LG LWHD2400HR, LWHD1807HR Owner’s Manual

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_s valuable
proper air
_pmper use.
isuseor improper
for any damages
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Mode| # _rial #
You can fir_ them _ a label on the side of each ua_. Dea_eCs Name
Date Purchas_
II 8[ap[e you_ re_ip[ to [his page #_[t'_,ee_ant yc_ ne_ it
to prove date of purchase or for warranty issue.
Inside _,u will find many h_p|ul hints o,n hc_v to use and maintain _ur air cor_ditio,n_ pro_dy. Just a [i_le preventive care on _3ur _[t _n _v_ y_ a great: deal ol time and money over 'the life of your ai_ conditioner,
YouH find many an_w_s toi c,ommoa problems in the c_rt of t_¢_b_ho_ing tips. if _u revi_ our ch_t d
Troubleshooting Tips first you may no_ _ to cal_ fo,r
serv_e at a&
Contact: the, author{_d service t_hnician for repai_ or maintenance of this unit,
Contact the install_ for installation ,of this unit.
The air conditioner is not intendied for use by young children o,rinvalids without s,upervision.
Yo_n_ chi|dten shoei_ be _rvis_ to e_s, ure that
they _o not play with the air conditioner:
Whe_ tlhe power cord is to be repla_d, repla_ment
work shah be _rformed by aethorizedi personnel only'
_si#g o_ly g_uine r_lacement parts.
|nstall_lon work musl be performed in _cor_a#ce
with the National Electric Code [by quailfi_ and
authorized personnel on|y,
2 Room Air Conditioner
To prevent injjury i tOthe user or other people and property damage, the b_liowing instructions
must be fo!lowed,
[] Incorrect operation due to ignoring instruction will _use harm or damage. The seriousness
is cliassifi_ by the fol!oiwing indications,
I.......oz .s Ooss'O". o'deo' irso.'ou 'o.o 1
[. CAUTION This symbo_indicates the possibility of injury or d_a_ to properties only.J
ii Meanings of symbols us,_ in this manual are as shown below,
Be sure. not to ,do,
Be sure to follow the instruction,
[] Installation
, O_herwise, it may _use a fire
or electrica_ sh_k,
It may _use failure and ellectnc shako
Otherwi_, it may cause a fire or eEectrica[Ishock,
° Sharp, _ges may cau_
It will _u_ electric _k or fire due _ heat genera_on,
It may cau_ exp!osbn or fire,
Owner_ Manual 3
Il! Operation
There ='sdanger of fire or electric shocL
Itwill cause electric sh_ or fire due to heat generation
Itwill cause _aiiure of ma_ine or ele_Eic sh_k_
° _herwise, it may _use a fire
or elect:rica_ sh_k,
The ap_arance of the air cond_ioner may deteriorate, change color, or devebp surfa_
_erwi_ it may cauce fire and el_tric shock acc_ent.
An oxygen shortage may occur,
4 Room Air Conditioner
° _henNi_, it m_y electrical
sho_ and failure.
° Since the fan rot_es at high
_,_d during operation, it may cause iniury:
° Prevent accidenta! startup and
the,potability Ofiniury,
Safety Precautions
Hwill cause e_ectricshock or fire ° litwill cau_ elleclric shock or fire.. It will _ui_ electric _ock. due to heat generation_
ff may cause etedric sh_ and _mage
Othe_ise, it:m_y cau_ explosion, and a fire,
III In allatio, n
O_erwi_, it may cause dispute w_h the neigh_rs.
_ey are sharp and may cause
O_he_ise, it may cause vibration or water [leakage.
Owner_ Manual 5
[] Operation
it my cause injury. , it m_ cause produ_ failure. The appearance o1He air conditioner m_ dietedorate,
change co.l.or,.ordevelop _rface
It may _use an injury through
dropping of the unit or fa!lling
' _tmay cause injury.
* Operation without fillers will
_use 'failure
_herwise, it may do harm to your hea_:h.
it conlains con_inmer4s and will make you sick.
* OthepMse, it may cau_
pe_onal injury.
6 Room Air Conditioner
1. Contact an installation specialist for installation.
2. Plug in the power plug properly.
3. Use a dedicat_ circuit.
4. Do not use an extension cord.
5. Do not start/stop operation by plugging/unplugging the _wer cord.
6. If the _rd!plug is damage, replace it with only an authorized replacement part.
1i_ Being expos_ to direct airflow for an extend_ period of time could be
hazardous to your health. Do not expose _cupants, pets, or plants to direct
airflow for extended periods of time.
2i. Due to the _ssibilibt of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the r_m when used
together with stoves or other heating device&
3 Do not use this air conditioner for nonospecified special purples (e.g.
preserving precision devices, fo_, pets, plants, and art objects). Such u_ge could damage the items.
1 Do not touch the metal _rts of the unit when removing the filter, Injuries can
occur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not use water to clean inside the air oonditioner. Exposure to water can destroy the insulation, leading to possible electric shock.
3i_When ,cleaning the unit, first make sure that the _wer and breaker are turn,_
off. The fan rotates at a very high speed during operation. There is a _ssibiliby of injury if the unit's power is a_identally trigger_ on while cleaning inner parts of the unit,
For repair and maintenance, contact your authorized service dealen
Owner_ Manual 7
This symbol alerts you to the, risk of el_tric shock,.
This symbol alerts you to hazards that could cause harm to, the air cond_ione, r.
This symbol indicates sp_ial notes.
This, appliance should _ installedin accordance _th the National Electric _de.
8 Room Air Conditioner
Air Filter
Power Cord
Control Board
El_trical Safety
! 15V~ 230V-
The shape may be dif_rent according to its model.
U_ Wall Receptacle Power Supply
S'_Rdard 125V, 3owire grounding receptacle rat_ 15A, i25V AC
S_ndard 250V, 3_wire grounding r_ept_acl!e rated 15A, 2_:)V AC
SlPJn_rd 2_V, 3_wtre grounding _ecep|ade rated _A, 250V AC
U_ 15 AMP, time de_ay fu_ or !5 AMP,,
c#cu_t breaker°
U_, 20 AMP. time de_ay fuse or :20,AMP,
circu_ breaker,
Power cord may include a current inle,_upter device. A test and reset bu_on is
provided on the piug use. The device should Ibe te_ed on a periodic basis by first pressing the TEST b_on and then the
RESET button, If the TEST button does not
tdp or if the RESET button will not stay
engage& discontinue use of the ,air conditioner and contact a qualified service
_vet push the test burton ,during
_herwise this plug can damage,
Th_ deJi_ c_ias chemical including lead, kn_n to,the State d _li_omia to
cau_ car_er, and birth dd_Is or _h_ r_,roductive harm
Wash ha,ads aHer handfi_ Do not re,m_ve, modify _ immerse, th_ plug, if th_ de_o4cetrips, the cau_ i_to be
corrected _fore further use.
The conductors inside this cord are
surrounded by shields, which moinitor leakage current.
These shields a_e not ground_,
_8, and 23_208 Vo_ un_s. Alilwiring shouM be ma_ in accordance with local
electrical codes and regulations, Aluminum house wiring may p_e sp_ia!
problem& _nsuff a qu,al#i_ eleddcian.
Periodically examine the co_d br any damage, _ not u_ this p,mduct in the event the shields become expos._. Avoid sh_k hazard, this unit can not
user serviced opening the tamer
resistant. Sealed _rflon d the unit voids a!! warranties and! performance
claims, This unit not intended for use as an on-off s"witch.
Ownerb Manual 9
-[he' _#er cord _ _is appliance is equip_d with a threo-pror_ (grounding) _ug. U_ thiis with a standard th:_os|oi (grounding) wall _er out_et to minimize the
h_a_d of el[_tdc sh@ckoThe c_tomer shoul!d have the wall receptac_ and circui! checked by a qualified
electrician to make sure the r_eptade is pro_dy
Because, _ IPot_tia_ safety hazards, we stronglly discourage the use of an ada_ _ug_ H_ever, if you
wish to u_ an adapter, a TEMPORARY CONNECTION
may _ made. Use UL-iisted ada_er, availab_ from most ]_al h_dvva_e stores.
....[he _arge s]o_ in the adapter must b_ a]kjned w_h the
large slot in _he re_ptade to assure a _op_" _larity conn,ect[®.
: Attachi_ _e adapter g_o,und terminall to _e walt
receptacle covet' screw do_ not ground the applian_
unless the cover sc_ is _1, and not Insu|a_ed, and _e wa|i_r_ptacle is grounded through the house
wiring. The custom_ sho.u_ h_e the circuit choked by a qualified electd_an to make sum _e receptacle
is properP] ground_,
Di_o=nn_t '|he _er _rd from the a_3,pter, using ,one hand _ each. Otl_i_, the a_pte_ grou_ t_mir_] m_ht break. DO NOT USE the ap_i_ce with a broken
adaple_ p_ugi.
C_ not use an ad@ter pi_ in thee, situations. Unplugging the power oord frequently can lead to an eventual breakage of the ground terminal The wan
power outlet should _ replaced by a |hr.-slot (grounding) o_iet instead,
USE OF EXTENSION CORDS Because d _t_tia_ _|ety hazards, we strongly
discourra,ge the use of an ext_sion cord. H_er, if you wish to use an extension cord, _e. a CSA
certified_JL-[isted 3-v_re (grounding} extensbn cord rated at i 5.A, 125V,
10 Ro,_m Air Coeditioner
FOAM ...........
I/4 Bubbie
1.To avoid vibration and noi_, make sure the unit is instaBed _curely and firmly.
2. In_alll the unit Sere the _nlight _es. not shine dir_lly on the unit. If the unit re_iv_, direct sunlight, buBdan awning to,shade the cabinet,
3, _ere should be no ob_acle, like a fence, within 20which might re_rict heat radiation from the con_n_r,
4. To prevent reducing performance, instal[Ithe unit oo that louvers d the cabinet are not blocked.
5, Install the unit a !_le obliquely outward not _ avoid leaking _e condensed water into the room (about 1/2"
or 1/4 bubble with level).
6. Installi_e unit wi_ its bottom potion _~60" ab,o_ the fl_r level.
7. Stuff the foam between the top d the unit and the wall to prevent air and ins_ts from getting into the room.
8,.The power _rd mum be conneded to an inde_n_nt circuff. The green wire must be groiunded, 9, Connect the drain tube to the base pan hole in the rear si_ if you need to drain (consult a dealen),
Plastic hose or _uivallent may _ connected to the drain tu_.
The grilile is designed to.c_an the rifler both upward and downward.
(a) (b) (c)
A, Before a_aching the front grille toi the cabinet, ff _u want to pull o_ the filter upward;
1,.Open the inlet grille slightly (a).
2, Turn inside out the front griBe (a),
3. Disa_emble the tiniergrille from the fro,_ griBewith _parating the hinged part by in,fling a straight type
_rew.-dri_r tip (b).
4, Then, rolate the inlet gdil,e 180 degrees .andinsert the hooks into bottom holes of the front gdlle.
5. Inert _e filter and attach the front griBeto _e cabinet.
B, ff you want to p_i_ IO_ the filter downward;
The grili!,eis,already designed that way.
Owner_ Manual 11
All sup_rting pads should be _cured to,firm wood, masonry, or metal
1. This unit is designed for instalation in standard doubi_ehung windows with actual opening wi_hs from 2'9°'to 4!"
The top and bottom window sashes must open _fliciently to all_ a ,clearvertical opening of 18" from the _ttom of the upper _sh to the win_w st_L
2 TInestool off_t (height between the stool and sill),must be
le_ than 1 1/4.",
iF_ml strip Fc_m.,,PE
12 Ro,om, Air Co,nditioner
Ty_ O (2}
CarnageBoll: (2') Lock Nut (4)
1. Remove the _rews which _asten the cabinet at both _des ,and at the back_
2. Slide the unit out from the cabinet by gdppingl the base pan handle and pulling_ard while
bracing the cabinet,
3. C_ the win_w sash _al to the proper length,,
Peel off the backing and ,attach the Foam°PE to
the un_r_de of the window sash.
Shipping screws
Fig. 1
4,.Remove the backing from _am-PE with 3,holes
and attach itto,the _ttom o_the Top retainer bar,
5, Attach the,"Topretainer bar on the top of the
cabinet w_ 3 screws (T_,,peA)
6. In_rt the Frame guides into,the bottom of the
7. Inert the Frame Curtain into the Top retainer bar
and Frame guides.
8,,Fasten the,curtains to the,unit with 10 screws
(Type A) at _th sides.
Top relainer bar
....Fop retainer bar
Screw(Tyt_ A)
"Fr&me guide
Owner_ Manual 13
1, Open the window: Mark a line o,nthe center of
the window stool be_een the _de window stop moildin_. L_sely attach the sill bracket to the support
bracket using the carriage bo_tand the lock nut:_
Bra Supped
. _.,/ [[_'----__IIIII Bracket
71H -- oo.o°,
I Sill ' I
(M-oScrew) [Ji'"
2. Attach the silll bracket to the window sill u_ng thie_et, s (Type B)..
Carefulty p_acethe cabinet on the window stool and align the _nter mark on the #attain front
with the center line marked window st_L
3 Using Me M-_rew and the I_k nut, attach the
support bracket to the cabinet track hole.Use, the first track hob after the sBfbracket on Me
outer ewe of the window all. Tighten the carriage bo._and the [_k nut..Be sure Me
cabinet slants ou_ard,
Do not drill a hole in the bottom pan, The unff is, designed to operate with approximately 1/2" of
water in bottom pan,.
4, Purl Me bottom window sash down behind Me
Top re_iner bar until they"meet.
Cabinet_-, Track hole
and bracket
Win_w _sh
retainer bar
Machine_rew(Ty_ D}
bck nu_
1. Do not pul! the window _sh down so flgN_, that the movement o_ Frame curtain is
restricted. Attach the _binet _ the window
sloo.[ by driving the screws (Type B) through the ,cabinet into window stool
2..The cabinet should I_ inslalled with a very _ight tilt downward toward Me outside.
14 Ro,_m, Air Co#ditioner
Frame cuRain
Foam PE
+ 30 hidden pages