website http:/iwww.lgser_'ice,
eomail http:iiwww lge se_qice_
tsuse or improper
for any damages

Write the model and seria! numbers here:
Mode| #
_rial #
You can find them on a label on the side of each un_.
D_ler's. Name
Date Purchas_
Ill Staple you__receipt 1o this page it_the evet_t yc&=_)eed it
to prove _te of purchase or for warranty issue&
hs,ide yoiu w_! find many _lpiu! hints on how to use and
maintain _our air conditioi_r prol;mr|y. Just a little prever_tive
care on },our _rt can _ve y_ a great: deal of time and
money _er the life of your air cond_io#er.
YOu'|[ find many ans;wers to. comm(_l pr_iems in the chart
of tr®blesho_ing t#s. # you review our chart of
Troubleshooting Tips first, you may net [_ed to call for
serv_e at a&
• Contact the authorized _rvi,ce t_hnician for repair
or maintenan_ of this unit.
, Contac_ the installer for installation of this unit.
_The air conditioner is not lintended for use by young
children or invalids without s,upewi_ion
• Young children sh,ouid be su_rvis_ to ensure that
they do not p|ay w_h the air _nditioner:
• When the power cord is to be repla_di, replacement
work shah be _rform_ by authoriz_ personnel only
using only g_uine r_lacement pa_s_
.,installation wo_ mus_ be pe_ormed in _cordance
with the National E|e_trie Code [by _ua|#i_ and
author|z_ personne| on_y,
2 Room Air Conditioner

To prevent injury toi the user or other _ple and property damage, the following instructions
must be fol!owed,
[] Incorrect operation due to ignoring instruction will cause harm or damage. The seriousness
is classified by the following
This symbol indicates the _ssibiU_y of death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates the possibility of injury _ _ge to properties _ly:
I Meanings of symbols us_ in this manual are as shown below.
B,esure not to ,do,,
Be sure to follow the instruction,
[] Installation
• _herwise, _ my _u_ a fire
or e_edrica_ sh_k,
• It may _use failure and
ellectric sh_.
• 01therwi_, it may cau_ a fire
el_rical sh_k,
• Sharp _£es may cause
• It will_u_ ele_ric sho._ or fire
due _ heat generation.
• It may _use exp,!_ion or fire
Owner_ Manual 3

1 Operation
• There ='sdanger of fire or electric
• it may cause fire,and ele_ric
• it willcause electric sho_ or fire
due to heat generation
• it will1cause f_lure of machine or
•,@her,vise, it may cause a fire
or elec4rica_ sh_k,
•The appearance of the air
cond_ioner may deteriorate
change color, Ordeve!op surfa_
, C)t_e_be it may _u_ fire and
el_tric: shock ac_ci_nt.
. An oxygen shortage may ,occur,
4 Room Air Conditioner
, Othe_ise, it may ebctrical
shock and lailure.
, Since the fan rotates at high
speed dgring operation, ff may
_use ___!!
,, Prevent accidental startup and
the pos,sbil_y of injury:

• _ will cause e[_tric shock or fire
due to heat generation,
• _ may _use electric sh_k and
• litwiB cause ,e_eddcshock or fire..
• O_herwise, it:may cause
expl_ion_ and a fire,
• litwiill _u_ electric sho_.
• They are sharp and m_cause
i| Installation
• O_erwise, it may cause dispute wffh the
• Otherwise, iitmay cause vibration or water
Owner_ Manual 5

Safety Precautions
[] Operation
• ff my cause injury: • it may cause product failure. • The appearance o! Me air
_nditJoner may deteriorate,
change co,lor_or develop surface
•' It may cause an injury through
dropping o,fthe unit or fa!lling
down ..
• _tmay _use injury:
• Operation witho_ fi_terswill
cause failure
- Otherwise, it may do harm to
your heath.
• It cont,_ns ,containments and will
make you sick.
• Othe_ise, _ may cause
pe_onal injury.
6 Room Air Conditioner

Before Operation
1i' Contact an installation specialist for installation.
2. Plug in the power plug properly.
3. Use a dedicated circuit.
4. Do not use an extension cord.
5. IDo not staWstop operation by plugging!unplugging the power cord.
6;. If the cord/plug is damaged, replace it with only an authorized replacement
1i_ Being exposed to direct airflow for .anextended period o,ftime could b,e
hazardous to your health, Do not expose occupants, pets, or plants to direct
airflow for extended periods of time.
2i_Due to the possibility of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room when used
together with stoves or other heating device&
3 Do not use this air conditioner for non-specified special purposes (e.g.
preserving precision devices, food, peR, plan_, and art objects). Such usage
could damage the, items.
1 Do not touch the metal parts of the unit when removing the filter, lquries can
occur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner. Exposure to water can
destroy the insulation, leading to possible electric shock.
3. When cleaning the unit:, first make sure that the power and breaker are turned
off. The fan rotates at a very high speed during operation. There is a
possiibi]ity of injury if the unit's power iis accidentally triggered on while
cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For repair and maintenance, contact your authorized service dealer.
Owner_ Manual 2'