Fresh-O-Matic® Food Steamer
4000 4002
The L incoln Fres h-O -Ma tic is th e
perfect solu tion for refresh ing a wide
varie ty of prec ooked or f roz en foods.
The e xcl usive superheated steam
heats or re-hea ts ba ked goods, meats,
seafood, fruits, vegetables, sandwiches,
pasta and more. Th e Fresh- O-M atic is
easy to install to o. Simp ly pl ug it in
and a dd di stilled water - no spec ial
wirin g required.
Exc lusi ve Supe rheated Steam:
penet rates and tra nsfers heat faster.
Compact, Portable Desi gn: small
foot print allows the u nit to fit al most
anywh ere with out s acrif icing valu able
counter top s pace.
Indic ator Li ghts : illuminated Po wer,
Heater and Water le vel indi cator s
provide feedback to o perator.
Push Button O peratio n: s imple and
easy to use with j ust o ne pu sh of
a fin ger.
Standard Features
Exclusive superheated steam
Heavy-duty stainless steel outer
Compact, portable design
Indicator lights - Power, Heater
and Water Level
Simple push button operation
WearGuard® coated tray liner
Food Steamer
4000 4002
Stain less Ste el Cons truc tion : du rable
exter ior is sturd y, sanitary and re liabl e
for year s of dependable service.
1111 N. Hadley Rd.
P.O. Box 1229
Ft. Wayne, IN 468 01-1229
Tel: 888.417-5462
Fax: 800.285.9 511
E mail: info@lincolnfp.com
Food Steamer
Lincoln Guarantee
Linco ln Foodservice Produc ts, L LC gua rantees the Fres h-O -Ma tic to be fr ee from quali ty pr oblem s in materials and
workman ship for a pe riod of on e (1) ye ar pa rt s and labo r from t he da te of origina l pur chase or fifteen ( 15) m onths
from the date of m anufa cture. A regist ratio n card i s provided wi th ea ch un it. Complete all requeste d information
and return to Linc oln Foodservice Produ cts, LLC to insu re prope r war ranty registr ation . An auth orized Lincol n
Foodservice Prod ucts, LLC a gent must provide warra nty ser vice.
Model # Volts Amps Watts Hz Phase Cord Length Plug Type
US& Canada
Designs an d specications su bject to change w ithout notice.
120 12.5 1500 60 1 6’ NEMA5-15P
220/240 5.7/6.3 1260/1500 50/60 1 6’ NEMA 5-15P
4000 4002
1111 N. Hadley Rd.
P.O. Box 1229
Ft. Wayne, IN 468 01-1229
Tel: 888.417-5462
Fax: 800.285.9 511
E mail: info@lincolnfp.com
©2009 Lin coln Foodservice Produ cts, LLC / Printed in the U.S.A. / 1666-2.5K-10/09