Complete documentation for this product is available at
Before accessing any information, you must register with NetCare eSight first. Select
Register/Log In. Click on Register. Select Customer (if you have a maintenance
contract) or Warranty (to register your product for warranty coverage). Click Accept to
the Terms and Conditions. Fill out the registration form completely , and then click on
Register. Your registration will be approved within one business day.
When you receive confirmation of your approved registration, log in by clicking on
Register/Log In. Type in your Login ID and Password and click on Submit.
To access the product documentation, select eSight Service Center, then click on
Product Content. Select FrameSaverr SLV, and click on Documentation. Select the
following document:
A dedicated, grounded power outlet that is protected by a circuit breaker within
6 feet of the FrameSaver SL V (service level verifier) unit.
A clean, well-lit, and ventilated site that is free from environmental extremes.
One-to-two feet of clearance for cable connections.
An asynchronous terminal or PC (personal computer).
Configuration information for the FrameSaver unit being installed or replaced.
Appropriate cables:
— DSX cable
— Data port cables
— COM port-to-terminal or COM port-to-PC cable
— Modem cable
See the User’s Guide for additional information on:
HCables, Connectors, and Pin Assignments
HTechnical Specifications
Cables You May Need to Order
If connecting to a . . .Order a . . .
T1 line interface/connector
(For use in Canada)
LANCustomer converter with a DB25
DSX-1 CableDSX-1 Adapter Cable
Contact your sales representative to order cables.
T1 line interface cable,
plug on one end and an 8-pin
modular jack on the other end, with
a custom 8-conductor cable and
LAN adapter
Safety Instructions
Read the Important Safety Instructions and EMI Warnings beginning on page 19.
Installing the Power Supply and Cord
1. Insert the 4-prong plug into the POWER jack.
When inserting the plug at the rear of the FrameSaver unit, align the plug with the
notch above the POWER jack. Make sure the locking tab snaps securely into the
Insert the 3-prong plug
into an ac outlet.
AC Outlet
Power Cord /
The front panel
OK LED lights.
4. Plug the power cord into the grounded power outlet.
Verification Check:
Did any LEDs light?
– If yes, the FrameSaver unit has power.
– If no, refer to Troubleshooting in the User’s Guide.
Connecting the COM Port to an Asynchronous Terminal
The FrameSaver unit must first be directly connected to a VT100-compatible
asynchronous terminal or a PC providing VT100 terminal emulation to set up
access and management of the unit.
1. Configure the terminal or PC to be compatible with the FrameSaver unit:
– COM Port in use by your PC: COM1 or COM2.
– COM Port Baud Rate is set to 19.2 kbps.
– Character length is set to 8 data bits.
– Parity is set to none.
– Stop bit is set to 1.
– Flow Control is set to None.
2. Insert the DB25 end of the EIA-232 cable into the FrameSaver unit’s COM port.
To Connect to a PC
or Async Terminal
3. Insert the other end of the cable into the terminal or PC.
4. Tighten the screws on each side of the connector to secure them.
5. Press Enter on the keyboard (or Return, depending upon your keyboard) to display
the Main Menu.
Verification Check:
Did the Main Menu appear on the asynchronous terminal?
– If so, continue with the installation.
– If not, recheck terminal and FrameSaver unit compatibility (see settings in
Step 1), or press the Enter key.
Refer to Troubleshooting in the User’s Guide for other possible explanations.
A Quick Guide to Configuration
The FrameSaver unit should operate using the default (factory-set) configuration
options, except for the changes specified in these installation instructions. Refer to the
following table for help navigating the menus.
Press the . . .To . . .
Esc keyGo back one screen or menu level. To see a visual
representation of the menu levels, see Menu Hierarchy in
the Quick Reference.
Tab key, or
up (↑) and down (↓), or
left (←) and right (→), or
arrow keys
Enter or Return keyComplete the menu or option selection.
SpacebarDisplay the next available setting when changing a
As an example, follow these steps to go to the Configuration Edit/Display menu so you
can start setting up the unit.
To load a configuration for editing:
1. From the Main Menu, press the down arrow key twice so the cursor is on
2. Press Enter to display the Configuration menu. The Load Configuration From
menu appears.
3. Press Enter to select Current Configuration. The cursor is already on this selection.
The Configuration Edit/Display menu appears.
This sequence of steps would be shown as the menu selection sequence:
Main Menu →Configuration
To save a configuration option change:
1. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function keys area at the bottom of the screen.
2. Type s or S (S
3. Press Enter again to save your changes to the Current Configuration.
4. Press Esc until the Configuration Edit/Display menu reappears to continue
configuring the unit.
Press Ctrl-a, type m (M
ave) and press Enter. The Save Configuration To menu appears.
Move the cursor from one menu item to the next.
configuration option. All the available settings for an
option appears at the bottom of the screen.
ainMenu), and press Enter to return to the Main Menu.
The following sections guide you through installation and setup of the FrameSaver unit.
The FrameSaver unit is set to automatically configure the following:
HTime Slot Assignment
It is assumed that the unit is configured for factory default settings at the start of the
installation, and that the automatic configuration features will be used. See Time SlotAssignment on page 7 and Automatic Configuration on page 9 for information about
these features.
Verifying that Self-Test Passed
To verify that the unit passed its self-test, go to the System and Test Status screen.
Main Menu →Status →System and Test Status
The results of the self-test appears directly under the screen title.
If any failure messages appear, reset the unit by disconnecting, then reconnecting the
power cord. The unit will perform the self-test again. If the failure reappears, call your
service representative for assistance.
Setting the System Clock
1. Select System Information.
Main Menu →Control →System Information
2. Move the cursor to the Date, then the Time field to enter:
– Date in the mm/dd/yyyy format (month/day/year)
– Time in the hh:mm format (hours:minutes)
ave the settings.
3. S
Assigning the Node IP Address
1. Set up the node.
Main Menu →Configuration → Management and Communication →Node IP
2. Minimally, enter the following options:
– Node IP Address
– Node Subnet Mask
3. Save the configuration.
Setting Up Physical Interfaces
1. Select each interface’s physical configuration options.
Configuration →Network →Physical
Configuration →Data Ports →Physical
Configuration →DSX-1 (if the DSX-1 interface will be used)
If installing a FrameSaver SL V NAM with an ISDN DBM, postpone configuring the
DBM interface until later.
2. Configure the Network and DSX-1 interfaces to match the network provider’s
settings. Be sure to enable the Interface Status option for these interfaces.
(The network interface is already enabled on a FrameSaver SL V NAM.)
Configure Data Ports to match the DTE’s settings. If Port-2 will be used, enable the
Port Status option for the port.
ave the configurations.
3. S
Setting Frame Relay Characteristics
When installing a FrameSaver SL V NAM, frame relay characteristics must be
configured for the network and data ports.
1. Select the interface’s frame relay configuration options.
2. Configure each interface according to the local management interface (LMI) and
assigned line conditions supplied by the service provider.
ave the configurations.
3. S
Time Slot Assignment
FrameSaver SL V NAM frame relay (network) time slots are discovered automatically
when Time Slot Discovery is enabled (the default setting) on the Frame Relay
Network 1 Assignments screen. This feature can be disabled if you want to manually
configure time slots.
See Assigning Time Slots/Cross Connections in Configuration of the User’s Guide for
additional information about this feature.
Setting Up the Modem
The unit has an integral modem for remote management. It is already set up for dial-in
access to the unit, with Port Use set to Terminal.
If using the modem for dialed IP network connectivity (SNMP, Telnet, FTP, or
trap dial-out):
1. Select Modem Port.
Configuration →Management and Communication →Modem Port
2. Minimally, change Port Use to Net Link, and assign the interface’s IP Address and
Subnet Mask if it is different from the Node’s. Change Link Protocol to SLIP, if
necessary (PPP is the default setting).
ave the configuration.
3. S
Setting Up Call Directories if Trap Dial-Out Is Desired
1. Set up directory phone numbers.
Main Menu →Control →Modem Call Directories
2. Select Directory Number A (for Alarm).
3. Enter the phone number(s). V alid characters include:
– ASCII text
– B for blind dialing
– W for wait for dial tone
– P for pulse dialing unless B specified
– T for tone dialing unless B specified
– Space, underscore ( _ ), comma (,) for a 2-second pause, and dash (–)
readability characters
4. S
ave the phone number(s).
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