LevelOne GNS-4000 User Manual

4-Bay SATA NAS w/ Gigabit LAN
User Manual
v1.0 - 0706
Ver. 1.0-0706
Although LevelOne has attempted to ensure the accuracy of the content of this manual, it is possible that this document may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical, or other errors. LevelOne assumes no liability for any error in this publication, and for damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or otherwise, that may result from such error, including, but not limited to loss of data or profits. LevelOne provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The published information in the manual is subject to change without notice. LevelOne reserves the right to make changes in the product design, layout, and driver revisions without notification to its users. This version of the Product Manual supersedes all previous versions.
Limited Warranty
In no event shall the liability of Digital Data Communication Co., Ltd. (LevelOne) exceed the price paid for the product from direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential software, or its documentation. LevelOne offers no refunds for its products. LevelOne makes no warranty or representation, expressed, implied, or statutory, with respect to its products or the contents or use of this documentation and all accompanying software, and specifically disclaims its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. LevelOne reserves the right to revise or update its products, software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity.
About This Manual
This User Manual describes how to setup, use, and maintain the Network Storage GNS-4000. It also describes how to use the NAS Setup Wizard, SmartSYNC utility, and Advanced Storage Management. This manual includes a full table of contents, chapter task lists, and numerous cross-references to help you find the specific information you are looking for.
Also included are four levels of notices:
A Note provides helpful information such as hints or alternative ways of doing a task.
An Important calls attention to an essential step or point required to complete a task. Important items include things often missed.
A Caution informs you of possible equipment damage or loss of data and how to avoid them.
A Warning notifies you of probable equipment damage or loss of data, or the possibility of physical injury, and how to avoid them.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1
1.1. KEY FEATURE ............................................................................................. 1
Specifications ........................................................................................ 2
Compatible Backup Software .............................................................. 3
Client OS Support ................................................................................. 3
Browser Support ................................................................................... 3
1.2. PACKAGE CONTENT ................................................................................... 4
1.3. FRONT PANEL ............................................................................................. 4
1.4. REAR PANEL ............................................................................................... 5
2. CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION AND SETUP ...................................... 7
2.1. INSTALLING DISK DRIVES ........................................................................... 7
2.2. CONNECTING TO THE NETWORK ................................................................ 8
2.3. CONNECTING THE POWER ......................................................................... 8
2.4. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE ....................................................................... 9
2.5. SELECTING YOUR NETWORK ................................................................... 13
2.6. SETTING UP THE NETWORK STORAGE .................................................... 14
2.7. CONNECTING TO ASM ............................................................................. 18
Browser Support ................................................................................. 18
Finding the Network Storage’s IP Address ...................................... 18
ASM in your Browser ......................................................................... 19
ASM in SmartSYNC ........................................................................... 20
3. CONNECTING TO THE NETWORK STORAGE ............................. 21
3.1. SETTING UP A NETWORK DRIVE ON A WINDOWS PC .............................. 21
3.2. SETTING UP A NETWORK DRIVE ON A UNIX OR LINUX PC ..................... 25
On the Windows PC ........................................................................... 25
On the UNIX/Linux PC with Command Line Interface .................. 27
On the Linux PC with Graphic Desktop ........................................... 27
3.3. SETTING UP A NETWORK DRIVE ON A MACINTOSH PC ........................... 29
3.4. CONNECTING A USB PRINTER ................................................................. 33
3.6. SETTING UP WINDOWS PRINTING ............................................................ 35
3.7. SETTING UP LINUX PRINTING ................................................................... 38
3.8. SETTING UP MACINTOSH PRINTING ......................................................... 41
3.9. CONNECTING A USB DRIVE ..................................................................... 44
Windows PC ........................................................................................ 45
Linux PC ............................................................................................... 46
Macintosh PC ...................................................................................... 47
3.10. DISCONNECTING A USB DRIVE ............................................................... 47
4. ONE TOUCH BACKUP .................................................................... 49
4.1. ENABLING ONE TOUCH BACKUP .............................................................. 49
4.2. CREATING A BACKUP SCHEDULE ............................................................. 50
4.3. PERFORMING A ONE TOUCH BACKUP ..................................................... 52
4.4. VIEWING YOUR BACKUP FILES ................................................................ 53
4.5. RESTORING YOUR BACKUP FILES ........................................................... 54
5. SMARTSYNC ................................................................................... 57
Opening the SmartSYNC Window ................................................... 57
Selecting a Language ........................................................................ 57
Closing the SmartSYNC Window ..................................................... 57
Quitting SmartSYNC .......................................................................... 57
Displaying the Network Storages on your Netwo rk ....................... 58
Starting ASM ........................................................................................ 58
5.1. CHANGING THE NETWORK SETTINGS ...................................................... 59
5.2. CONNECTING A NETWORK DRIVE ............................................................ 60
5.3. DELETING DEVICE (NETWORK DRIVE) RECORDS ................................... 61
5.4. PERFORMING A BACKUP .......................................................................... 62
5.5. VIEWING YOUR BACKUP FOLDERS .......................................................... 63
5.6. PERFORMING A RESTORE ........................................................................ 64
5.7. SCHEDULING A BACKUP ........................................................................... 65
Modifying a Backup Schedule .......................................................... 66
Deleting a Backup Schedule ............................................................. 66
5.8. SETTING THE DEFAULT BROWSER FOR ASM .......................................... 67
5.9. VIEWING THE EVENT LOG ........................................................................ 67
Clearing the Event Log ...................................................................... 67
6. ADV ANCED STORAGE MANAGER ............................................... 69
6.1. CONNECTING TO ASM ............................................................................. 69
ASM in your Browser ......................................................................... 69
ASM in SmartSYNC ........................................................................... 70
6.2. SELECTING A LANGUAGE ......................................................................... 71
6.3. NAVIGATING IN ASM................................................................................. 71
6.5. MANAGING USERS AND GROUPS ............................................................. 74
Viewing a List of Users ...................................................................... 74
Creating a User ................................................................................... 74
Changing the Administrator’s Password ......................................... 74
Changing a User's Password ............................................................ 74
Deleting a User ................................................................................... 75
Viewing a List of Groups .................................................................... 75
Creating a Group ................................................................................ 75
Adding Members to a Group ............................................................. 76
Removing Members from a Group ................................................... 76
Deleting a Group ................................................................................. 76
Viewing Quotas ................................................................................... 77
Setting Quotas ..................................................................................... 77
6.6. MANAGING FILE & PRINT SERVICES ........................................................ 78
Setting up Windows Access .............................................................. 78
Setting up UNIX/Linux Access .......................................................... 79
Setting up for Macintosh Access ...................................................... 80
Setting up for FTP Access ................................................................. 80
Setting up your Print Server .............................................................. 81
Setting up your DLNA Server ............................................................ 81
Viewing a List of Folders .................................................................... 82
Modifying Folder Services ................................................................. 82
Adding a Folder ................................................................................... 82
Deleting a Folder ................................................................................. 83
Setting up Windows Sharing for a Folder........................................ 83
Setting up UNIX and Linux Sharing for a Folder ............................ 84
Setting up FTP Sharing for a Folder ................................................ 84
6.7. MANAGING RAID VOLUMES .................................................................... 85
Viewing RAID Volume Status ............................................................ 85
Viewing Disk Drive Information ......................................................... 85
Creating a RAID Volume .................................................................... 86
Designating a Spare Drive ................................................................. 86
Migrating a RAID Volume .................................................................. 87
Deleting a RAID Volume .................................................................... 88
Viewing an External USB Drive or Memory Stick ........................... 89
Formatting an External USB Drive or Memory S t ick ..................... 89
6.8. MANAGING BACKUPS ............................................................................... 90
Viewing a List of Snapshot Backups ................................................ 90
Setting up a Snapshot Backup ......................................................... 90
Viewing the NAS Replication Schedule ........................................... 91
Setting up NAS Replication ............................................................... 92
Enabling One Touch Backup ............................................................. 93
6.9. MANAGING THE NETWORK CONNECTION ................................................ 94
Viewing Network Setup Information ................................................. 94
Making Network Settings ................................................................... 94
Working with Jumbo Frames ............................................................. 95
6.10. MAKING MANAGEMENT SETTINGS ........................................................... 96
Viewing Service Status....................................................................... 96
Viewing the Event Log ....................................................................... 96
Setting up SMTP Authentication ....................................................... 97
Viewing the Email Alert List ............................................................... 97
Adding an Email Alert Recipient ....................................................... 98
Deleting an Email Alert Recipient ..................................................... 98
Upgrading the System Firmware ...................................................... 98
Installing an Application Plug-in ........................................................ 98
Enabling and Disabling the Buzzer .................................................. 98
Viewing UPS Status ............................................................................ 99
Setting up a UPS ................................................................................ 99
6.11. MANAGING SERVICES ............................................................................ 100
Setting System Date and Time ....................................................... 100
Running the Network Time Protocol .............................................. 100
Viewing the Results of NTP Synchronization ............................... 101
Rebooting the Network Storage ...................................................... 101
Shutting Down the Network Storage .............................................. 102
Restarting the Network Storage ...................................................... 102
Viewing System Information ............................................................ 103
Viewing Enclosure Information ....................................................... 103
7. RAID TECHNOLOGY ..................................................................... 105
7.1. INTRODUCTION TO RAID ....................................................................... 105
RAID 0 – Stripe ................................................................................. 106
RAID 1 – Mirror ................................................................................. 107
RAID 5 – Block Striping with Distributed Parity ............................ 108
RAID 10 – Mirror / Stripe.................................................................. 109
7.2. CHOOSING A RAID LEVEL ..................................................................... 110
RAID 0 ................................................................................................ 110
RAID 1 ................................................................................................ 110
RAID 5 ................................................................................................. 1 1 1
RAID 10 ............................................................................................... 111
7.3. 2 TB LIMITATION ..................................................................................... 112
7.4. SPARE DRIVE ......................................................................................... 112
7.5. AUTOMATIC REBUILDING ........................................................................ 112
7.6. PARTITION AND FORMAT ........................................................................ 113
7.7. RAID VOLUME MIGRATION .................................................................... 113
RAID 0 ................................................................................................ 114
RAID 1 ................................................................................................ 114
RAID 5 ................................................................................................ 114
RAID 10 .............................................................................................. 114
8. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................... 115
8.1. RESPONDING TO AN AUDIBLE ALARM .................................................... 1 15
8.2. CHECKING THE SYSTEM STATUS LED ................................................... 115
8.3. CHECKING DISK STATUS LEDS ............................................................. 116
8.4. CHECKING RAID VOLUME STATUS IN ASM .......................................... 117
Responds to a Critical RAID Volume ............................................. 117
Responding to an Invalid RAID Volume ........................................ 118
8.5. CHECKING FILE SYSTEM STATUS IN ASM ............................................. 119
Rebuilding the File System .............................................................. 119
8.6. CHECKING THE EVENT LOG IN ASM ...................................................... 120
Responding to Events ...................................................................... 120
8.7. CHECKING ENCLOSURE STATUS IN ASM .............................................. 125
8.8. RESOLVING CONNECTIONS WITH SMARTSYNC ................................... 126
Multiple Network Connections ........................................................ 127
8.9. SOLVING NETWORK CONNECTION PROBLEMS ...................................... 128
8.10. CHECKING YOUR EMAIL INBOX .............................................................. 129
8.11. RESTORING THE DEFAULT PASSWORD .................................................. 130
8.12. RESOLVING A WINDOWS FIREWALL ISSUE ............................................. 131
9. SETUP WIZARD ADVANCED MODE ............................................ 133
10. MAINTENANCE .............................................................................. 143
10.1. UPGRADING THE FIRMWARE .................................................................. 143
10.2. INSTALLING APPLICATION PLUG-INS ...................................................... 144
10.3. REPLACING THE FAN .............................................................................. 145
10.4. REPLACING THE POWER SUPPLY .......................................................... 147
10.5. CONNECTION PROBLEMS AFTER RESTART ........................................... 149
11. SUPPORT ....................................................................................... 151
11.1. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................... 151
11.2. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE .................................................. 154
1. Introduction
LevelOne Network Storage GNS-4000 is a network attached storage (NAS) solution for external storage targeted for small and medium business (SMB) users and small office/home office (SOHO) users. With a NAS product, users can save their work and have access to files over the network without having to carry around a disk drive or memory stick. The Administrator can manage access privileges for greater security. Multiple backup and synchronization functions protect your data. The Network Storage GNS-4000’s architecture is based on the powerful Freescale microprocessor and the hardware based Serial ATA RAID Controller. The Gigabit Ethernet port is used for the data transfer and management. The USB ports are used for a printer, expansion drives, and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS).
1.1. Key Feature
Easy-to-use browser-based management interface  Data sharing over the network  One-touch backup of designated file folders on client PC  Snapshot backup for real-time image of the file system  Remote NAS-to-NAS synchronization and backup  Network print server with USB printer  User, Group, and Quota management  UPS support with automated shutdown  Heterogeneous environment: Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh  SmartSYNC Backup Utility  Setup Wizard Utility  Windows 2000, XP Professional, 2003 Server, and Vista clients through SMB
and CIFS protocols
UNIX and Linux clients through the NFS protocol  Macintosh clients through the AFP protocol  FTP clients through the FTP protocol  DLNA clients through UPnP protocol with an optional plug-in
Disk drive support:
à Four 1.5 Gb/s or 3 Gb/s SATA 3.5-inch disk drives à Conforms to Serial ATA 1.0 specification and Serial ATA II: Extensions to
Serial ATA 1.0 specification (SATA II, phase I specification)
à SATA specification of 3 Gb/s transfers with CRC error-checking à Hot-swapping of disk drives à Tagged command queuing à Native command queuing à Drive roaming among chan nels à S.M.A.R.T status polled every 15 minutes à Online capacity expansion à RAID Level Migration à Hot spare drives à RAID Volume rebuilding à Gigabyte rounding
à Background rebuilding  RAID level support: RAID 0, 1, 5, and 10  Large file support up to 2 TB  Unicode file name support  Hardware SATA RAID Controller  Networking: 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet Port on motherboard  USB ports: USB 2.0, up to 480 Mb/s, two Type-A connectors  File protocols: SMB, CIFS, FTP, AFP, NFS  Flash Memory: 16 MB, 16-bit  Memory: 128 MB DDR SDRAM  Power Supply: 200-watt ATX with PFC  Network Time Protocol (NTP) client  Error logging  Phone home capability (email notification) to contact IT staff  Hardware monitoring of:
à Fan
à Temperature
à Power
à Disk status
à One-Touch button
à Enclosure status
Compatible Backup Software
Network Storage GNS-4000 is compatible with the following backup software products:
VERITAS® NetBackup/Backup Exec™  CA BrightStor™ARCserve/Enterprise  LEGATO® NetWorker™  Syncsort Backup Express  Microsoft Backup Software for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP  Dantz Retrospect for Macintosh
Client OS Support
Microsoft Windows:
à Vista, Server 2003, XP Professional, 2000 à Supports Intel IA32, AMD64 and Intel EM64T platforms
à Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (AS/WS/ES) à Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 (AS/WS/ES) à SuSe Linux Enterprise 10 (Server/Desktop)
Apple Macintosh:
à Mac OS X
Browser Support
Use the latest version of the following browsers to manage the Network Storage GNS-4000:
Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Mozilla Firefox Safari (Mac OS X)
1. Back up your system periodically to avoid any potential data loss. LevelOne disclaims any responsibility of all sorts of data loss or recovery.
2. Should you return any components of Network Storage package for
refund or maintenance, make sure they are carefully packed for shipping. Any form of damages due to improper packaging will not be compensated.
1.2. Package Content
The Network Storage GNS-4000 box contains the following items: – GNS-4000
– Power Cord – Ethernet cable – Screws for disk drives (16, including 4 spares) – CD with User Manual / NAS Utilities
1.3. Front Panel
Disk Drive Driver Carrier
Disk Status LED
Power Button
System Status LED
Ethernet ACT LED
One Touch Button
1.4. Rear Panel
Disk Drive Cooling Fan
RJ45 Network Connection
USB Connection
Power Supply Fan
Power Connection
2. Chapter 2: Installation and Setup
The electronic components within the Network Storage are sensitive to damage from Electro-Static Discharge (ESD). Observe appropriate precautions at all times when handling the Network Storage or its subassemblies.
To configure the Network Storage, you must install the software onto a PC running Windows Vista, 2003 Server, XP Professional, or 2000.
2.1. Installing Disk Drives
You can populate the Network Storage GNS-4000 with SATA 1.5 Gb/s or 3.0 Gb/s disk drives. For optimal performance, install disk drives of the same model and capacity. Your disk drives will become a RAID Volume on the Network Storage.
To install disk drives:
1. Open the door on the front of the Network Storage enclosure.
2. Pull a disk drive carrier from the enclosure.
3. Carefully lay the disk drive into the drive carrier, so that the screw holes on the sides of the carrier align with the screw holes in the drive.
4. Insert the screws through the holes in the drive carrier and into the sides of the disk drive.
Install only the counter-sink screws supplied with the Network Storage. Install four screws per drive. Snug each scr ew. Be careful not to over-tighten.
5. Reinstall the drive carrier into the Network Storage enclosure.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 until all of your disk drives are installed.
6. Close the door on the front of the Network Storage.
2.2. Connecting to the Network
To connect the Network Storage to your network:
1. Attach one end of the network cable to the RJ45 network connection.
2. Attach the other end of the network cable to your Ethernet hub or switch
If there are multiple networks at your facility, note the network to which you connect the Network Storage. You will need this information during the setup process.
2.3. Connecting the Power
To power the Network Storage:
1. Attach the power cord on the back of the Network Storage enclosure and plug
the other end into the power source
2. On the front of the Network Storage, press the power button
It takes about a minute to boot the Network Storage. When fully booted:
T he System Status LED turns green T he buzzer beeps one time.
2.4. Installing the Software
When you install the software onto your Windows PC, three new items are added to the Windows Start menu:
1. NAS Setup Wizard – Sets up the Network Storage
2. SmartSYNC – Connects your PC to the Network Storage, sets up network
drives on your PC, and performs backups
3. Configuration Tool – Ensures that the Network Storage, NAS Setup Wizard,
and SmartSYNC are all on the same network
To install the software:
1. Insert the CD into your CDROM.
2. Double-click on NAS Utility Installer icon.
Select appropriate language
The installer screen appears.
3. Click the Next button to begin installation.
The License Agreement screen appears.
4. Click the “I accept the terms...” option, then click the Next button.
The Customer Information screen appears.
5. Type a user name and organization name into the respective fields or leave them unchanged to accept the default entries.
Click the Install option for:
Anyone who uses this computer (all users)  Only for me (the current user)
Click the Next button. The Ready to Install screen appears.
6. Click the Install button to proceed with installation.
When the installation is finished, the final installation screen appears.
7. Click to Finish button to close the installer.
2.5. Selecting Your Network
If your PC has only one network connection, skip to “Setting up the Network Storage”. If your PC has multiple network connections, you must ensure that the Network Storage, NAS Setup Wizard, and SmartSYNC utility are all connected to the same network. The Configuration Tool performs that function.
To make your network selection:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs, then LevelOne NAS Utility, and then Configuration Tool.
The Change system configuration screen appears.
2. From the language dropdown menu, choose the language you prefer.
3. From the Scan Network Interface dropdown menu, choose the IP address for the network where you installed the Network Storage. The IP addresses in this menu belong to the network interface cards (NICs) in your PC. You must select the NIC that is connected to the network where you installed the Network Storage.
4. Optional. Click the ... button to navigate to the browser you want to use as with the Network Storage. The default browser appears in the Browser Path field. Change this setting only if you want use a different browser.
5. Click the OK button.
6. In the System Message, click OK to finish your network selection.
2.6. Setting up the Network Storage
The NAS Setup Wizard will overwrite all existing settings on the Network Storage. In most cases, you should only run the NAS Setup Wizard one time - when you first set up your Network Storage.
The NAS Setup Wizard performs the setup procedures on your Network Storage. To set up your Network Storage:
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs, then LevelOne NAS Utility, then NAS Setup Wizard.
The NAS Setup Wizard welcome screen appears.
2. From the Choosing a language dropdown menu, choose the language you prefer.
3. Choose an Initiation Mode. Click the Express Mode option if ALL of these conditions apply:
You have a DHCP server on your network with addresses available. You want data protection for your RAID Volume. You want to use date and time settings from your PC.
Click the Advanced Mode option if one or more of these conditions apply:
You do not have a DHCP server on your network. You have a DHCP server but no addresses are available. You want to set the IP address manually. You want maximum capacity RAID 0 Volume. You want to set date and time manually.
The rest of the setup instructions describe Express mode. For setup instructions using Advanced mode, see “Appendix A: Setup Wizard Advanced Mode”
4. Click Next >> to continue. The Discovering LevelOne NAS screen appears. The Network Storage is listed as a GNS-4000.
5. Highlight the Network Storage you are initiating, then click Next >> to continue.
The Login dialog box appears.
6. Type admin into the Password field, then click OK The password is case sensitive.
The Select a Device Name screen appears.
7. Select a Device Name (drive letter) to represent the default folder on the Network Storage as a network drive on your PC. The list begins with Z and goes in reverse alphabetical order.
Click Next >> to continue.
The System Message appears.
8. Click the Yes button to begin the system initiation. The Wizard requires several minutes to configure your Network Storage, depending on the size of your disk drives. When the Wizard is done another System Message appears.
9. Click OK to finish the system initiation.
The Wizard creates a RAID Volume and a default folder called Public. If two disk drives are installed in your Network Storage, the Wizard creates a RAID1
Volume. If three or four disk drives are installed, the Wizard creates a RAID5 Volume. The Public folder on the Network Storage appears under My Computer as a network drive.
You can now copy files to and from the folder on the Network Storage.
2.7. Connecting to ASM
The LevelOne Advanced Storage Management (ASM) software is factory-installed on the Network Storage system. ASM runs in the browser on your PC. You can access ASM:
Directly in your browser.  Through SmartSYNC.
Browser Support
Choose one of the following browsers to use with ASM:
Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox
Netscape Navigator Safari (Mac OS X)
Finding the Network Storage’s IP Address
To access the Network Storage in your browser, you must know the Network Storage’s IP address. Use SmartSYNC for this purpose.
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs, then LevelOne NAS Utility, and then SmartSYNC.
2. To open the SmartSYNC window, in the Windows application tray (lower right corner of the screen), double-click on the SmartSYNC icon.
The SmartSYNC screen appears with the Server Information tab displayed. The IP address of the Network Storage shown in the Server List.
ASM in your Browser
To log into ASM in your browser:
1. Start your Browser.
2. In the Browser address field, type in the IP address of the Network Storage.
Note that the IP address shown below is only an example. The IP address you type into your browser will be different.
ASM uses an HTTP connection http://  Enter the Network Storage’s IP address
Together, your entry looks like this: The ASM login screen displays
3. Type the user name and password in the respective fields, then click the Login button. The default user name is admin. The default password is admin. The user name and password are case sensitive.
ASM in SmartSYNC
To log into ASM in SmartSYNC:
1. In the Windows application tray (lower right corner of the screen), double-click on the SmartSYNC icon (right). SmartSYNC opens with the Server Information tab displayed.
2. Click on the Open GUI button (right). Your default browser starts and the ASM login screen displays.
3. Type the user name and password in the respective fields, then click the Login button. The default user name is admin. The default password is admin. The user name and password are case sensitive.
Open GUI button
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