LG LSC121PMA Owner’s Manual

air conditioner.
ire reference a_er
Wrile the m,_el and seriai numbers here: Model #
Dealees Name Da_ Purc_sed
i! Stap!e your r_eipt to this page in the event you need
it to prove date d purchase or _or warranty issues..
Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use
arid maintain your a_rconditioner properly Just a littie preventive care on your part can save you a g_eat dea_ of time and mo_ey over tise life o_your a_ co_ditio_er.
Youli find many answers to common p_oblems in the chart of troublesh_ting tips.. If you review our chart ,d
Troubleshoo_ingi Tips first° you may not need to ca/i fo_ service at all.
* Co_ct the authorized service technician |or
repair or mai_te_ance of this u_it,
, _act: the insta|ler for installation ot _is u_it. .The air conditioner is not intended _or use by
yo_ ,children or Invalids 'without su_rvlsl_,
. Young chiidre_ shou|d be su_rvi_d to e_sure
that: they do not play 'w_h the air conditioner,.
*When the power cord is to be replaced,
replacement work shall be performed by
authorized personnel only usin9 only genuine replacement _rts.
.|_sta||ation work must be performed in
_ccordance with the Nationa| E|ectric 'Code by qua|ified a_d authonz_ _r--=onne_ o_|y.
2 Room Air Conditioner
To prevent the injury of the user or eft'let _ople and pro_rty damage the follllowing i_trudio, ns musl folio,wed.
[] ir_orre_;topera, on due to ignorir_ instruction wi!i cause, harm!or damage. Tile seriousne_ isclassified
by tim followin 9 indications.
[]The meanings of the symbols u_d inthis manual are as shown Ibe_ow.
( )
I Ins ilation
, _he_ise it may cause electricaJ sh_k.
_herwise, it may cause a fire, ele_:rical sf#ck_ exp_osio,n or'injury.
Otherwise it may cau_ a fire or eie_rical shock.
IftJ-_eele_rical part cover of the ind_r unit and the service _ne! ,ofthe outdoor unit are _t atta.ch_ _curely, ff could result in a fire or etectric sh_k due to.dust, water, etc.
Owner's Manual 3
No instaB_ion may cause a fire and electrical sL#ck.
, ff will cause i_'fire or electrical
[] Operation
' _he_i_, it may ,causea fire
or the faiture o,fp,r_ucL
, Cffherwi_ it may resuff in
per_na] injury,
,' it may _us4_ injury or an
.'Sharp _ges may _u_ iniury_
a fire due to heat £eneration_
, O_herwi_, ff may cause a [ire
or eliectr[cal s.hock.
, _herwi_, it may ,causea fire
or electrical sh_k.
, _he_i_,, it may cause
eliectfical shock or a fire
,.Otherwi_, it may cau_ a fire
or electrical shock.
, _herwise, it may cause a fire.
4 Room Air Conditioner
Safety Precau,dons
. _herwi_ it may cause a fire
or eUe,ctrica_shock_
_herwise it may cause the
failure of machine or electrical
Otherwise, it:may cause a fire
and el,e_rica_shock.
It may cause e_ric s_c:k and
_herwise_ it may electri_f shock and failure.
They are sha_, and may _use injury.
. An oxygen shortage may occur, Otherwise, it may cause
ele,ctdcal shock.
. it may cause an i_ury _hrough dropping of _e unit
or falling down_
_he_ise, it may cau_ a fire or ele_rical shock.
Ot:he_#ise, it may cause thie failure of product eta fire.
Owner's Manual 5
Sa'fety Precautions
*O_herw'i_, ff may cau_ a fire or e_ectrica_shock ' Othier_ei_ children may be sedou_y iniured due
to falling down.
[] Installation
'i Otherwi_, ffmay cau_ water fea_ge.
,,,Otherwise, it may cause dispute wffh the
*Oiherwi_, ff may cau_ t#_ failure of product , Othe_ise, it may cause vibration or water
6 Room Air Conditioner
[] Operation
Otherwise it may do h_m to your heaffh.
_herwise it may damage your
The a_arance of the air c_onditio_r may deteriiorate
charge color, or deve[oip su_ace flaws,
_herwise, it may cause the failure of _]ian_ or an
_herwise it may cause exp,l_ion and a fire.
_eration without the filiterwill cau_ failure
. _he_ise it may cause perso_l injury,
Other, wise itmay cause stomachache.
Owner's Manual 7
Prior to Operation
1.Co,r_act an installation s_cialist for installation.
2. P_ugin the power #ug properly. 3, Use a dedicated circuit.
4. D,onot use an exten_on cord.
5. D,onot staWstop operation by p,fuggi_/unpluggi_ the power cord.
6. If the cord/plu9 is damage, replace _ with only an auft_orized replacement _d_
1. Being exposed to direct airflow for a Io_ _me may _ hazardous to,your heaffh. Do,not expo,_ occu_nts_ _ts_ or plants to dired aidllow for a _ongtime.
2. Due to the possibility of oxygen deficiency, ventilate t_ room when using the a_liance together with stoves or o_her heatir_ _vic_.,
3,_Do not u_ this _r condi'_ioner for non-_dfied s_cial purpo_ (eg, preserving _ecisio, n devices,
food, pets, pla_s, or art objects).. Such use may damage your priories..
1oDo no_touch the meta_parts of the unit when removing the filler. Injury c_ occur.
2. D,onot u_ water to clean i_ide the air conditioner Exposure '_owa_ercan ,destroy the insullation_
leading to electric shock.
3 When cleaning t_e un_, first make _re that the _r and breaker are turned off_The fan routes at a
very high speed duri_ o,peration_The_e is ,apossibility/of injury ifthe unff's power is triggered while
inner parts, of the unff.
For repair a_ maintenance, co_d your autl_#rized service dealer.
8 Room Air Conditioner
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