Quick Reference Guide For TV [ LED / PDP ]
Vhoh [ LED / PDP ] ds fy, rqjUr lUnHkZ funsZf'kdk
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rqjUr lek/kku ds fy, d`I;k dkWy djsa &
TV Installation
a) Antenna Connection
b) AV/Component Connection
[Common Port]
c) HDMI/USB Connection
@TV LFkkfir djuk
Connect antenna/Cable signal to TV With RF Signal
,UVhuk@dscy flXuy dks RF dscy ds lkFk TV ls tksM+saA
TV h a s c o m m o n p o r t f o r C om p o n e nt & AV.
[One connection can be use at a time]
^^dEiksusaUV** vkSj AV ds fy, TV esa ,d gh iksVZ gSA ,d le; esa
dsoy ,d gh dusD'ku bLrseky fd;k tk ldrk gSA
For AV connection Refer Fig 1
AV dusD'ku ds fy, fp=k 1 dk lanHkZ ysaA
For component connection Refer Fig 2
^^dEiksusaUV** dusD'ku ds fy, fp=k 2 dk lanHkZ ysaA
Recommended to use cable color coding same as
mentioned in Figure.
dscy jax laxrh dk mi;ksx djus dh lykg nh tkrh gS tSlk fd
fp=k esa mYys[k fd;k x;k gSA
HDMI Connection/ HDMI dusD'ku
HDMI Transmits digital video & audio [It is recommended to use
TV with HDMI signal for best picture quality]
HDMI fMftVy ohfM;ks vkSj vkWfM;ks ig¡qpkrk gSA loksZÙke rLohj dh
xq.koÙkk ds fy, HDMI flXuy bLrseky djus dh lykg nh tkrh gSA
d) Optical out/Head Phone Connection
NOTE : Customer need to pay for below services
Adjustment/Explanation not related to LG Product
Re-Demonstration/ Explanation, Re-Installation
Above Input Ports may vary from Model to Model
USB Connection/ USB dusD'ku
Connect USB storage device Such as USB , external hard
disc etc. Make connection as shown in Fig.
USB LVksjst fMokbl tSls USB] ckgjh gkMZ fMLd bR;kfn tksM+saA
dusD'ku fp=k esa n'kkZ;s vuqlkj gh djsaA
Digital Optical Audio/fMftVy vkWfIVdy vkWfM;ks
Transmits a digital audio signal from TV to Home theater etc
TV ls fMftVy vkWfM;ks flXuy gkse fFk;sVj vkfn rd ig¡qpkrk gSA
Head Phone Audio@ gsM Qksu vkWfM;ks
Transmits headphone signal from TV to external device.
TV ls gsMQksu flXuy ckgjh midj.k rd ig¡qpkrk gSA
uksV & xzkgd dks fuEu lsokvksa ds fy, Hkqxrku djus dh t:jr gSA
lek;kstu@Li"Vhdj.k LG mRikn ls lEcfU/kr ugh gSA
iqu% izn'kZu@ Li"Vhdj.k] iqu% LFkkiuk
mijksDr buiqV iksVZ~l vyx&vyx ekWMYk esa fHké&fHké gks ldrs gaSA

Basic Troubleshooting Method / ewyHkwr leL;k fuokj.k fof/k
Reset all settings to factory condition for any setting
fdlh Hkh foÑr lSfVax ds fy, QSDVjh dh n'kk ds vuqlkj
lHkh lSfVax iqu% lSV djsaA
* Recommended to use reset function incase TV settings are
* ;fn Vhoh dh lSfVax foÑr gks xbZ gSa rks fjlSV QaD'ku dk bLrseky djus
dh lykg nh tkrh gS
Symptom / Problem
1. TV turns off Suddenly/
y{k.k / leL;k
TV dk vpkud cUn gks tkuk
Method 1 : Press ‘MUTE” Button 3 Times on remote without any
delay in between.
fof/k 1 : 3 ckj fcuk fdlh varjky ds jheksV dk “MUTE” cVu nck,aA
Method 2 : Do the Factory reset through Menu options.
fof/k 2 : QSDVjh lsfVax iquZLFkkihr djus ds fy, fo/kh
[ Select Main Menu Select Option Sub Menu Factory Reset]
* If problem still persists kindly Switch OFF ON from Main Power Plug.
* ;fn leL;k vHkh Hkh cjdjkj gS rks cUn dj nsa TV eq[; ikoj Iyx ls pkyw djsaA
Check point /
Check for
fo|qr vkiwfr dh #dkoV ds fy, fLop] ¶;wt] ,elhch bR;kfn dh tk¡p djsa
Check if too many electrical devices plugged into a multiple electrical
tk¡p djsa fd dgha ,d ls T;knk fo|qr midj.k yxkus ij fpaxkjh rks ugha fudy jghA
Outlet causing sparks. [Recommended to use standard power socket]
[ ekud fo|qr lkWdsV dk mi;ksx djus dh lykg nh tkrh gS ]
Check if Auto sleep/Screen off feature is activated the Time [Clock] /Picture settings.
Che ck if N O s i gn al f ro m e x te rn al d ev ice ( S TB /D VD/ B lue r a y/ et c
tk¡p djsa fd dgha vkWVks Lyhi@LØhu vkWQ Qhpj lsfVax lØh; fd;k x;k rks ugh gSA tk¡p
djsa fd ckg~; mid.k ¼,lVhch@MhohMh@Cyw js bR;kfn½ ls dksbZ ladsr ugh vk jgk gSA
Electrical supply interruption [ Switch ,Fuse, MCB, etc.]
tk¡p fcUnq
2. Remote control no operation/
jheksV dke ugh dj jgk gS
3. Picture / Sound Problems / fp=k / /ofu leL;k
a) No Picture / No Sound/
b) Picture noise /Black & White/Ghost Image
foÑr fp=k / dkyh ,oa 'osr / Hkwr Nfo
c) Sound not Clear/ Sound Noise
/ofu lkQ ugha/ 'kksj dh /ofu
Important Precautions/
(i) TV Cleaning/
TV dh lQkbZ
dkbZ fp=k ugha / dksbZ /ofu ugha
egRoiw.kZ lko/kkfu;k¡
Check batteries correct installation (polarity)
tk¡p djsa fd cSVjh Bhd ls yxh gSa ¼/kzqork½
Check batteries (installed / Drain-out / Leakage / Spring Rusty)
cSVjh dh tk¡p djsa ¼LFkkiuk@lekIr@fjlko@tax [kk, fLizax½
Check for obstacle in between TV and remote control
Vhoh vkSj fjeksV ds chp esa :dkoV dh tkWp djsaA
Check for IR interference from other devices, Tube Light /CCFL. Etc..
vU; midj.kksa] V~;wcykbV@lh,Q,y bR;kfn bUÝkjsM gLr{ksi dh tk¡p djsaA
Check for Cable condition (Damage / Pin Rusty/ Bend).
dscy dh fLFkfr tk¡p ysa ¼foÑr@tax [kk, fiu@cSaM½
AV/Component Mode:
Cables are connected as per color coding.
,oh@dEiksusUV eksM % tk¡p djsa fd dscy dyj dksfMax ds vuqlkj tqM+s gq, gSaA
Check External device (Set
-top Box/DVD/Home Theater Etc..) working or Not.
ckg~; midj.kksa ¼lSV&VkWi ckWDl@MhohMh@gkse fFk;sVj bR;kfn---½ dh tk¡p dh ysaA
Crackling Noise: A cracking noise that occurs when watching or turning off
the TV is generated by plastic thermal contraction due to temperature and
rh[kh vkokt dk 'kksj % rh[kh vkokt dk 'kksj tks Vhoh ns[krs ;k cUn djrs le;
gksrk gS] rkieku ,oa vknzZrk ds dkj.k IykfLVd FkeZy dUVªSD'ku }kjk mRié gksrk gSA
Check Auto Volume function ON or Not.
tk¡p djsa fd vkWVks okWY;we QaD'ku pkyw gS ;k ugha
RF Mode: Check Signal strength indicator in OSD. (Press OK Key)
RF eksM % ladsr lkeF;Z] vks,lMh esa ladsrd dh tk¡p djsa ¼vksds cVu nck,a½
When cleaning the TV Screen, unplug the power and wipe it with a soft
cloth. Applying excessive force may cause scratches or discoloration.
Vhoh LØhu dh lQkbZ djrs le; ikoj Iyx fudky nsa vkSj mls eqyk;e diM+s ls
iksaN ysaA vR;f/kd cy yxkus ls [kjksap iM+ ldrh gS ;k jax [kjkc gks ldrk gSA
Do not spray water or wipe with a wet cloth. (Do not use glass cleaner/
car or industrial shiner/ abrasives or wax, alcohol etc., it can damage
the product & panel)
ikuh u fNM+dsa vkSj u gh xhys diM+s ls iksaNsaA ¼Xykl Dyhuj@dkj ;k vkS|ksfxd
'kkbuj@ vi?k"kZd ;k ekse] ,Ydksgy bR;kfn--- ;s mRikn ;k iSuy dks foÑr dj
ldrs gSaA
(ii) Viewing
TV ns[kus ds
fy, lkekU; nqjh
For detailed information, please read the Owner's Manual.
vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy,] Ñi;k vksulZ eSuqvy ¼funsZ'k iqLrd½ i<+saA
We recommend that you maintain a distance of at least 2 to 7 times the
screen size when watching TV.
ge flQkfj'k djrs gSa fd vki Vhoh ns[krs le; LØhu ds vkdkj ls 2 ls 7 xquk nwjh
cukdj j[ksaA