Lexmark C750 Reference Guide

Lexmark C750
User’s Reference
August 2001

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Printer overview ..............................................................5
Chapter 2: Understanding the printer operator panel ...................7
Operator panel buttons ..................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ......................... 7
Chapter 4: Canceling a print job ....................................................10
Cancel a job from the printer operator panel ...................................................... 10
Cancel a job from the Windows taskbar ...... ...... ....... .......................................... 10
Cancel a job from a Windows desktop ............................................................... 10
Cancel a job from a Macintosh computer ........................................................... 11
Chapter 5: Conserving supplies ....................................................12
Chapter 6: Holding a job in the printer ..........................................13
Printing and deleting held jobs ........................................................................... 13
Accessing held jobs from the operator panel ..................................................... 14
Recognizing when format errors occur .............................................................. 14
Repeat Print ....................................................................................................... 15
Reserve Print ..................................................................................................... 15
Verify Print .......................................................................................................... 15
Confidential jobs ................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 7: Paper and specialty media specifications .................17
Chapter 8: Loading the trays ..........................................................18
Loading the 500-sheet trays ............................................................................... 18
Loading the 2000-sheet tray .............................................................................. 20
Chapter 9: Loading the multipurpose feeder ................................23
Chapter 10: Linking trays ...............................................................25
Chapter 11: Linking bins ................................................................26
Chapter 12: Tips for successful printing ............................ .... ......27
Storing paper ...................................................................................................... 27
Storing supplies .................................................................................................. 27
Avoiding jams ..................................................................................................... 28
Chapter 13: Checking an unresponsive printer ...........................29
Chapter 14: Understanding jam messages ...................................30
Chapter 15: Solving print quality problems ..................................32
Chapter 16: Solving option problems ...........................................37
Chapter 17: Solving mailbox problems .........................................39
Chapter 18: Solving paper feed problems ....................................40
Chapter 19: Solving printing problems .........................................41
Chapter 20: Calling for service ......................................................44
Chapter 21: Configuring printer alerts ..........................................45
Chapter 22: Determining the status of supplies ...........................46
Chapter 23: Size Sensing ...............................................................47
Enabling size sensing ........................................................................................ 47
Size sensing and tray linking .............................................................................. 47
Disabling size sensing ........................................................................................ 48
Chapter 24: Ordering supplies and maintenance items ..............49
Chapter 25: Recycling used supplies ............................................51
Chapter 26: Other maintenance and
troubleshooting documents .......................... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..........52
Chapter 27: Clearing image transfer unit jams .............................53
Chapter 28: Removing memory and option cards .......................59
Accessing the printer system board ...................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ... 59
Removing memory cards ................................................................................... 60
Removing an option card ................................................................................... 61
Removing a hard disk ........................................................................................ 61
Removing a firmware card ................................................................................. 62
Reinstalling the system board access cover ...................................................... 63
Chapter 29: Restoring factory default settings ............................64
Chapter 30: Disabling the operator panel menus ........................65
Enabling the menus ........................................................................................... 65
Chapter 31: Disabling Power Saver ...............................................66
Chapter 32: Changing menu settings ............................................67
Chapter 34: Printing sample fonts .................................................69
Chapter 35: Understanding printer messages .............................70
Chapter 36: Using printer menus .................................................118
Chapter 37: LocalTalk Menu .........................................................122
Chapter 38: Job Menu ...................................................................126
Chapter 39: Infrared Menu ............................................................129
Chapter 40: Finishing Menu .........................................................134
Chapter 41: Color Menu ................................................................141
Chapter 42: Utilities Menu ............................................................144
Chapter 43: USB Menu ..................................................................148
Chapter 44: Supplies Menu ..........................................................151
Chapter 45: Setup Menu ...............................................................153
Chapter 46: Serial Menu ...............................................................162
Chapter 47: PostScript Menu .......................................................169
Chapter 48: PCL Emul Menu ........................................................171
Chapter 49: Parallel Menu ............................................................176
Chapter 50: Paper Menu ...............................................................181
Chapter 51: Network Menu ...........................................................190
Chapter 52: Understanding fonts ................................................194
Resident fonts .......................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........................... 194
Symbol sets .......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .................................. 199
Downloadable fonts .......................................................................................... 199
Notices ............................................................................................201
Edition notice ........ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ........................................ 201
Trademarks .................................................................... .................................. 202
Licensing notice ............................................................................................... 204
Safety information ............................................................................................ 204
Cautions and warnings ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............................................. ....... . 205
Electronic emission notices ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..................... 205
Noise emission levels ....................................................................................... 208
Energy Star ...................................................................................................... 208
Laser notice ...................................................................................................... 208
Index ................................................................................................ 209

Printer overview

The following illustration shows the Lexmark™ C750 printer.
Standard output bin
Front door
Standard tray
Upper right access door (redrive area)
Lower right access door (fuser area)
The following illustration shows the printer configured with a duplex unit and three optional 500-sheet drawers.
Duplex unit
500-sheet drawers
The following illustration shows the printer configured with a duplex unit, one optional 500-sheet drawer, and one optional 2000-sheet drawer.
Duplex unit
500-sheet drawer
2000-sheet drawer
Understanding the printer operator
The operator panel has five buttons, a display, and a light that flashes when the printer is processing a job indicated by the Busy message.

Operator panel buttons

Button Function
Menu Press Menu to:
Press Go to:
Return to the Ready state if the printer is offline (the Ready message does not appear on the display).
Exit printer menus and return to the Ready state.
Clear some operator panel messages.
Resume printing after loading paper or clearing paper jams.
Exit Power Saver.
If you have changed printer settings from the operator panel menus, press a job to print. The printer must display Ready for jobs to print.
Take the printer offline (out of the Ready offline, press Menu to scroll through the menus and menu items.
List the menu items in the Job Menu (during Busy state).
For menu items that have numerical values, such as Copies, press and hold through the list of values. Release the button when the number you want appears.
If you see a Menus Disabled message, you will not be able to change default settings. You can still clear messa ges an d sele ct i tems fro m the Job M enu when p rinting . When y ou send a job to print, change printer properties to select the settings you want for your job.
Select 3Return
Go before sending
state) and enter the menus. When the printer is
Menu to scroll
Button Function
Press Select to:
Open the menu shown on the second line of the display.
Save the displayed menu item as the new user default setting.
Clear certain messages from the display.
Continue printing after the Change <x> message appears. See Change <x> for more
Return Stop
Press Return to go back to the previous menu level or menu item. Press Stop at the Ready, Busy, or Waiting message to temporarily take the printer offline.
The message changes to Not Ready . No data is lost.
Go to return the printer to the Ready, Busy, or Waiting state.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Use the numbers loc ated ne xt to the na mes of the b uttons to enter y our persona l identific ation number (PIN) after you send a confidential job.
See the menu map for a brief overview of the printer menus available from the operator panel.

Sending a job to print

To print a job from a typical Windows application:
1 Open the file you want to print. 2 From the File menu, select Print. 3 Verify that the correct printer is selected in the dialog box. 4 Modify the printer settings as appropriate (such as the pages you want to print or the number
of copies).
Note: Click Properties or Setup to adjust printer settings not available from the first
screen, and click OK.
5 Click OK or Print to send the job to the selected printer.

Canceling a print job

Cancel a job from the printer operator panel

If the job you want to cancel is printing, and Busy appears on the display:
1 Press Menu until you see Job Menu, and then press Select. 2 Press Menu until you see Cancel Job, and then press Select.

Cancel a job from the Windows taskbar

When you send a job to print, a small printer icon appears in the right corner of the taskbar.
1 Double-click the printer icon. A list of print jobs appears. 2 Select the job you want to cancel. 3 Press Delete on your keyboard.

Cancel a job from a Windows desktop

1 Minimize all programs to reveal the contents of the desktop. 2 Double-click My Computer. 3 Double-click Printers. A list of available printers appears. 4 Double-click the printer you selected when you sent the job. A list of print jobs appears. 5 Select the job you want to cancel. 6 Press Delete on your keyboard.

Cancel a job from a Macintosh computer

When you send a job to print, the icon for your selected printer appears on the desktop.
1 Double-click the printer icon on your desktop. A list of print jobs appears. 2 Press Control and click the print job you want to cancel. 3 Select Stop Queue from the pop-up menu that appears.

Conserving supplies

Several settings in your application software or on the display let you conserve toner and paper:
For more information,
Supply Setting What the setting does
T oner T oner Darknes s in
the Color Me nu
Lets you adjust the amount of toner released on a shee t of p ape r. The values range from 1 (lightest setting) to 5 (darkest setting).
Toner Darkness
Paper and specialty media
Paper and specialty media
Multipage Print in the Finishing Menu
Duplex in the Finishing Menu
Use your so ftware application or printer driver to send a V erify Print job.
Use Held Jobs in the Job Menu to access you r V erify Print job.
Prints two or more page images on one side of a sheet.
Values for Multipage Print are 2 Up, 3 Up, 4 Up, 6 Up, 9 Up, 12 Up, and 16 Up.
Combined with the duplex setting, Multipage Print lets you print up to 32 pages on one sheet of p ape r (16 im ages on the front and 16 on the back).
Ava ila ble when you attach an optional duplex unit.
Lets you examine the first copy of a multiple-copy job to be sure it is satisfactory before you print the other copies. If the job is unsatisfactory, you cancel the job .
Multipage Print
Verify Print Canceling a print job Holding a job in the

Holding a job in the printer

When sending a job to the printer, y ou can specify in the driver that you want the printer to hold the job in memory. When you are ready to print the job, you must go to the printer and use the operator panel menus to identify which held job you want to print.
Note: Print and Hold functions require a minimum of 16MB available printer memory . We
recommend a minimum of 32MB available printer memory and a hard disk.
To learn more about this function, click a topic:
Printing and deleting held jobs
Recognizing when format errors occur
Verifying print jobs
Accessing held jobs from
the operator panel
Repeating print jobs at a later time
Printing confidential jobs
Reserving print jobs

Printing and deleting held jobs

Once held jobs are stored in printer memory, you can use the printer operator panel to specify what you want to do with one or more of the jobs. You can select either Confidential Job or Held Jobs (Repeat Print, Reserve Print, and Verify Print jobs) from the Job Menu. If you select Confidential Job, you must enter the personal identification number (PIN) you specified in the driver when you sent the job. See Confidential jobs for more information.
From either the Confidential Job or the Held Jobs menu items, you have five choices:
Print All Jobs
Print A Job
Delete All Jobs
Delete A Job
Print Copies

Accessing held jobs from the operator panel

1 To access held jobs from the operator panel:
If the printer is Busy, press Menu and the Job Menu appears. If the printer is Ready, continue to step 2.
2 Press Menu until you see Held Jobs or Confidential Job on the operator panel display,
depending on the type of job you want to access.
3 Press Select.
User Name appears on the first line of the operator panel. The second line displays the names of users currently associated with Print and Hold jobs.
4 Press Menu until you see your user name.
Note: If you are looking for a Confidential Job, you are prompted to enter your PIN. See
Confidential jobs for more information.
5 Press Select. 6 Press Menu until the action you want to take is on the second line of the operator panel (Print
A Job, Delete A Job, and so on).
7 Press Select.
If you are looking for a particular job, press Menu to scroll through the list of available jobs,
and press Select when the correct job is displayed. An asterisk (*) appears next to the job name indicating you have chosen to print or delete that job.
If you are prompted to enter the number of copies you want to print, use the Menu button
to increase or decrease the number on the display, and then press Select.
8 Press Go to print or delete specific jobs you have marked.
The printer briefly shows messages indicating what Print and Hold functions it is performing.

Recognizing when format errors occur

If the symbol appears on the display, it indicates that the printer had trouble formatting one or more of the held jobs. These formatting problems are most commonly the result of insufficient printer memory or invalid data that might cause the printer to flush the job.
When a symbol appears next to a held job, you can:
Print the job. Be aware, however, that only part of the job may print.
Delete the job. You may want to free up additional printer memory by scrolling through the list
of held jobs and deleting others you have sent to the printer.
If formatting errors are a recurring problem with held jobs, your printer may require more memory.

Repeat Print

If you send a Repeat Print job, the printer prints all requested copies of the job and stores the job in memory so you can print additional copies later. You can print additional copies as long as the job remains stored in memory.
Note: Repeat Print jobs are automatically deleted from printer memory when the printer
requires extra memory to process additional held jobs.

Reserve Print

If you send a Reserve Print job, the printer does not print the job immediately, but stores the job in memory so you can print the job later. The job is held in memory until you delete it from the Held Jobs menu. Reserve Print jobs may be deleted if the printer requires extra memory to process additional held jobs.
See Printing and deleting held jobs for information.

Verify Print

If you send a Verify Print job, the printer prints one copy and holds the remaining copies you requested from the driver in printer memory. Use Verify Print to examine the first copy to see if it is satisfactory before printing the remaining copies.
See Printing and deleting held jobs if you need help printing the additional copies stored in memory.
Note: Once all copies are printed, the Verify Print job is deleted from printer memory.

Confidential jobs

When you send a job to the printer, you can enter a personal identification number (PIN) from the driver. The PIN must be four digits using the numbers 1–6. The job is then h el d i n print e r m e mo ry unt i l you enter the same four-digit PIN from the printer operator panel and choose to print or delete the job. This ensures that the job does not print until you are there to retrieve it, and no one else using the printer can print the job.
When you select Confidential Job from the Job Menu and then select your user name, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter PIN: =____
Use the buttons on the operator panel to enter the four-digit PIN associated with your confidential job. The numbers next to the button names identify which button to press for each digit (1–6). As you enter the PIN, asterisks are displayed on the operator panel to ensure confidentiality.
Enter PIN =****
If you enter an invalid PIN, the message No Jobs Found. Retry? appears. Press PIN, or press
When you enter a valid PIN, you have access to all print jobs matching the user name and PIN you entered. The print jobs matching the PIN you entered appear on the display when you enter the Print A Job, Delete A Job, and Print Copies menu items. You can then choose to print or delete jobs matching the PIN you entered. (See Printing and deleting held jobs for more information.) After printing the job, the printer deletes the confidential job from memory.
Stop to exit the Confidential Job menu.
Go to reenter the
P aper and specialty media
The following table lists supported paper and specialty media sizes and types for the standard and optional trays, as well as for the multipurpose feeder. We recommend that you try a limited sample of any paper or specialty media you are considering using with the printer before purchasing large quantities.
Source Paper sizes supported Paper types supported Capacity
500-sheet trays Letter, A4, A5, Legal,
2000-sheet tray Letter, A4, A5, Legal,
Multipurpose feeder
Supported as selected paper with tray size sensing turned off in the appropriate trays.
When selected, the page is formatted for 215.9 x 355.6 mm (8.5 x 14 in.) unless otherwise specified.
Load narrow media with the length in the feed direction (portrait).
If you print large quanti ties of labels or other gl ossy prin t media , replac e the fuser ho using with a web oil er field
upgrade kit (P/N 12G6307 for a 115 V printer, P/N 12G6308 for a 220 V printer).
Executive, JIS B5, Folio Statement
Executive, JIS B5 Letter, A4, A5, Legal,
Executive, JIS B5, Folio Statement
7¾, 9, 10, DL, C5, B5, other
, Universal
, Universal
Paper, transparencies,
labels, card stoc k
Paper 2000 sheets of 20 lb paper
Paper, transparencies,
labels, card stoc k
Envelopes 10 envelopes
500 sheets of 20lb paper 400 transparencies 250 sheets of labels or
card stock
100 sheets of 20lb paper 85 transparencies 85 sheets of labels or
card stock
For more details about the types of paper and specialty media your printer supports, refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide available on Lexmarks Web site at www.lexmark.com.

Loading the trays

Loading the 500-sheet trays
Follow these instructions to load any of the 500-sheet trays.
1 Remove the tray.
2 Squeeze the front guide lever and slide the guide to the front of the tray.
Squeeze the side guide lever and slide the guide to the correct position for the size paper you
are loading. Icons along the back of the tray indicate paper sizes.
4 Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them.
Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges of the stack on a level surface.
5 Place the paper against the back left corner of the tray, print side down.
Do not load bent or wrinkled paper.
Note: Do not exceed the maximum stack height. Overfilling the tray may cause jams.
Squeeze the front guide lever and slide the guide until it lightly touches the stack of paper.
7 Reinstall the tray.
Make sure the tray is pushed completely into the printer.
Loading the 2000-sheet tray
Follow these instructions to load a 2000-sheet tray. Do not load any print media other than paper in the 2000-sheet tray.
1 Pull open the tray.
Squeeze the side guide lever, lift the guide, and place it into the appropriate slot for the size
paper you are loading.
3 Squeeze the two front guide levers and slide the guide to the correct position for the size
paper you are loading.
4 Slide the bottom support toward the front of the tray until it touches the front guide.
Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them.
Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges of the stack on a level surface.
6 Place the paper against the back left corner of the tray, print side down.
Do not load bent or wrinkled print media.
7 Close the tray.
Make sure the tray is pushed completely into the printer.
Note: Do not exceed the maximum stack height. Overfilling the tray may cause paper

Loading the multipurpose f eeder

You can use the multipurpose feeder one of two ways:
Paper tray—As a paper tray, you can load print media in the feeder with the intention of
leaving the media in the feeder.
Manual bypass feeder—As a manual bypass feeder, you send a print job to the feeder while
specifying the type and size of media from your computer. The printer then prompts you to load the appropriate print media before it prints.
Follow these instructions to load the multipurpose feeder.
1 Open the multipurpose feeder.
2 Squeeze the paper guide lever and slide the guide all the way toward the front of the printer.
Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them.
Do not fold or crease the print media. Straighten the edges of the stack on a level surface.
4 Arrange the stack of print media correctly for the size, type, and print method you are using.
5 Place the print media, print side up, along the left side of the multipurpose feeder, and then
push it in as far as it will go. Do not force the print media.
Note: Do not exceed the maximum stack height. Overfilling the feeder may cause jams.
6 Squeeze the paper guide lever and slide the guide until it lightly touches the side of the stack.

Linking trays

If you load the same size and type of paper or specialty media in more than one tray, the
printer automatically links the trays. This means that when one tray is empty, it feeds from the next linked tray.
For example, if you have the same size and type of paper or specialty media loaded in tray 2 and tray 4, the printer feeds from tray 2 until it becomes empty, and then it feeds from the next linked tray—tray 4.
If you load the same size paper or specialty media in each tray, make sure it is also all the
same type to link the trays. Once the trays you selected are loaded with the same size and type of paper or specialty
media, select the same Paper Type setting in the Pap er Menu for these sources.
To disable tray linking, set the Paper Type to a unique value in each one of the trays.
Note: To link trays loaded with Executive, Legal, JIS B4, or JIS B5 size paper, see Size

Linking bins

If you attach an optional finisher or mailbox to your printer, you can link output bins, or otherwise specify how the printer sends jobs to the bins, by changing the Configure Bins settings in the Paper Menu.
Value Description
Mail Overflow*
Type Assignment
Lets you select an output bin when you send a job to print. (If you prefer, you can select a default output bin for all print jobs to go to.) The printer alerts you when the bin you selected becomes full, and stops printing until you empty the bin.
Links all available bins so that when one bin becomes full, the printer sends jobs to the next linked bin.
Sends jobs automatically to a preassigned overflow bin when the current bin becomes full.
Lets you assign di ff erent type s of media to spe cific outp ut bins or set o f linked bins. Th e printer the n sends all printed m edia to th e bin or set of linked bins that you designated to receive each type of paper or specialty media .
Only available if you have attached an optional mailbox.
To change the Configure Bins setting:
1 Press Menu until you see Paper Menu, and then press Select. 2 Press Menu until you see Configure Bins, and then press Select. Mailbox appears on the
second line of the display.
3 Press Menu until you see the value you want, and then press Select to save the value as the
bin configuration default.
4 Press Go to return the printer to the Ready state.
For more information, see Configure Bins and Bin <x> Full.

Tips for successful printing

Storing paper

Use the following guidelines to avoid paper feeding problems and uneven print quality.
Store paper in an environment where the temperature is approximately 21°C (70°F) and the
relative humidity is 40%.
Store cartons of paper on a pallet or shelf rather than directly on the floor.
If you store individual packages of paper out of the original carton, make sure they rest on a
flat surface so the edges do not buckle or curl.
Do not place anything on top of paper packages.

Storing supplies

Choose a cool, clean storage area for your printer supplies. Store supplies right side up in their original packaging until you are ready to use them.
Do not expose supplies to:
Direct sunlight
Temperatures above 35°C (95°F)
High humidity (above 80%)
Salty air
Corrosive gases
Heavy dust

Avoiding jams

You can avoid most paper jams by correctly loading paper and specialty media in the printer. See the following for loading instructions:
Loading the 500-sheet trays
Loading the 2000-sheet tray
Loading the multipurpose feeder
The following hints can help you avoid paper jams:
Use only recommended paper. Refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide available on Lexmark’s
Web s ite at www.lexmark.com for more information about which paper provides optimum results for your printing environment.
If you need detailed information before purchasing large quantities of customized paper, refer
to the Card Stock & Label Guide.
Do not load wrinkled, creased, or damp paper.
Flex, fan, and straighten paper before you load it.
Do not overload the trays or the multipurpose feeder. Make sure the stack height does not
exceed the maximum height indicated.
Push all trays firmly into the printer after loading them.
Make sure the guides in the trays are properly positioned for the size paper you have loaded.
Do not load paper in a tray while a job is printing. Wait for a Load Tray <x> message before
you remove the tray from the printer. You may remove another tray and load it so long as the print job is not selecting the paper
from it.
Do not send jobs to staple, hole punch, or offset for transparencies, labels, or card stock.
We recommend that transparencies, labels, card stock, and envelopes not be sent to the
optional mailbox or optional finisher. These specialty media types should be sent to the standard bin.
If an optional finisher or mailbox is attached to your printer, make sure the printer and option
are correctly aligned. Refer to the Setup Guide for alignment instructions.
Make sure all cables that connect the duplex unit, high capacity feeder, finisher, or mailbox to
the printer are correctly attached. Refer to the Setup Guide for more information.
If a jam should occur, clear the entire paper path. See Clearing the paper path for more
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