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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright © LG Electronics. Inc. All rights reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
● RS-232C Command (Commonly apply)
wb 00 00 White Balance adjustment start
Wb 00 10
Start of adjust gain (Inner white pattern)
wb 00 1f End of gain adjust
wb 00 20
Start of offset adjust(Inner white pattern)
wb 00 2f End of offset adjust
wb 00 ff End of White Balance adjust
(Inner pattern disappeared)
▪ “wb 00 00”: Start Auto-adjustment of white balance.
▪ “wb 00 10”: Start Gain Adjustment (Inner pattern)
▪ “jb 00 c0” :
▪ …
▪ “wb 00 1f”: End of Adjustment
* If it needs, offset adjustment (wb 00 20-start, wb 00 2f-end)
▪ “wb 00 ff”: End of white balance adjustment (inner pattern
※ Notice) Adjustment Mapping information
C50 0 W50 00 C50 0 W50
R Gain Jg ja jd 00 192 192 192 192
G Gain Jh jb je 00 189 175 157 192
B Gain Ji jc jf 153 127 57 192
R Gain 64 64 64 127
G Gain 64 64 64 127
B Gain 64 64 64 127
▪ When Col or temperature (White balance) Adju stmen t
- Press “Power only key” of service remocon and operate
automatically adjustment.
- Set BaudRate to 115200.
▪ You must start “wb 00 00” and finish it “wb 00 ff”.
▪ If it needs, then adjustment “Offset”.
● White Balance Adjustment (Manual adjustment)
▪ Test Equipment: CA-210
- Using LCD color temperature, Color Analyzer (CA-210) must
use CH 14, which Matrix compensated (White, Red, Green,
Blue compensation) with CS-2100. See the Coordination
bellowed one.
▪ Manual adjustment sequence is like bellowed one.
- Turn to “Ez-Adjust” mode with press ADJ button of service
- Select “10.Test Pattern” with CH+/- button and press enter.
Then set will go on Heat-run mode. Over 30 minutes set let
on Heat-run mode.
- Let CA-210 to zero calibration and must has gap more 10cm
from center of LCD module when adjustment.
- Press “ADJ” button of service remocon and select “7.White-
Balance” in “Ez-Adjust” then press “►” button of navigation
(When press “►” button then set will go to full white mode)
- Adjust at three mode (C50, 0, W50)
- If “C50 (cool)” mode
Let B-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control R, G
gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- If “0 (Medium)” and “W50(Warm)” mode
Let R-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control G, B
gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- All of the three mode
Let R-Gain to 192 and R, G, B-Cut to 64 and then control G, B
gain adjustment High Light adjustment.
- With volume button (+/-) you can adjust.
- After all adjustment finished, with Enter (■ key) turn to
Ez-Adjust mode. Then with ADJ button, exit from adjustment
Attachment: White Balance adjustment coordination and color
● Using CS-1000 Equipment.
- C50 (COOL) : T=11000K, △uv=0.000, x=0.276 y=0.283
- 0 (MEDIUM) : T=9300K, △uv=0.000, x=0.285 y=0.293
- W50 (WARM) : T=6500K, △uv=0.000, x=0.313 y=0.329
Using CA-210 Equipment. (14 CH)
- Contrast value: 208 Gray
Color temperature Test Equipment
Color Coordination
x y
C50 CA-210 0.269±0.002 0.273±0.002
0 CA-210 0.285±0.002 0.293±0.002
W50 CA-210 0.313±0.002 0.329±0.002