Lotus Software
IBM Software Group
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
List of Trademarks
IBM, the IBM logo, AIX, AS/400, Domino, Domino.Doc, iSeries, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes,
OS/400, Sametime, SecureWay, SmartSuite, and Word Pro are trademarks or registered
trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other
countries, or both.
Microsoft, Active Directory, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
How to use this guide
Related documentation
ystem requirements for AIX or Solaris
kill requirements for installing on AIX or Solaris
nstalling a Document Manager master server on AIX or Solaris
nstalling a Document Manager replica server on AIX or Solaris
pgrading a Document Manager master server on AIX or Solaris
pgrading a Document Manager replica server on AIX or Solaris
emoving Document Manager server software from AIX or Solaris
Installing Document Manager on iSeries 400
nstallation overview -- iSeries
ystem requirements for iSeries
kill requirements for installing on iSeries
nstalling a Document Manager master server on iSeries
nstalling a Document Manager replica server on iSeries
9 Troubleshooting Document Manager Server Configuration Problems
8 Signing Templates and Databases
7 Installing the Document Manager Desktop Client and Controls
6 Setup Procedure for All Platforms
5 Installing Document Manager on Windows
pgrading a Document Manager master server on iSeries
pgrading a Document Manager replica server on iSeries
emoving Document Manager server software from iSeries
nstallation overview -- Windows
ystem requirements for Windows
kill requirements for installing on Windows
nstalling a Document Manager master server on Windows
nstalling a Document Manager replica server on Windows
pgrading a Document Manager master server on Windows
pgrading a Document Manager replica server on Windows
emoving Document Manager server software from Windows
etting up a new master server
etting up a new replica server
oading the transaction manager
pgrading a master server
pgrading custom library and file cabinet templates
reating the database link
nstalling the Document Manager client
emoving the Document Manager client software
nstalling the Document Manager controls
igning templates
igning site administration and documentation databases
hecking server configuration
hecking server information in profile documents
hecking template signatures
IBM® Lotus® Domino® Document Manager (formerly Domino.Doc®) is the
document management solution built for today’s world of distributed,
network-based computing.
Designed to meet the ubiquitous network demands for an efficient way of
managing the integrity of collaborative work, Lotus Domino Document
Manager provides full document management functionality. The intuitive
desktop metaphor of file rooms, file cabinets, binders, and documents makes
Document Manager extremely easy to use — directly from Notes®, your
Web browser, or your authoring application.
Lotus Domino Document Manager 6.5.1 supports these server platforms:
AIX® 5.1 and 5.2
Solaris 8 and 9
OS/400® V5R1 and V5R2
Windows NT®, 2000 Advanced Server, and 2003 Server
You can install Document Manager on a single server, or on multiple servers.
to designate and set up a master Document Manager server before setting up
any replica servers. Each network must have at least one Document Manager
master server.
If you are installing Document Manager on a replica server, you need
How to use this guide
This guide explains how to install IBM Lotus Domino Document Manager
on one or more servers, and how to install the associated Desktop Enabler on
a client workstation.
The procedures in this guide assume that the installer has system
administration skills for the server, and knowledge of the overall system and
users’ requirements.
Installing Lotus Domino Document Manager has four major components:
1.Transferring the product from the CD to the server.
2.Setting up the databases.
3.Installing the client(s).
4.Performing the Site Administration tasks.
This guide describes steps 1-3. You will then refer to the Document Manager
Administrator’s Guide for step 4.
updated to reflect the new product name, some references to “Domino.Doc”
have been retained to ensure a smooth upgrade process.
This guide provides the information you need to install Document Manager
on your server(s).
Information is organized by platform, with separate procedures in each
platform-specific chapter for installing and upgrading the master server and
replica server(s). There are also instructions for removing the Document
Manager server software from that particular platform.
After you finish installing from the CD, you need to open the Domino.Doc
Site Administration database to perform a Setup procedure that creates, or
upgrades, one or more libraries. This procedure is described in one chapter
for all server types.
The remaining chapters describe how to install the Document Manager client
and controls, sign templates and databases, and troubleshoot server
configuration problems.
While much of the user interface and documentation have been
Related documentation
For information about system requirements, known problems and
limitations, and documentation updates, see ReadMe.txt (located at the root
on the Document Manager CD).
Understanding Document Manager
Document Manager comes with the following Help files (located on the
Document Manager CD in the \docs directory):
Document Manager Administrator’s Guide
Document Manager Installation Guide
Document Manager User’s Guide
Document Manager Programmer’s Guide
2 Document Manager Installation Guide
Document Manager and Lotus Workflow Integration Guide
You can find additional information as well as complete documentation for
previous Document Manager (Domino.Doc) releases at
Installing and managing Domino servers
For more information about installing Domino UNIX® or NT servers, see:
Lotus Domino Release 5 Setting Up a Domino Server
Lotus Domino 6 Installing Domino Servers
For more information about installing and managing Domino iSeries™
servers, see:
Installing and Managing Domino for iSeries (book) or the Domino for
iSeries Help database (i400help.nsf)
To view and download Domino for iSeries server documentation, see:
Lotus Documentation at
The Domino for iSeries Web site at
For more information about iSeries, see:
AS/400® National Language Support book (SC41-5101)
AS/400 softcopy library (CD-ROM)
The CD provides the entire AS/400 library of publications in a format
that you can display and search at your workstation.
The iSeries Information Center at
The iSeries Online Library at
Additional resources
For more information on Document Manager, including documentation on
best practices, known issues, support, and future enhancements, see:
The Document Manager home page at
The Lotus Support home page at
Chapter 1: Introduction 3
Chapter 2
Planning Your Document Manager Installation
The best way to ensure a smooth installation is to do some planning before
you begin the actual installation, and before you set up the databases. Make
sure you understand how Document Manager will integrate into your
Domino installation. Verify the general equipment requirements for your
Document Manager installation. There are four major components of the
Document Manager system that vary from one installation to another. Before
you begin, decide what your requirements are for each of these components
so that you can have the necessary information for the installation and setup
Equipment requirements
Domino servers
Disk space requirements
Equipment requirements
This section describes the general equipment requirements for Lotus Domino
Document Manager installation. For detailed information on supported
server platforms, Domino releases, and client requirements, see ReadMe.txt.
Server requirements
Server requirements are described in detail in the section of this guide for
each server type. Domino R5 or R6 must be installed on the server. For
information on compatible Domino server versions, see ReadMe.txt.
Notes client requirements
The installation database setup procedure requires a Notes client
workstation that is communicating with the server. This may be the server
administrator’s workstation.
Document Manager client requirements
The Document Manager client requires the following hardware and
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, or
Windows NT 4
Memory: 64MB
Hard disk space: 7MB to install Desktop Enabler, plus space for
downloading temporary files from the Document Manager server
256-color display with minimum 800 x 600 resolution
Lotus Notes® client
Web browser
Desktop Enabler (included with Document Manager)
Planning your servers
Document Manager is installed on one master server, and may also be
installed on one or more replica servers. The master server and any replicas
may all be the same platform type, or they may be a mixed environment of
the various supported platforms.
Document Manager consists of one or more libraries created on these servers
by using the Domino.Doc Site Administration database (ddadmin.nsf).
To install Document Manager, you need to know:
The name of the Domino server that will be the master server for
Document Manager.
The name(s) of any replica server(s) that will be installed.
The platform type of each of the servers that will be installed.
The location and password for the user ID that will give you the proper
access to perform the installation on each server.
To begin the setup process, you need to know:
The location and password for the user ID that will give you the proper
access to perform the setup on each server.
How to log in as Admin at the Notes client where you will run the Setup
procedure to create the library.
6 Document Manager Installation Guide
Master server
Before you install the server software on the master server, you need to
The server that will be your Document Manager master server.
The directory on the master server in which you’ll put your Document
Manager library, or libraries.
Before you set up a library on the master server, you need to decide:
The name of the server installed as your Document Manager master
server (determined at installation).
The Library Administrator(s) name(s). Library Administrators set up
and configure the Document Manager infrastructure. For more
information, see “Document Manager Library Administrators” later in
this chapter.
The File Cabinet Creator(s) name(s). File Cabinet Creators perform the
day-to-day activities, including creating new file cabinets, and
modifying file cabinet, binder, and user lists. For more information, see
“Document Manager File Cabinet Creators” later in this chapter.
The Foreign domain that you route Internet mail to for the SMTP
The HTTP host name, if users will be accessing Document Manager
through a Web browser. Make sure the HTTP host name is listed in the
server document in the Name and Address Book (Domino Directory). To
do so, click the Internet Protocols tab in the server document, and then
check the “Host name(s)” field on the HTTP tab.
For more information, see the Domino Administrator’s Guide.
The names you will use for the user Groups: Library Administrators, File
Cabinet Creators, Address Book Editors, and Users. For details, see
“About Document Manager Groups” in the Document Manager
Administrator’s Guide.
Whether the file cabinet creator(s) can specify a server.
Whether the Setup procedure is allowed to update the Public Address
Whether to enable IBM Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing
(Sametime®) integration so users can know who is online. For details,
see “About Document Manager and instant messaging integration” in
the Document Manager Administrator’s Guide.
Whether to enable LDAP integration. For more information, see
“Enabling LDAP integration in Document Manager” in the Document
Manager Administrator’s Guide.
Chapter 2: Planning Your Document Manager Installation 7
Whether to enable Domain Search. For more information, see “Enabling
Domain Search in Document Manager” in the Document Manager
Administrator’s Guide.
Replica servers
The replication process exchanges information between a source server and
a destination server. When you set up a Document Manager replica, the
source server is where an existing Document Manager replica currently
resides, and the destination server is where the new replica will be created.
Each server must be able to access the other, and each must be granted
proper permissions for replication to occur.
Before you install the server software and set up replicas, you need to know:
Which server will be your Document Manager master server
(determined at installation).
Which server will contain your replica databases (determined at
The directory where you will put the replicas.
Which databases you want to replicate (library only, file cabinets only, or
Whether you will be using the HTTP protocol to access Document
Manager on either server.
Whether your servers are set up for replication:
Is the Public Address Book replicating between the two servers?
Have the necessary Connection records for scheduled replication been
Are your servers included in the LocalDomainServers group?
Before you create a new replica library, do the following:
Check the Restrictions section of the Server document in the Public
Address Book for each server and make sure that each server can access
the others.
Check the Agent Manager section of the Server document in the Public
Address Book for the destination server, and add the User ID used to
install Document Manager to the list of people who can run unrestricted
LotusScript agents (this is the User ID used to sign the design elements
in the Document Manager databases and templates).
If you plan to use cross-domain replication, refer to the Document ManagerAdministrator’s Guide for information on modifying the master Address
8 Document Manager Installation Guide
If you intend to use any replication features, it is suggested that you also
read the Document Manager Administrator’s Guide topics on replication.
Domino HTTP server
Document Manager can be accessed from either a Notes client or a Web
For the setup process, you need to know:
The host name for your Domino HTTP server.
The IP address for your Domino HTTP server.
If some users will be accessing Document Manager via Web browsers (or the
Desktop Enabler via the HTTP protocol), you need the host name for your
Domino HTTP server. This is the string that follows the “http://” portion of
the address of your server; for example, “” or
If your Domino Web server uses a port other than 80 for HTTP, you
use the following address syntax:
The host name is used to construct URLs for access to file cabinets. These
URLs are included in the e-mail messages sent to users who are invited into
file cabinets. You should keep this in mind when you choose between using
your server’s host name or an IP address. People outside your corporate
network may not be able to resolve your host names. If you collaborate with
such people, you might prefer to use an IP address rather than a host name.
Planning your disk space requirements
Disk space requirements vary with the number of users, and the number and
size of documents.
The amount of disk space required by an active document management
system can be large. Be sure that there is enough free disk space to handle
the expected volume of documents, given the average expected size of a
document, number of users, and rate of document generation.
Document Manager lets you spread a file cabinet across several Notes
databases, and also supports Notes directory links.
Chapter 2: Planning Your Document Manager Installation 9
Planning for your administrators
Document Manager has three classes of users who help maintain your
Domino.Doc Site Administrators
Domino.Doc Library Administrators
Domino.Doc File Cabinet Creators
Domino.Doc Site Administrators
A Document Manager site has one or more libraries. Only a Site
Administrator can create a library. The Domino.Doc Site Administrators
group is created during the creation of the first library. By default,
Document Manager sets the group name to Domino.Doc Site Administrators
and adds the name of the administrator who is creating the first library to
the member list. Members of this group are granted Manager access to all
Document Manager databases, and have the highest level of access to all file
cabinets, all binders, and all documents in the system.
The Domino.Doc Site Administrators group is created automatically
on Windows, AIX, and Solaris platforms. For iSeries, the Domino.Doc Site
Administrators group must be created manually before the first library is
You must have at least one Site Administrator, and can have as many as you
want. However, because Site Administrators have full access to all
Document Manager databases, and can perform actions that are otherwise
restricted in any library (for example, checking in documents to which they
do not have explicit access), you may want to keep the number of Site
Administrators as low as possible.
Domino.Doc Library Administrators
Domino.Doc Library Administrators have the highest level of access to their
library, and can access all file cabinets, binders, and documents in the
library. For example, you might need a Library Administrator to check in a
document that was checked out by someone who is now on vacation.
You must have at least one Library Administrator for each library, and can
have as many as you want. Having more than one Library Administrator
ensures that someone is always available to perform administrative
functions, despite vacations and illness. However, because Library
Administrators have full access to their library, and can perform actions that
are otherwise restricted (for example, checking in documents to which they
do not have explicit access), you may want to keep the number of Library
10 Document Manager Installation Guide
Administrators to a minimum. For more information, see the Document
Manager Administrator’s Guide.
For installation and library setup, keep in mind that the person whose ID is
used during library setup receives Library Administrator status. The
following information is also useful for Library Administrators to have on
The full hierarchical name of the Site Administrator.
The full hierarchical name of at least one Library Administrator for each
Library that you will create at setup time.
(Optional) The File Cabinet Creator names.
Domino.Doc File Cabinet Creators
Domino.Doc File Cabinet Creators can create new file cabinets and new
document or binder types. A File Cabinet Creator doesn’t have any special
access to documents or binders, however, so there is less reason to restrict
the number of File Cabinet Creators.
In addition to creating file cabinets, this user can also change the design of
the File Cabinet template (a privilege that is necessary to create new binder
or document types). File Cabinet Creators initially have Manager access to
the file cabinets they create, but have no special access privileges beyond
that. You are not required to add any users to the File Cabinet Creators
group, because Site Administrators and Library Administrators
automatically have the right to create file cabinets.
File cabinets can be created only from Notes, not from a Web browser.
For more information, see the Document Manager Administrator’s Guide.
Planning for your users
There are three types of users in the Document Manager environment:
Notes client users
HTTP users
ODMA users
For the install, you do not need to know detailed information about the
users. For the setup procedure you need to know:
If any users will be HTTP users only
If any Notes client users will be ODMA users
Chapter 2: Planning Your Document Manager Installation 11
For every Document Manager user who has a Notes ID, there must be a
Person document in the Address book (names.nsf). However, users do not
need a Person document to access Document Manager. Users can be listed in
an LDAP directory, or in another address book that is configured through
directory assistance.
You do not need to get the user list exactly right during setup. Your Library
Administrators can adjust the user list afterwards by editing the System
Profile document in the Library database.
Notes client users
There are no special requirements for Document Manager users who access
the libraries as databases from a Notes client. If they need to access libraries
from within ODMA applications, they must have the Desktop Enabler
installed and set up on their workstations.
HTTP users
For users who will access Document Manager through HTTP clients —
either Web browsers or the Desktop Enabler via the HTTP protocol — there
are a few things to keep in mind.
If you have users who will use both HTTP and Notes clients, the Person
records for each of these users must have an HTTP password. This will
let them log on via a Web browser or the Desktop Enabler via the HTTP
The Domino HTTP server can access databases only on a single Domino
server. If you are using both HTTP and Notes clients, be sure that your
Notes clients do not create file cabinets on servers other than the server
where Document Manager is installed, because the HTTP clients will be
unable to access them. When running the Setup procedure, you will
choose No for the setup option “Should Notes users be allowed to
specify a server when creating file cabinets?” to restrict file cabinet
creation to the server that contains the library.
Document Manager uses your foreign domain (if specified) when
sending e-mail to newly-registered browser users. It also enters this
domain into the Mail Domain field of the Person document that it
The HTTP server cannot access databases on other servers; therefore, if
you plan to use server-to-server replication, be sure to replicate the
Library and all file cabinets.
12 Document Manager Installation Guide
For users who will access Document Manager through a Web browser,
you need to create a link to the Domino data directory so they can
properly access libraries without encountering multiple password
prompts. For more information, see Creating the database link.
ODMA users
The Desktop Enabler lets users access the Library directly from within
ODMA-enabled applications. The Desktop Enabler, provided as part of the
Document Manager product, must be installed on users’ workstations. You
can let users do this for themselves, or you can roll it out to users in a
strategic way.
Updates to the Desktop Enabler software may occasionally be posted on the
Lotus Support Services Web site ( Be sure to check
compatibility requirements, because some releases of the client may require
a particular server release.
Mail and HTTP-only users
If some users will access your server exclusively through HTTP, you may
need to know the foreign domain to which you route Internet e-mail. You
can determine what the foreign domain is (or whether you have one) by
looking at how you address Internet e-mail when sending it from your Notes
If you can send Internet mail by typing “,”
you won’t need a foreign domain name for Document Manager.
If you send mail by typing something like
“,” you are using a foreign domain
(which in this case is “Internet”). If this check is inconclusive, or it does
not appear to work, then you must find out how your site’s SMTP
gateway has been integrated into the Notes environment.
Chapter 2: Planning Your Document Manager Installation 13
Chapter 3
Installing Document Manager on AIX or Solaris
This chapter describes the installation requirements and procedures for
installing Lotus Domino Document Manager server software on AIX or
Solaris in these sections:
Installation overview
Hardware and software requirements
Skill requirements
Installing a Document Manager master server
Installing a Document Manager replica server
Upgrading a Document Manager master server
Upgrading a Document Manager replica server
Removing Document Manager server software
After server installation is complete, the installer (or the person designated
as Site Administrator) must open the Domino.Doc Site Administration
database and create the first library. For details, see the chapter on Setup
procedure for all platforms.
Installation overview -- AIX or Solaris
When you run the Lotus Domino Document Manager master or replica
server installation on AIX or Solaris, the process:
Installs executable programs for Document Manager in the Domino
server installation directory.
Installs .gif (icon) files for Document Manager in the Domino server
icons directory ’domino/icons’, located in the Notes data directory.
Copies the following .ntf (template) files to the Domino server data
ddmddwf.nsf — Document Manager and Lotus Workflow Integration
Adds Document Manager configuration information to the notes.ini file.
System requirements for AIX or Solaris
Before you install Lotus Domino Document Manager, install the supported
hardware, software and network operating system. When possible, use the
recommended equipment rather than the minimum, to improve
performance and make maintenance easier.
AIX hardware and software requirements
A Document Manager server that runs on AIX requires the following
hardware and software:
An IBM RISC System/6000® with a PowerPC® processor running IBM
AIX version 5.1 or 5.2
A Domino server (see ReadMe.txt for a list of compatible Domino server
starts with /opt/lotus), make sure that an environment variable exists
and points to the location of the Domino server, before you install or
upgrade Document Manager. The best way to do this is to add the
environment variable to the .profile file of the user who is authorized to
run the Domino server.
For example, if the Domino server is installed in
/home/domino/notes/latest/ibmpow, make sure that the LIBPATH
variable includes that directory. To do so, include the following lines in
the appropriate user’s .profile file:
If the Domino server is not installed in the default path (which
16 Document Manager Installation Guide
export LIBPATH
128MB RAM minimum
20MB disk space minimum for Document Manager, plus disk space for
other applications, and Domino users
1GB disk space minimum for Document Manager file cabinets, 4GB
For replica servers, a master server with Document Manager already
Solaris hardware and software requirements
A Document Manager server that runs Solaris requires the following
hardware and software:
A Sun UltraSparc system running Solaris version 8 or 9
A Domino server (see ReadMe.txt for a list of certified Domino server
If the Domino server is not installed in the default path (which
starts with /opt/lotus), make sure that an environment variable exists
and points to the location of the Domino server, before you install or
upgrade Document Manager. The best way to do this is to add the
environment variable to the .profile file of the user who is authorized to
run the Domino server.
For example, if the Domino server is installed in
/notopt/lotus/notes/latest/sunspa, make sure that the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable includes that directory. To do so, include
the following lines in the appropriate user’s .profile file:
20MB disk space minimum for Document Manager, plus disk space for
other applications, and Domino users.
1GB disk space minimum for Document Manager file cabinets, 4GB
For replica servers, a master server with Document Manager already
Supported networks and protocols
Chapter 3: Installing Document Manager on AIX or Solaris 17
Skill requirements for installing on AIX or Solaris
AIX and Solaris have security restrictions to prevent unauthorized access to
system functions and data. The person who installs Lotus Domino Document
Manager on AIX or Solaris must be able to use the super user command (su),
or log in as root to establish proper file ownership and permissions. The
installer must be familiar with:
Mounting a CD on the AIX or Solaris system.
Server and client startup and shutdown procedures on the AIX or Solaris
Domino administrative tasks, such as setting up Domino Directory
(Public Name and Address Book) entries.
The server’s TCP/IP settings.
Replica installers should also be familiar with replication of Domino servers,
and whether server-to-server replication has been attempted on the subject
Domino server.
Installing a Document Manager master server on AIX or Solaris
The instructions in this section assume that you have already completed
these tasks:
Set up the required equipment listed in Planning your Document
Manager installation.
Performed the planning recommendations outlined in Planning your
Document Manager installation.
Information and procedures for installing a Document Manager master
server on AIX or Solaris are organized as follows:
Pre-installation tasks
Installation procedure
Post-installation tasks
Performing master server pre-installation tasks for AIX or Solaris
While the actual installation of Lotus Domino Document Manager is simple
and straightforward, it does require some preplanning on your part. Use the
checklist below to ensure a smooth installation.
Document Manager (Domino.Doc), follow the instructions for Performing
master server pre-upgrade tasks for AIX or Solaris.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Lotus Domino
18 Document Manager Installation Guide
1.Gather and have on hand information that you will need to provide
during setup:
Path to the Domino data directory (such as /home/notes/notesr5) on
the AIX or Solaris server
Full hierarchical name of the server on which Document Manager is
being installed
Path to the subdirectory of the Domino data directory where you
want to install Document Manager
2.Verify that you have the required access (super user or root access) to
AIX or Solaris on the server where you will install Document Manager.
3.Make sure you have installed the Lotus Domino for AIX or Solaris
software, and have set up a Domino server on your AIX or Solaris
4.Become familiar with startup and shutdown procedures for the Domino
5.Become familiar with the procedure for mounting a CD on the AIX or
Solaris server.
6.Locate the notes.ini file on the server and verify that KeyFileName is set
to a valid value. You can do this two different ways:
Set where is a valid administrator
ID file for signing databases. The ID file must be in the data directory
to which you are installing.
Set KeyFileName=path/ where path is the fully-specified
path to a valid administrator ID file for signing databases. If you
specify the path, the ID file does not need to be in the Server data
7.Use a Notes client to verify that the system groups that Document
Manager will create do not conflict with groups already in use in your
server’s Directory (Address Book). Document Manager will create these
Domino.Doc Site Administrators
Domino.Doc Administrators
Domino.Doc File Cabinet Creators
Domino.Doc Address Book Editors
Domino.Doc Servers
Domino.Doc Users
8.Make sure you are using the user ID for the Domino administrator who
has Manager access to the server’s Directory (Address Book), with the
ability to add and modify groups.
Chapter 3: Installing Document Manager on AIX or Solaris 19
9.If you plan to create one or more libraries as part of the installation, have
on hand the following information:
Notes/Domino server name
Notes/Domino domain name
HTTP host name of the server
Name of each library to be created
Configuration options for each library
Document Manager Group names to be associated with the new
library you are creating
Library Administrator user names
File Cabinet Creator user names
10. Verify that you are using a supported version of Domino. If you are not
using a supported version of Domino, upgrade now.
For details on tested and supported versions of Domino, see ReadMe.txt
(located at the root of the Document Manager CD).
If you want to upgrade from Domino R5 to Domino 6, we recommend
that you do so after successfully installing Document Manager, as long
as you are running a version of R5 that this version of Document
Manager supports.
11. Install the master server.
Installing a master server on AIX or Solaris
We strongly recommend that you print these instructions to use as a
checklist while installing, and for taking notes on your installation.
(Domino.Doc), follow the instructions for Upgrading a master server on AIX
or Solaris.
1.Perform the pre-installation tasks.
2.Shut down the Domino server software on the installation machine by
3.Become the super user by either logging in as “root” or using the “su”
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Document Manager
Make sure you are logged in with a user ID that is authorized to run the
Domino server (the default is “notes”).
entering exit or quit at the Domino server console:
> quit
$ su
$ password: password
20 Document Manager Installation Guide
4.(AIX users only) Mount the CD:
# smit mountfs
5.Insert the Document Manager CD into the CD-ROM drive.
6.(Solaris users only) Allow the automounter to mount the CD.
7.Change to the appropriate distribution directory, for example:
# cd /mnt/cdrom/aix/install
# cd /cdrom/docmgr651/solaris/install
8.Run part 1 of the installation program provided with Document
# ./install1
9.Select the language in which you want to read the license agreement,
and read it.
10. When prompted, and using the information gathered during
pre-installation, do the following:
Specify the Domino server data directory.
For example, type
When asked which type of server you want to install, type m to select
and then press ENTER.
Master and then press ENTER.
When asked the name of the directory where you want the Document
Manager files installed (the directory shown is a subdirectory of the
Domino data directory), accept or change the directory name shown
and then press ENTER.
When asked to confirm that you want to continue the installation,
type y and then press ENTER. If you choose to cancel the installation,
the program terminates with no modifications to your server.
It can take several minutes for the installation to complete.
After part 1 of the installation is complete, the shell prompt reappears.
11. Switch back from being the super user:
# exit
Make sure you are logged in with a user ID that is authorized to run the
Domino server (the default is “notes”).
12. Run part 2 of the installation program provided with Document
$ ./install2
Chapter 3: Installing Document Manager on AIX or Solaris 21
13. When prompted, and using the information gathered during
pre-installation, specify the name of the Domino server on which you are
installing (you can accept or change the name shown), and then press
It can take several minutes for the installation to complete.
14. Start the Domino server on the installation machine.
You will encounter an expected error (“Transaction
Manager...Initialization Failed”) at server startup until after you create a
15. Perform the post-installation tasks, and install any replica servers.
Performing master server post-installation tasks for AIX or Solaris
1.Complete the tasks needed to install the master server.
2.Do one of the following to dismount the CD:
For AIX, type
For Solaris, select Eject from the file manager in the Common Desktop
Environment, or from the terminal, type
3.Remove the CD from the drive.
4.Sign the templates and databases.
For details, see the chapter on signing templates and databases.
This step is necessary only if when completing step 6 of the
master server pre-installation tasks, you set KeyFileName in the notes.ini
file to a server (or other) ID rather than a valid administrator ID.
$ smit umountfs
eject cdrom
5.Go to a Notes client to perform the setup procedure.
For details, see “Setup procedure for all platforms.”
Installing a Document Manager replica server on AIX or Solaris
The instructions in this section assume that you have already completed
these tasks:
Set up the required equipment listed in Planning your Document
Manager installation.
Performed the planning recommendations outlined in Planning your
Document Manager installation.
Installed the master server.
22 Document Manager Installation Guide
Information and procedures for installing a Document Manager replica
server on AIX or Solaris are organized as follows:
Pre-installation tasks
Installation procedure
Post-installation tasks
Performing replica server pre-installation tasks for AIX or Solaris
While the actual installation of Lotus Domino Document Manager is simple
and straightforward, it does require some preplanning on your part. Use the
checklist to below to ensure a smooth installation.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Lotus Domino
Document Manager (Domino.Doc), follow the instructions for Performing
replica server pre-upgrade tasks for AIX or Solaris.
1.Verify that you have installed a Document Manager master server, and
have created at least one library on that server.
2.Gather and have on hand information that you will need to provide
during setup:
Name of the master Domino server (this is the name as given in the
Domino Directory; do not use the network node name).
Path to the Notes data directory (such as /home/notes/notesr4).
Path to the subdirectory of the Domino data directory where you
want to install Document Manager.
3.Verify that you have the required access (super user or root access) to
AIX or Solaris on the server where you will install Document Manager.
4.Make sure you have installed the Lotus Domino for AIX or Solaris
software, and have set up a Domino server on your AIX or Solaris
5.Become familiar with startup and shutdown procedures for the Domino
6.Become familiar with the procedure for mounting a CD on the AIX or
Solaris server.
7.Make sure that you can create new replicas with this server, and that the
server replicates with the master without errors.
8.Make sure the Document Manager groups added to the Domino
Directory on the master server have replicated to the replica server.
9.Install the replica server.
Chapter 3: Installing Document Manager on AIX or Solaris 23
Installing a replica server on AIX or Solaris
We recommend printing these instructions to use as a checklist while
installing, and for taking notes on your installation.
(Domino.Doc), follow the instructions for Upgrading a replica server on AIX
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Document Manager
or Solaris.
1.Perform the pre-installation tasks.
Make sure you are logged in with a user ID that is authorized to run the
Domino server (the default is “notes”).
2.Shut down the Domino server software on the installation machine by
entering exit or quit at the Domino server console:
> quit
3.Become the super user by either logging in as “root” or using the “su”
$ su
$ password: password
4.(AIX users only) Mount the CD:
# smit mountfs
5.Insert the Document Manager CD into the CD-ROM drive.
6.(Solaris users only) Allow the automounter to mount the CD.
7.Change to the appropriate distribution directory, for example:
# cd /mnt/cdrom/aix/install
# cd /cdrom/docmgr651/solaris/install
8.Install the Document Manager server software by running part 1 of the
installation program provided with Document Manager:
# ./install1
9.Enter the information gathered during pre-installation, as requested by
the installation program.
10. When prompted, and using the information gathered during
pre-installation, do the following:
Specify the Domino server data directory.
For example, type
When asked which type of server you want to install, type r to select
and then press ENTER.
Replica and then press ENTER.
24 Document Manager Installation Guide
When asked the name of the directory where you want the Document
Manager files installed (the directory shown is a subdirectory of the
Domino data directory), accept or change the directory name shown
and then press ENTER.
When asked to confirm that you want to continue the installation,
type y and then press ENTER. If you choose to cancel the installation,
the program terminates with no modifications to your server.
It can take several minutes for the installation to complete.
After part 1 of the installation is complete, the shell prompt reappears.
11. Switch back from being the super user:
# exit
Make sure you are logged in with a user ID that is authorized to run the
Domino server (the default is “notes”).
12. Run part 2 of the installation program provided with Document
$ ./install2
13. When prompted, and using the information gathered during
pre-installation, specify the name of the Domino server on which you are
installing (you can accept or change the name shown), and then press
It can take several minutes for the installation to complete.
14. Perform the post-installation tasks, and install any other replica servers.
Performing replica server post-installation tasks for AIX or Solaris
1.Complete the tasks needed to install the replica server.
2.Do one of the following to dismount the CD:
For AIX, type
For Solaris, select Eject from the file manager in the Common Desktop
Environment, or from the terminal, type
$ smit umountfs
eject cdrom
3.Remove the CD from the drive.
4.Sign ddadmin.ntf and ddadmin.nsf with the same ID that was used to
sign them on the master server.
For details, see the chapter on signing templates and databases.
5.If you are using server-to-server replication, open the Server documents
for all servers where you will be replicating Lotus Domino Document
Manager, and verify that the User ID used to sign the Document
Manager templates has rights to run unrestricted methods and
operations on the specified server, either directly or through a group.
Chapter 3: Installing Document Manager on AIX or Solaris 25
To verify this, open the appropriate Server record in the Directory
(Address Book), and click the Security tab. If you are using Domino 6,
look at the “Run unrestricted methods and operations” field; if you are
using Domino R5, look at the “Run unrestricted LotusScript/Java
agents” field.
6.Go to a Notes client to perform the new replica server setup procedure.
For details, see “Setting up a new replica server” in the chapter that
describes setup on all server platforms.
Upgrading a Document Manager master server on AIX or Solaris
This section contains information and procedures for upgrading a Lotus
Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc) master server on AIX or Solaris,
Pre-upgrade tasks
Upgrade procedure
Post-upgrade tasks
Performing master server pre-upgrade tasks for AIX or Solaris
If you have Domino.Doc 3.1 or later installed on either an AIX server or a
Solaris server, you can upgrade to Document Manager 6.5.1.
Before upgrading your previous version of Lotus Domino Document
Manager (Domino.Doc), perform the following steps:
1.Make sure that your Configuration, Transaction, Log, and Library
databases have their original names and are located in the directory in
which Document Manager (Domino.Doc) was originally installed (for
example, \domdoc).
after installation, the upgrade process may appear to have completed
correctly, but you may experience problems when working with the new
2.Make sure that the templates listed below are in the Notes data