Liquid Controls AN25 User Manual

Totalizer / Rate I n d i cato r
DOC#: MN-AN25.doc
Input Voltage:
110VAC or 12-16.5VDC 100mA MAX
LCD, 8 Digit .3” characters
Totalizer + 1 Count
Pan el moun t, ¼ DIN molded plastic
Operating 0 to 70°C Storage -20 to 85°C
Observe Polarity
Signal Input: Frequency 0-10KHz
Amplitude 50mV – 35V sine or square wave Sensitivity field adjustable Impedance 10K
Totalizer – 8 Digit Rate I ndicator – 5 Digit Leading zero blanking on rate function Totalizer has bat tery backup Totalizer r eset external l y initiat ed Engineering units – Input factoring .00000001 – 1.9999
Rate I ndicator + 1% Analog Outputs .3% F/S
Analog Output: 4mA @ 0Hz, 20mA @ desired full scale frequency
0V @ 0Hz, 5V or 10V @ desired full scale frequency Full scale range 100Hz-10KHz Response time 95% of change in 1 second Linearity .3% F/S Tempco < 2% of reading over entire temperature range 4-20mA Maximum load resistance 500 Ohms Voltage Output minimum load resistance 250 Ohms
AN25-L: Loop powered by a 4-20mA loop input
Minimum voltage 6.5V + (.02 x RL) Maximum Voltage 28V + (.004 x RL) (Same temperature, Displ ay and accuracy specifications appl y)


The Model AN25 Tot alizer and Rate Indicat or i s comprised of compact, convenient and precision electronics designed to interface with any frequency generating device such as a turbine flowmeter. The Model AN25 provides flow totalization and rate in any engineering unit. Total and rate are displayed simultaneously via two 8 digit liquid crystal displ ays. A backup battery is incorp or ated in the Totalize r displ ay circuitry to retain the total until Reset. Reset i s accomplish ed externall y by a magnetic field.
Negatives previously associat ed with LCD’s – poor cold temper ature per formances, condensation which is a by product of heaters and display ghosting – have all been erad i cated by incorpor ating a l ow t emperat ure coefficient LCD (-35
In addition to totalization and rate in dication, the Model AN25 (Analog) provides an interface 4-20mA output and an interface voltage output of 0-5V or 0-10V, selectable. The AN2 5 (Analog) lin ear ly converts a frequency to equ i valent anal og outputs of 4-20mA and 0-5V or 0-10V. When incorporated wit h a turbine flowm eter, interface outputs of 4-20mA and 0-5 V or 0-10V proportion al to flow are obtainable.
An input supply voltage of 110VAC or 12VDC is standard. The Model AN25 -L is a Loop Powered Totalizer & Rate Indicator which accepts a 4-20mA Loop Powered Input.
Model AN25-L provides the same totali zation and rate i ndication as t he Model AN25.

Theory of Operation

Model AN25 amplifies and shapes the incoming pulses generated by the turbine's response to flow. The amplified pu l se train is factored by a phase l ocked loop (PLL). The fact or ed pulse train is then scaled & divid ed to produce a totalized display in the desired engineering unit. For rate, the divided pulse train is combined with a crystal timebase for ab solute accuracy. This configurati on permits the calib r ation factor to be universal for both total and rate indicat ion.
Model AN25-L Loop Powered Totalizer & Rate Indicator accepts a 4-20mA loop input. An analog to frequency converter is incorporated in the circuitry to establish a calibrated 10KHz full scale frequency pulse. This pulse is then scaled and divided by the same circuitry as the standard AN25 to provide totalization and rate indication in engineering units.


Field calibration for Totalization and Rate i s accomplish ed by inco r porating a calibration factor based on the turbine K-Factor. Divider switches provide divisional increments of .00000001 – 1.9999. The calibration factor is entered via 4 BCD switches, a divider switch, an d a ‘0-1’ switch.
Calibration of the analog control outputs is established by installation of a F/S frequency jumper in conjunction with the zero and span adjustments. 0-5 or 0-10VDC output is selected by installation of a jumper. 4-20mA and 0-5/ 0-10V calibrations are i ndependent of each other and i ndependent of the cal ibration factor en tered for total and r ate indication.



All units are completely assembled , inspected and tested at the factory prior to shipment. U pon recei pt of the unit, a visual inspection should be conducted to detect any damage that may have occurred during shipment. Report any discrepancy to th e factory immediatel y.


All Model AN25 units are enclosed in a ¼ DIN, molded plastic housing. The housing has a snap on the front Bezel, removable mounting clips, and a plug-in wiring terminal on the back.
Refer to dimensional requirements for dimensions, bezel size, and depth needed for mounting the instrument in a user panel. Be sure to provide additional space for cabling and connections behind the instrument. Additionally, all wirin g to the back of t he instrum ent sh ould have sufficien t service loops to allow for the easy removal of the instrument from the panel.


An input supply voltage of 110VAC or 12VDC is stand ar d for the Model AN25. Be sure to observe correct polarity when making field terminations.
Model AN25-L requires a minimum loop voltage of 6.5V + (.02 x RL). Maximum voltage is 28V + (.004 x RL).


The standard signal cable is a 2 wire shielded cable with a MS3102 connector termination which is the industry standard interface for 2 pole pickup coils. The shielding is singly ended and should not be altered.
For 115VAC
For +12VDC
For 115VAC wit h A nalog Output
For +12VDC with A nalog Output

Field Terminations

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