Lexicon RT-20 Owners manual

RT-20 Universal Disc Player
RS-232 Control Guide
Harman Specialty Group 3 Oak Park, Bedford, MA, 01730-1413 USA
tomer Service: Telephone: 781-280-0300 | Service Fax: 781-280-0499 | www.lexicon.com
Part No. 070-17224 | Rev 0 | 03/05
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Part No. 070-17224 | Rev 0 | 03/05
T able of Content s
Introduc tion................................................................................................. ................................ .......................................... ....3
Purpose........................................................................................................... ..................................... ..............................3
Referen ces...................................................... .......................................... ................................ .........................................3
2. Sys tem Des cripti on........................................................................................ ..................................... ....................................3
2-1. Overvie w.............................................................. ........................................... ..................................... ..............................3
2-2. Block Di agram.......................................................................................... ..................................... ....................................3
2-3. RT -20 RS-232 Conne ctor Pin Definition......................................................................................... ...............................3
3. Detai led Des cript ion......................... ............................................... ........................................... .......................................... ....4
3-1. Connection format.................................................................................... ........................................... ..............................4
3-1-1. Physical connection.................................................................... ............................................... ...............................4
3-2. Tran smissi on dat a pa cket fo rmats.......................................................... ........................................... ..............................4
3-2-1. Tran smissi on dat a pa ckets from th e HOST to the RT -20...................................................................... ...............4
3-2-1-1 Com mand Pa cket s................................................................ ........................................... ..............................4
3-2-1-2. S tatus Request Packets............................................... ............................................... ................................. ...4
3-2-2. Respo nse dat a pa cket s from the R T -20 to the HO ST................................................................ .........................5
3-2-2-1. AC K/NAK R espon se Pack ets......................................................... .......................................... ....................5
3-2-2-2. Auto S tatus Feedback Packets....................................................................................... ...............................5
3-3. Data Transaction Sequencing and Timing Requiremen ts....................................................................... ....................6
3-3-1. Data Packe t T ransac tion Se quencin g Requ irement s............................................................................ ...............6
3-3-2. Data T ransa ction T iming R equire ments........................................................................................................ .........6
3-3-3. Specific Requiremen ts for Auto S tatus Feedback..................................................................................................6
3-3-4. Example of the transa ctions............................................................ ........................................... ..............................6
3-3-5. Example s of HOS T/RT - 20 hand shakin g............................................................ ........................................... .........7
3-3-5-1. Example of succ essful handsh aking ..................................................... .......................................... ...............7
3-3-5-2. Example s of han dshakin g erro rs........................................................... ................................................ .........7
3-4. Comman ds................................................................................................... ...................................... ..............................8
3-4-1. HOST Comma nd list.................................................................................................. ..............................................8
3-4-2. Spe cific C ommand s......................................................... ................................................ ......................................10
3-5. S tatus R equest a nd S tatu s Respon se Data Packet s.................................................................................... .............11
3-5-1. HOST S tatus request and S tatus Response/feedback list AST Layer: 1...................................................... ..11
3-5-2. HOST S tatus request and S tatus Response/feedback list AST Layer: 2...................................... ..................11
3-5-3. HOST S tatus request and S tatus Response/feedback list AST Layer: 3...................................... .................12
3-5-4. Special S tatus request and S t atus Response list AST Layer: None.................................................... ............13
3-6. S tatus F eedback................................................................................................... ............................................ ............14
3-7. Data Packet COMM AND Li st.................................................... ...................................................... ...........................16
1. Introduction
1-1. Purpose
This document was written as a reference specific ation for the Lexicon RT-20 Universal Disc Player RS-232 interface.
1-2. References
Refer to the RT -20 User Guide for information about the R S-232 connector and RT -20 functionality. RT-20 U ser Guide p/n 070-17261.
2. System Description
2-1. Overview
The RT -20 RS-232 interface has been designed as a Master-Slave communication protocol, in which the R T -20 is the slave device. The Master-system controller is referred to as the HOST device.
2-2. Block Diagram
HOST (Master- System
RS232C cable (straight)
2-3. RT-20 RS-232 Connector Pin Definition
The RT-20 serial RS-232 connector is a male 9-pin D-sub connector. The pin definitions are listed below.
Signal name D-Sub Pin
N.C. 1 TxD (output) 2
RxD (input) 3 N.C. 4 GND N.C. N.C. N.C. N.C.
RT-20 (SLAVE Device)
Connector D-SUB (9pin, male)
3. Detailed Description
The RS-232 hardware interface specification between the HOST and the RT -20 is described below .
3-1. Connection format
3-1-1. Physical connection
(Serial Port settings) Baud Rate : 9600bps Data Bit s : 8bit Parity : None S top bit : 1bit Handshaking : None
3-2. Transmission data packet formats
3-2-1. T ransmission data p ackets f rom the HOST to the RT -20
There are two kinds of transmission data packet s that are described below .
3-2-1-1. Command Packets
The Command Packets are provided for the Host Con troller to request the RT -20 to perfor m a specific action. Star t character : ’@’ COMMAND : see “Data Packet COMMAND List”on page 16
End character (CR) : 0Dh
3-2-1-2. Status Request Packets
The Status Request packets are provided for the Host Cont roller to request the RT-20 to report specific
operating statuses. Star t character : ’@’ Request status : see “Status Request and S tatus Response Dat a Packets” on page 1 1
Request character : ‘?’ End character (CR) : 0Dh
R equest status
0D h
0D h
3-2-2. Response dat a packet s from the RT -20 to the HOST
The RT -20 can respond to the HOST in a synchronous and asynchronous mode. The two different response
packets are described below .
3-2-2-1. ACK/NAK Response Packets
The RT-20 provides an ACK (acknowledge) response to the HOST when the RT-20 has received a correct
command packet, and the HOST command packet has requested no other status data.
Start character : ’@’, ACK : 06h, End character (CR) : 0Dh
st art
The RT- 20 will send a NAK response packet if the RT -20 has received an incorrect HOST command p acket.
Star t character : ’@’, NAK : 15h, End character (CR) : 0Dh
st art
3-2-2-2. Auto Status Feedback Packet s
The RT-20 will send to the HOST asynchronous status feedback data packets when applicable RT-20 status
changes. The asynchronous status has been divided into levels or groups. The HOST can enable each of the
status feedback groups independently . Star t character : ’@’ Answer character : see “St atus Feedback” on page 14
End character (CR) : 0Dh
Status answer
3-3. Data T ransaction Sequencing and Timing Requirements
3-3-1. Data Packet Tr ansaction Sequencing Requirements
The RT -20/Host Data Packet Transactions can be described in one of the three following sequences:
The HOST sends a command data packet and the RT -20 respond s with an AC K or a NAK data packet.
The HOST sends a status request data packet and the RT-20 responds with the corresponding status
data packet or NAK if the request is in valid.
The RT-20 sends an auto status feedback data packet if the corresponding RT-20 stat us has changed (The HOST is not required to respond to the R T -20).
3-3-2. Dat a Transact ion Timing Requirements
Each of the HOST/RT -20 dat a transactions must meet the following timing requirements:
Response packet transmission (ACK, NAK or Status) from the RT-20 will be initiated approximately within
50ms following the end of the HOST co mmand packet and transmission will be completed within 500ms following the end of the HOST command packet.
The HOST should not transmit a command or status request data pa cket until the RT -20 has responded to the previously sent command. A new command or status request data packet may be initiated if the RT -20 has been unresponsive for at least 1s.
The RT -20 will c omplete an auto st atus feedback data packet w ithin 500ms.
3-3-3. Specific Requirement s for Auto S tatus Feedback
The following items detail specific requirements for the Auto S tatus Feedback data tran sactions.
The RT -20 Auto S tatus Feedback has been grouped into three layers: 1, 2 and 3:
Layer 1 is the highest priority status. Layer 2 is the second hig hest priority. Layer 3 is assigned the lowest
priority .
Each layer is independently enabled or disabled by the HOST. The RT-20 will disable all three layers by
The RT-20 initiates the Auto Status Feedback transaction when the corr esponding RT-20 status has
3-3-4. Example of the transactions
max. 0.5sec
a transaction a transaction
Example Data Packet Transactions
Status request
max. 0.5s ec
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