24 Volt Modulated Carrier Ampli fier
4-20mA Transmitter
DOC#: MN-718MA-24.doc
SP718-mA Modulated Carrier Amplifier
Frequency 0 – 3500 Hz w/ 50kHz carrier (requires P/U Coil 1 – 1.3
4mA @ 0Hz, 20 mA @ desired Full Scale Frequency
FM Approved, CSA Certified
Operating 0 – 70oC
Storage –20 – 85oC
Reverse Polarity Protected
Consult factory for other I nput Voltages
Full Scale Range 25Hz – 3500 Hz Selectable
Consult factory for other Rang es
Response Time 95% of change in 1 second
Linearity .3% F/S
Tempco <2% of Reading over entire Temperature Range
Maximum Load Resistance 500 ohms
LED Power Indicator
Mounts directly on flowmeter
Class I Groups B, C, D
Class II Groups E, F, G
The SP718-mA Modulated Carrier Amplifier and Analog Transm it t er is a meter mounted device designed to
combine the advantages of the Modulated Carrier principle with the convenience of an analog output in a
single PCB assembly. The SP718-mA linearly converts the detected carrier frequency shift rate t o an
equivalent 4-20mA current output. When incorporated with a turbine flowmeter a current representat ion
proportional to flow is obtainable. Data transmission in a curr ent format exhibits excellent noise immunity
and the capability of long distance transmissions.
The SP718-mA produces a carrier frequency in conjunction with an RF pickup coil, detects the shif t in t he
carrier frequency (Modulation) that occur s with the passage of magnetic mater ial and linearly generat es a
4-20mA output that is proportional to the rate of modulation.
A full-scale freq uency range of 25-3500Hz is jumper selectable. The Span Adj ustment establishes the
frequency point at which a 20mA output is achieved.
The Modulated Carrier principle introduces no drag on the passing magnetic device; therefore, when
utilized with a turbine flowmeter extension of the flowmeter’s nominal linear rang e at the low end of the flow
spectrum is realized. This parameter is particularly useful when measuring a low mass gas and the
operating flowrate is at the f lowmeter ’s low end.