Sponsler, Inc.
T350N-P Truck Totalizer/Printer
pg. 3
Doc# MN-T350N-P
The model T350N-P Totalizer/Printer di s plays flow d irectly in engine ering unit s .
The model T350N-P utilizes the latest in circuitry design and components. The
circ uitry is microprocess or bas ed and perfor ms th e scaling and count i ng w ith only
one main circuit board.
The totalized flow is displayed on a liquid crystal display (LCD), and is printed on
standard calculator type thermal paper.
Model T350N-P is used in conjunction with frequency or pulse generating source
such as a turbine flowmeter or other pulse flow transducers. The totalized flow
disp l ay m ay b e c alibrated t o indicat e mos t an y uni t of vol u m e, gals., li ters, scf m. ,
etc. Standard units are factory-calibrated for a standard flowmeter in ga llons. If
additional calibration is necessary, the dividing factor may be changed by
adjustment of internal factoring switches located on the main circuit board.
The Model T350N-P dis p l ays total flow vi a an LC D dis play an d th er m al printin g
device. Printing of th e dis p layed tot al is accomplished by pus h in g the PRINT
switch. The printer will show a two-lin e m essage, product d eliver y, ti m e and
date, stating count, and finished count. There is a space provided for an
authorized signature. When the printer stops, the display will zero and be ready
to acc ept a new c ount. If th e PRIN T sw itc h is activat ed d ur i ng a d eli v ery, the
coun t will st op and the print er wi ll pri nt th e n ew inform ati on.
Power Consumption – 12V Unit
Printing – 1.9 Amp
Normal – 0. 5/ 0.7 Amp
Sponsler, Inc.
T350N-P Truck Totalizer/Printer
pg. 4
Doc# MN-T350N-P
All units are completely assembled, tested and inspected at the factory prior to
shipment. Upon receipt of the unit a visual inspection should be conducted to
detect any damage that may have occurred during shipment.
The T350N-P s hould be m oun t ed as practicall y as poss ible tak in g into acc oun t
disp l ay vis i bil ity, accessibi lit y, etc. Ideal ly the T350N -P should be securely
mounted using
the supplied shock mounts on a stand positioning the unit
12-18” ab ove t h e d eck, clear of overhead pipes and as remote form the pump
mot or as pos s ib le. Adher ence to thes e gu id el ines will si gnificantly en hanc e the
trouble free operation of the unit.
The T350N-P is designed to operate on the 12 VDC power system of the
transport and is “polarity insensitive”. Both the + and – power in puts s hould be
obtained in the pump control box. To facilitate testing without having to activate
the entire pumping system + input power should be derived from the unswitched
12 V input to the pump control box . Every effort should be ma de to keep the
T350N-P isolated as much as possible within the pump control box. In the event
transport doesn’t have a pump control box, as is the norm, 2 wires should be
routed to the trailer power junction box located at the front of the trailer. Do not
attempt to obtain power by splicing into the light circuit located near the
meter. Line drops and fluctuations may affect the operation. Additionally –
not connect a jumper from the T350N-P enclosure and the trailer
repl ace the ch oc k mou nts with so lid “Look a-likes”
chassis and do
available in hardware store. They have solid mounting studs and are not
isolating studs as provided by the Sponsler Company.
The standard T350N-P signal cable is a 2 wire shielded c abl e w ith a MS3102
connector termination which is the industry standard interface for 2 pole pickup
coils. The shielding is single ended and should not be altered.
Field Termination:TBI Drawing
Sponsler, Inc.
T350N-P Truck Totalizer/Printer
pg. 5
Doc# MN-T350N-P
Power Switch: 3 amp DPDT, switches fused power to the
Sensitivit y Adju stm ent: Single turn potentiometer establishes required
input signal amplitude to initiate the count
Displ ay Bi as A dj ustmen t: Single turn potentiometer establishes the
contr as t of th e dis play.
S0- S3-Factoring Switches: 10 positi on (0-9) BCD rotary, inserts the
desir ed c alibration fact or di git al ly with S0 as
the LSD and S3 the MSD.
S4-Pre-sca le S witc h: 10 posi ti on (0-9) BCD rotary, provides the
proper divider for decimal poi nt placement in
the Calibration factor. Position 1=1; 2=10;
3=100; 4=1000; 5=10000
S4-Position 9 = Self Test: Allows the totalizer’s microprocessor to
pe rform internal tests on the built - in RAM and
S5-Decimal Point Selection: 10 posi ti on (0-9) BCD rotary, position
corresponds to the num ber of digi ts to the right
o f the decimal point.
Signal Input LED: Flashes to indicate that input signal is present
(at high er frequenc i es th e LED will appe ar t o
be constantly illuminated.)
A & B LED: Flash during ‘self-test’ to den ote that
microprocessor is testing.
VR101: Single turn potentiometer, adjusts darkness of
Sponsler, Inc.
T350N-P Truck Totalizer/Printer
pg. 6
Doc# MN-T350N-P
The Sensitivity adjusts (R1) should be adjusted at the lowest expected flow rate.
Turn R1 completely Counter-Clockwise then slowly adjust R1 Clockwise until the
display increments then increase R1 slightly Clockwise again. In the nominal R1
position the arrow indicator will be in the 11 o’clock position.
Calibrati on Fa ctor
The Calibration Factor is derived by taking the reciprocal of the meter’s “KFact or” (pulses per gal lon or other d esi red engin eering un it) .
C.F. =
Engineering Units
It is desired that ze ro not be dialed as the first digit on the factor switches. The
CF, in most cas es, will start with at l eas t on e z er o. The multip li er s wi tc h on th e
fact oring board wil l allow multipl yin g b y 1, 10, 10 0, 10 00, or 10000 to move t he
decimal the required digits.
S4 posit i on Multiplier
0 1
1 10
2 100
3 1000
4 10000
Example 1: K-Factor = 230 pulses per gallon
Engin eering un it s des ir ed = gallons
C.F. = 1/K = 1/230 = .00434782
Multiplier = 100; S4=2,
Fac tor S3=4, S2 =3, S1= 4, S0=8
The electron ic acc uracy can be verifi ed i ncorporating t h e f ollow i ng f or mu la for a
timed tes t:
Total Displayed = Frequency X Time in seconds X C.F.
Example 2: C.F. = .004348
Time = 1 min = 60 seconds
Frequency = 500 Hz
Total = 50 0 X 6 0 X .004348
Total = 130.4 = 130
Sponsler, Inc.
T350N-P Truck Totalizer/Printer
pg. 7
Doc# MN-T350N-P
For high er res oluti on (r ead ing in gal l ons and tenths , gal lons and h un dredths ,
etc.) mu lt i pl y b y 10 f or t enths ; by one f or hu ndr edths. Th e nu m b er dialed into
dipswitch S5 corresponds to the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
Flowmeter “K” Factor = 230
CF= .0043 48
Desired disp l ay = gal lons and tent hs
Multiply by = .04348
S4 = 1
Fact or S wi tc h es = 43 48; S3 = 4, S2 = 3, S1 = 4, S0 = 8
Decimal point = S5 = 1
Field Correction
To adjust the calibration factor to reflect the turbines actual response to the
operating conditions apply the following formula:
New Calibration Factor =
Actual Total
X Calibration Factor
Meter Total
Example #2:
Actual Total = 50
Meter Total = 52
C.F. = .004348
50/52 X .004348 = New Calibration Factor
.9615 X .004348 = .0041806
Insert 4181 into S3 – S0 respectively
In the ab ove e xam p le .9615 den otes that t h e m eter is op erating .38 5% fast and
multiplying the present cali bratio n factor (.004348) by the ratio of Actual Total:
Meter Total (.9615) reduces the calibration factor 3.85%.
Calibrati on Fa ctor – Change of Calibration Engineering Units
Assume that rather than gallons, liters are the desired engineering unit.
Example #3:
K-Fac tor = 230 pul ses pe r gallon
Liters = 3.785 per gallon
= Calibration Factor
.0164 6 = C ali bration F actor for display of liters
Sponsler, Inc.
T350N-P Truck Totalizer/Printer
pg. 8
Doc# MN-T350N-P
Unit not working (No Display Light)
A. Power Cable broken
B. Battery Low
C. Defective power switch
D. Blown fuse
E. Reversed p ow er wi r es
Unit not working (Display Light On)
A. Check signal wire for breaks
B. Check sensitivity control
C. Che ck pickup coil
D. Check printed circuit board plugs to make sure they are mated securely.
E. Look for br ok en wir es ins ide of elec tronic enc l os ure.
F. Check SWI (see draw. 1) to be sure it is in position 0-4.
Unit continues to blow fuses
A. Shorted power cable
B. Faulty electronic board
C. Power surges
Printer does not feed paper
A. Pow er not t ur n ed on
B. No paper installed
C. Paper not feedi ng into printer
D. D efecti v e p ri n t switch
Printer feeds paper but does not print
A. Printer paper installed backwards (see drawing)
B. W rong pri nt er p ap er (Use thermal impac t printer paper onl y!)
C. Temperature too cold for printer paper
D. Defective pri nter
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