Leviton MC24/48, MC24, MC48 Reference Manual

MC 24/48
An Alphabetical Listing of Topics for Quick Answers
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
[.] Decimal Point 6 (1 TO 1) 6
(A/B) 6 [AND] 7 [AT] 7
(C/D) 8 [CLEAR] 8 Channel 9 (CHANNL) 9 (CHECK) 9 [CLEANUP] 9 (CLEAR) 10 (COMPRS) 11 (COPY) 11 [CUE] 11 [CUE SHEET] 12
[DELAY] 13 (DELETE) 13 [DEVICE] 14 [DEVICE] 14 (DEVICE) 14 [DIMMER] 14 Dimmer Protocol 15 (DISK) 16 (DISPLAY) 16
[EFFECT] 16 [ENTER] 17
File Name 17 [FULL] 18
[GROUP] 18
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
Hand Held Remote 19 [HELP] 19
(LEVELS) 20 (LINEAR) 20 [LINK] 20
[M1]-[M8] 21 (MACRO) 21 Midi Control 21 [MINUS] 22 (MINUTE) 22 (MORE) 22 (MP #) 22
(NAME) 23 Network Remote 23 Number of Channels 23 Number of Dimmers 24 Number of Effect Steps 24 Number of Groups 25 Number of Macros 25 Number of Playback Cue Rows 26 Number of Submaster pages 26
[PART] 27 [PATCH] 27 [PLAYBACK] 28 (PORT) 28 (PORT #) 29 [PREVIEW] 29 (PRINT) 29 Printer type 29 [PROFILE] 30 (PROFIL) 31
(Q MODE) 31
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
[RECORD CUE] 32 [RECORD GROUP] 33 [RECORD SUB] 33 Reference by name 34 (RELALL) 34 (RENUM) 34 (RESTOR) 34 (RT CLK) 35
[S1]-[S8] 35 Secondary Video 35 (SELALL) 35 (SELCUE) 36 (SELEFF) 36 (SELGRP) 36 (SELSUB) 37 [SETUP] 37 Show Name 37 Single Scene/Two Scene 38 [STAGE] 38 [SUB] 38 (SUBP #) 39 (SYSTEM) 39
[THRU] 39 [TIME] 40 [TRACK SHEET] 40
(VIDEO#) 41
Worklight Level 41
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
-Numbers & Symbols-
[.] Decimal Point
Location: Data keypad
Use the Decimal Point [.] hard key to insert up to nine additional cues between whole number cues by assigning them decimal values. You can use decimal values in cue, effect, delay, or follow times. You can also use the decimal point as a character in a name.
(1 TO 1)
Location: [S6] in PATCH
Use the (1 TO 1) soft key to set a "unity patch" where channel 1 controls dimmer 1, channel 2 controls dimmer 2. If the number of dimmers is greater than the number of channels, then the channel assignments will wrap and repeat. For Example, 96 channels and 192 dimmers: Channels 1 through 96 would control Dimmer 1 through 96 respectively. Dimmer 97 would be assigned to Channel 1 and so forth.
When selected the user will see an Option Menu appear. It will give the options of Cancel. Set ALL 1 to 1 or the ability to set only a specific output port 1 to 1.
Location: [S3] in PLAYBACK alternate value (C/D)
The upper portion of the PLACKBACK display shows the most recent list of cues. To the far left appears a small "A/B", "C/D" or "A/D". This denotes the last executed cue. If you do not see the "A/B" next to a pressing the (A/B) soft key will scroll the cue display to show what cue is being displays from the A/B playback fader. If the symbol is "A/D" it mean the SAME cue number was last played on both the A/B and C/D playback faders. After pressing, the soft key toggles to display (A/B)
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
Location: Hard key, Data Key Pad
Use the [AND] hard key to make a channel list, or to make a split time, split delay or split profile. When the [AND] key is entered as the first keystroke in the Command Line in the Effects display, channels are added to an existing step.
& EXAMPLE: To use the [AND] key in the Command Line to address channels and levels:
Channel [1] [AND] [GROUP] [4] [AND] [SUB] [8] [AT] [FL] [ENTER]
@NOTE: The [AND] key on your console may be labeled "AND" on the key itself. In the Command
Line, this keystroke always appears as "+".
Location: Hard key, Data Key Pad
Use the [AT] hard key to assign a channel list to a level, or to make a patching assignment. When the [AT] key is entered first in the Command Line, the command defaults to all captured channels.
& EXAMPLE: To assign a level of 80% to channels 25 - 31 in the Stage, Preview, Group,
Submaster and Tracksheet displays:
Channel [25] [THRU] [31] [AT] [80] [ENTER]
Location: Right Console Face, above Grand Master Fader
You can use the Blackout Switch on the console to instantly set channels to zero. When the [BLACKOUT] Switch is returned to the NORMAL position, the channels return to their previous levels. The [BLACKOUT] Switch only cuts the output of normal channels; Automated channels with assigned levels are not affected by the [BLACKOUT] Switch (if you want to set auto-channels to zero, you must address them directly via keypad or cue).
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
Location: Right side of console face above Grand Master
The key reserved for future function.
Location: [S3] in PLAYBACK alternate value (A/B)
The upper portion of the PLACKBACK display shows the most recent list of cues. To the far left appears a small "A/B", "C/D" or "A/D". This denotes the last executed cue. If you do not see the "C/D" next to a cue, pressing the (C/D) soft key will scroll the cue display to show what cue is being displays from the C/D playback fader. If the symbol is "A/D" it mean the SAME cue number was last played on both the A/B and C/D playback faders. After pressing, the soft key toggles to display (A/B)
Location: Data keypad
Use the [CLEAR] hard key to clear keystrokes entered into the Command Line. The [CLEAR] key also has the following actions:
q "Backspace" to erase keystrokes in the Command Line, prior to pressing the [ENTER] key. q Release all captured channels from wheel control. q Return to previous level of soft keys. q Exit dimmer check mode. q Dismiss an error message or warning box. q Abort actions after receiving a warning message.
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
Location: n/a
A channel is a control that is assigned a number in the Patch display. In most displays, when a number is entered first into the Command Line, channels are automatically addressed (there is no Channel key). In this case, the console inserts the word "Channel" into the Command Line.
You can assign the total number of channels for a particular show in the Setup display. Reducing the number of channels in the Setup display will not change the patch assignments.
In the Patch display, you can assign dimmers to channels so that one channel may control multiple dimmers.
Location: [S6] in TRACKSHEET
In the TRACKSHEET display, the [S6] soft key, labeled (CHANNL) toggles the Tracksheet display from the beginning of the stage channel list to the Automated Device list. When pressed, the label of this soft key changes to display (DEVICE).
Location: [S5] in PATCH
In the PATCH display, the (CHECK) soft key is used to verify a dimmer by bringing it full on. Once started the Up and Down Arrow keys will increment the dimmer number allowing for fast verification of lights and individual dimmers.
& EXAMPLE: To check dimmers 1, 2 and 3 in the Patch display:
(CHECK) [1] [ENTER] dimmer 1 on full [↓] increment to dimmer 2 [↓] increment to dimmer 3 [↑] decrement to dimmer 2 [CLEAR] to release dimmer
Location: Data keypad
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
Three Tracking modes are available in most displays under the (Q MODE) soft key. Pressing the (Q MODE) soft key toggles between the three track modes, Tracking, Cue Only, and Cleanup.
You can think of Cleanup mode as "true cue only" mode. This mode displays all non-zero levels as hard levels, and all zeros, including actual hard zeros, as blank spaces. When you operate in Cleanup mode exclusively, the concept of tracking levels does not apply. Every cue is recorded as a completely different set of channels at levels.
When you are working in Tracking or Cue Only Mode, use the CLEANUP mode to assign the Cleanup attribute to a cue. This prevents any tracking levels from continuing into subsequent cues. In the Cuesheet and Playback displays, a Cleanup cue is labeled "CLEAN-UP" in the Cleanup column, on the far right side of the screen (to the right of the Name column).
& EXAMPLE: To assign a cue the Cleanup attribute in Stage, Patch, Tracksheet and Cuesheet
Cleanup cues have hard levels for all channels including zero levels, thereby preventing any channel levels tracking into, and beyond the cue. It is possible to restore Tracking from Cleanup. This allows channel levels to track through at the levels in the previous cue.
& EXAMPLE: To restore tracking to a channel list in a Cleanup cue from Preview, and
Tracksheet displays:
[# list] [AT] [ENTER]
Location: [S2] level II in SETUP
[S7] in PATCH
The (CLEAR) soft key is different from the [CLEAR] hard key.
In the SETUP display, the (CLEAR) bring up to the display a menu of items for clearing the memory of the console. These items include Cues, Groups, Submasters, Macros, Effects or ALL.
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
In the PATCH display, the (CLEAR) soft key brings up to the display a menu of Patch Table items that may be cleared. The user is allowing to selective "clear" individual patch tables or all patch Tables.
(1 TO 1) in PATCH
Location: [S3] in PATCH alternate value (UNCOMP)
The (COMPRS) soft key in the Patch Display is an alternate action key and is used to compress the display so that un-used dimmers are not shown. Only dimmers assigned to stage channels are visible. When pressed the value of the soft key will change to display (UNCOMP)
The (COPY) soft key allows the User to copy the contents of a Cue to another Cue, the contents of a Submaster to another Submaster or the contents of a Group to another Group.
& EXAMPLE: To copy a cue to a new cue in PREVIEW
(COPY) the command line responds Copy Cue # to Cue [#] enter the new number ## [ENTER] accept copy with Overwrite warning if new cue existed.
Location: Data keypad
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
You can use the [CUE] hard key to create, select or edit a cue. When you create a new cue, it has a manual time and no other cue attributes, unless you specify them.
& EXAMPLE: To select an existing cue or create a new cue (if the cue does not already
[CUE] [#] [ENTER]
In the example above, this command does not record the current stage levels; it simply creates a new cue as it would in the Preview display. If you want to record the current stage levels, you must use the [RECORD CUE] key. When the current track mode is Tracking, the new cue will have soft tracking levels, and will therefore have the same channel levels as the cue that numerically precedes it. When the current track mode is Cue Only, the new cue will have hard zeros assigned to any channel that has a level in the preceding cue. When the current track mode is Cleanup, the new cue will have hard zeros assigned to every channel in the new cue.
& EXAMPLE: To create a cue from any display:
[CUE] [#] (enter attributes) [ENTER]
@NOTE: The contents of the cue are determined by the track mode you are using.
You can also use the [CUE] key to use a cue as a group when setting channel levels. The syntax of the command is exactly the same as when you use the [GROUP] key.
& EXAMPLE: To select cue channels at proportional levels:
[CUE] [#] [AT] [#] [ENTER]
Location: Display keypad, bottom row
Use the [CUE SHEET] hard key to show the Cue Sheet Display on the currently selected monitor. The Cue Sheet display may be used to modify many of the parameters of a recorded cue such as; Time, Delay, Follow, and Link as well as renumbering, deleting, or naming a cue.
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
You can use the [DELAY] hard key to assign a delay time to a cue, to a split "up" or "down" time, or to a cue part. The delay indicates the amount of time after pressing the GO button that the fade delays before starting, after which the fade executes. The Delay column appears in the Cuesheet and Playback displays. The delay can be split, specifying separate delays for the up time (channels increasing in level) and down time (channels decreasing in level), including a value of zero.
& EXAMPLE: To assign a delay in the Stage, Playback, Cuesheet and Preview displays:
[CUE] [#] [DELAY] [#] [ENTER]
& EXAMPLE: To assign separate delay times to a split time cue:
[CUE] [#] [DELAY] [#] [AND] [#] [ENTER]
& EXAMPLE: To delete an existing delay:
Select [CUE] [#] [DELAY] [ENTER]
The (DELETE) soft key is used in the PREVIEW, CUESHEET and TRACKSHEET displays to delete a cue.
& EXAMPLE: To delete an existing cue:
(DELETE) [#] [ENTER] (note the system will NOT ask for confirmation)
NSI CORPORATION MC 24/48 Version 1.03
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