circuits. The module supports UNI v3.a, IISP, PNNI, and
ILMI. This functionality enables service providers to offer both individual
unchannelized DS1 ATM services (without IMA overhead) and multiple DS1
IMA group services using a single module.
PacketStar® PSAX 6-Port DS1 IMA Module User Guide, Issue1Release7.0
2-2 255-700-166
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