LG UN160 User Manual

Model : UN160
LG Electronics’ strategic direction for products with greener features is to reduce the environmental load at every stage of the
Document created on : 2013.09.05
Material composition
Paper: 46g
product lifecycle. Our efforts to improve the performance of green features are based on designing for better energy efficiency, reductions in raw material usage, improvements in product recyclability and increased use of recycled materials.
LG Electronics Environmental Declarations give information on environmental aspects of our products.
Product type and model Mobile Phone / UN160 Dimension (W×H×D) 98mm × 51mm× 18.5mm
ht 82.41
Dimension (W×H×D) 133mm × 74mm × 67mm Weight 46g
on-load power consumption
Average charging efficiency 66.65%
EU IPP VA charger energy rating
1) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ipp/mobile.htm
Battery type/capacity Standard Battery Type, Li-Ion/ 950mAH
Weight 25g
Battery using time
* The battery cell meets EU Directives 2006/66/EC on Batteries and Accumulators and Waste Batteries and Accumulators and
repealing Directive 91/157/EEC (Batteries Directive)
Standby mode 480 Hours
Call mode 5 Hours
This product complies with the below mentioned directives and regulations.
The product packaging
complies with the below mentioned directives and regulations
EU RoHS Directive
Directive 2011/65/EC
EU REACH Regulation
Regulation 1907/2006/EC
Ozone Depleting Substancesas banned in the Montreal Protocol
LG Electronics either has phased out or is phasing out the using of Polyvinylchloride(PVC), Brominated Flame Retardants (BFR), Chlorinated Flame Retardants (CFR) and Phthalates as defined in hazardous substances list LG Electronics’ Standard for Manag em en t of Hazardous Substa nc es .
>> Further information on the LG Electronics hazardous substanc e managem ent system, hazardou s substan ce
phase out program and REACH compliance can be found at :
EU Packaging Directive 94/62/EC Ozone Depleting Substances as banned in the Montreal Protocol
• LG Electronics has phased out the using of Polyvinylchloride (PVC) from this product packaging.
• Plastic packaging material is marked in accordance with ISO 11469 and ISO 1043-1 to 4 or the relative regulation in Korea, Japan and China.
2) This link is to a website outside the control of LG Electronics USA (“LGEUS”) which is intended for international viewing. The information contained in this website may not apply in the U.S. You should refer to and only rely on the marketing and informational materials distributed by LGEUS in the United States. This website may also contain “forward-looking statements;” that is, statements related to future events. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. These uncertainties may cause LG’s actual future results to be materially different from those expressed in the forward-looking statements on the website.
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