Liebert HPC-S 006, HPC-S 022 Product Documentation

Liebert HPC--S 006--022
Air Cooled Chillers with Scroll compressor/s
Precision Cooling for Business--Critical Continuity
Liebert HPC--S 006--022 -- PD -- 273571 -- 01.03.2012
Liebert HPC-- S 006-- 022
L ie b e rt HP C --- S 00 6 --- 0 22
Liebert HPC-S 006---022 is the new Emerson Network Power product line of air-cooled water chillers, from 60 to 220 kW, designed to combine the best performance in terms of efficiency and reliability with the lowest impact on the environment and to offer a flexible solution for each different application requirement of this product.
Utilising hermetic Scroll compressors, heat exchangers and fans of the latest generation, specifically designed for air conditioning applications, the new series stands out for its unrivalled efficiency, outstanding compactness and low sound emissions.
The “Freecooling” execution and “Supersaver Evolution” system, providing complete integration with indoor air conditioning units, allow the achievement of extraordinary energy savings and increase system lifetime and reliability.
With @connectivity, a highly sophisticated way to let the system components communicate, Liebert HPC-S 006---022 is part of the network created for an improved operations management system and significant energy saving.
L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2
Solutions Committed to your Business
Lie b ert HP C --- S 00 6 --- 022


Liebert HPC-- S 006-- 022
Features and Benefits
Model Number Description
Operating Range
Technical Data
Mechanical Specifications
Performance Adjustment
The Quality Management
System of Emerson Network
Power S.r.l. High Performance
Air Conditioning has been
approved by Lloyd's Register
Quality Assurance to the
quality management system
standard ISO 9001:2008
The product conforms to European Union directives 2006/42/EC; 2004/108/EC; 2006/95/EC and 97/23/EC.
Units are supplied complete with a test certificate and conformity declaration and control component list.
Sound Levels
Electrical Data
Application Considerations
Dimensional Data
Refrigerant Circuit
Hydraulic Circuit
Liebert HPC-- S 006 -- 022 units are CE marked as they comply with the European directives concerning mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic and pressure equipment safety.
Liebert HPC--- S 006---022--- PD--- 273571---01.03.2012
Features and Ben efits
Features and Benefits
Reliability and Low Environmental Impact
The L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 series is equipped with two hermetic scroll com­pressors, which represent state ---of ---the ---art technology in this sector. They have been designed and optimized for air---cooledwater chillers within air condi­tioning applications.
The high volumetric efficiency ensures excellent performances of the Liebert H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 units at full load operation and especially at partial load. Extremely low noise operation and the absence of vibrations aid the installation of the unit in city sites requiring strict noise limits. The wide operating range, bearing lubrication, component oversizing, absence of vibrations and few moving parts, together with the resistance to liquid slug­ging and compressor electronic control integrated with the machine micropro­cessor enhancethe well---known characteristics of operating reliability and long life typical of this compressors type.
AllL i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 units are run testedat the factory before shipment.
High outdoor temperature
The oversizing of heat exchangers and the wide operating range of the scroll compressors permit the use of L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 units in high temperature environments as well, up to 46° C at 100% full load.
Resistance to liquid slugging
The robust design of the scroll compressors can tolerate/withstand amounts of liquid refrigerant that would severely damage reciprocating compressor valves, piston rods and cylinders.
Low Sound Emission
The L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 series is characterized by unrivalled low sound emissions. Compressors supported on anti--- vibration mounts and positioned in a closed compartment, common to all versions; fans specifically designed to reduce the sound emissions, a special compressor jacket on the “B” version “models from C/FB0 011” (Digit 11 = B or D) and “G” version with 900 mm fans, and also aspecial compressor’sbox insulated on the “G” version with 800 mm fans “models from C/FG0 011” allow the achievement of such performance. All the models are equipped with stepless fan speed control, thanks to a special algorithm on the iCOM board, the fan speed could be kept to the minimum. It is possible to reach even lower sound emissions with EC fans (electronically commutated fans), which especially during reduced speed operation, allow noise levels around 50% lower than the values measured at the same conditions with traditional fans.
L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 series sound emissions at 1 m distance
G --- v e r s i on
B --- v e r s i o n
B --- v e r s i o n + 8 0 0 + C J
G --- v e r s i on + 8 0 0 + C J + B o x
007 009 011 014 015 018 019 022
800 = 800 mm fans diameter; CJ = Compressor noise insulation Jacket; Box = Box noise insulation.
Features and Benefits
In the ”G” version chiller , the characteristics of the ”EC” fans can achieve significant noise reductions according their speed (RPM), as shown in the chart below.
98 96 94 92
90 88 86 84
FG0 014 chiller (with CJ) PWL noise emission
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
EC fans RPM
Unequalled Efficiency and Energy Saving
The use of hermetic Scrollcompressors of the latest generation;plate heat exchanger evaporatorsselec­ted for R410A application; aerodynamic profiled blade fans with high efficiency nozzles; large surface condenser coils ensure the achievement of unequalled efficiency figures.
Freecooling Module
The “Freecooling”execution allows L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 to take advantage of low outdoor air tem­peratures in the water cooling process in order to save energy, by avoiding compressors running. A three--- way valve arrangement permits the coolant to be diverted via the additional heat exchangers before being fed into the cooling evaporator. This means that even if the outsideambient temperature is not low enoughto provide the completecool­ing load, asignificant contribution to the running costsof the system can be made whenever theambient temperatures falls below the coolant inlet temperature. Reduced space requirements in comparison with a conventional chiller plus a dry ---cooler, are obtained through the “Freecooling” execution’s compact design and the reduction of the compressors working hours offers exceptional saving both in the long and short term. The different strategies adopted by the proprietary microprocessor control in managing the various com­ponents, fans --- compressors --- regulation valves, and operating modes, mechanical and/or free cool­ing, together with the compressors’ partialisation ensure typical energy savings greater than 30%.
8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000
Annual Power consumption (kWh)
-6-4-202468101214161820222426283032 Outdoor temperature (
8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000
Annual Emergency consumption (kWh)
Outdoor temperature (
Annual energy consumption, Chiller. Annual energy consumption, Chiller plus Freecooling module.
Liebert HPC--- S 006---022--- PD--- 273571---01.03.2012
Features and Benefits
Seasonal Efficiency
The ”Freecooling” execution finds its best application in combination with the “Supersaver Evolution” system which regulates the coolant temperatures according to the variation of the thermal load, increas­ing the numbers of hours during which free cooling is possible. The percentage of energy saving can thus be greater than 35%.
Annual power consumption. Comparison among the systems:
Chiller Superchiller
Superchiller + Supersaver
Energy consumption (MWh)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
T r aditional Chiller Freecooling execution
--- Supersaver Evolution
Integration with Indoor Air Conditioners
Supersaver Evolution System
A special working mode can be set up in combination with Emerson Network Power HPAC indoor units to obtain the ”Supersaver Evolution” system, that enhances the energy saving capabilities and thus op­timizes the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) of the system.
Through @connectivity the information on the cooling needs of the air conditioners is available to the L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 units, that will manage their resources (compressorsand free cooling) in the most efficientway in order to save addition­al energy. This solution does not require any modification, mechanical or electrical thus avoiding ad­ditional components and regulation al­gorithms which could undermine the reliability of the sys­tem.
@ Connectivity
When the room units are equipped with thesametypeofcon­trol system Emerson
Network Power
(iCOM and CDL), it is possible to maximize the energy savings and im­prove the total operation man­agement.
Liebert HPC--- S 006---022--- PD--- 273571---01.03.2012
Features and Benefits
The solution is @connectivity, which is a highly sophisticated way to let the system components (the Air--- Conditioners as well as the L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 units, Chiller and Freecooling executions) talk to each other.
The @connectivity plug--- in allows the setting of different working modes for different situations, such as:
D higher water temperature in low load operation (energy saving); D lower water temperature for dehumidification (better performance); D special ”night” Setpoint (energy saving & noise reduction); D lower water temperature if one or more Air Conditioners fail (keep capacity in emergency situations); D ...andmuchmore!
To add th e @connectivity to your system, it is simply necessary: To build up Hironet connection between the room units and the L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 units. The
network can be only 1 (if the distance and the number of units allow this) or it can be split in several net­works.
On @connectivity it is possible to define the rules that you want your system to respect. It will be then up to the web capabilities to allow the view and control of your system from any PC of your
Local area network (provided that the @connectivity PC is connected on the LAN) or even if you have a connection to Internet and your system is open to external access, you will have the possibility to view and control your system via Internet
Flexibility: Hydronic Module
In orderto match different kinds of installations andap­plications, Liebert HPC -S 006--- 022 units are available with a hydronic mod­ule, which can be adapted/ad­justed depending on thespecif­ic requests. Based on this philosophy, the units can be equipped with everything that is needed for the correct installation and, in this way, reduce the complexity of the commissioning: buffer tank, 1 or 2 circulating pumps, water filter, safety valve, expan­sion vessel, flow switch. With all these elements included inside the unit, it is just a matter of con­necting the chiller to the sys­tem. But, if some or all of these com­ponents are already presentin the hy­draulic line, Liebert HPC-S 006-022 can be equipped only with what is not already con­nected in the system. This level of flexibility allows true customisation of the unit.
Compactness: Small Footprint
The L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 series achieves the high efficiency performance and low soundemission previously described with a compactness which is one the highest in its category. This result ispossible thanks to the high quality componentsselected and a design whichtakes into con­sideration the different aspects and needs of a chiller installation. In this way the installation area can be optimized, leaving more space for other building elements. Com­bining this aspect with the possibility of including all of the hydronic components inside the unit, Liebert H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 series is really a leader in terms of easy and compact installation
Liebert HPC--- S 006---022--- PD--- 273571---01.03.2012
Model Number Description
ModelNumber Description
Model Nomenclature / Digit Numbers
1 2 3 4 5 6
G 0 0 1C 1
C = Air cooled
F = Freecooling
L i e b e r t H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2
Digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 --- Base unit
Base unit main features
D R410A refrigerant; D One refrigeration circuit; D HP and LP gauges; D Fans speed control (TRIAC or EC according B or G
version); on B versions, different options with EC fans are available;
D On digit 11 base version B,opt.B&D+G version
opt. C compressors jacket if necessary;
D On digit 11 G version opt. D compressors jacket +
compressor’s box insulated if necessary;
D Expansion valve: TXV (Thermostatic expansion
Valv e) on B version;
EEV (Electronic Expansion Valve)
on G version;
D Flow switch and Hydraulic Kit (Hydraulic Kit =
expansion vessel and safety valve);
D Evaporator electric heater + tank electric heater will
protect piping too (only if pump/s are fitted on unit);
D Electrical panel ventilation; D Buffer tank of 100, 200 and 300 litres (1, 2 and 3 fans).
Digit 7 --- Display and Switch
A =FTE display B =FTE display + Network Switch E = iCOM Coldfire display large F = iCOM Coldfire display large + Network Switch
D i g i t 8 --- S o f t s t a r t e r
0 =None 1 = With compressors soft starter
Digit 9 --- Monitoring
0 =None 1 =ISHousing(noISCardincluded) 2 =Webcard 3 = Modbus card 4 =Sitescancard 5 = Web card + Modbus card 6 = Web card + Sitescan card 7 = Modbus card + Sitescan card 8 = Bacnet card (Bacnet or Modbus over IP)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Cooling Capacity
Cooling capacity (x 10 = kW)
0 = R410A
B = Base version G = High efficiency class version
D i g i t 1 0 --- B u f f e r t a n k
0 =None 1 = With buffer tank 2 = With buffer tank + electric heaters (only for chiller
Digit 11 --- Fans options
A = TRIAC control and 900 mm fans B =TRIAC control and 800 mm fans C = E C --- F a n s, 9 0 0 m m D = E C --- F a n s , 8 0 0 m m
D i g i t 1 2 --- P u m p s g r o u p (expansion tank and water
safety valve always included as standard)
1 =Nopumps 2 = With 1 pump LP (low pressure) 3 = With 1 pump HP (high pressure) 4 = With 2 pumps LP (low pressure) 5 = With 2 pumps HP (high pressure)
D i g i t 1 3 --- F r e e
Digit 14 --- Electric panel options
0 =None 1 = With electric heaters A = Fast start ramp B =Fast start ramp and electric heaters
Digit 15 --- Evaporator antifreeze protection
0 =None 1 = With evaporator antifreeze protection 2 = With evaporator and pipe antifreeze protection
Digit 16 --- Compressor power factor correction
0 =None 1 = With compressors power factor capacitors
Digit 17 --- Coil metal filter / Protection grid
0 =None 1 = With coil metal filter
Digit 18 --- Special requests
0 =None X =As specified
Model Number Description
Kits / Accessories shipped loose
D Anti-vibrating mounts (spring or rubber)
D Dee shackle UNI 1947
D Coldfire IP40 remote box
D Water filter
Configuration Rules
In order to give the units the highest flexibility and a high option number, it is necessary to follow the configuration rules indicated here below, so as to select the unit with all compatible options:
Rule valid for all Chiller and Freecooling versions:
Compressor soft starter are not electrically compatible with compressors power factor correc­tions
D if digit 8 = 1 than digit 16 = 0
on digit 11: A & B not available on G version (default: A with Base version and C with G ver-
Rules valid for Chiller versions only (on Freecooling chillers electric heaters are not available):
Heating resistors have to be selected according to the presence of the pumps, tank, etc.
D if digit 15 = 1 or 2, then digit 10 = 0 or 2
D if digit 15 = 1, then digit 12 = 2, 3, 4 or 5
D if digit 15 = 2, then digit 12 = 1
D ifdigit10=2,thendigit15=1or2
Operatin gRan ge
Operating Range
Working Limits
Minimum temperature of outdoor air entering condenser coils (with standard operating unit):
-- -25 ° C for Freecooling models;
Maximum outdoor air temperature is in relation to each model, as indicated in the following tables. High water flow values (corresponding to a thermal difference at the evaporatorlower than3.5° C --- 4° C) may cause corrosions and vibrations inside the plate heat exchanger and in the hydraulic circuit.
The Minimum water flow allowed corresponds to a maximum temperature difference of 8° C. More extreme operating conditions would active safety devices and the unit would be stopped. The outlet water temperature must range from 4° C to 15° C. The maximum allowed water return temperature, when the unit isin full operation, is 20° C; return temper­atures over 20° C are allowed only during start---up.
The “G” version with EC fans 900mm (digit 11 = C) admit Maximum Outlet Water Temperature of 20 ° C and Maximum Water Return Temperatur e of 26° C when the units are at full power. The maximum permitted glycol percentage is 50% (35% with standard pump groups fitted).
The necessary minimum glycol percentage depends on the minimum ambient air temperature condi­tions referred to the place of installation.
The maximum hydraulic working pressure is 6 barg (safety valve set at 6 barg, optional). Nominal power supply tolerance: 400V See “Operation range” table reporting the limits for each model; for different values ask your agent. All the working limits indicated in both diagrams and tables refer to steady ---state operation mode.
Unit storage conditions:
D between ---10 ° C and + 45 ° C for all models; humidity: 80% R.H. non-condensing.
10%; max. voltage unbalance: 2%.
A v e r a g e H P C --- S 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 W o r k i n g L i m i t s
25 24 23 22 21
LWT (_C)
20 19 18
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
All models
All models
Ambient Temperature (_C)
This diagram shows the average working limits of all the products family. Refer to table 3 for the working limits of each unit.
5550454035302520151050--- 5--- 10--- 15---2 0--- 2 5--- 3 0
Liebert HPC--- S 006---022--- PD--- 273571---01.03.2012
Operating Range
Tab. 3a --- Operating range --- Chiller with AC fans 900mm
Models: CB0 006 ---022 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 019 022
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch
High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
(1) --- With nominal air flow; water outlet temperature 7° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
Tab. 3b --- Operating range --- Chiller with AC fans 800mm
Models: CB0 006 ---022 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 019 022
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
C 52.0 49.5 54.0 52.5 50.0 48.5 52.0 50.5 49.0
barg barg
C 50.0 47.0 52.5 50.5 48.0 46.0 50.0 48.0 46.5
barg barg
42 45
3/4” G
42 45
3/4” G
(1) --- With nominal air flow; water outlet temperature 7° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
Tab. 3c --- Operating range --- Chiller with EC fans 900mm
Models: CG0 006 ---018 006 007 009 011 014 015 018
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
C 53.0 56.0 56.0 53.5 55.5 54.0 53.0
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
(1) --- With nominal air flow; water outlet temperature 7° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
barg barg
42 45
3/4” G
Tab. 3d --- Operating range --- Chiller with EC fans 800mm
Models: CG0 006 ---018 006 007 009 011 014 015 018
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch
High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
C 47.0 52.0 51.5 48.0 50.5 48.5 47.0
barg barg
42 45
3/4” G
(1) --- With nominal air flow; water outlet temperature 7° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
Liebert HPC--- S 006---022--- PD--- 273571---01.03.2012
Operating Range
Tab. 3e --- Operating range --- Freecooling with AC fans 900mm
Models: FB0 006 ---022 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 019 022
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch
High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
(1) --- With nominal air flow; mixture outlet temperature 10° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
Tab. 3f --- Operating range --- Freecooling with AC fans 800mm
Models: FB0 006 ---022 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 019 022
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
C 50.0 47.0 53.0 51.0 48.5 46.5 50.0 48.5 47.0
barg barg
C 48.5 45.5 52.0 49.5 46.5 44.0 48.5 46.5 45.0
barg barg
42 45
3/4” G
42 45
3/4” G
(1) --- With nominal air flow; mixture outlet temperature 10° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
Tab. 3g --- Operating range --- Freecooling with EC fans 900mm
Models: FG0 006 ---018 006 007 009 011 014 015 018
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
C 51.5 55.0 55.0 52.5 54.5 53.0 52.0
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
(1) --- With nominal air flow; mixture outlet temperature 10° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
barg barg
42 45
3/4” G
Tab. 3h --- Operating range --- Freecooling with EC fans 800mm
Models: FG0 006 ---018 006 007 009 011 014 015 018
Operating range
Max. outdoor temperature
Safety devices settings
High pressure switch
High pressure safety valve HP safety valves (each circuit) High pressure safety valve connection Low pressure switch
C 45.5 51.5 50.5 46.5 49.5 47.5 45.5
barg barg
42 45
3/4” G
(1) --- With nominal air flow; mixture outlet temperature 10° C; full load; R410A refrigerant.
Liebert HPC--- S 006---022--- PD--- 273571---01.03.2012
Ta b . 4 a --- Te c h n i c a l D a t a --- C B 0 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 --- A C 9 0 0
CB0 model with AC 900 mm fans - R410A 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 019 022 Performance
Cooling capacity kW 58.5 70.6 86.8 111.6 132.9 146.5 175.8 193.1 215.9 Compressors power input kW 16.1 21.5 23.2 31.1 40.4 47.9 49.9 58.3 67.1 Total power input kW 18.5 23.9 28.0 35.9 45.2 52.7 57.1 65.5 74.3 Unit EER - 3.16 2.95 3.10 3.11 2.94 2.78 3.08 2.95 2.91 Water flow m3/h 10.08 12.14 14.91 19.19 22.85 25.21 30.20 33.19 37.14 Water pressure drop kPa 47 42 37 41 42 50 48 58 49
Sound level
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) PWL (Sound Power Level)
Refrigeration circuit
Number of refrigeration circuits No 1 Refrigerant charge (each circuit) kg 10.5 10.5 13.0 18.0 20.0 20.0 27.5 27.5 28.5
Number of compressors No Type - hermetic scroll Nominal power (each compressor) HP
Number of fans No 1 2 3 Type - axial Wheel nominal diameter mm 900 RPM 1/min 900 Nominal power input (each fan) kW 2.4 Fans power input kW 2.4 4.8 7.2 Air flow rate m3/h 21900 21400 44800 43800 42800 42800 65700 65700 64200
Number of evaporators No 1 Type - brazed plate heat exchanger Internal volume (refrigerant side) l 4.1 5.1 5.6 7.6 9.2 9.2 11.6 11.6 14.8
Condensing coil
Material tubes / Fins - aluminium / aluminium Rows / Fins space No/mm 3 / 1.8 3/1.6 2/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 3/1.6 3/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 Face area m Internal volume (each coil) l 7.3 9.8 14.7 22.0
Water connections
Diameters inlet / outlet DN-inch DN50 2" DN65 2 1/2" Unit volume l 10 10 23 25 25 26 34 32 36
Length mm 2043 3043 4043 Depth mm 1201 Height mm 1902
Net weight kg 722 738 895 1035 1152 1170 1392 1404 1444 Operating weight kg 732 748 918 1060 1177 1196 1426 1436 1480
Technical Data
dB(A) 75 76 76.5 77 77.5 78 dB(A) 92 94 94.5 96 96.5 97
13+13 15+15 15+25 25+25 25+30 30+30 30+40 40+40
3.00 6.00 9.00
(1) --- At the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3Ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; water inlet/outlet temperature 12/7°C; ethylene glycol 0%. (2) --- Measured with outdoor temperature 35 (3) --- With outdoor temperature 35
C; calculated according to ISO 3744.
C; 1m from the unit; free field conditions; according to ISO 3744.
Technical Data
Ta b . 4 b --- Te c h n i c a l D a t a --- C B 0 0 0 6 --- 0 2 2 --- A C 8 0 0
CB0 model with AC 800 mm fans - R410A 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 019 022 Performance
Cooling capacity kW 56.8 68.0 85.2 108.8 128.8 141.3 171.1 187.3 208.7 Compressors power input kW 16.9 22.7 23.9 32.4 42.4 50.4 52.1 61.1 70.3 Total power input kW 18.6 24.4 27.3 35.8 45.8 53.8 57.2 66.2 75.4 Unit EER - 3.05 2.79 3.12 3.04 2.81 2.63 2.99 2.83 2.77 Water flow m3/h 9.77 11.71 14.66 18.72 22.19 24.34 29.41 32.22 35.92 Water pressure drop kPa 44 39 36 39 39 47 46 55 46
Sound level
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) PWL (Sound Power Level)
Refrigeration circuit
Number of refrigeration circuits No 1 Refrigerant charge (each circuit) kg 10.5 10.5 13.0 18.0 20.0 20.0 27.5 27.5 28.5
Number of compressors No Type - hermetic scroll Nominal power (each compressor) HP
Number of fans No 1 2 3 Type - axial Wheel nominal diameter mm 800 RPM 1/min 900 Nominal power input (each fan) kW 1.7 Fans power input kW 1.7 3.4 5.1 Air flow rate m3/h 18000 17800 37000 36000 35600 35600 54000 54000 53400
Number of evaporators No 1 Type - brazed plate heat exchanger Internal volume (refrigerant side) l 4.1 5.1 5.6 7.6 9.2 9.2 11.6 11.6 14.8
Condensing coil
Material tubes / Fins - aluminium / aluminium Rows / Fins space No/mm 3 / 1.8 3/1.6 2/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 3/1.6 3/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 Face area m Internal volume (each coil) l 7.3 9.8 14.7 22.0
Water connections
Diameters inlet / outlet DN-inch DN50 2" DN65 2 1/2" Unit volume l 10 10 23 25 25 26 34 32 36
Length mm 2043 3043 4043 Depth mm 1201 Height mm 1902
Net weight kg 722 738 895 1035 1152 1170 1392 1404 1444 Operating weight kg 732 748 918 1060 1177 1196 1426 1436 1480
dB(A) 63 64 66 66.5 67 67.5 68 dB(A) 80 82 84 84.5 86 86.5 87
13+13 15+15 15+25 25+25 25+30 30+30 30+40 40+40
3.00 6.00 9.00
(1) --- At the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3Ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; water inlet/outlet temperature 12/7°C; ethylene glycol 0%. (2) --- Measured with outdoor temperature 35 (3) --- With outdoor temperature 35
C; calculated according to ISO 3744.
C; 1m from the unit; free field conditions; according to ISO 3744.
Technical Data
Ta b . 4 c --- Te c h n i c a l D a t a --- C G 0 0 0 6 --- 0 1 8 --- E C 9 0 0
CG0 model with EC 900 mm fans - R410A 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 Performance
Cooling capacity kW 59.6 77.8 89.1 113.3 142.2 158.3 178.6 Compressors power input kW 15.6 18.4 22.1 30.4 36.2 42.3 48.6 Total power input kW 18.2 23.6 27.3 35.6 44.0 50.1 56.4 Unit EER - 3.27 3.30 3.27 3.18 3.23 3.16 3.17 Water flow m3/h 10.25 13.28 15.31 19.46 24.47 27.17 30.67 Water pressure drop kPa 49 50 39 42 47 57 50
Sound level
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) PWL (Sound Power Level)
Refrigeration circuit
Number of refrigeration circuits No 1 Refrigerant charge (each circuit) kg 10.5 12.5 16.0 18.0 26.5 26.5 27.5
Number of compressors No Type - hermetic scroll Nominal power (each compressor) HP
Number of fans No 1 2 3 Type - axial with EC motor Wheel nominal diameter mm 900 RPM 1/min 1000 Nominal power input (each fan) kW 2.6 Fans power input kW 2.6 5.2 7.8 Air flow rate m3/h 23700 50600 48500 47400 72750 72750 71100
Number of evaporators No 1 Type - brazed plate heat exchanger Internal volume (refrigerant side) l 4.1 5.1 5.6 7.6 9.2 9.2 11.6
Condensing coil
Material tubes / Fins - aluminium / aluminium Rows / Fins space No/mm 3 / 1.6 2/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 3/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 Face area m Internal volume (each coil) l 7.3 9.8 14.7 22.0
Water connections
Diameters inlet / outlet DN-inch DN50 2" DN65 2 1/2" Unit volume l 11 22 20 23 31 33 34
Length mm 2043 3043 4043 Depth mm 1201 Height mm 1931
Net weight kg 723 888 934 1049 1357 1375 1418 Operating weight kg 734 910 954 1072 1388 1408 1452
dB(A) 78.5 79.5 80 dB(A) 95.5 97.5 99
3.00 6.00 9.00
13+13 15+15 15+25 25+25 25+30 30+30
(1) --- At the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3Ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; water inlet/outlet temperature 12/7°C; ethylene glycol 0%. (2) --- Measured with outdoor temperature 35 (3) --- With outdoor temperature 35
C; calculated according to ISO 3744.
C; 1m from the unit; free field conditions; according to ISO 3744.
Technical Data
Ta b . 4 d --- Te c h n i c a l D a t a --- C G 0 0 0 6 --- 0 1 8 --- E C 8 0 0
CG0 model with EC 800 mm fans - R410A 006 007 009 011 014 015 018 Performance
Cooling capacity kW 54.3 73.9 84.2 104.7 133.8 147.4 164.3 Compressors power input kW 18.0 20.1 24.3 34.3 40.1 47.4 55.3 Total power input kW 18.7 21.5 25.7 35.7 42.2 49.5 57.4 Unit EER - 2.91 3.44 3.28 2.93 3.17 2.98 2.86 Water flow m3/h 9.34 12.70 14.45 18.04 22.99 25.36 28.29 Water pressure drop kPa 41 46 35 37 42 50 43
Sound level
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) PWL (Sound Power Level)
Refrigeration circuit
Number of refrigeration circuits No 1 Refrigerant charge (each circuit) kg 10.5 12.5 16.0 18.0 26.5 26.5 27.5
Number of compressors No Type - hermetic scroll Nominal power (each compressor) HP
Number of fans No 1 2 3 Type - axial with EC motor Wheel nominal diameter mm 800 RPM 1/min 718 Nominal power input (each fan) kW 0.7 Fans power input kW 0.7 1.4 2.1 Air flow rate m3/h 13900 29200 28200 27800 42300 42300 41700
Number of evaporators No 1 Type - brazed plate heat exchanger Internal volume (refrigerant side) l 4.1 5.1 5.6 7.6 9.2 9.2 11.6
Condensing coil
Material tubes / Fins - aluminium / aluminium Rows / Fins space No/mm 3 / 1.6 2/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 3/1.8 3/1.8 3/1.6 Face area m Internal volume (each coil) l 7.3 9.8 14.7 22.0
Water connections
Diameters inlet / outlet DN-inch DN50 2" DN65 2 1/2" Unit volume l 11 22 20 23 31 33 34
Length mm 2043 3043 4043 Depth mm 1201 Height mm 1874
Net weight kg 723 888 934 1049 1357 1375 1418 Operating weight kg 734 910 954 1072 1388 1408 1452
dB(A) 58 59 61 62 dB(A) 75 77 79 81
3.00 6.00 9.00
13+13 15+15 15+25 25+25 25+30 30+30
(1) --- At the following standard conditions: power supply 400V/3Ph/50Hz; outdoor temperature 35°C; water inlet/outlet temperature 12/7°C; ethylene glycol 0%. (2) --- Measured with outdoor temperature 35 (3) --- With outdoor temperature 35
C; calculated according to ISO 3744.
C; 1m from the unit; free field conditions; according to ISO 3744.
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