Lucent Technologies Comcode 108678723 User Manual

Enterprise Communications Server
Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
555-233-124 Comcode 108678723 Issue 1 April 2000
Copyright  2000, Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.
Every effort was made to ensu re that th e in for mation in this book was complete and accu ra te at the time o f printing. However , information is subject to change.
Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security
Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of you r te lecommunications system by an unauthorized party, for example, persons other than your com-
pany’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your company’s behalf. Note that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your telecommunications system and, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
This equipment returns answer-supe rvi sion signals on all DID calls forwarded back to the public sw i tc he d te le phone network. Permissible exceptions are:
• A call is unanswered
• A busy tone is received
• A reorder tone is received
Canadian Department of Communications (DOC) Interference Information
This digital apparatus does no t exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions set out in the radi o int er f erence regulations of the Canadian Department of Com m unications.
Le Présent Appareil Nom
dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A préscrites dans le reglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministére des Communications du Canada.
érique n’é
met pas de bruits radioélectriques
You and your system manager are responsible for the security of your system, such as programming and configur ing your e qui pm ent to pre­vent unauthorized use. The system manager is also responsibl e for reading all installation, instruc tion, and system administration doc u­ments provided with this produc t i n orde r to fully understand the fea­tures that can introduce risk of toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Lucent Technologies does not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of com­mon-carr ier telecommunication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent Technologies will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use.
Lucent Technologies Fraud In te rven tion
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical support or assistan ce , c al l Technical Service Cen ter Toll Fraud Intervention Hotlin e at 1 800 643-2353 or contact your loca l Lucent repr esentative.
Federal Communications Commission Statement Part 15: Class A S t atement. This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason­able protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate rad io- fre quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfer­ence to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a resi­dential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to corre c t th e in te rference at his own expense.
Part 68: Network Registration Number. This equipment is registered with the FCC in accordan ce with Part 68 of th e FCC Rules. It is identi­fied by FCC registration number AS593M-13283-MF-E.
Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling. Allowin g th is eq ui p men t to be operated in a manner that does not provide proper answer-supervi ­sion signaling is in violation of Part 68 Rules. This equipment returns answer-supervision signals to the public switched network when:
• Answered by the called station
• Answered by the attendant
• Routed to a recorded announcement that can be administered by the CPE user
See the preface of this document.
Ordering Info rm a tion Call: Lucent Technologies BCS Publications Center
Voice 1 800 457-1235 International Voice 317 322-6416 Fax 1 800 457-1764 International Fax 317 322-6699
Write: Lucent Technologies BCS Publications Center
2855 N. Franklin Road Indianapolis, IN 46219
Order: Document No. 555-233-124
Comcode 10867872 3 Issue 1, April 2000
For additional documents, refer to the section in “About This Docu­ment” entitled “Related Resources.”
Y ou can be placed on a standing order list for this and other documents you may need. Standing order will enable you to automatically receive updated versions of individual documents or doc um en t set s , billed to account information that you provide. For more information on stand­ing orders, or to be put on a list to receive future issues of this do cu­ment, contact the Lucent Technologies Publications Ce nt er.
European Union Declaration of Conformity
The “CE” mark affixed to the DEFINITY® equip ment described in this book indicates that the e quipment conforms to the foll owing Euro­pean Union (EU) Directives:
• Electromagne tic Compatibility (89/336/EEC)
• Low Voltage (73/23/EEC)
• T elecommunicat ions T er m inal Equipment (TTE) i-CTR3 BRI and i-CTR4 PRI
For more information on standards compliance, contact your l oc al dis­tributor.
T o co mmen t on this document, return the co mme nt card at the front of the document.
This document was prepared by Product Documentation Development, Lucent Technologies, Denver, CO.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration


Contents iii About This Book v
Overview vi
Organization vi
Conventions Used in This Book viii
How to Comment on This Document ix
Resources ix
Antistatic Protection xii
Remove/Install Circuit Packs xii
Security xii
Trademarks xii
Standards Compliance xiii
Issue 1
April 2000
LASER Product xiv
Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards xiv
Federal Communications Commission Statement xvi
1 Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 1-1
Request Address Information 1-2
Review Configuration and Equipment 1-3
Determine ATM Switch Suitability 1-9
Schedule Installation or Upgrade 1-14
2 Installing a DEFINITY ECS
Equipment Installation 2-1
NAA7 Board (csi/c models only) 2-3
3 Installing a DEFINITY ECS
Equipment Installation 3-1
Synchronization Installation and Testing 3-3
ATM Network Duplication 3-32
4 Upgrading to ATM-PNC 4-1
Upgrade paths 4-1
Preparation 4-2
CSS to R8r ATM-PNC 4-3
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
R6.3r ATM-PNC to R8r ATM-PNC 4-13
R7r ATM-PNC to R8r ATM-PNC 4-14
Screens and Tables 4-21
5 Administering ATM-PNC and
Accessing Switches for Administration 5-1
Acquiring ATM Addresses 5-2
Administering ATM Switch 5-4
Administering DEFINITY ECS 5-4
Final Checklist and Test 5-34
6 Troubleshooting 6-1
Contact information 6-2
Alarms and errors 6-3
Troubleshooting ATM-CES 6-5
Troubleshooting ATM-PNC 6-16
Issue 1
April 2000
A Baselining the Customer’s Configuration A-1
ATM Switch Admi nistration A-1
Interconnections A-2
DEFINITY ECS Administration Worksheet A-3
B ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-1
Location-related Interactions B-1
Features Supported B-7
Features Not Supported B-10
Delay Interactions B-11
ATM Feature Interactions B-19
Cross-product Compatibility B-24
GL Glossary and Abbreviations GL-1 IN Index IN-1
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration

About This Book

About This Book
Issue 1
April 2000
This book provides procedures for installing ATM switches and upgrading existing DEFINITY
Enterprise Communications Servers to a Release 8.2
ATM-PNC or ATM-CES. It specifically covers
Installing a new DEFINITY ECS that uses ATM-PNC
Replacing the center stage switch (CSS), the central interface between
the PPN and EPNs, with ATM-PNC
Upgrading Release 6.3 and Release 7 DEFINITY AT M-PNC to R elease 8.2
Adding ATM-CES
The information in this book is intended for use by
Lucent and channel partner trained field installation and maintenance
Technical Services Center (TSC) and Global Service Organization (GSO)
InterNetwork Systems (INS) engineers and technicians
Sales and Design Support Center (SDSC) personnel
Data Services Support Center (DSSC)
Sales associates
Luc ent channel partner s
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book


The DEFINITY ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) combines portions of the DEFINITY platform with an ATM switch platform that meets specific criteria. DEFINITY ATM offers both intraswitch and interswitch ATM solutions. The intraswitch solution is called the AT M port network connectivity , or ATM-PNC, and the interswitch solution is called ATM circuit emulation service, or ATM-CES. ATM-PNC is only available on the R6.3r or later platform.
ATM-PNC provides an alternative to either the direct connect or center stage switch configurations for connecting the processor port network (PPN) to one or more expansion port networks (EPNs). ATM-PNC is available with four DEFINITY
ECS reliability options—standard, high, ATM network duplication, and critical. Customers must choose whether they want direct connect, CSS, or ATM-PNC. It is not possible to mix configurations in the same R8r platform.
ATM-CES lets the DEFINITY ECS emulate an ISDN-PRI trunk on an ATM facility. These virtual trunks can serve as integrated access, tandem, or tie trunks. ATM-CES emulates up to 8 ISDN spans on a single OC-3/STM-1 ATM interface.
Issue 1
April 2000
ATM wide area network (ATM-WAN) extends the port network connectivity beyond a single ATM switch over large distances. This allows you to use either a private ATM network, public WAN or a combination of both. Several networked ATM devices can be used as effectively as a single ATM switch for inter-port network c onn ectivity.
The DEFINITY ECS switch can connect through several ATM switch types, many of which are sold through Lucent’s InterNetworking Systems (INS) channel, formerly know as DNS. Also, DEFINITY ECS switches are designed to work seamlessly with non-Lucent ATM switches that meet ATM standards set by the European Union.
For a current list of Lucent switches, go to the Infohub Web site
( following equi pment:
Lucent Cajun M770 ATM switch
Lucent PacketStar AC 60 or PSAX1250 access concentrators


This book contains 6 chapters and 2 appendices:
Chapter 1, ‘‘Preparing for Installation and Upgrades’’ describes the
) and select Product Index. Examples include the
preparation necessary before an installation and upgrade, including
— network design considerations, including SVCs generated and
network impacts that can restrict ATM switch
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book
— interactions among various Lucent organizations to prepare the
customer site for equipment, translations, and scheduling upgrades and new installations
— calculating the suitability of various Lucent ATM switches
Chapter 2, ‘‘Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-CES’’ provides a procedure
— hardware installation: ATM circuit packs and the ATM switch. — cabling (I/O connector, fiber optic cables)
Chapter 3, ‘‘Installing a DEFINITY ECS ATM-PNC’’ provides a procedure
— hardware installation: ATM circuit packs, T1 or E1 synchronization
splitter, the ATM switch. — cabling (I/O connector, fiber optic cables) — ATM network d uplication
Chapter 4, ‘‘Upgrading to ATM-PNC’’ describes the preparation and
various upgrade paths for the fo llowing upgrades:
Issue 1
April 2000
— center stage switch to Release 8 ATM-PNC — Release 6.3 and Release 7 DEFINITY ATM-PNC to Release 8
Chapter 5, ‘‘Administering ATM-PNC and ATM-CES’’ provides the
step-by-step procedures for administering
— ATM port network connectivity (ATM-PNC) — ATM circuit emulation service (ATM-CES)
Chapter 6, ‘‘Troubleshooting’’ describes troubleshooting scenarios and
offers suggestions for isolating, fixing, and clearing DEFINITY ECS alarms and errors for
— DEFINITY ECS administration — ATM-related synchronization — ATM switc h administrat ion
Appendix A, ‘‘Baselining the Customer’s Configuration’’ provides a
worksheet to log the translations and administration information for
— DEFINITY ECS — Lightwave interface units
Appendix B, ‘‘ATM Switch Feature Interactions’’ offers a quick-reference
guide to the features supported and not supported and interactions among the DEFINITY ECS’s features.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book

Conventions Used in This Book


Information you type at the access terminal is shown in the following
list system-parameters maintenance
Issue 1
April 2000
viiiConventions Used in This Book
Variables are shown in the following typeface:
Field names and information displayed on the access terminal screen is
shown in the following typeface:
Keyboard keys are shown in the following typeface: Enter.

Systems and circuit packs

The word “system” is a general term encompassing Release 8 and
includes references to the DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server models: Release 8r, Release 8si, Release 8csi, and Release 8c.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server is abbreviated as DEFINITY
Circuit pack codes (for example, TN780 or TN2182B) are shown with the
minimum acceptable alphabetic suffix (like the “B” in the code TN2182B). Generally, an alphabetic suffix higher than that shown is also acceptable.
However, not every vintage of either the minimum suffix or a higher suffix code is necessarily acceptable.
The term “ASAI” is synonymous with the newer CallVisor ASAI.


Admonishments in this book have the following meanings:
This sign is used to indicate possible harm to software, possible loss of data, or possible service interruptions.
This sign is used where there is possible harm to hardware or equipment.
This sign is used to indicate possible harm or injury to people.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book

Physical dimensions

All physical dimensions in this book are in English units (feet [ft]) followed
by metric (centimeter [cm]) in parenthesis.
Wire gauge measurements are in AWG followed by the diameter in
millimeters in parenthesis

How to Comment on This Document

Lucent Technologies welcomes your feedback. Y our comments are of great value and help improve our documentation.
Please fill out the reader comment card at the front of this manual and
return it.
If the reader comment card is missing, FAX your comments to
1-303-538-1741 or to your Lucent Technologies representative, and mention this document’s name and number, DEFINITY E nterprise Communication Server Release 8 ATM Installation, Upgrade, and Administration, 555-233-124, Issue 1.
Issue 1
April 2000
ixHow to Comment on This Document
Email your comments to


Related Books

The following books are useful for system-related information:
DEFINIT Y E nterprise Communications Server Release 8 Administration for
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 System
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Maintenance for
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Maintenance for
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Maintenance for
AT&T Network and Data Connectivity Reference
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Installation and
Network Connectivity
Test for Multicarrier Cabinets
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Installation and
Test for Single-Carrier Cabinets
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Installation,
Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Administrator’s
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Upgrades and
Additions for R8si
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Upgrades and
Additions for R8r

How to Order Books

In addition to this book, other description, installation and test, maintenance, and administration books are available. A complete list of DEFINITY books can be found in the Business Communications System Publications Catalog.
This book and any other DEFINITY books can be ordered directly from the Luc ent Technologies Busines s Comm uni cation s System Publications Fulfillment Center at 1-317-322-6791 or toll free at 1-800-457-1235.
Issue 1
April 2000

Other Resources

The following table lists Web sites containing more information on Lucent’s ATM switch activities.
Topic Location
Sales and marketing, design, administration, maintenance, provisioning, and upgrade (migration) activities
General information on available Luc ent ATM switches
User manuals, installation guides, release notes, and help files
DEFINITY Solutions - ATM market/definity/atm
Infohub en
(available to Lucent personnel only) Cajun Tech Pubs
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book

Where To Call for Technical Support

Use the telephone numbers in Table 1 for the region in which the system is being installed.
Table 1. Technical support contact numbers
Issue 1
April 2000
Tel e p ho n e Nu mb e r
DEFINITY Helpline (feature administration and system
applications) Luc ent Tec hnologies Toll Fraud Intervention 1-800-643-2353 Lucent Technologies National Customer Care Center (ATM
customers) Lucent Technologies Corporate Security 1-800-822-9009 Streamlined Implementation (for missing equipment) 1-800-772-5409 USA/Canada Technical Service Center (ATM technicians) 1-800-248-1234
NetCare® Professional Services (NPS) 1-800-237-0016 International Technical Assistance (ITAC) 1-303-804-3777 Luc ent Tec hnol ogies Centers of Exc elle nce
Asia/Pacific Regional Support Center 65-872-8686 Western Europe/Middle East/South Africa 44-1252-77-4800 Central/Eastern Europe 361-345-4334 Central/Latin America Caribbean 1-303-804-3778 Australia 61-2-9352-9090 North America (INADS Database Administration) 1-800-24 8-1111
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book

Antistatic Protection

To minimize electrostatic discharge (ESD), always wear an authorized wrist ground strap when handling circuit packs or any components of a DEFINITY System. Connect the strap to an approved ground such as an unpainted metal surface on the DEFINITY ECS switch.

Remove/Install Circuit Packs

The control circuit packs with white labels cannot be removed or installed when the power is o n. The port circuit packs with gra y labels (o lder version circuit packs had purple labels ) can be removed or installed when the power is on.
Issue 1
April 2000
xiiAntistatic Protection


To ensure the greatest security possible, Lucent T echnologies offers services that can reduce toll fraud liabilities. Contact your Lucent Technologies representative for more security information.
Login security is an attribute of the DEFINITY ECS software. Advise customers that their existing passwords expire 24 hours after the upgrade. Also explain that the new passwords must conform to strict requirements.
System administrators must keep network addresses confidential. A PPN or any endpoint masquerading as a PPN on the ATM network can seize that EPN and control it if that EPN is not already connected to its proper PPN.


This document contains references to the following Lucent Technologies trad em arke d prod ucts:
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book
Issue 1
April 2000
xiiiStandards Compliance
The following products are trademarked by their corresponding vendor:
Windows95/98/NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Music Mate
is a registered trademark of Audichron Company
is a trademark of Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
is a registered trademark of Harris Corporation, Dracon
Zone Mate
is a registered trademark of Styrofoam Corporation
is a registered trademark of Media Recovery, Incorporated
is a registered trademark of Harris Corporation

Standards Compliance

is a registered trademark of Harris Corporation
is a registered trademark of Media Recovery, Incorporated
The equipment in this document complies with:
ITU-T (Formerly CCITT)
National ISDN-1
National ISDN-2
FCC Part 15 and Part 68
UNI 3.1
Australia AS3548 (AS/NZ3548)
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book
Australia AS3260
IEC 825
IEC 950
UL 1950
CSA C222 Number 225
ILMI 3.1

LASER Product

The DE FINIT Y ECS switch may contain a Class 1 LASER device (IEC 825 1993) if single-mode fiber optic cable is connected to a remote expansion port network (EPN). The laser device operates within the following parameters:
Issue 1
April 2000
xivLASER Product
Power output Wavelength Mode field diameter
-5 dBm 1310 nm 8.8 mm
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Contact your Lucent Technologies representative for more information.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards

This product complies with and conforms to the following:
Limits and Methods of Measurements of Radio Interference
Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment, EN55022 (CISPR22), 1993
EN50082-1, E uropean Generic Immunity Standard
FCC Part 15
Australia AS3548
The DEFINITY system conforms to Class A (industrial) equipment. Voice terminals meet Class B requirements.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 1000-4-2
Radiated radio frequency field IEC 1000-4-3
Electrical Fast Transient IEC 1000-4-4
Lightning effects IEC 1000-4-5
Conducted radio frequency IEC 1000-4-6
Mains frequency magnetic field IEC 1000-4-8
Low frequency mains disturbance
The system conforms to the following:
Electromagnetic Compatibility General Immunity Standard, part 1;
Residential, Commercial, Light Industry, EN50082-1, CENELEC, 1991
Issue 1 (1984) and Issue 2 (1992), Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
Requirements (EN55024, Part 2) IEC 1000-4-2
Radiated Radio Frequency Field Immunity Requirements IEC 1000-4-3
Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Requirements IEC 1000-4-4
Issue 1
April 2000
xvElectromagnetic Compatibility Standards

European Union Standards

Lucent Technologies Business Communications Systems declares that the
DEFINIT Y equipment specified in this document bearing the “CE” mark conforms to the European Union Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives.
The “CE” (Conformité Europeénne) mark indicates conformance to the European Union Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC) Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment (TTE) Directive (91/263/EEC) and with i-CTR3 Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and i-CTR4 Primary Rate Interface (PRI) as applicable.
The “CE” mark is applied to the following products:
Global AC-powered Multicarrier Cabinet (MCC) with 25-Hz and 50-Hz ring
DC-powered Multicarrier Cabinet (MCC) with 25-Hz ring generator
AC-powered Enhanced Single-Carrier Cabinet (ESCC) with 25-Hz ring
AC-powered Compact Single-Carrier Cabinet (CSCC) with 25-Hz ring
AC-powered Compact Modular Cabinet (CMC) with 25-Hz and 50-Hz ring
generator (for France)
Enhanced DC Power System
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book

Federal Communications Commission Statement

Part 68: Statement

Part 68: Answer-Supervision S ignaling. Allowing this equipment to be operated in a manner that does not provide proper answer-supervision signaling is in violation of Part 68 rules. This equipment returns answer-supervision signals to the public switched network when:
Answered by the called station
Answered by the attendant
Routed to a recorded announcement that can be administered by the CPE
This equipment returns answer-supervision signals on all domestic DID calls forwarded back to the public switched telephone network. Permissible exceptions are:
Issue 1
April 2000
xviFederal Communications Commission Statement
A call is unanswered
A busy tone is received
A reorder tone is received
Lucent Technologies attests that this registered equipment is capable of providing users access to interstate providers of operator services through the use of access codes. Modification of this equipment by call aggregators to block access dialing codes is a violation of the Telephone Operator Consumers Act of
1990. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the rear of this
equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and ringer equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices which may be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RE Ns on the telephone line may result in devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed 5.0. To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company.
REN is not required for some types of analog or digital facilities.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book
Means of connection
Connection of this equipment to the telephone network is shown in the following table.
Issue 1
April 2000
xviiFederal Communications Commission Statement
Manufacturer’s Port Identifier FIC Code
SOC/REN/ A.S. Code Network Jacks
Off/On Premises Station OL13C 9.0F RJ2GX,
RJ21X, RJ11C DID trunk 02RV2-T 0.0B RJ2GX, RJ21X CO trunk 02GS2 0.3A RJ21X CO trunk 02LS2 3.0A RJ21X Tie trunk TL31M 9.0F RJ2GX
1.544 digital Interface 04DU9-B,C 6.0F RJ48C, RJ48M
1.544 digital Interface 04DU9-BN,KN 6.0F RJ48C, RJ48M
2.048 digital Interface 04DU9-BN,KN 6.0F RJ48C, RJ48M 120A2 channel service unit 04DU9-DN 6.0F RJ48C
If the terminal equipment (DEFINITY
System) causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact the Technical Service Center at 1-800-242-2121. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
It is recommended that Lucent Technologies-certified technicians perform the repairs.
The equipment cannot be used on public coin phone service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission for information.
This equipment, if it uses a telephone receiver, is hearing-aid compatible.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
About This Book
Issue 1
April 2000
xviiiFederal Communications Commission Statement
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration

Preparing for Installation and Upgrades

Preparing for Installation and Upgrades
This chapter contains information on preparing for the installation or upgrade to Release 8 ATM Port Network Connectivity (ATM-PNC) and ATM Circuit Emulation Service (ATM-CES).
Issue 1
April 2000
Common activities to either install or upgrade new ATM-PNCs or ATM-CESs include:
Request Address Information
Review Configuration and Equipment
Determine ATM Switch Suitability
Schedule Installation or Upgrade
Preparing for a DEFINITY ATM switch installation or upgrade involves coordinating the efforts among the following people and organizations:
The customer
The project manager
NetCare® Professional Services (NPS)
Luc ent Technical Service Center (TSC) or Global Strategic Oppor tun iti es
(GS O) Division
ATM switch technician
Lucent channel partner, if applicable
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades

Request Address Information

The complete DEFINITY ECS translations require precutover administration, which, in turn, requires a customer address scheme, specifically the ATM addresses for theTN2305/TN2306 ATM interface circuit pack(s). The address of the EPN is automatically read by the local ATM switch, using the address registration procedure defined in Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI).
If field technicians do not have the login permissions required to obtain the EPN’s ATM address(es) directly from the ATM switch(es), the customer or ATM switch installer must provide that informatio n.
Issue 1
April 2000
1-2Request Address Information
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades

Review Configuration and Equipment

Figure 1-1 shows and example of the basic ATM connections for Release 8r and
Release 8csi system using ATM-PNC and ATM-CES. For more detailed connection diagrams of the reliability options, refer to ‘‘DEFINITY ECS
configurations’’ on page 1-6.
Issue 1
April 2000
1-3Review Configuration and Equipment
2 2
2 2
cydaaccs LJK 111099
Figure Notes
2. Lucent ATM switch
3. ATM network (the cloud)
Figure 1-1. Example of an ATM-PNC and ATM-CES configuration
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades

Required Hardware

Table 1-1 lists the required equipment for standard, high, critical reliability, and
ATM network duplication configurations.
Table 1-1. Minimum required equipment for Release 8 ATM-PNC configurations
Reliability level
ATM switch 1 1 2 TN2305/TN2306 ATM interface
for each PN T1 or E1 synchronization splitter SC-connected fiber optic cable
Standard High
11 1
1 2 (PPN)
1 (each EPN)
Network Duplication
Issue 1
April 2000
1-4Review Configuration and Equipment
TN771 maintenance/test circuit
1. TN2305 (multimode fiber); TN2306 (single-mode fiber) for Release 8 ATM-PNC.
2. High reliability requires 2 ATM-EI circuit packs in the PPN and 1 ATM-EI in each EPN.
3. The nu mber and uses of the synchronization splitter depend on the configuration and the source(s) from which primary and secondary synchronization is derived. You may need 1 sync splitter per ATM switch. DS1 synchronization requires either no sync splitter or up to a number twice the number of sites.
4. Exis ting fiber optic cable may require an ST-to -SC adapter, depending on the interface at the AT M switch. The Fiber Pass-Through Kit).
5. For network duplication; required for systems supporting PRI, BRI, or ASAI.
TN2305/TN2306 circuit pack requ ires an SC connector (1 adapter is incl uded in the
To test the synchronization splitters, you need the following equipment:
Phoenix 1541C Test Set with accessory cord kit
Phoenix 5575A T1 Test Set with cord kit or equivalent
700A DS1 CPE Loopback Jack
103A block
1541CC cable kit
(comcode 10798867)
1. See DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Maintenance for R8r, Chapter 6, DS1 Loopback Test for
more information.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades
RJ45-to-Bantam test cable from the 1541CC cable kit
System capacities
Issue 1
April 2000
1-5Review Configuration and Equipment
Table 1-2
lists the maximum number of TN2305/TN2306 circuit packs allowed in
Table 1-2. Maximum number of ATM interface TN2305/TN2306 circuit packs
Maximum ATM circuit
packs allowed Description
r 176 2 x 44 port networks (CES) plus 2 in
eac h PN (PNC)
si, csi, c 6 CES only (no PNC)
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades

DEFINITY ECS configurations

Figure 1-2, Figure 1-3, and Figure 1-4 show the ATM-PNC connections for
standard, high, and critical reliability, respectively.
Issue 1
April 2000
1-6Review Configuration and Equipment
cydaeps7 LJK 020100
Figure Notes
1. Public switched telephone network (PSTN)
2. Main d i stribution frame (MDF) or smart jack
3. Synchronization splitter.
4. DS1 circuit pack (TN464F)
5. TN2305/TN2306 circuit packs
6. DEFINITY ECS access terminal
7. Timing signal from synchronization splitter through an H600-383 cable to Lucent ATM switch
8. Lucent A T M switch (more than one AT M switch in an ATM-WAN configuration.)
9. ATM switch access terminal
10. Fiber optic cables from ATM OC-3/STM-1 interfaces
12. Split cabinet EPN
Figure 1-2. ATM-PNC connections for standard reliability
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades
Issue 1
April 2000
1-7Review Configuration and Equipment
11 12
Figure Notes
1. Public switched telephone network (PSTN)
2. Main d i stribution frame (MDF) or smart jack
3. Synchronization splitter
4. DS1 circuit pack (TN464F)
5. TN2305/TN2306 circuit packs
6. DEFINITY ECS access terminal
7. Timing signal from synchronization splitter through an H600-383 cable to Lucent ATM switch
cydaeph4 LJK 020100
8. Fiber optic cables to ATM OC-3/STM-1
9. Lucent A T M switch (more than one AT M
10. ATM switch access terminal
12. Split-cabinet EPN
switch in an ATM-WAN configuration.)
Figure 1-3. ATM-PNC connections for high reliability
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades
Issue 1
April 2000
1-8Review Configuration and Equipment
cydaepn3 LJK 020100
Figure Notes
1. Public switched telephone network (PSTN)
2. Main d i stribution frame (MDF) or smart jack
3. Synchronization splitter
4. DS1 circuit pack (TN464F)
5. TN2305/TN2306 circuit packs
6. DEFINITY ECS access terminal)
7. Timing signal from synchronization splitter through an H600-383 cable to Lucent ATM switch
8. Fiber optic cables to ATM interfaces
9. Lucent ATM switch B
10. ATM switch access terminal B
11. Lucent ATM switch A
12. ATM switch access terminal A
14. Split-cabinet EPN
Figure 1-4. ATM-PNC connections for critical reliability or ATM network
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades

Determine ATM Switch Suitability

To fully support DEFINITY ATM-PNC and provide nonblocking ATM access between all port networks, ATM switches must support at least 400 point-to-multipoint switched virtual connection (SVC) roots or leaves per
OC-3/STM-1 interface. Because different switches have different limits—some limit roots, some leaves, and some the total, we have developed the Meiners’ Algorithm to determine whether a switch can support a proposed set of port networks in a proposed switch. This algorithm is available to Lucent engineers as a calculator within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You may access the MS Excel file at updates.
For best results, use the calculator for one ATM switch at a time. Use trial and error to set the values in the user-defined values section until the feasibility indicator reports
Use of this spreadsheet is no substitute for thinking. Please apply basic sanity checks to the outcome. ATM switches may have limitations that the calculator does not consider.
Issue 1
April 2000
1-9Determine ATM Switch Suitability
. Check periodically for
To use the calculator, type the network layout and resource limits for the ATM switch you are using. Refer to the following caveats as you input your information:
1. Not all ATM switches have limits on all of the values. If a limit does not apply, enter any very large number (1000000 is good).
2. Some ATM switches (for example, access concentrators) allow a limited ability to configure the limits. Other switches have fixed limits. If you do not know the limits, ask the ATM switch vendor.
3. If your ATM switch is handling non-DEFINITY traffic, enter the resource limits after subtracting the resources used by the non-DEFINITY traffic.
4. If you are using an ATM switch with different limits on different modules or ports (for example, Lucent Cajun M770):
a. compute the average limits per port to which a DEFINITY port
network is attached. b. select the port with the most restrictive limitations. c. enter the system limit as these limits times the number of DEFINITY
port networks attached to that ATM switch.
The more partitioned the limits are, the less accurate are the results of the spreadsheet.
5. If you answer "yes" to transit traffic, the calculator may or may not be able to determine feasibility. If it cannot, the feasibility displays as
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades
Figure 1-3 shows an example of a calculation.
Table 1-3. Sample calculation
Network Layout
Issue 1
April 2000
1-10Determine ATM Switch Suitability
ATM switch Total number of DEFINITY port networks: Number of PNs directly attached directly to this ATM switch: Is the DEFINITY PPN directly attached to this ATM switch
(yes/no) Number of trunks on this ATM switch (inter-ATM-switch
connections) Any transit traffic through this ATM switch (yes/no) Aggregate peak phone calls rate per hour in all directly
connected PNs Bidirectional aggregate trunk bandwidth in Mbps Application bandwidth in kbps needed per port network
ATM Switch Resource Limits
(see "Limits" sheet for help)
Number of PP SVCs supported: Number of PMP (roots) supported: Number of PMP parties (leaves) supported: Number of PMP endpoints (roots+leaves) supported: Total number of SVCs (PP+PMP) supported
25 12
155.52 128
1000 6250
8334 1000000 1000000
Per-port SVC limit (normally based on VCI range) Setups per second at <220 ms per setup
Feasibility Bandwidth limited
means that this application is okay under any reasonable loads.
1000000 1000000
2032 calls
Check the constraint tests results to see what kind of loads might be a problem.
YES means that this application is okay under any load.
means that this application is not reasonable. See the Constraint Tests results to see what resource you are short of. See if you can increase this resource, or decrease the number of port networks.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades
Issue 1
April 2000
1-11Determine ATM Switch Suitability
means that special engineering is required for this application because of the transit traffic. The special treatment is necessary because the feasibility depends on the volume of the transit traffic. Making any of the changes suggested for NO above might make it feasible regardless of the transit traffic.
Table 1-4. Constants
Timeslots per port network 500 Cache hit ratio 50% EAL+PACL bandwidth 96
Table 1-5. Computed values
Number of nonlocal port networks 13 Effective number of port networks for PP 24 Effective number of por t networks for PMP 24 Number of available timeslots 10064 Per-port SVCs (PP+PMP) needed 572 PP SVCs perPN 3 Total PP SVCs 72 PP cells per second required over trunks 15158 Aggregate cells per second available over trunks 366792 Bandwidth-limited maximum phone calls over trunks 2032 Timeslot-limited maximum phone calls over trunks 3000
Constraint tests
If your calculations do not yield a which you are short. These tests check 7 A T M switch resource limitations against 6 different application scenarios. A 1 in the Test Results (Table 1-7 passed test; a 0 indicates a failed test. To achieve a must pass. To achieve a pass.
, this section provides the resources of
) indicates a
feasibility, all 42 tests
, only 21 tests (indicated in
) must
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration
Preparing for Installation and Upgrades
April 2000
Table 1-6. Application scenarios
Number of 2-party calls 2516 0 0 0 0 1258 Number of 3-party calls 0 1118 0 0 0 279 Number of 4-party calls 0 0 629 0 0 78 Number of 5- party calls 0 0 0 402 0 25 Number of 6-party calls 0 0 0 0 279 18
Tab le 1- 7 . Tes t r es ul t s
Issue 1
1-12Determine ATM Switch Suitability
Constraint 1: Timeslots 11 Constraint 2: PMP roots 11 Constraint 3: PP 11 Constraint 4: PMP leaves 11 Constraint 5: PMP endpoints 11 Constraint 6: Total SVCs 11 Constraint 7: Per-port SVCs 11 Constraint 8:Performance 11 Constraint 9:Trunk bandwidth 11
Final notes
The goal is to engineer the network so that in all reasonable applications, you always run out of DEFINITY time slots before running out of ATM switch resources. This is required to provide acceptable service to the customer.
These calculations factor in phone calls only. There is no specific accommodation for the ATM SVC cache, or for special features such as music, announcements, and group paging. The theory behind using 500 as the number of timeslots in a port network rather than the real number (484) is to allow for a normal amount of these special features. If you use multiple music on hold, group paging, and so forth, you may need special engineering.
111 111 111 110 111 111 111 111
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
This calculator determines that an application is handle reasonable activity mixes. The three columns in Table 1-7
feasible if it can
that have bold entries define what is meant by reasonable. These tests require that the switch be able to handle a complete suite of 2-party calls, a complete suite of 3-party calls, and a mixed suite that involves some calls of each type. For best results, your application should pass all the constraint tests.
Any ATM switch that processes transit traffic (that is, connections that do not either originate or terminate on any of the port networks directly attached to it) may require special engineering. This is possible if the number of trunks on the
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