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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © LG Electronics. Inc. All rights reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
● When Color temperature (White balance) Adjustment
- Press “Power only key” of service remocon and operate
automatically adjustment.
- Set BaudRate to 115200.
● You must start “wb 00 00” and finish it “wb 00 ff”.
● If it needs, then adjustment “Offset”.
■ White Balance Adjustment (Manual adjustment)
● Test Equipment: CA-210
- Using PDP color temperature, Color Analyzer (CA-210)
must use CH 10, which Matrix compensated (White, Red,
Green, Blue compensation) with CS-2100. See the
Coordination bellowed one.
● Manual adjustment sequence is like bellowed one.
- Turn to “Ez-Adjust” mode with press ADJ button of service
- Select “10.Test Pattern” with CH+/- button and press
enter. Then set will go on Heat-run mode. Over 30
minutes set let on Heat-run mode.
- Let CA-210 to zero calibration and must has gap more
10cm from center of PDP module when adjustment.
- Press “ADJ” button of service remocon and select
“7.White-Balance” in “Ez-Adjust” then press “►” button of
navigation key. (When press “►” button then set will go to
full white mode)
- Adjust at three mode (Cool, Medium, Warm)
- If “cool” mode
Let B-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control
R, G gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- If “Medium” and “Warm” mode Let R-Gain to 192 and R,
G, B-Cut to 64 and then control G, B gain adjustment
High Light adjustment.
- All of the three mode
Let R-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control
G, B gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- With volume button (+/-) you can adjust.
- After all adjustment finished, with Enter (■ key) turn to
Ez-Adjust mode. Then with ADJ button, exit from
adjustment mode
* Attachment: White Balance adjustment coordination and
color temperature.
● Using CS-1000 Equipment.
- COOL : T=11000K, ∆uv=0.000, x=0.276 y=0.283
- MEDIUM : T=9300K, ∆uv=0.000, x=0.285 y=0.293
- WARM : T=6500K, ∆uv=0.000, x=0.313 y=0.329
● When tester will measure on Cool condition, adjust W30 on
TV display menu.
● When tester will measure on medium condition, adjust 0 on
TV display menu.
● When tester will measure on warm condition, adjust W30 on
TV display menu.
● Using CA-210 Equipment. (10 CH)
- Contrast value: 216 Gray
- Brightness spec.
5.3. Test of RS-232C control.
- Press In-Start button of Service Remocon then set the
“4.Baud Rate” to 115200. Then check RS-232C control and
5.4. Selection of Country option.
- Selection of country option is allowed only North American
model (Not allowed Korean model). It is selection of Country
about Rating and Time Zone.
■ Models: All models which PU31A Chassis (See the rst
■ Press “In-Start” button of Service Remocon, then enter the
“Option” Menu with “PIP CH-“ Button
■ Select one of these three (USA, CANADA, MEXICO) de-
pends on its market using “Vol. +/-“button.
* Caution : Don’t push The INSTOP KEY after completing the
function inspection.
* Caution : Inspection only PAL M / NTSC
Color Coordination
x y
COOL CA-210 0.276 ± 0.002 0.283 ± 0.002
MEDIUM CA-210 0.285 ± 0.002 0.293 ± 0.002
WARM CA-210 0.313 ± 0.002 0.329 ± 0.002
Item White average
Brightness uniformity
Min 49 -20
Typ 60
Max +20
Unit cd/m² %
Remark - 100% Window White
- 100IRE(255Gray)
- Picture: Vivid(Medium)
- 85IRE(216Gray) 100%
Window White Pattern
- Picture: Vivid(Medium)