SP824-INT Printer Programmer
Temperature: Operating –0 to 85°C
Storage –10 to 125°C
Input Voltage: 9VAC via attached 120VAC transformer
Interface: RS-232C 25-pin Sub-D connector (female)
Any version of MS-DOS
Features: Change printed details on any SP824 printer
Weight 1.0 lbs.
The SP824-INT is an interface allowing field programming of any SP824 printer.
The software included in the SP824-INT is designed to run on any IBM-PC compatible
computer running any version of MS-DOS past version 5.0. Through a system of simple to use
menus, the user can configure any of over 20 different parameters on the printer, as well as
load and save ticket layouts. Options for print a sample ticket, print a summary of tickets, clear
all stored tickets, and save all tickets to disk are also available.
SP824-INT Printer Programmer
Connection and Use
Required Equipment:
Standard IBM-PC Compatible (desktop or laptop) (COMM 1 must be available)
Serial cable w/ proper ends (one end must be 25 pin male)
Source of 120VAC
SP824 Printer
Test Procedure:
1. Connect SP824-INT to the PC via the serial cable. Note, the SP824-INT must be connected
to the PC’s COMM1 port.
2. Connect the SP824-CUBE to the SP824-INT (the connector is keyed).
3. Connect the transformer to AC power.
4. Turn on and boot the PC. MS-DOS operating system is preferred, however, versions of MSWindows 9X have been tested and work fine.
5. After the boot process is complete, insert the 3-½” floppy disk into drive A:. If MS-DOS is
used, skip to step 6. If MS-Windows is used, click on “START” and select “Run”. Type in
the following: a:\sp824rp2f.exe and press Enter. Skip to step 7.
6. Type the following at the command prompt: a:\824rp2f.exe and press Enter.
7. A main menu will be displayed (SCR 1). If the main menu does not display, check all
connections and try again. Remember that you must be connected to COMM 1 and have no
other devices connected to COMM 1.
8. Insert the SP824-CUBE into the printer with the red round window pointed inwards toward
the printer.
9. Turn the printer on. Note: The printer will automatically turn itself off after 2 minutes of
inactivity. The printer may be turned back on by turning the power switch on the printer off
and then back on. The printer must be on during all of the following communications.
10. The following pages describe each screen and the input expected.