LG HBLG2504E Owner’s Manual

Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions
care_lly and thoroughly before installing and operating your room air _nditioner.
Por favor lea las instrucciones de operaci6n y las precauciones de
seguridad cuiidadosa y totalmente antes de instalar y operar su a_ndicio, nado, r ,dieaire de ventana.
Manufadure, d by LG Electronics
Write the m,_el arid seria_ numbe,rs here: Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a iabel on the side of each unit. DealeCs Name
Date Purc_sed [] S_apieyou_ receipt Io this page ¢__heever_t you need
it to prove date of purchase or for warranty issues
Inside you wilftfind many help_l hints on how to use
a_d ma;nlain your air conditoner properly Just a little preve_live care o_ your pa_t can save yo_ a great deal
of time and money over the life of your a_rconditioner. Youll fir_dmany answers to _mmon preb_ems in the
d_art of troublesh_ling tips If you review our chart ,o_ Troubl!eshootlng Tips first you may no1 need to ca/_
for service at all
C_ct the authi_izedl servi_ t_hniciaa t_ r,epa_ o_
rr_mtenan_ of this unit, _taict the in_a!_r for instal_ion of th_suniL
,The air condffion_ is not intended for use by young
chi_n _ inval_dlsw_hout _vls_.
Young children should _ _per¢t_d to ensure that _ey do not play w_h the air cond_iener.
Wh_ the power c_d is to. _ r_l!a¢_,, rep.lace_ent wo_ sh_ll _ _o_ by auth_iz_ _rs_nel on_
u_ngi _ly genuine. _.lace_nt parts.
_stal_:ion wo_ mu_ _ p_o_d in accorda_ w_h _e N_ion_l Ele,_ic Co_e.biy ,quaJl_ _nd author_
peP__ne_ only,
To prevent iniury to the user or other peop4e aM #o_ damage, the following instwctions, must be fol!owed
incorrect o_ration due to ignodng instruction 'wi_ _use harm or _mage The seriousness is classified by the following i_iications,
Meanings of sym_ls used in this manua_ are as shown below.
I Benot,o°o 1
[] Ins_l|ation
No installation may cause fire and electric
shock accident.
B,e sure to follow the instruction.,
* it may cause fire and electric shock.
It may cau_ explos.ion or fire. it may cause failure and electric shock.
[] Operation
, _herwise,, it will ,_use
ele_dc shock or fire due to heat generation or electric
It will cause electdc _ock or fire due to heat generation.
it wilil cause electric shock or fire due to heat ger_rationi,
,,It'willcause e_ectricshock or
fire due to heat gestation
. litwilli cause electdc s._ck or
No groundir_ may cause etectdc shock (See
installation Manual).
_he_ise it may cau_ fire and electric shock accident.
°.It may cau_ fire and electric
litwil _.use electdc shock.
It will cau_ failure of machine o,r electdc s_ck.
[] Installation
it is not designed to cool _e entire house.
Utmay _use explosiion, fire,
and bum.
They are sharp and may ,causeinjur_,_
It may _use injury,
, it may cause failure of
appliance or accident,
[] Operation
, It may cause electric shock
an damage.
If leaving appliance damaged, there is concern of damage
due to the f_ling of produ_.
Prevent accidental sta_up
and the possibility of injury.
, _.ere is d_ger of fire or
e]ectdc shock.
, Water may e_.er the unit and
degrade the insulation. Itmay _use an electfic shock,
, Since the fan routes at high
_ed during oper_io,n, lit may cause injury.
, Operation 'withoutfilters wiHI
_use failure.
This _u]d injure the pet or pla_.
,,The ap_arance of tP_ air
_ndit[oner may deteriorate, change color, or develop
surfa_ flaw&
, It is an air conditioner, not a.
p_'ecisioin refrigeration system.
, litcontains containments and
wililmake you sick./This _u]d damage your health.
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