Lucent Technologies Intuity User Manual

Lucent Intuity™
Release 3
Conversion to MERLIN LEGEND® and
MERLIN MAGIX Integrations
Comcode 108762 121 Issue 1 June 2000
Copyright 2000, Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.
Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at the tim e of printing. However, information is subject to change.
Preventing Toll Fraud
“Toll fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications sys­tem by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a cor­porate employee, agent, subcontractor, or working on your company’s behalf). Be awa r e th at ther e ma y be a r isk o f t o ll f rau d asso ciat ed wi th your system and that, if toll fraud oc curs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecomm uni c at io ns servi c es.
Lucent Technologies Fraud Intervention:
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical assistance or support, call the Technical Servic e Center’s Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at 1-800-643-2 353.
Providing Telecommunications Security
Telecommunications security (of voice, data, and/or video communi­cations) is the prevention of any type of intrusion to (that is, either unauthorized or malicious access to or use of your company’s tele­communications equipm ent) by some party. Your company’s “telecommunications equipm ent” includes both this Lucent product an d any other voice/data/video equipment that co uld be accessed via this Lucent pro duct (that is, “networked equipm ent”). An “outside party” is an yone who is not a corporate em ployee, agent, subcontractor, or working on your company’s behalf. Whereas, a “malicious party” is anyone (in cl uding someone who may be other­wise authorized) who accesses your telecommunications equipment with either malicious or mischievous intent. Such intrusions may be either to/through synchronous (time-multi­plexed and/or circuit-based) or asynchronous (character-, message-, or packet-based) equipment or interfaces for reasons of:
Utilization (of capabi lities special to the accessed equip­ment)
Theft (such as, of intellectual property, financial assets, or toll-facility access)
Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)
Mischief (troubling, but appare ntl y in noc uous, tampering)
Harm (such as harmful tampering, data loss or alteration, regardless of motive or intent)
Be aware that there may be a risk of una uthorized intrusions associ­ated with your system and/or its networked equipment. Also realize that, if such an intrusion shoul d occur, it could result in a variety of losses to your company (including but not limited to, human/data pri­vacy, intellectual property, material assets, financial resources, labor costs, and/or legal costs).
Your Responsibility for Y o ur Company’s Telecommunications Security
The final responsibility for securi ng both this system and its net-
worked equipment rests with you – a Luc ent customers system administrator, your telecommunica tions peers, and your managers. Base the fulfillment of your responsibility on acquired knowledge and resources from a variety of sources including but not limited to:
Installation documents
System administration documents
Security documents
Hardware-/software-based secu rit y to ols
Shared information between you and your peers
Telecommunications security experts
To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications equipment, you and your peers should carefully prog ra m a nd c onfigure your:
Lucent-provided telecommunications systems an d their interfaces
Lucent-provided soft w are applications, as well as th ei r underlying hardware/ so ft w are pla t forms and interfaces
Any other equipment networked to your Lucent produc ts. Lucent Technologies does not warrant that this product or any of its networked equipm ent is either immune fr om or w il l prevent either unauthorized or malicious intrusions. Lucent Technologies will not be responsible for any charges, losses, or damages that result from such intrusions.
Federal Communications Commission Statement Part 15: Class A State ment. This equipm ent has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital de vi ce , pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea­sonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipmen t gene ra te s, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not inst al le d and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio co mmunications. Operatio n of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to corect the interference at his/her own expense. Part 15: Personal Computer Statement. This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules. Only peripherals (computing input/output devi c es, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may be attached to this computer. Operation with noncertifie d pe ripherals is likely to result in interfer­ence to radio and televi sion rec eption. Part 68: Network Registration Number. This equipm ent is regis­tered with the FCC in accordance with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. It is identified by FCC registration numb er AS5USA-20411-VM-E. Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling. Allowing this equipment to be operated in a manner that does not provide proper answer-supervi­sion signaling is in violation of Part 68 rules. Thi s equi pm e nt returns answer-supervision signals to the pub lic sw it c hed network when:
Answered by the called station
Answered by the attendant
Routed to a recorde d announcement that can be adminis-
tered by the CPE user This equipment returns an sw er-supervision signals on all DID calls forwarded back to the public swit ched telephone network. Permissi­ble exceptions are:
A call is unanswered
A busy tone is received
A reorder tone is received
Canadian Department of Communications (DOC)
Interference Information This digital apparatus does not exce ed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Le Présent Appareil Nomérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A préscrites dans le reglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministére des Communications du Canada. Lucent Technologies Fraud Intervention If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical support or assistance, call BCS Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at 1 800 643-2353.
European Union Declaration of Conformity
Lucent T ech nologi es Busin ess Commu nicati ons Syst ems decl ares th at the equipment specifi ed i n thi s doc ument conforms to the refer enced European Union (EU) Directives and Harmonized Standards listed below: EMC Directive 89/336/EEC Low-Volt ag e Directive73/23 /EEC
The CE mark affixed to the equipm ent means that it conforms to t he above directives.
About This Document vii
Overview vii
Intended Audience vii
How this Document Is Organized vii
Conventions Used viii
Related Resources ix
Trademarks and Service Marks xi
Training xii
How to Make Comments About this Document xii
Conversion Checklist 1-1
Overview 1-1
Conversion Checklist 1-2
Conversion Instructions 2-1
Overview 2-1
How to Use Lucent INTUITY Screens 2-2
Conversion Procedures 2-2
Task 1: Inventory Materials 2-3 Task 2: Deactivate Alarm Origination 2-3 Task 3: Stop the Voice System 2-5 Task 4: Make an Attended Back-up Tape 2-6 Task 5: Remove the Previous Switch Integration Software 2-10 Task 6: Shutdown the System 2-12 Task 7: Remove Hardware for the Previous Integration 2-13
MAP/5 Instructions 2-13
MAP/5: Remove the Front Panel 2-13 MAP/5: Remove the Top Cover 2-15 MAP/5: Locate and Remove the GP Synch or DCIU Circuit Card
MAP/5: Replace the Top Cover and Cables 2-18
MAP/40 Instructions 2-19
MAP/40: Open the MAP 2-19
Issue 1 June 2000 iii
MAP/40: Locate and Remove the GP Synch or DCIU Circuit
Card 2-23
MAP/40: Replace the Cover and Cables 2-24
MAP/100 Instructions 2-25
MAP/100: Open the MAP 2-25 MAP/100: Locate and Remove the GP Synch or DCIU Circuit
Card 2-26
MAP/100: Replace the Covers and Cables 2-27 Task 8: Allow the System to Finish Booting 2-28 Task 9: Install the MERLIN LEGEND Switch Integration Software 2-29
Stop the Voice System 2-29 Install the MERLIN LEGEND Switch Integration Software2-30 Start the Voice System 2-32
Task 10: Administer the Lucent INTUITY System for Operation with the
MERLIN LEGEND 2-32 Task 11: Shutdown the Lucent INTUITY System 2-33 Task 12: Cable the MAP and Administer the MERLIN LEGEND
Communications System 2-34 Task 13: Apply Power to the System 2-34 Task 14: Test the Channels if the Mapping Changed 2-35 Task 15: Change the CAS Switch Assignment 2-36 Task 16: Clear any Alarms 2-37 Task 17: Place Test Calls to the System 2-38 Task 18: Assign the System Date and Time 2-38 Task 19: Stop the Voice System 2-40 Task 20: Back Up the System-Data 2-41 Task 21: Start the Voice System 2-41 Task 22: Activate Alarm Origination 2-42 Task 23: Create a Test Alarm 2-45 Task 24: Replace the Nightly Backup Tape 2-47 Task 25: Remove the Old Software from the Site 2-47
Channel Mapping A-1
Overview A-1
Administer the INTUITY Switch Interface A-1
Map Channels to Switch Extensions A-1
Verify Channel State A-4
Assign Service to Channels for Testing A-8
iv Issue 1 June 2000
Test Each Ch annel A-10
Assign Services to Called Numbers A-13
Map Services to Channels for Operation A-17
Using the Change Extensions Command B-1
Overview B-1
Busyout the Voice Ports B-2
Busyout the Networking Ports B-3
Stop the Voice System B-5
Changing a Block of Extensions
(with Extension Length Change) B-6
Changing a Block of Extensions (without Extension Length Change)B-9
Release the Voice Ports B-12
Release the Networking Ports B-14
Issue 1 June 2000 v
vi Issue 1 June 2000

About This Document


This document, Lucent Intuity™ Release 3 Switch Conversion to MERLIN LEGEND or MERLIN MAGIX Integrations, Issue 1, contains the procedures
needed to move a Release 3 Lucent INTUITY system to a MERLIN LEGEND® or MERLIN MAGIX™ integration from any other switch integration type.

Intended Audience

This document is intended for on-site technicians and remote maintenance center personnel supporting an INTUITY switch conversion.

How this Document Is Organized

This document is organized in the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Conversion Checklist”
This chapter presents a checklist of procedures needed to convert Lucent INTUITY Release 3 Systems to MERLIN LEGEND or MERLIN MAGIX Integrations.
Chapter 2, “Conversion Instructions”
This chapter presents the procedures needed to convert Lucent INTUITY Release 3 Systems to MERLIN LEGEND or MERLIN MAGIX Integrations.
Appendix A, “Channel Mapping”
This appendix presents the information necessary to perform channel mapping and acceptance testing.
Issue 1 June 2000 vii
Appendix B, “Using the Change Extensions Command
This appendix presents the information necessary to move a series of extension numbers from one block of numbers to another without changing each number individually.

Conventions Used

The following conventions are used in this document:
Rounded boxes represent keyboard keys that you press.
For example, an instruction to press the enter key is shown as Press .
Square boxes represent phone pad keys that you press.
For example, an instruction to press zero on the phone pad is shown as Press .
The word “enter means to type a value and press .
For example, an instruction to type y and press is shown as
Enter y to continue.
Two or three keys that you press at the same time (that is, you hold down
the first key while pressing the second and/or third key) are shown as a rounded box that contains two or more words separated by hyphens. For example, an instruction to press and hold while typing the letter d is
shown as Press .
Commands and text you type or enter appear in bold.
Values, instructions, and prompts that you see on the screen appear as
follows: Press any key to continue.
Variables that the system supplies or that you must supply appear in
italics. For example, an error message including one of your filenames appears
as The file filename is formatted incorrectly
viii Issue 1 June 2000
About This Document

Related Resources

In addition to this document, you may need to reference the following docu­ments:
INTUITY Release 3.0 System Description 585-310-232 1 or later INTUITY Documentation Guide 585-310-540 2 or later INTUITY New System Planning for Release 3.0 585-310-605 2 or later INTUITY Release 3.0 Planning for Upgrades 585-310-653 1 or later INTUITY Release 3.0 Planning for Migrations 585-310-652 1 or later INTUITY Installation Checklist 585-310-161 2 or later INTUITY MAP/5 Hardware Installation 585-310-146 2 or later INTUITY MAP/40 Hardware Installation 585-310-138 2 or later
Number Issue
INTUITY MAP/100 Hardware Installation 585-310-139 2 or later INTUITY Software Installation for Release 3.0 585-310-160 2 or later INTUITY Release 3.0 Upgrade Procedures 585-310-164 2 or later INTUITY Release 3.0 Migration Procedures 585-310-233 2 or later INTUITY Platform Administration and Maintenance for
Release 3.0 INTUITY AUDIX® Release 3.3 Administration and
Feature Operations INTUITY FAX Messaging Administration and Addenda 585-310-558 1 or later INTUITY AUDIX® Digital Networking Administration 585-310-533 2 or later AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 6 or later INTUITY Lodging Admi nistra tion an d Feat ure Ope rations 585-310-559 1 or later INTUITY Lodging Property Management System
Specifications INTUITY Call Accounting System User Guide 585-310-728 1 or later INTUITY Call Accounting System Quick Reference 585-310-729 1 or later INTUITY Intro Voice Response and Addenda 585-310-716 1 or later
585-310-557 2 or later
585-310-552 3 or later
585-310-234 1 or later
INTUITY Message Manager Release 4 User s Guide 585-310-743 1 or later INTUITY Message M anager Relea se 4.1: G etting Started
(Available late 1996) AUDIX® Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-310-502 4 or later
585-310-740 1 or later
Issue 1 June 2000
INTUITY Integration with System 75 and DEFINITY® Communications System Generic 1 and Generic 3
585-310-214 4 or later
INTUITY Integration with System 85 and DEFINITY® Communications System Generic 2
INTUITY Integration with MERLIN LEGEND® Communications System
INTUITY Integration with the 5ESS® Switch 585-310-219 1 or later INTUITY Integration with DMS-100 585-310-223 1 or later INTUITY Integration with Northern Telecom® SL-1,
Meridian, and Meridian SL-1 INTUITY Integration with Mitel SX-200® DIGITAL, SX-
100®, and SX-200® INTUITY Integration with NEC® NEAX 585-310-216 2 or later INTUITY Integration with ROLM 8000, 9000, 9571 585-310-220 2 or later INTUITY Lodging Artwork Package 585-310-739 1 or later Voice Messaging Quick Reference 585-300-702 3 or later A Portable Guide to Voice Messaging 585-300-701 3 or later INTUITY Voice/FAX Messaging Quick Reference 585-310-734 1 or later INTUITY Voice/FAX User Guide 585-310-733 1 or later
585-310-215 2 or later
585-310-255 1 or later
585-310-221 2 or later
585-310-222 2 or later
Multiple Per sonal Greetings Quick Reference 585-300-705 5 or later Voice Messaging Wallet Card 585-304-704 2 or later Voice Messaging Outcalling Quick Reference 585-300-706 1 or later Voice Messaging Business Card Stickers 585-304-705 2 or later INTUITY AUDIX® R3.3 Voice Messaging Subscriber
Artwork Package INTUITY AUDIX® R3.3 Voice/Fax
Messaging Quick Reference–Canadian French INTUITY AUDIX® R3.3 Voice/Fax
Messaging Quick Reference–British English INTUITY AUDIX R3.3® Voice/Fax
Messaging Quick Reference–Latin Spanish INTUITY AUDIX R3.3® Voice/Fax
Messaging Quick Reference–Greek INTUITY AUDIX R3.3® Voice/Fax
Messaging Quick Reference–Mandarin
585-310-735 1 or later
585-310-734FRC 1 or later
585-310-734ENB 1 or later
585-310-734SPL 1 or later
585-310-734GK 1 or later
585-310-734CHM 1 or later
x Issue 1 June 2000
About This Document
INTUITY Lodging Subscriber Artwork Package British
585-310-739ENB 1 or later
English INTUITY Lodging Artwork Package Canadian French 585-310-739FRC 1 or later INTUITY Lodging Artwork Package Latin Spanish 585-310-739SPL 1 or later INTUITY Lodging Artwork Package Greek 585-310-739GK 1 or later INTUITY Lodging Artwork Package Mandarin 585-310-739CHM 1 or later INTUITY Lodging Artwork Package Japanese 585-310-739JA 1 or later INTUITY Lodging Artwork Package U.S. English
585-310-739A4 1 or later
(A4 Sizing)

Trademarks and Service Marks

The following trademarked products are mentioned in the books in the INTUITY library:
AT is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
AUDIX® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc.
COMSPHERE® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies
Paradyne Corp.
DEFINITY® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc., in the
U.S. and throughout the world.
Equinox is a trademark of Equinox Systems, Inc.
5ESS® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc.
INTUITY is a trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc.
MEGAPLEX is a trademark of Equinox System, Inc.
MEGAPORT is a trademark of Equinox Systems, Inc.
MERLIN LEGEND® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Paradyne® is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Phillips® is a registered trademark of Phillips Screw Company.
s oftFAX® is a registered trademark of VOXEM, Inc.
TMI is a trademark of Texas Micro Systems, Inc.
UNIX® is a registered trademark of Novell in the United States and other
countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
VOXEM® is a registered trademark of VOXEM, Inc.
VT100 is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
Issue 1 June 2000


For more information on training for the Lucent INTUITY and other Lucent products, visit the Lucent Technologies training web site at

How to Make Comments About this Document

We are interested in your suggestions for improving this book. Please complete and return the reader comment card that is located at the back of the book. You can use any of your favorite mail methods:
Post Office:
Lucent Technologies Communications Applications Group, Technical Publications Room 22-2H15 11900 North Pecos Street Denver, Colorado 80234
Email: Fax or voice mail: +303-538-9625 Please be sure to mention the name and order number of this book.
xii Issue 1 June 2000

Conversion Checklist


This chapter contains a checklist of procedures needed to convert Lucent Intuity Release 3 Systems to MERLIN LEGEND® or MERLIN MAGIX integrations.
Issue 1 June 2000 1-1

Conversion Checklist

Table 1-1 provides the checklist for Lucent INTUITY Release 3 System conversion to MERLIN LEGEND and MERLIN MAGIX Integrations.
Task Description See
1. Inventory Materials Page 2-3
2. Deactivate Alarm Origination Page 2-3
3. Stop the Voice System Page 2-5
4. Make an Attended Back-up Tape Page 2-6
5. Remove the Previous Switch Integration Software
6. Shutdown the System Page 2-12
7. Remove Hardware for the Previous Integration Page 2-13
8. Allow the System to Finish Booting Page 2-28
9. Install the MERLIN LEGEND Switch Integration Software
10. Administer the Lucent INTUITY System for Operation with the MERLIN LEGEND
11. Shutdown the Lucent INTUITY System Page 2-33
12. Cable the MAP and Administer the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System
13. Apply Power to the System Page 2-34
14. Test the Channels if the Mapping Changed Page 2-35
15. Change the CAS Switch Assignment Page 2-36
16. Clear any Alarms Page 2-37
17. Place Test Calls to the System Page 2-38
18. Assign the System Date and Time Page 2-38
19. Stop the Voice System Page 2-40
20. Back Up the System-Data Page 2-41
21. Start the Voice System Page 2-41
22. Activate Alarm Origination Page 2-42
23. Create a Test Alarm Page 2-45
24. Replace the Nightly Backup Tape Page 2-47
25. Remove the Old Software from the Site Page 2-47
Page 2-10
Page 2-29
Page 2-32
Page 2-34
1-2 Issue 1 June 2000

Conversion Instr uctions


This chapter contains procedures needed to convert Lucent Intuity Release 3 Systems to MERLIN LEGEND® or MERLIN MAGIX integrations.
Issue 1 June 2000 2-1

How to Use Lucent INTUITY Screens

The INTUITY system is controlled by two methods: command entry from the INTUITY AUDIX screens and selection from the INTUITY system screens.
Two terms are used in the directions:


This document will instruct you to select certain options. To select:
1. Highlight the choice that you want. To highlight a choice, use the up and/or down arrow keys.
2. Press with the choice highlighted.


The system displays the next screen or requests additional information.
To exit the screen or go back to the previous screen, press CANCEL, the F6 function key. The (Cancel) key will not stop any processes. Instead, it will exit
the screen. Any information not saved ( Save) will be lost. To log out of the system, press the (Cancel) key until you reach the Console
Login prompt.
To enter information, type in the information and press the ENTER key on the keyboard. For example, if the instruction is “Enter 3 then:
1. Type the number 3. The information to be typed in is shown in bold in the instruction.
2. Press . The enter key is located on the keyboard. It is not a function
key .

Conversion Procedures

Follow the steps in these tasks in the exact order in which they appear . Failure to follow the steps in this document in the exact order will result in a conversion failure.
2-2 Issue 1 June 2000
Conversion Instructions

Task 1 - Inventory Materials

Verify that you have the following materials and information before starting the conversion:
Conversion checklist from Chapter 1, Conversion Checklist, page 1-2
Login password for craft
Remote maintenance center contact
The document INTUITY Integration with MERLIN LEGEND
Communications System, 585-310-255, Issue 1
The completed worksheets from Chapter 2, Planning the Integration, in
INTUITY Integration with MERLIN LEGEND Communications System, 585­310-255, Issue 1
Without the information from the worksheets, you will not be able to complete the installation.
Switch integration software for MERLIN LEGEND integrations:
The MERLIN LEGEND switch integration floppies
(J1P321TC1 L-27) (2-disks)
The SPM floppies (J1P321TC1 L-26)Blank tape(s) for back-up
Do not use a tape size smaller than 525 Mbytes with the INTUITY system. Tapes smaller than 525 Mbytes cause the backup to fail. If the system has a 2-Gbyte tape drive, use either a 525 (406168526) or a 2-Gbyte (407333582) tape.
Hardware: Any cables necessary to connect the Lucent INTUITY system
to the MERLIN LEGEND Communications system.

Task 2 - Deactivate Alarm Origination

This procedure deactivates alarm origination so that the Lucent INTUITY system will not inform the remote maintenance center of any alarms that occur during the update process.
If the system does not have alarm origination, continue with Task 3, “Stop the Voice System, page 2-5.
To deactivate alarm origination:
Issue 1 June 2000
1. Beginning at the Lucent INTUITY Administration menu, select:
> Customer/Services Administration
> Alarm Management
The system displays the Alarm Management screen (Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1. Alarm Management Screen
2. Move the cursor to the Alarm Origination field.
3. Press (Choices).
The system displays the Alarm Origination screen (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2. Alarm Origination Menu
4. Select INACTIVE. The system changes the entry in the Alarm Origination field to
5. Press (Save).
The system displays an Information screen (Figure 2-3).
2-4 Issue 1 June 2000
Conversion Instructions
Figure 2-3. Information Screen
6. Press .
The system returns to the Alarm Management screen.
7. Press (Cancel) twice.
The system returns to the Customer/Services Administration screen.
8. Continue with Task 3, Stop the Voice System”.

Task 3 - Stop the Voice System

The following procedure describes how to stop the Lucent INTUITY voice system.
1. Starting at the Customer/Services Administration menu, select:
> System Management
> System Control
> Stop Voice System
The system displays the following prompt:
Enter y to continue, n to quit.
2. Enter y The system stops the voice system and returns to the System Control
screen. If the system displays the following message:
The Voice System has stopped.
Press ENTER to continue . . .
press to return to the System Control screen.
3. Press (Cancel) twice to return to the Customer/Services Administration
4. Continue with Task 4, Make an Attended Back-up Tape”.
Issue 1 June 2000

Task 4 - Make an Attended Back-up Tape

This procedure creates a back-up tape that can contain the system data, AUDIX names, announcements, greetings, and messages for the Lucent INTUITY system. Verify with your remote maintenance center which information should be backed up for this customer.
Do not use a tape size smaller than 525 Mbytes with the Lucent INTUITY system. Tapes smaller than 525 Mbytes will cause the backup to fail. If the system is equipped with a 2-Gbyte tape drive, use either a 525 or a 2­Gbyte tape.
To make an attended backup tape:
1. Locate the tape drive.
On the MAP/5, the tape drive is located at the front of the system, to
the right, behind the sliding door.
On the MAP/40, the tape drive is located on the front of the
computer, near the top, under the top cover.
On the MAP/100, the tape drive is located inside the right door,
near the top.
2. Remove the nightly backup tape:
If the tape is visible in the tape drive, press the tape in toward the
tape drive and then release. This action will release the tape.
If the tape drive has a door that conceals the tape, press the small
button on the upper right-hand corner of the tape drive to open the tape drive door. The tape will slide out as the door opens.
3. Store the nightly backup tape in a safe place. Do not place the tape near any magnetized components.
4. From the Customer/Services Administration screen, select:
> Backup/Restore
> Backup
The system displays the Backup screen (Figure 2-4).
2-6 Issue 1 June 2000
Conversion Instructions
Figure 2-4. Backup Screen
The fields displayed on the Backup screen are based upon your system’s configuration. Therefore, your screen may look different than Figure 2-4.
5. Go to the AUDIX Announcements field.
6. Press (Choices).
The system displays the Item 2 screen (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5. Item 2 Screen
7. Move the cursor to the No selection and press . The system changes the AUDIX Announcements field to No.
8. Press (Save).
The system displays the following prompt:
***** calculating approximate number of tape(s) required***** please wait
The backup will need approximate:
Issue 1 June 2000
x 525 MB cartridge tape(s).
****verify whole backup tape(s) will double the amount of backup time do you really want to verify tape(s)? (strike y or n)**** n
x in the above message is the number of backup tapes that you will need.
9. Enter y Verify the backup. The system displays the following messages:
please insert a cartridge tape into the tape drive to back up tape 1
press <Enter> when tape is inserted. press <Esc> key to terminate the backup.
10. Insert a backup tape. Make sure that the tape is not set to “SAFE”. The system will have one of two styles of tape drive:
Do not use the nightly backup tape for this procedure.
If the tape drive has a door that folds down:
a. If the drive door is closed, press the small button on the
upper right-hand corner of the tape drive to open the door.
b. Insert the tape into the open drive. When inserted, the label
of the tape should be up, and the opening to the tape should be to the right (Figure 2-6).
c. Close the door to the tape drive.
The system turns on the green light on the tape drive door.
Figure 2-6. Inserting a Cartridge Tape Into An Outward-Hinged 2-Gbyte Tape Drive
2-8 Issue 1 June 2000
Conversion Instructions
If the tape drive has a door that swings in toward the body of the
tape driv e (Figure 2-7):
a. Insert the tape label-side up, with the opening to the left.
Figure 2-7. Inserting a Cartridge Tape Into An Inward-Hinged 525-Mbyte Tape Drive
b. Press the tape firmly into place.
11. Press .
The system displays the following text:
**** tape 1 pre-process started ****
The tape drive light stays on to indicate that the drive is in use.
12. Insert additional cartridge tapes if the system prompts you to do so.
If the system requires more than 1 tape, label each additional cartridge tape after it is completed.
The system will verify the backup(s). The system finishes the attended backup and displays the following
backup process has been completed successfully press any key to continue
13. Press .
14. Remove the attended back-up tape from the tape drive.
15. Press (Cancel) twice to reach the Customer/Services Administration
Issue 1 June 2000
16. Continue with Task 5, Remove the Previous Switch Integration Software”.

Task 5 - Remove the Previous Switch Integration Software

Remove the previous switch integration software first from the Lucent INTUITY system.
1. Starting at the Customer/Services Administration screen, select:
> System Management
> UNIX Management
> Software Remove
The system lists the software (Figure 2-8).
Your system configuration may be different from the example. Thus, this example screen display will not match your screen display.
Figure 2-8. Example Software Installed List
2-10 Issue 1 June 2000
Conversion Instructions
2. Locate the previous switch integration software package:
Table 2-1. Previous Switch Integration Software Package
Package Name Integration Type
The following are S25SWIN packages:
INTUITY System 25 Switch Integration Package
AAS (System 25 Advanced Administration)
DCIU INTUITY DCIU Link Software Set smdi INTUITY 5ESS Switch Integration Package
3. Using the numbers in the far left-hand column, note the list number of the package.
4. Press - .
The system displays the following message:
Select package(s) you wish to process (or ‘all’ to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]
5. Enter the number of the package to be removed.
Remove only one package at a time. Removing multiple packages at one time could result in a conversion failure.
The system displays the name and version number of the selected package.
6. Enter y The system removes the package and may re-install files.
If you receive messages warning of dependencies, enter y to continue with the software removal.
7. Press .
The system displays the UNIX Management screen.
8. Press (Cancel) twice to return the Customer/Services Administration
9. Determine your next step:
If you have more packages to remove, such as the AAS package,
go back to Step 1.
If you do not have any more packages to remove, continue with
Step 10.
Issue 1 June 2000
10. Continue with Task 6, Shutdown the System”.

Task 6 - Shutdown the System

Shutdown the system to prepare it for hardware removal or a reboot. Not doing a reboot can lead to failure of the software installation.
1. Starting at the Customer/Services Administration screen, select:
> System Management
> System Control
> Shutdown Voice System
The system displays the following message:
Enter y to continue, no to quit
2. Enter y to continue the shutdown. The system starts the shutdown, presents shutdown messages, and then
displays the following message:
The system is down. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot your computer.
3. Determine your next step:
If the system has DCIU or GP Synch circuit card installed, continue
with Task 7, Re mov e Hardware for the Previous Integration”.
If the system does not have a DCIU or GP Synch circuit card
installed, press the reset button or - - to reboot the system.
If the system does not respond to - - , press the reset button.
Continue with Task 8, Allow the System to Finish Booting on page 2-28.
2-12 Issue 1 June 2000
Conversion Instructions

Task 7 - Remove Hardware for the Previous Integration

If the system has a GP Synch or DCIU circuit card, remove it.
For MAP/5 systems, start on page 2-13.
For MAP/40 systems, start on page 2-19.
For MAP/100 systems, start on page 2-25.

MAP/5 Instructions

For additional information about the MAP/5, see INTUITY MAP/5 Hardware Installation, 585-310-146.
MAP/5: Remove the Front Panel
You must remove the front panel before removing the top cover for access to the inside of the system. See Figure 2-9 and follow the steps below:
1. Turn off the front power switch and remove the incoming AC line.
2. Tag the power cord plugs with a note indicating that nobody other than yourself should reconnect power to this equipment.
3. Disconnect keyboard and monitor cords.
4. Disconnect the LAN cable and any cables that will restrict access to the system.
5. Slide the unit over the edge of the table toward you so that you can access the release tabs. Figure 2-9 shows the location of these tabs.
Do not unbalance the unit so that it falls.
6. Push inward and upward on the two front panel latches to release the bottom edge of the front panel. See Figure 2-9.
The front panel is flexible enough for you to press one latch and then the other.
7. When the bottom of the front panel is loose, rotate the panel away from you and lift it to remove.
8. Return the unit to its correct desktop position.
9. Continue with the next step, MAP/5: Remove the Top Cover”.
Issue 1 June 2000
Figure 2-9. Removing the MAP/5 Front Panel
2-14 Issue 1 June 2000
Conversion Instructions
MAP/5: Remove the Top Cover
This procedure assumes that you have already removed the front panel. See Figure 2-10.
1. Unlock the system unit by inserting the key in the lock and turning it counter-clockwise to the unlocked position.
The case lock is located in the top center of the front of the unit. Keys are included with the system. The case lock must be in the open position to remove the top cover.
2. Press the holding tabs outward while pushing the top cover away from you. See Figure 2-10.
The locking tabs are located on either side of the front of the unit.
3. Slide the top cover as far back as it will go, which is about 1/2-inch.
4. Lift the top cover straight up to remove.
5. Continue with MAP/5: Locate and Remove the GP Synch or DCIU Circuit Card on the next page.
Issue 1 June 2000
Top cover
holding tabs
Top cover
holding tabs
Figure 2-10. Removing the Top Cover on the MAP/5
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