While reasonable effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete
and accurate at the time of printing, AT&T cannot assume responsibility for any errors. Changes
and/or corrections to the information contained in this document may be incorporated into future
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of
this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own
expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
As a customer of new telecommunications equipment, you should be aware of the significant and
growing problem of theft of long distance services by third parties, known commonly as "toll
fraud." It is particularly important that you understand and take appropriate steps to deal with this
crime because under applicable tariffs, you will be responsible for payment of associated toll
charges. AT&T can not be responsible for such charges and will not make any allowance or give
any credit resulting from toll fraud.
Toll fraud can occur despite the preventive efforts of network providers and equipment
manufacturers. Toll fraud is a potential risk for every customer with telecommunications
equipment having one or more of the following features: (1) remote access, (2) automated
attendant, (3) voice mail, (4) remote administration and maintenance, and (5) call forwarding
(remote). This is not a product or design defect, but a risk associated with equipment having one
or more of the features described above. If your new telecommunications equipment possesses
any of these features, please consult the relevant portion of your documentation for further details
and specific procedures to reduce the risk of toll fraud or contact your AT&T dealer for further
AUDIX, Voice Power, and AT&T FAX Attendant System are trademarks of AT&T.
HP and LaserJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard.
UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
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To order copies of this document, call the AT&T Customer Information Center at 1-800-432-6600
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About This Guide
Purpose and Scope
How to Use This Guide
Related Documents
Intended Audience
Conventions Used in this Guide
FAX Attendant Services
Fax Attendant Features
New Features for Release 2.1.1
Telephone System Interface
Co-Resident Configuration
Feature and Planning Review
Review of System Planning
Planning for FAX Attendant on the MERLIN LEGEND
Call Coverage Paths
Calling Groups
Planning the FAX Attendant System
Assigning Services to Voice Channels
Table of Contents
Assigning Lines/Pools to Voice Channels
Switch Interface Parameters
System Parameters
Fax Account Code Parameter Administration
Fax Account Code List Administration
Subscriber Administration
Types of Fax Subscribers
Service Administrator Registration
Outcalling Administration
Planning Your Fax Response Service
Customizing Voice Prompts
Implementing FAX Attendant
Entering FAX Attendant Data
Information Conventions
Logging In to IS-III
The AUDIX Voice Power/FAX Attendant Menu
General Fax System Parameter Administration
Voice System Parameter Administration
Account Code Parameter Administration
Account Code List Administration
Subscriber Administration
Service Administrator Registration
Outcalling Administration
Fax Group List Administration
Logging In to the Voice System
General Fax Mail Greeting Administration
General Fax Call Answer Greeting Administration
Subscriber Recorded Name Administration
General Mailbox Greeting Administration
Fax Response Administration
Entering Fax Response Data
Accessing Fax Response
Logging In
Implementing a New Fax Response Service
Administering the Main Menu
Logging In to the Voice System
Main Menu General Administration
Administering Workspace Menus, Announcements,
and Fax Messages
Installing the Workspace
■ Administering the Touch-Tone Gate Prompt and Goodbye
Logging In to the Voice System
Touch-Tone Gate Prompt General Administration
Goodbye Message General Administration
Fax Response Coversheet Administration
Designing the Fax Response Coversheet
Fax Coversheet Header Information
Loading the Fax Response Coversheet
Table of Contents
Modifying Your Existing Fax Response Service
Administering Menus
Administering Faxmenus
Helpful Hints: Creating and Loading Fax Response
Applications that Require Collecting Voice Telephone
Allowing Callers to Return to the Main Menu
How to Best Set Your Fax Machine for Loading Fax
Response Documents
Test Your Fax Response Service
Backing Up Your Fax Response Service
System Operations
System Management Operations
Retrieving Messages from the General Mailbox
Discarding Old Fax Messages
Viewing the Event Log
Using the Explain Command
Operating FAX Attendant
Starting the Voice System
Stopping the Voice System
Displaying the System Status
Resetting the Voice System
Shutting Down and Rebooting the UNIX System
Status Screen
Integrated Solution III Main Menu
AUDIX Voice Power/FAX Attendant Menu
Fax System Parameters Administration Menu
General Fax Parameter Administration Form
Voice System Parameter Administration Form
Fax System Parameters Administration Menu
Account Code Parameter Administration Form
Fax System Parameters Administration Menu
Account Code List Administration Form
Extension Directory Screen
AUDIX Voice Power User Screen
Subscriber Administration Screen, Page 1 of 2
Subscriber Administration Screen, Page 2 of 2
Service Administrator Registration Form
Outcalling Administration Form
Fax Group List Administration Form
Fax Group List Editing Form
Fax Group List Administration Form
Fax Group List Administration Form
Status Screen
Integrated Solution III Main Menu
AUDIX Voice Power/FAX Attendant Menu
Fax Response Administration Menu.
Fax Response Workspace Administration
Edit Workspace/Edit Inactive Fax Messages
Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-8.
Figure 4-9.
Figure 4-10.
Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-12.
Figure 4-13.
Figure 4-14.
Table of Contents
Edit FaxMenu Form.
FaxMenu Message Administration Form
Fax Response Coversheet Administration
Fax Response Workspace Administration
Copy Service Into Workspace Menu
Edit FaxMenu Form
FaxMenu Message Administration Form
View Service screen
System Operations
Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-4.
Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-7.
Integrated Solution III Main Menu
Fax Equipment Operations Screen
Fax Channel Administration Screen
Change State of Fax Equipment Form
Administer Fax Line Extension screen
Fax Equipment Diagnostics Screen
Fax Equipment Diagnostics - Results Screen
Report Generation
Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-3.
Reports Menu
AUDIX Voice Power/FAX Attendant Reports
System Reports Menu
Table of Contents
About This Guide
Purpose and Scope
■ Intended Audience
How to Use This Guide
Conventions Used in this Guide
Related Documents
About This Guide
Purpose and Scope
The information in this guide is organized to help System Managers perform
day-to-day management and operation of the FAX Attendant System. In
addition, basic information is offered about connections to, and administration
of the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System as it is affected by the FAX
Attendant System. The MERLIN LEGEND, however, requires detailed
installation and administration. The System Manager’s Guide is not intended
to replace the documents that accompany your communications system. The
AT&T AUDIX Voice Power™/FAX Attendant System™ Planning and
Implementation document discusses the specific tasks and sequences of
tasks to be followed for initial implementation.
This guide describes each feature of FAX Attendant and provides information
on administration and daily operation.
This guide is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1: Introduction presents an overview of FAX Attendant
features and configurations.
About This Guide
About This Guide
Chapter 2: Feature and Planning Review provides a condensed
description of system features, system planning, and system planning
forms. System planning is covered in more detail in the AT&T AUDIX
Voice Power™/FAX Attendant System™ Planning and Implementation
Chapter 3: Implementing FAX Attendant explains how to enter the
data from the system planning forms to administer system-wide
features when setting up your FAX Attendant system. It also describes
system-wide tasks, with related menus and windows, required to
administer the system. Additionally, this chapter explains how to enter
the voice phrases for FAX Attendant services.
Chapter 4: Fax Response Administration describes how to plan,
implement, and modify a Fax Response service for your company.
Chapter 5: System Operations describes operational procedures that
need to be performed on a regular basis. Operational procedures
include backup, system shut-down, system re-boot, system reset,
voice system startup and shutdown.
Chapter 6: Report Generation explains how to generate reports on
telephone and message space usage, as well as other system reports.
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting explains general problem resolution.
Appendix A: User Interface Information explains how to use menus
and windows, describes function keys and their use, and gives general
information that is particularly helpful to the novice system user.
Appendix B: Error Messages gives a full listing of system error
messages together with suggested responses.
Appendix C: FAX Attendant Menu Tree provides an overall picture of
the menu structure.
Intended Audience
This guide is for System Managers. The information is organized to help
System Managers perform day-to-day the management and operation of the
system. Each feature of FAX Attendant is described along with information on
administration and daily operation.
About This Guide
About This Guide
If you have questions or problems with FAX Attendant, please try to resolve
them by using this guide and other related documents. If you are still unable
to resolve the problem, contact the National Service Assistance Center
(NSAC) at 1-800-628-2888 for assistance or your AT&T Authorized Dealer.
How to Use This Guide
This guide contains a complete description of the FAX Attendant system.
During initial implementation, the System Manager should become familiar
with the FAX Attendant System by reading all of this guide and the AT&T
AUDIX Voice Power™/FAX Attendant System™ Planning and Implementation
For day-to-day operations, the System Manager and the Service
Administrators should read those portions of this guide and of the AT&T
AUDIX Voice Power™/FAX Attendant System™ Planning and Implementation
document that are related to their job responsibilities.
Conventions Used in this Guide
The following conventions are used in this guide:
Commands and text you should type appear in this style of
Values, instructions, and prompts that appear on the screen are in
this style of type.
Key names that are always located on the keyboard in the same place
appear in smooth-cornered boxes, as in
Touch-tone keys on the telephone set keypad are enclosed in squares,
such as [
3 ] and [ # ].
Enter .
About This Guide
About This Guide
Functions keys (keys that start with an F, followed by a number),
appear in boxes with the current meaning following in parentheses
such as [
The current meanings of the function keys are shown by labels at the
bottom of the screen. On the screen diagrams in this manual, each
label box may contain two labels (top and bottom). On the actual
screen, either the top set of labels or the bottom set of labels will show,
not both.
On the screen diagrams, the top label is the meaning of the function
key when the screen first appears. These meanings have been
selected to be the most useful for that screen. The bottom label is the
meaning of the function key after the [
pressed. (Pressing [
typical set of key labels on a screen diagram might be:
F3 ] (SAVE).
F8 ] (CHG-KEYS) key has been
F8 ] (CHG-KEYS) again restores the top labels.) A
About This Guide
About This Guide
Any screen information
Figure 1. Typical Function Key Labels
Related Documents
For FAX Attendant, you need to be familiar with the following documents:
FAX Attendant Services
Fax Attendant Features
New Features for Release 2.1.1
Telephone System Interface
Switch-Integrated Mode
Co-Resident Configuration
AT&T FAX Attendant System™ is a software application that enhances the
capabilities of all fax machines attached to a company’s telephone network.
FAX Attendant is based on the Integrated Voice Power™ System software and
the FAX Attendant Application software that runs on the Master Controller III
(80486/SX) computer.
FAX Attendant provides the following features:
Coverage for busy or out-of-paper fax machines
Plain paper printing
Message arrival notification
Privacy for incoming fax messages
Off-site access to received messages
Automatic retry for busy fax machines
Fax delivery reports
Faxes sent to multiple destinations at one time (broadcasting)
Economy fax transmissions
Private fax numbers or personal fax machines for anyone in your
Fax information database for your customers (Fax Response service)
FAX Attendant interfaces with a local telephone system and processes fax
messages and controls announcements that are stored on disk memory. FAX
Attendant prompts internal and external callers to make menu choices by
pressing the appropriate touch-tone button.
FAX Attendant Services
FAX Attendant includes the following services:
Fax Call Answer
Fax Call Answer allows FAX Attendant to receive fax messages for
subscribers whose fax machines are busy or out of paper. This feature
also enables subscribers to use personal fax mailboxes for confidential
receipt and remote access to fax messages.
Fax Mail
Fax Mail allows subscribers to send fax messages to one or more fax
numbers or use a distribution list, retrieve fax messages from their
mailbox, record personal greetings, change their account passwords,
delivery report setting, and autoprint setting, administer outcalling, and
create fax distribution lists.
Fax Response
Fax Response allows you to dedicate a phone number for your
prospective customers to call and retrieve information on your
products or services, news or virtually any other hard copy information.
Fax Response directs callers through a series of prompts to retrieve
information on their fax machines. Callers are greeted with spoken
prompts that guide them in pressing touch-tone buttons to access the
information. No more requesting information and waiting for it to arrive
in the mail. Fax Response allows interested parties to get their
information immediately by fax.
FAX Attendant Features
FAX Attendant includes the following features:
Broadcast feature
FAX Attendant can broadcast a single fax to up to 1,000 locations.
Using the Fax Mail service, a subscriber enters numbers or distribution
list numbers, then presses Start on the fax machine. FAX Attendant
stores the fax message in memory and sends it using the fax ports
administered to distribute fax messages.
Intelligent Auto-Retry
If an outbound fax message is not successfully delivered, FAX
Attendant keeps trying to deliver the message until the maximum retry
period (an administrable parameter) is reached. When this time
period expires, FAX Attendant generates a failed delivery report for the
subscriber who initiated the message.
If a fax is interrupted during transmission, FAX Attendant resends the
message, sending only the cover page and any previously
unsuccessfully transmitted pages.
Economy Delivery
The Economy Delivery option allows a subscriber to defer delivery of a
fax until the system administered economy time period; generally,
when the telephone rates are lower.
Delivery Reports
FAX Attendant can create a delivery report for every fax. One report is
generated regardless of the number of destinations. The report
summarizes the status of each delivery.
Each subscriber can choose his or her own delivery report setting.
The options for this feature are on or off. If it is turned on, the
subscriber receives a delivery report for every fax transmission. The
report includes the time the fax was submitted, a reduced image of the
cover sheet, and a summary of the delivery status to each destination.
If it is turned off, a report is still generated if the system is unable to
successfully transmit to any destination.
Additionally, if the delivery report option is turned off, an intermediary
delivery report is placed in the subscriber’s mailbox after each pass
through the list of destinations. At the end of the retry period, FAX
Attendant generates a final delivery report.
Distribution Lists
Distribution lists provide a convenient way to send the same fax
message to many locations. Each subscriber can have up to 250
distribution lists with up to 250 members in each list. Subscribers can
use their own lists or lists of other subscribers, but cannot change lists
stored by other subscribers. Subscribers can program their own
distribution lists using any touch-tone telephone. Optionally, the
System Manager can enter long lists at the system console.
Call Accounting Integration
FAX Attendant can be administered so that information about each call
placed by FAX Attendant is collected by the call accounting system on
the telephone switch. Account codes can be administered for each
subscriber and for the Fax Response service so they can be tracked
Fax Machine Call Coverage
FAX Attendant can act as a coverage point for fax machines that are
either busy, broken, or out of paper. This feature operates only in a
switch-integrated system.
Personal Fax Extensions
Provided through Direct-Inward-Dial (DID) or Personal Lines and PBX
integration, FAX Attendant subscribers can have their own fax
extensions, which are routed directly to FAX Attendant. This featureoperates only in a switch-integrated system. If the subscriber does not
have a personal DID extension, FAX Attendant prompts senders to
enter the subscriber’s voice extension to identify the recipient’s
mailbox. If no extension is entered, FAX Attendant sends the fax
message to the group administrator’s mailbox.
Group Fax Numbers
A group fax number is a fax telephone number that is assigned to a
group of FAX Attendant subscribers. The number allows group
members to use inbound fax features, such as receiving fax messages
confidentially or from a remote location. to a group fax number.
Receiving Fax Messages Confidentially
This feature refers to the system’s capability of holding fax messages
until the subscriber is ready to print them.
Remote Retrieval/Hold Fax Messages
FAX Attendant’s capability of storing all received fax messages allows
subscribers to call in from any location to retrieve their faxes. Fax
messages can be delivered to a remote site either on the same call (if
calling from a fax machine), or to a specified fax number.
Subscribers can administer their own Fax Mail IDs to do one of three
things with incoming fax messages: print on a common laser printer,
print to a fax machine, or save to the subscriber’s FAX Attendant
mailbox. When a subscriber logs in, FAX Attendant announces how
many voice messages are present (if AUDIX Voice Power is coresident) and how many fax messages are being held or have been
Subscribers have the option to have their messages printed
automatically at the system’s default destination. The default
destination is set by the System Manager and can be either a fax
machine or the system’s laser printer. When autoprinting is on, FAX
Attendant automatically forwards messages to the default destination.
When autoprinting is off, FAX Attendant holds messages in the
subscriber’s mailbox, so they can be printed confidentially or at a
remote location.
Message Waiting Lamp (MWL) Notification
Use of this feature depends on whether FAX Attendant is operating in a
standalone or co-resident system, as follows:
MWL with a Co-resident System:
In a co-resident application, where FAX Attendant is operating
with AUDIX Voice Power, the MWL is lit for both voice and fax
messages. When a subscriber notices that the MWL is lit, that
person calls the Voice Mail telephone number to hear how
many and what kind of messages are waiting. For example,
“You have six voice messages and two held fax messages.”
The summary message also notes any autoprinted fax
messages that have been received. If autoprinted fax
messages exist, these faxes only appear in the summary
message one time; so that if the same subscriber were to call
the system back immediately, no auto printed fax messages
would be noted in the summary message.
MWL with a Standalone System:
When FAX Attendant serves as an adjunct to AUDIX,
subscribers still get notification of both fax and voice
messages in the same summary message. When a fax
message arrives, FAX Attendant sends a Leave Word Calling
message to the switch. AUDIX intercepts this message, turns
it into a Voice Mail message, and lights the message waiting
lamp. When the subscriber calls AUDIX, the summary
message notes how many voice messages have been
received. Some of these messages may say, "Leave Word
Calling message from FAX Attendant," which indicates a fax
message has been received. After listening to the rest of the
voice messages, the subscriber can log into Fax Mail and pick
up the fax messages.
FAX Attendant can provide outcalling notification of received fax
messages to a telephone number on a pager or to a telephone that
has no MWL. Subscribers can administer their own outcalling
numbers, decide when outcalling will be active (24-hours per day, or
during system administered hours, such as 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.), and turn
outcalling on or off.
Plain Paper Printing
FAX Attendant can print fax messages on an optional system laser
printer or plain paper fax machine. The printer can be used to print
system reports and can be used as the default destination for a group
of subscribers. It is not recommended that you use this printer to print
everyone’s fax messages because you can attach only one laser
printer to FAX Attendant, and printing fax messages on the laser printer
takes longer than printing on a fax machine.
New Features for Release 2.1.1
FAX Attendant is a PC-based product that provides an integrated voice/fax
mailbox, fax broadcasting, fax bulletin board, coverage for busy or off-line fax
machines and other touch-tone based fax services. FAX Attendant 2.1.1 runs
under Integrated Solution (IS) III and offers the following enhancements to
Release 1.0:
Co-residency with the AUDIX Voice Power System
FAX Attendant 2.1.1 runs under the Integrated Solution (IS) III software
and is co-resident with the AUDIX Voice Power system. It is
compatible with Integrated Solution III (IS-III) and the MERLIN
LEGEND™ Communications System R2.0.
Integrated Administration
Certain administrative tasks in FAX Attendant, such as assigning
services to channels and subscriber administration, can be done using
the Integrated Administration feature.
Through a menu-driven interface, this feature allows concurrent
administration of the FAX Attendant and the MERLIN LEGEND switch
parameters necessary to support the FAX Attendant System.
Integrated Administration allows both the telephone switch and the
software application to share common information, such as extensions
and user names, in their databases. This information sharing saves
data entry time during initial FAX Attendant setups, and saves time for
the System Manager during ongoing administration.
The Integrated Administration feature is also used with the AT&T
AUDIX Voice Power™ system which is co-resident with FAX Attendant.
Consolidated Delivery Reports
If a subscriber elects to receive delivery reports for each fax sent, a
single-page fax report will be generated containing all confirmation
information associated with a particular fax transmission. Since this
report contains information for all the intended destinations of a
particular fax message, this feature eliminates separate confirmation
reports for each targeted destination. If the subscriber turns this
feature off, a report is still generated if the system is unable to
successfully transmit to any destination.
Outbound Channel Limitations
This feature allows a System Manager to define the maximum number
of channels that will be used for outgoing fax delivery calls. By
predetermining the maximum number of fax channels that can be
simultaneously used for outbound fax delivery calls, the System
Manager can better optimize the performance of the system.
Customized System Cover Sheet for Fax Response
This feature allows the System Manager to create and load an optional
system-wide coversheet to be attached to each outgoing Fax
Response fax message. The coversheet design can be a combination
of text and graphics.
Improved Component/Port Level Diagnostics
This enhancement allows the System Manager to identify any faulty
ports during a diagnostic test run.
Additional features incorporated into the user interface include:
Name Addressing
Name addressing allows FAX Attendant users with the ability to
address fax messages to subscribers by dialing the last name of the
subscriber rather than an extension number. This feature can be used
wherever addressing is done in the Fax Mail, Fax Call Answer, and Fax
Response services.
Fax CNG Tone Recognition
This feature provides detection of the fax calling (CNG) tone of certain
autodialing fax machines. The CNG tone recognition allows Fax Call
Answer to bypass any prompts and deliver the incoming fax message
to the appropriate address.
Administrable Fax Mailbox Size
This feature allows the System Manager to define the fax mailbox
capacity in units of pages for each subscriber.
Subscriber Name Administration
Subscriber name administration allows the Fax Mail service
administrator to record multiple subscriber names without having to log
on as each subscriber. This feature is especially useful since it is
desirable to have a recorded name for each subscriber to take
advantage of the name addressing feature. Individual subscribers still
have the option of recording their own names in their own voices.
Message Overflow to General Mailbox
This feature provides a system-wide option that sends new Fax Call
Answer messages to a general mailbox if a subscriber’s mailbox
becomes full. The System Manager can define the profile parameters
of the general mailbox so that overflow messages will or will not
Telephone System Interface
There are several telephone systems that can support FAX Attendant. Each
system has its own particular features and requirements. This switch-specific
information for the MERLIN LEGEND™ Communications System is discussed
in the AT&T AUDIX Voice Power™/FAX Attendant System™ Planning andImplementation document.
Signaling information from FAX Attendant to the telephone switch is provided
over analog voice channels. This includes switch-hook flashing to transfer
calls and in-band tone signaling to control message waiting lights.
FAX Attendant can operate in either switch integrated or non-switch
integrated mode. In both modes, information is transmitted over voice
channels. The MERLIN LEGEND™ Communications System operates with
FAX Attendant in the integrated mode.
Switch-Integrated Mode
In the switch-integrated mode, caller and called party identification
information is transferred from the switch. As a result, callers generally do not
have to enter extension numbers upon reaching the Fax Call Answer service.
However, FAX Attendant can be programmed to prompt callers to enter this
information for Group Fax numbers.
In the switch-integrated mode, subscribers are not required to enter extension
numbers when logging into FAX Attendant from their own extensions.
Co-Resident Configuration
In the co-resident configuration, FAX Attendant is run with AUDIX Voice
Power, allowing you to administer both AUDIX Voice Power and FAX
Attendant features at any time using the same software.
This guide explains in detail only those features that apply specifically to FAX
Attendant. For information on features that are specific to AUDIX Voice Power
consult the AUDIX Voice Power™, Release 2.1.1, System Manager's Guide.
Feature and Planning Review
Review of System Planning
Planning for FAX Attendant on the MERLIN