Liquid Controls T575N User Manual

Liquid and Gas Flow Measuring Devices a nd Controls
Flow Meas uring Devices and Controls 2363 Sa n d ifer B lvd, Wes tmi nst er S C 29693 (864)647-2065
DOC#: MN-T575N
Spons ler, I nc. Model T575N Temperatur e Compensated Totali zer/Printer
The Model T575N i s a highly sophisticated electronic temperature compensated flow totalization system specifically designed to handle the harsh conditions associated with liquid transports. Totalization is displayed via a mot or driven V eeder-Root Met er R egister . Individual delivery data is displayed on eight 1/8” high figures. A Veeder-Root zero start meter printer mechani cally prints the amou nt of the delivery on a 4 1/8” x 7 3/ 4” universal met er ticket . Reset and print operations are manually actuated.
The input from a SPONSLER PRECISION TURBINE FLOWMETER or similar device is amplified, factored, divided, temperature compensated, adjusted for the gearplate used and output through a motor driven circuit via a SINGLE electronic circuit board. The Model T575N factoring/temperature compensation electronic modu le accommodates th e temp er ature compen sation curves of up to eight di fferent products; field selectable via a rotary switch. The RTD t emperat ure sensor is linearized automatically. C alibrati on of the Model T575N to provide totalization in any engineering unit (gallons, liters, lbs., kg, etc.) is accomplished via four BCD factoring switches and one BCD divider switch.
As product flows through a turbine flowmeter, rotor blades inside the flowmeter rotate through the m agneti c field of the magnetic pickup coil generating electrical pulses through the pickup coil. The number and frequency of these pu l ses correspond to the amount of product and the flow rate respectively.
The Model T575N Totalizer condit i ons these low amp l itude pulses from t he pick up co il. The amplified pulse s are then factored, divided and, if equipped, temperature compensated. Factoring permits the displayed quantity to be in any engineering unit desired. The flowmeter calibration factor that converts electron i c pulses to g al lons, pou nds, liters, etc., is field adjustable. The overall factored pulses are translated to motor steps that drive the Veeder-Root register. The Veeder-Root register displays a running account, final total, and accumulated total of the product del ivery. The meter r egister drives the zero star t Veeder-Root printer which mechanical ly records and prints d igital information. Th e zero start meter printer begins the coun t at zero and returns to zero when reset. The pri nter total is the amount of the delivery. Print and reset operati ons are m anually activated.
Turbi ne flowmeters are volumetric devices; req uiring a means to CO M PENSATE for temperature related physical changes of the product. As the product warms and cools, the density, as well as volume, changes while the MAS S remains con stant . The Model T575N determines t he product temper ature via an R TD temper ature p r obe located in t he delivery line and compensates for the corresponding temp er ature. As long as the product is within the normal delivery tem peratu r e r ange of the product and there is no se nsor failure, the Model T575N will automatica l ly correct for t he den sity of the produ ct. I f the product temperature i s not within the specified range or a problem exists with the probe, the Model T575N will stop compensating and only factor the product. Whenever the indicated t emperature is not within th e specified rang e, whether from a problem with the probe or a problem with o n-board circuitry, th e COMPENSATED LE D located on the front of the unit will flash ind icating NO COMPENS ATION and the ALARM LED on t he circuit board will illuminate. If jump er ‘A ’ is installed the unit will not totalize when an alarm condition exists.
This unit is designed to operate with input frequencies up to 2000 Hz. When driving a Veeder-Root regi ster, t he maximum output frequency after factoring and temperature compensation is 180 steps per second with 1:2 gearplate installed ( maximum count per minute is 1080) and 150 steps per second with 1:3 gearplate installed (maximum count per m i nute i s 1351). Any att empt to output at a faster rate will cause pulses to go in to storage. Up to 30,000 pulses can be put into storage. Stored pulses will be out put at the maximu m rate.
Spons ler, I nc. Model T575N Temperatur e Compensated Totali zer/Printer
All units are completely asse mbled, tested, and in spected at the factory pr i or to shipmen t. Up on receipt of the unit a visual inspection should be conducted to detect any damage that may have occurred during shipment.
The T575N should be mounted as practically as possible taking into account display visibility, accessibility, etc. Ideally, the T575N should be mounted on a stand, positioning the unit 12”-18” above the deck, clear of overhead pipes and as remote from the pump motor as possible. The Model T575N MUST be securely mounted using ONLY the SCI supplied shock mounts which have isolating studs.
The T575N is designed to operate on the 12 VDC p ower system of t he transport and is “polarity insensitive”. B oth + and - power inputs should be obtained in the pump control box. To facilitate testing without activating th e entire pumping system, + input power should be derived from the unswitched 12 VDC input to the pump control box. Every effort should be made to keep the pr oximity of the totalizer’s input power leads to the pump motor windin g leads as isolated as prac tically possible within the pump control box. In the event a transport does not have a pump control box as is the norm in CO 12 VDC accessory or light circuit l ocated at the front of the t r ailer.
DO NOT attempt to obtain power by splicing into the light circuit located near the meter; line drops and fluctuations may affect the unit operation . DO NOT connect a jumper from the T575N en closure to the trailer ch assis. DO NOT replace t he SCI shock mounts with solid ‘Look Alikes’ availab le in hardware stores: ‘Look Alikes’ have solid mounting studs, not isolating studs as provided by SCI.
SIGNAL: P/N S-2F-2F-G-2S-20: The T575N standard signal cable is a 20’ 2 wire shielded cable with MS3102E Connector termination which is the industry standard interface for 2-pole pickup coils. The shielding is single-ended and should not be altered. Connect the shielded end (metal braided shield extends beyond the end of the connector b ackshell) to the electronic unit mating connector (CO N 1).
POWER: P/N P-2M-SP-B-2U-20: The T575N standard power cable is a 2 wire cable with MS3106E12S-3P connector t er mination for mating to the unit power connector (C ON4) and wire sp ade terminations for connection to the 12 VDC power source. The unit i s ‘polarity insen sitive’ so that either wire m ay be connected to + input.
PROBE: P/N R-3F-2M-G-2S-20: The T575N standard probe cable is a 20’ 2 wire shielded cable with MS3106E12S-2PZ connector termination for mating to the unit probe connector (CON2) and a 3 pin connector t er mination for mating with the RTD.
RTD Temperature Sensor
RTD Temper ature Sensor: Th e standard temperat ure supplied by SCI is a 2-wire 100Ω RTD with ‘rugged’ specification for use in transport systems. An aluminum head with MS3106E 3-pin connector term ination is assembled to the R TD to facilitate cable co nnection in the system. The RTD has 1 /2-14 NPT threaded nipple for installation in a mating coupling in the flowm eter outlet piping . A 7/8” Hex pl ane is located at the cen ter of the RTD assembly for tighten ing the RTD into th e cou pling. DO NOT APPLY WRENCH ON THE PROBE HEAD ASSEMBLY.
, 2 wires shou l d be routed t o the trai ler power junction box connected to the
Spons ler, I nc. Model T575N Temperature Compensated Totalizer/Printer
In printing operation, a ticket is inserted into the slot of the t i cket tr ay until it bot toms on the intern al stop.
1. Turn the prin t knob one complete clockwise revolution until a posit i ve stop is r eached. As the ticket tray moves into position, the seal pin pierces the ticket, holding it in place. This initial printing is made with print wheels at zero. Du r i ng this initial p r inting, a shut ter moves into pl ace covering the m eter register display wheels and the in dividual wheels are set to a zero position. At completion of initial print /reset, the display wheels will read all zeros, the shutter will rise to the normal operatin g position, and the ticke t will be imprinted with all zeros and locked in place.
2. At the completion of the delivery, turn the knob in a clockwise direction one complete turn until the posi tive stop is reached. Du r ing t his cycl e, the ticket tray returns to its origi nal posi tion and th e seal pin releases the ticket. NOTE: The meter r egister does not reset to zero at this time.
S1-POWER SWITCH: 3 amp SPST Toggle; Switches fused input power to the logic circuits of the factoring/ compensation m odule. D1-POWER INDICATOR: L.E.D. Illuminates indicating power is applied t o circuitry. D2-TEMPERATURE COMP ENSATION INDICATOR: L.E.D. ‘OFF’ ind icat es COMPENSATION ‘FLAS HING’ indicates NO COMPENSATION INTERNAL B OX AND MODULE : Refer to DRAWINGS p g. 8 & 9 F1: INPUT POWER FUSE: 5 amp 3AG R15: SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT: Single turn potentiometer; establishes input signal amplitude required to initiate the count sequence. Nominal position is with the arrow indicator in the 11:00 o’clock position. SW1-SW4: FACTORING SWITCHES: 10 position (0-9) BCD; dig itally inserts the desired calibration factor with SW1 as the MSD and SW4 the LSD. SW5: PRODUCT SE LECTOR SW ITCH: 10 position (0 -9) BCD; selects the product temperature compensat ion curve. (See ‘Model T575N option “IC EPROM TABLE, Pg.) SW6: DIVIDER SWITCH: 10 position (0-9) BCD; digitally sets a divisor (1-10000) to allow entering a calibration factor with maximum accuracy. (See CALIBR ATION) TP1: GEARPLATE JUMPER: 3 position jumper terminal; Jumper installed for the gearplate used so that the unit internally adj ust the required motor st eps. A (TP5): 2-posit i on jumper ter minal; INSTALLED uni t will not totalize i f temper ature is not with in compensa tion range for the sel ected product. B (TP4): 2 position jumper terminal; NOT USED C (TP3): 2 position jumper terminal; NOT USED V (TP2): 2 position jumper terminal; momentarily SHORT to simulate 1000 pulse input signal. +L.E.D.: Illuminated indicates temperature out of range high.
- L.E.D.: Illu minated indicates temperatur e out of range low. A L.E.D.: ALARM INDICATOR: Illuminated when temperature goes out of range for the selected product. I L.E.D.: INPUT INDICATOR: Flashes at the input signal frequency (at high frequencies, the L.E.D. will appear constant ly illuminated) O L.E.D.: OUTPUT INDICATOR: Flashes at the output signal frequency (at low frequencies, the L.E.D. will be very dim)
If electrical n oi se is generated near the turb i ne or sig nal cab l e, it can overwhelm the real signal and cau se erratic performance resulting in large errors. To prevent this condition, the sensitivity must be reduced. The sensitivity adjustm ent should be made at th e lowest expect ed flowrate. Turn R15 completely cou nter-clockwise. With t he low flow through the turbine, slowly adjust R15 clockwise until the totalizer i ncrem ents, then increase R 15 slightly clockwise again. In the nominal R15 position, the arrow indicator will be in the 11:00 o’clock position
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