LG LW1800PR, LW1800ER Owner’s Manual

MODELS: LW1800 _ries
website http://wwwJg e-mail http://www Jgese_ vice._
manual. It contains valuable
itioner. This manual may help
!rig proper air conditioner
order to prevent
es caus_ by
Your Records
Write the _! and serial numbers here:
Mode! #
Serial #
You can find them on a,label on the,sideof each unit
_alet's Nsme
_te Purcha_d
This Manual
Inside you will find many helphu_hints on _w to use
and maZn_in your air conditioner properly: Just a liHle preventive care on your part can save you a great
deal elf time and money over the fife of your air conditioner_
You'll find many answers to common problems m the
chart'of troubieshootit_ tips, ff you review our _afl' o,f
Troubleshooting _ps first, you may notn_ to call for se_ice at all,,
Center theauthorizied _P_I_, technician for re_ir
or maintenance of this unit'.
,,Contact the installer for instaHatbnoil this unit.
The air conditioner is not intended for u_ by young chik_re,nor invalids without supe_'isio,n
Yeu_ chiffon should _ su_,_sed to ensure that
theydo notplay with the air _idoner.
Topre_entinjuryandpropertyd_age, followthe_ instruction.
Incorrecto_ratioindueto ignoring instruc'_ions wil_cause b3rm or _mage file seriousness o,fwhich is
indicted by the tollllowing symbols.
[.........................................................................,,,ever0o ,Ili
Always Do This J
[] The following _ems are classified bythese symbols,
O_,erwise, itwil_cause electric
shock or fire due to heat generation or e_ectricshock,
* It will cause e_ectricsh_k or fire
due to heat _neration,
It will cause,failure of machine or electric shock
It may cause fire andelectric shock
It '_1_cause elect_c shock or fire due to heat generafon
.,It '_1_ca_Jseelec4,dcshock,
No installation may cause,fire and electric shock accident
'i It:may cause electric shock,,
it wilt cause ,electricshock or fire,
Ifthesrjpp_Jcord_ &amag__mast repl_ bytherrandadumrori_s_,_e
agentorasimilarlyqaalifiedpe_4#in or_r toavoMa/b_, (Yattachmem)
Nogroundingmay causeelectric
sh_k (_ Inst_latio_ M_ual},
_tmay cause fire a_d electric
shock accident
it may cause fire,
It may cause fire ande_e_ic shock,
It may cause anexplosio_ or fire,
J _ J
It may cause expbsi,on fire a_qdburn,
, It may cause _ilure and ele_ric shock
' They are sharp and may cause . Water may enter the unit and
_grade the insuiation It may cause an electro shock.
Since the fan rotates at high
This could injure the pet or plant
speed dudng operation, i:tmay cause injury,
An oxygen sho_age may _c:ut.
It may cause damage of animals: or vegetables or !oss of prope_y,
Oper_ion 'with'windows o_ned may cause we_ing of:indoor and
soaking of household furniture,
. i:tmay cause failure of appliance
or accident.
Appearance may be deteriorated due to change of produ_ color or scratching of its surface
It may cause elec_c shock and damage.
if leaving appliance damaged,
there is concern of dama_ due to _e fai!ing of pr_uct
There is danger of fire or e,iectric shock,
* This could damage your hea_th
It may cause failure of pr_uct or fire
. Operation without filters will
cause faiiure°
Itcontains containments and will make you 5ick,i
_ Contactaninstallationspec:ialistforinstallaSon
_Do notshare_e sameoutletwi_o_erappliances
Donotuseanextension_rd Donotsta_'stopoperationbyplugging/unpluggingthe_wercord,
_lf cordfpllugis,damaged,replaceonlywithanauthorizedpart
iii i il¸
Being ex_sed to direct airflow for an extended period of time cou!d be hazardous t:oyour health,, Do not expose occupants,,_ts, or plants to direct allow for extend_ periods of time,
}_ Dueto the _ssibi/ity of oxygen deficiency, ventil_e _e room when used toge,l_,erwith stoves or other
Do not use this air condi_oner for non-specified special pu_oses (e,g preserving precision devices, hod,, pets, plants, and m-tobie_s ) Usage in such a manner could harm such property.
Do not:touc:hthe metal parts of the unit when removing the filter Iniuries can occur when handling sharp metal edges.
Do not use water to clean inside the air conditioner Exposure to w_ter can destroy l_e insulaton leading to possible electric sh_k,
When cleaning the unit, first:make sure that the power and breaker are turned off:. The fan rotates at a
very high speed dudng o_ration. There is a possibili_ of iniu_ if t:heunit's _wer is accidentally
_ggered on while cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For repair and maintenance contact your authoriz_ ser,4ce deaier,
The _mo, te co,ntro!and control.s! will look like o_, o,ft_ following pictures.
+ 12 hidden pages