LG LSC22991ST/00 Owner’s Manual

Life's Good
Please read this owner's manua fhoroughly before operating and keep if handy for reference at all times
Table of contents
Entry Basic safety precautions Identification of parts
Where to install Door removal
Door replacement Water supply installation
Height adjustment
Starting Adjusting the temperatures and functions
Adjusting the temperatures and display Setting the functions Fresh air filter
Operating the dispenser Refrigerator Door-in-Door
Shelf Dairy corner
Deodorizer Freezer/Fridge basket
fresh zone
Suggestion on
food storage
Care and
Location of foods Storing foods
General information Cleaning Smart D[agnosls
Trouble shooting Disposal of the old appliance It is normal...
_, This product is exclusive use at 115V/60Hz.
You should purchase transformer of more than 2.0KVA when you want to use it at the 220V area.
The model and serial numbers are found on the inner case or Right side of refrigerator compartment of this unit. These numbers are unique to this unit and not available to others. You should record requested information here and retain this guide as a permanent record of your purchase. Staple your receipt here.
Date of purchase Dealer purchased from
Dealer address Dealer phone no.
Model no. Serial no.
Basic safety precautions
This guide contains many important safety messages. Always read and obey all safety messages.
_This is the safety alert symbol. It alerts you to important safety messages that
inform you of hazards than can cause injury, lead to fatal accidents or cause damage to the product. All safety messages will be proceeded by the safety alert symbol and the
hazard signal word, "DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION. These words mean:
/_'_ D,_GE_ You may be fatally or seriously injured if you do not follow the
specified instructions.
WARNING You may be fatally or seriously injured if you do not follow the
specified instructions.
CAUTION Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury, or product damage only.
All safety messages will identify the hazard, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using your product, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following.
Read all instructions before using this appliance.
1. When connecting the power
The dedicated outlet should be used. * Using several devices at one outlet may cause fire.
. The electric leakage breaker may damage food and the
dispenser may be leaked.
Do not allow the power plug to face upward or to be squeezed at
Water may be flown into or the plug may be damaged, which the back of the refrigerator. !_._._ _
causes fire or electric shock.
Prevent the power cord from being squeezed or imprinted if the refrigerator is pushed in after the power plug is extracted during the installation.
When moving your appliance away from the wall, be careful not to roll over the power cord or to damage it in any way. It becomes the cause of fire or electric shock.
Do not allow the power cord bent or pressed by the heaw object to be damaged.
It may damage the power cord to cause fire or electric shock.
Do not extend or modify the length of the power plug. It causes electric shock or fire by the electric damage of the
power cord or others.
Unplug the power plug when cleaning, handling or replacing the interior lamp of the refrigerator.
. It may cause electric shock or injury. . When replacing the interior lamp of the refrigerator, make sure
that the rubber ring for preventing the electric spark within the socket is not taken off.
Do not pull out the cord or touch the power plug with wet hands, It may cause electric shock or injury.
Remove water or dust from the power plug and insert it with the ends of the pins securely connected.
Dust, water or unstable connection may fire or electric shock.
Unplug the power cord from the power outlet for cleaning or other requirements, It may cause electric shock or injury.
Pull out the power plug not by grasping the cord but the plug of its end,
It may cause electric shock or short circuit to fire.
Make sure of grounding. Consult a qualified electrician or service person if the grounding instructions are not completely understood,
or if you have doubts on whether the appliance is properly grounded,
The incorrect grounding may cause breakdown and electric
Be sure to use grounded exclusive proper voltage consent for the power plug. Be sure to use grounded extension consents when extension consents are used. It becomes the cause of fire.
When the power cord or the power plug is damaged or the holes
of the outlet are loosed, do not use them and have it replaced immediately by the manufacturer or its service agent.
It may cause electric shock or short circuit to make fire.
Wait for 5 minutes or longer when reconnecting the plug.
It may cause the operation of the freezer to fail.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard,
2. When using the refrigerator
Do not place heaw objects or containers filled with liquid on top of the refrigerator.
It may drop, causing injury, fire or eletrick shock when operating the refrigerator.
Do not installyour refrigerator in a wet place or in a place vulnerable to water or rain.
Deterioration of insulation of electric parts may cause electric leakage.
Do not hang onto any part of the refrigerator, especiallythe ;_,_ . / doors and door bins. ;4"1'_. _/_
It may make the refrigerator fallen down or damage the ___j hands. Especially, do not allow the children to do the above. / [_ L
When water entered to electric parts inside the product, pull out the power plug, and contact the service center.
It may cause electric shock or fire.
Prevent children from entering the product. It may endanger the life of a child if the child enters the
..... / :_,_ _ (.Z'_._:
Opening and closing the door of the refrigerator vigorously may cause the stored food in the refrigerator basket to fall by shock and hurt the foot, so take precautions.
Do not use or store inflammable materials ether, benzene, alcohol, medicine, liquefied petroleum gas, spray or cosmetics near or in the refrigerator.
It may cause explosion or fire.
Do not use any sort of dryer or any other source of heat to dry the inside of the refrigerator.
It may cause explosion or fire.
Do not store the medicine or academic materials at the refrigerator.
When the material with the strict temperature control is stored, it may be deteriorated or it may make an unexpected reaction to
cause any risk.
.....,i 'xl
Do not use the combustible spray near the refrigerator. It may cause fire.
Install in places away from the fire such as the place where
flammable gas is leaked.
It may cause fire.
Do not place flower vase, cup, cosmetics, medicine or any container with water on the refrigerator.
It may cause fire, electric shock or injury by dropping down.
In case of thunder and lightning, or not in use for a long period of
time, detach the power plug. There is a danger of electric shock or fire.
Use the submerged refrigerator after checking it. It may cause electric shock or fire.
Do not move refrigerator while the refrigerator is operating. Compressor may occur a temporary rattling noise.
(This is normal and will not impact on the performance or the life of the compressor.
The rattling will stop after the refrigerator comes to a rest.)
Do not spray water at the outside or the inside of the refrigerator or do not clean it with benzene or thinner.
Deterioration of insulation of electric parts may cause electric shock or fire.
When any strange smell or smoke is detected from the
refrigerator, disconnect the power plug immediately and contact to the service center.
It may cause fire.
Donotallowanyoneexceptforaqualifiedpersonto disassemble,repairoraltertherefrigerator.
Donotusetherefrigeratorfornon-domesticpurpose (storingmedicineortestingmaterial,usingattheship,etc.).
Itmaycauseanunexpectedrisksuchasfire,electricshock, deteriorationofstoredmaterialorchemicalreaction.
Becarefulofthedoorfallingdownduringdisassemblyandassemblyofthedoor. Donotinsertrefrigeratorshelfupsidedown.
Theshelfmayfalldownandcauseinjury. Whendisposingtherefrigerator,removethepackingmaterialsfrom
thedoorortakeoffthedoorsbutleavetheshelvesinplacesothat childrenmaynoteasilyclimbinside.
Thisapplianceisnotintendedforusebypersons(includingchildren)withreduced physical,sensoryormentalcapabilities,orlackofexperienceandknowledge,unless
theyhavebeengivensupervisionorinstructionconcerninguseoftheappliancebya personresponsiblefortheirsafety.
Installtherefrigeratoronthesolidandlevelfloor. Installingitontheunstableplacemaycausedeathbyfallingdown
Donotinsertthehandsorthemetalstickintotheexitof coolair,thecover,thebottomoftherefrigerator,the heatproofgrill(exhausthole)atthebackside.
ElectricShockHazard.Disconnectelectricalsupplytorefrigeratorbeforeinstalling. Failuretodosocouldresultindeathorseriousinjury.
Ifyouraccessdooristoonarrowfortherefrigeratortopassthrough,removethe refrigeratordoorandpasstherefrigeratorlaterally.
Alwaysdisassemblethefreshcompartmentusingtwohands. Youcanbeinjuredfromtheweightofthecompartmentwhenfilledwithfood.
Youcandisassemble/reassemblethefreezerdrawerinthesamemethod. Alwaysdisassemblethefreshcompartmentusingtwohands.(Youcanbeinjuredfrom
theweightofthecompartmentwhenfilledwithfood.) Whendisassembling/reassemblingthefreshcompartmentorVFreshcompartmentof
Keepventilationopenings,intheapplianceenclosureorinthebuilt-instructure,clear ofobstruction.
Donotusemechanicaldevicesorothermeanstoacceleratethedefrostingprocess, otherthanthoserecommendedbythemanufacturer.
Donotdamagetherefrigerantcircuit. Donotuseelectricalappliancesinsidethefoodstoragecompartmentsofthe
disposalprocedures.Whendisposal,pleaseconsultwithserviceagentorasimilarly qualifiedperson.
Violating this direction may cause injury or damage house or furniture. Always be careful, please.
Do not insert the hands into the ice bucket or the ice dispenser, (only for the model with the dispenser),
Operating the ice maker may cause injury.
Do not touch food or containers at the freezer with wet hands, It may cause frostbite.
Do not put ice in thin crystal cup or ceramic ware. It may break cup or ceramic ware to cause injury.
When the electricity is off, remove ice from the ice bucket (only for the model with the dispenser).
The long-time power failure may thaw ice to damage the floor. When the long-time power failure is expected, remove ice from the ice bucket,
Supply the automatic ice maker with drinkable water only (only for the model with the dispenser).
Otherwise, it may cause any risk.
Do not remove the cover of the automatic ice maker. (Only for the models with automatic ice maker) The operation mechanic parts of the ice maker may hurt people.
Do not place the food in disorder inside the refrigerator. The food may fall during opening and closing the door of the refrigerator and hurt
Do not put any type of bottle in the freezer section. It may freeze the contents to break the bottle to cause injury.
Do not insert hands into the bottom of the refrigerator. The iron plate of the bottom may cause injury.
Carrytherefrigeratorwiththehandlebaratthebottomofthe frontandthetopoftherear.
Yourhandsmayslipcausinginjury.Becausetheproductis heavy,carryingitalonemayhurtpeopleoraccidentsmayoccur.
in-door as it may cause injury to people around the refrigerator.
Opening or closing the doors may cause feet, hands or small
children to be hit by the doors, causing injury ...........
Do not put any living animal in the refrigerator.
If refrigerator is moved in zigzag direction, it may damage the
floor. Please move it only in a straight line direction.
When the user switches to AUTO or POWER mode, the LED near the filter will be turned on. Open the refrigerator door to check whether the LED near the filter is turned on. Do not insert the finger or any other alien object inside the fan. It can cause
an injury or malfunction.
Do not wash the Fresh Air Filter as it can deteriorate the performance.
If the user continues to use the Fresh Air Filter past the time to replace, the antibacterial and deodorizing performance can be deteriorated.
This filter may not be effective for all bacteria or virus types.
This is effective for the bacteria growing on inside the refrigerator and not on the food.
Throw away the ice (about 20 pieces) and water (about 7 glasses) first made after
refrigerator installation.
The first ice and water may include particles or odor from the feed water pipe or feed water box. This is necessary in case that the refrigerator has not been used for a long time.
Becarefulthatfoodisnotblocktheicepassage. Iffoodsareplacedattheentranceoficepassage,icemaynotbedispensed.Theice
passagemayalsobecoveredwithicepowderifsplintericeisusedonly.Thistime, removetheicepowderaccumulated.
Neverstorebeveragecansorotherfoodsinicestoragebinforthepurposeofrapid cooling.
Suchactionsmaydamagetheautomaticicemaker. Neverusethincrystalglassorotherthincontainerstocollectice.
Suchglassesorcontainersmaybebroken. Puticefirstintoaglassbeforefillingwaterorotherbeverages.
Watermaybesplashedificeisaddedtoexistingliquidinaglass. Nevertouchahandorothertoolsoniceoutlet.
Touchmaycauseapartbreakageorhandinjury. Neverremovetheicemakercover.
Sometimeslevelthesurfacesothattheicestoragebinisfullyfilledwithice. Iceispiledupjustneartheicemaker.So,suchstatusmaybeconsidered,bytheice
maker,thattheicestoragebinisfullyfilledandicemakingoperationmaystop. Ifdiscolorediceisdispensed,immediatelycontactservicecenter,stoppinguse. Neverusetoonarrowordeepglass.
Icemaybejammedinicepassageand,thus,therefrigeratormaybefailed. Keeptheglassataproperdistancefromiceoutlet.
Aglasstooclosetotheoutletmayhindericefromcomingout. That'swhyyoumayhavechilblainsandtheymaybebrokenwhentheirinnermatters
arefrozen,causingpersonalinjury. YoumustchecktheO-RING,whichismadebyrubberandpreventelectricspark. Don'ttouchlamp,incaseoflightonthelongtime.Becauseitcanbeveryhot. Togetbestperformancefromtheproduct.
Donotplacefoodstoocloselyinfrontoftheventsattherearoftheapplianceasitcan obstructfreeaircirculationgintherefrigeratorcompartment.
Donotplacecarbonatedorfizzydrinksinthefreezercompartment. Wheninstalling,servicingorcleaningbehindtherefrigerator,besuretopulltheunit
straightoutandpushbackstraightinafterfinishing. Donotstoreexplosivesubstancessuchasaerosolcanswithaflammablepropellantin
LED Lamp
Door Bin
identification of parts
Freezer Refrigerator Compartment Compartment
i I
Dairy Corner Filter LED Lamp
Fresh Air Filter
Refreshment center
Door Bin
IIilII I Flesh zone
Door Bin
I Door Bin
Where to Install
Select a good
usage range
1. Place your appliance where it is easy to use.
2. Avoid placing the unit near heat sources, direct sunlight or moisture.
3. To ensure proper air circulation around the fridge
-freezer, please maintain sufficient space on both the sides as well as top and maintain at least 2 inches
(5 cm) from the rear wall.
4. To avoid vibrations, the appliance must be leveled.
5. Do not install the refrigerator below 41°F as it may affect the performance.
This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;
- farm houses and by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
- bed and breakfast type environments;
- catering and similar non-retail applications.
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