Lenz DIGITAL PLUS SET-02 User Manual

Thank you for purchasing our SET-02. We would like to congratulate you on your acquisition of the Digital plus by Lenz® SET-02 and we hope you will enjoy working with this model-railway control.
The purpose of this operating manual is to explain the use of the Set and its components to you. In order to proceed as quickly as possible to the pleasure of operating your model railway with DCC. Begin by reading the section "First Steps". After you have operated your first train you will be better able to follow the step by step description of SET-02's entire range of functions. It is not necessary to understand or use all the system's features. Select the set of features you are comfortable with and enjoy your model railroad.
If you still have questions, for which you can not find the answers even after reading this operating manual, please contact us. We will be happy to help you. There are four different ways of contacting Lenz Elektronik GmbH:
Europe North America
Postal address:
Lenz Elektronik GmbH Huettenbergstrasse 29 D-35398 Giessen
Lenz Agency PO Box 143
Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone ++49 (0) 6403 900 133 ++1 978 250 1494 Fax ++49 (0) 6403 900 155 ++1 978 250 1494 Email info@digital-plus.de support@lenz.com
All present and correct?
Please check, whether all the components of the SET-02 have been delivered:
LH200 - Knob based Engineer's Throttle LV200 - Power Station (Booster) black coil cable with phone plugs at each end one 4- and one 3-terminal green connector attached to the
rear of the LV200 one additional 4-terminal green connector operating manual (this booklet)
If any component is missing, please ask your supplier for a supplementary delivery.
2 Information SET-02
Important safety instructions
Do not leave your model railway system in operation when it is not being supervised! If a short-circuit goes unnoticed, the heat produced causes a risk of fire!
The LV200 is authorised for operation only with a UL or CE approved transformer such as the Digital plus by Lenz ®, TR200, the Aristo Craft ART-5460 10 amp transformer, or the LGB ­"Jumbo".
Care must be taken to not provide excessive voltage to the LV200 input. The LV200 is unlike any other power station produced. It has very little loss and amplifies all the input voltage provided. If you place a transformer greater than 16 volts AS or 23 volts regulated DC you run the risk of providing a DCC track voltage in excess of the 22 volts as specified in NMRA Standard S-9.1 which could result in the damage of some decoders.
The heat produced by the power station in operation is normal. You must provide sufficient air circulation around the power station in order to prevent the internal protective system from reacting prematurely, that is, during normal operation.
No radio interference suppression capacitor may be installed in the track system. This capacitor is necessary only for the interference suppression in conventional operation. If used with the Digital plus by Lenz ® system, however, it would distort the data format and interfere with the fault-free transmission of data.
A mixed digital operation using overhead lines and track is not permitted. In such a mode of operation, if the locomotive is sitting on the track in the wrong direction (which might be the case e.g. after having driven through a terminal-loop), the installed locomotive decoder can be destroyed by overvoltage! We recommend operation using track pick-up, because the reliability of the electrical contact (and therefore the transmission of digital signals to the locomotive decoder) is substantially greater than it is when operating with overhead lines.
Information SET-02 3
1 Contents
1 Contents 3 2 Quick Start Users Guide 5
2.1 Connection and initial operation 5
2.2 Your first operation of a DCC train 6
3 SET-02 Capabilities Overview 7
3.1 Range of possible addresses for your locomotives 7
3.2 Locomotive functions that can be controlled 8
3.3 Throttle Notch choices 8
3.4 Multi unit (MU) consisting 8
3.5 Configuring decoder features 8
3.6 Power Station capabilities 9
3.7 Expanding your system 9
3.8 Controlling turnouts 10
3.9 Expanding beyond SET-02 10
4 Overview of the LH200 Operational Controls 10
4.1 The LED display 10
4.2 The rotary control-knob 11
4.3 The direction switch 11
4.4 The keys 12
5 Emergency Stop 12 6 The LH200 menus 13
6.1 Entering numeric values within a menu 14
7 Selecting the Locomotive you wish to Control 14
7.1 Scrolling through the stack 14
7.2 Entering a new locomotive address into the LH200 stack 14
8 Operating a Locomotive with your LH200 17
8.1 Adjusting the rotary control-knob position to the speed of the selected locomotive 17
8.2 Switching the locomotive decoder functions on and off 18
9 Matching the LH200's Throttle Notches to the Decoder's Speed
Steps 19
10 Programming on the Main – PoM (operations mode
programming) 21
10.1 What does programming mean and what is its use? 21
10.2 Which features can be altered with the help of PoM? 23
10.3 Which locomotive decoders can have their features altered with the help of PoM? 24
10.4 Setting and deleting bits via PoM – step by step 25
10.5 Error message when using PoM programming 28
11 Multi unit (MU) Consisting 28
11.1 What is a Multi unit (MU) consist? 28
11.2 Head to head, head to tail, and tail to tail operation 29
4 Information SET-02
11.3 Constructing your first Multi unit (MU) consist 29
11.4 Displaying the locomotive address within an MU 31
11.5 Controlling the speed and direction of a locomotive within a MU 32
11.6 Controlling functions of a locomotive within a MU 32
11.7 Removing a locomotive from a MU 32
11.8 Managing the LH200 MU memory 33
11.9 Preconditions for multi unit operation 33
12 Configuring your SET-02 34 13 Programming on the Programming Track 35
13.1 What is a programming track? 35
13.2 Difference between "programming using POM" and "programming on the programming track" 35
13.3 When is it necessary to program on the programming track? 36
13.4 Where is the programming track connected? 36
13.5 Programming on the programming track" – step by step instructions 37
14 Expanding SET-02 39
14.1 Adding an X-Bus to allow additional input devices 40
14.1.1 Special information on operating X-Bus-devices 41
14.2 More power through more power stations 42
14.2.1 Connecting additional LV200s to Set-02 42
14.3 Expanding beyond the capabilities of SET-02 using a LZ100 Command Station. 43
15 Technical Appendix 44
15.1 The LH200 stack 44
15.2 Messages on the display 45
15.3 Selecting a suitable transformer for Set-02 45
15.3.1 Permissible supply voltage (input voltage) 46
15.3.2 Voltage on the track (output voltage) 46
15.3.3 Output current available to the railroad 46
15.4 Power Station LV200 46
15.4.1 Connecting the LV200 to the layout 47
15.4.2 The luminous diode 48
15.4.3 Details of the six-pin I/O - port 48
15.4.4 Installation considerations 49
15.4.5 Connecting the LV200 to Other DCC Systems 49
15.5 Advice on the wiring of the model railway 50
15.5.1 Connecting a reverse loop 51
15.5.2 Common rail wiring 52
15.6 Mixed operation: conventional DC and digital DCC 52
15.7 Wiring the X-Bus 53
15.8 Programming using "Register-mode" 55
15.9 Bits and bytes – conversion help 56
15.10 Glossary 57
16 Troubleshooting Guide 58 17 Radio And Television Interference 60 18 Warranty 60
Information SET-02 5
2 Quick Start Users Guide
In this section you will learn about:
- the few steps that you need to know to operate your SET-02
- how to start your first test run
In the later sections below, the whole range of functions of the SET­02 will be explained in detail.
2.1 Connection and initial operation
1. Plug one side of the coil cable into the socket of the LH200, and the other side into the socket labelled I/O Port located on the back of the LV200. This connection must not be interrupted during operation.
2. Connect terminals J and K of the LV200 power station to the tracks of your model railway. You can pull off the green terminal connector on the back of the LV200. This will facilitate the installation of cables. Make sure that no other transformers or operating controllers are connected to the tracks.
Le nz E lek tro nik G m bH D - 35 39 8 G IE S SE N Mad e in G e rma ny
I /O - P ort
3. Connect terminals U and V of the LV200 to a model railway transformer with a 13-16 VAC voltage. For initial operation virtually any transformer with a current rating of greater than 13 VA will work. To operate the maximum number of locomotives a transformer with a minimum capacity of 10 Amps should be used. See page 45 for more details on suitable transformers.
4. Put the locomotive which is equipped with the locomotive decoder onto the track. (refer to the instructions that came with the decoder for installation instructions)
5. Turn the rotary control-knob as far to the left as possible and then flick the direction switch into the horizontal / centre position (90° to face of box). This is the stop position.
6. Plug the power cord of the transformer into a wall socket. The display on the LH200 lights up and the red led on the LH200 turns on solid red.
You can now start operating trains! (Yes, already!)
6 Information SET-02
2.2 Your first operation of a DCC train
Let us assume that the decoder which was delivered together with SET-02 has been installed into your locomotive (either by you or by someone else) and is now on your layout. This decoder is shipped from the factory with address (number) 3. As shipped you can immediately control locomotives with the addresses (numbers) 0 to
5. Address 0 is intended for a conventional locomotive, i.e. a
locomotive without an installed decoder.
Press the key "A" key repeatedly until 3 is shown in the display.
Flick the direction switch into the upward position (forward is up)
Turn the rotary control-knob to the right. The locomotive moves forward, and the more you turn the knob to the right, the faster the locomotive will move (Throttle positions increase in size).
Turn the rotary control-knob back to the left. The locomotive slows down, the further you turn the knob to the left the more it will slow down (Throttle positions decrease in size).
Turn the knob as far to the left as possible: the locomotive stops.
Flick the direction-switch switch downwards through the centre position. This will change the direction of motion of the locomotive from forwards to backwards.
You can now move the locomotive in the opposite direction by using the rotary control-knob as described above.
If you flick the direction-switch switch to the centre position while the locomotive is in operation, the locomotive will stop with the
amount of delay in braking which is set in the locomotive decoder. If you then flick the switch in a different direction –without altering the position of the rotary control­knob-, the locomotive will speed up again, also with the amount of delay that is set in the decoder.
Information SET-02 7
In order to switch on the light function of the locomotive decoder, press the key "0M". Press the key once and you will turn on the light, press it again and you will turn it off. With LH200 you can control up to 9 functions in locomotive decoders.
You have just learned the most important things that you need to know for the general operation of your digital controlled model railway. In the next section you will learn about further functions that your SET-02 has to offer.
3 SET-02 Capabilities Overview
In this section you will learn :
- the range of functions of SET-02
- the possibilities which this range of SET-02 functions opens up
to you in controlling your model railway
The use of the SET-02 functions is explained in detail at the end of this section.
In SET-02 the LH200 Knob based Engineer's Throttle works as both an input device and command station at the same time. It produces the track format, which is amplified by the power station (LV200) and sent to the tracks. This is why the LH200 has to be connected to LV200 at all times during operation.
3.1 Range of possible addresses for your locomotives
With SET-02 you may control any 4 digit locomotive address. This means that a locomotive address can have any value from 1 to
9999. Address 0 is special. With address 0 you control a non-decoder
equipped conventional locomotive on your DCC layout. Using a conventional locomotive (a locomotive without decoder) and a digital locomotive (with the decoder included with this SET) you are immediately in the position to starting digital operation with two locomotives!
You will find more information about selecting the locomotive you wish to control from the LH200 in the section which starts on page 14.
8 Information SET-02
3.2 Locomotive functions that can be controlled
You can address up to 9 functions in locomotive decoders (termed F0-F8). You will learn how to switch these functions on and off in the section "Switching locomotive-decoder functions on and off " which starts on page 18.
3.3 Throttle Notch choices
Within DCC operations there is a concept of speed steps. Speed steps refer to the number of throttle notches a locomotive decoder can apply to the motor. SET-02 supports the choice of 14, 28 and 128 throttle positions. The default for all locomotives on the system is 28 throttle positions. For information on how to select the various modes and how to adapt them to your locomotive decoder, please see the section "Matching the LH200s Throttle Notches to the Decoders Speed Steps" which starts on page 19.
3.4 Multi unit (MU) consisting
Using Multi Unit control (in Europe called Multi Traction), you can simultaneously control multiple locomotives via a common address, the multi unit address (MU-address). You will feel as if you are only controlling a single locomotive, but all locomotives in the MU react simultaneously. Locomotives can be set up head to head or head to tail and they still work properly together in this mode.
SET-02 remembers a lot of information about multi units even between operating sessions. With SET-02 you can configure a maximum of 24 locomotives in 12 multiple multi unit consists.
You will find detailed information on the assembly and controlling of an MU in the section "Multiple Unit (MU) Consisting" which starts on page 28.
3.5 Configuring decoder features
Decoders can be configured by the user to customize the behaviour of a particular locomotive. The address of a locomotive decoder is an example of a decoder feature that the user must set for each decoder used. The variable starting voltage, acceleration rate and braking rate are among the optional features of a locomotive decoder, that can be customized. Decoder features can be altered through a process called programming. SET-02 has made programming as transparent to the user as possible. Two different modes are supported.
Information SET-02 9
Programming on the programming track A programming track is an section of track that is completely
electrically isolated from the remainder of your layout. One decoder at a time can be placed on this isolated track for setting the various decoder configurations. For advanced decoders, only the locomotive address needs to be set using this programming mode. You will find information on this procedure in the section "Programming on the programming track" which starts on page 35.
Programming while your locomotive is on your layout For advanced decoders that support this feature, you can program
all the optional features of a locomotive decoder (except its address) while the locomotive is on your DCC layout. For example, move your locomotive to the front of a heavy freight-train and then adjust the acceleration and breaking rate to suit the train! You will find more detailed information in the section "Programming on the main – POM" which starts on page 21.
3.6 Power Station capabilities
The power station, LV200, which is part of SET-02 can provide a maximum current output of 10 amps. Depending on the demand for current of the locomotives in operation, this is sufficient for 8 –12 large scale locomotives. If the capacity of a single LV200 power station is not sufficient, you can add additional power stations. You will find information on such expansion in the section "More power through more power stations", which starts on page 42.
3.7 Expanding your system
You can connect up to 5 additional devices, such as additional handhelds, to your SET-02. Which of the devices you decide to choose from the Digital plus family is entirely up to you.
Additional LH200s may be added for a more engineers. Additional LH100 keypad based dispatchers throttles may be added for operating locomotives or for switching turnouts or signals. A tower cab LW100 may be added to switch not only individual turnout but entire turnout systems. The computer interface, LI100, may be added to control your model railway from your PC.
More detailed information on this can be found in the section "Adding an X-Bus to allow additional input Devices" which starts on page 40.
10 Information SET-02
3.8 Controlling turnouts
Although the possibilities opened through SET-02 features are many and varied, SET-02 does have some limits. The LH200 contained in SET-02 is not able to control turnouts or switch magnetic articles on and off. This capability was omitted to keep the LH200 easy for a train operator. Should you desire to be able to control turnouts or other similar devices this can be achieved easily by connecting an LH100 or a similar X-Bus device which contains these capabilities. More detailed information on this can be found in the section "Special information on operating X-Bus devices " which starts on page 41.
3.9 Expanding beyond SET-02
SET-02 is part of our overall DIGITAL plus family. Should you ever need more capabilities, (such as the ability to use more handhelds or layout feedback) you can upgrade a SET-02 to our full professional series by installing an LZ100 command station. When the LZ100 is installed it becomes the command station and the LH200, used as a command station in SET-02, becomes an additional handheld for use anywhere on the installed X-Bus.
Gathering feedback about the switching of turnouts or the occupation of track sections is possible only when SET-02 is upgraded with the command station LZ100 . You will find more information on this in the section Expanding beyond the capabilities of SET-02 using an LZ100 Command Station" which starts on page
4 Overview of the LH200 Operational Controls
In this section you will learn about:
- the information that is displayed in the LH200 LED display
- how to use the LH200 knob based Engineer's Throttle
- how to use the direction switch
- what the LH200 keys are used for
4.1 The LED display
LH200 has a luminescent, 4-digit LED-display. Each digit is able to display the numbers 0 to 9.
In this operating manual the display is presented as follows:
Information SET-02 11
In normal operation the address of the locomotive which you are presently controlling is constantly shown.
Points below left, in the centre and below right are helpful for adjusting the rotary control-knob and the direction switch when you take control of a different locomotive. Diverging positions of rotary control-knob and direction switch are indicated by flashing lights. You will find more detailed information in later sections.
4.2 The rotary control-knob
The black line on the rotary control-knob shows the actual speed. Turn it to the right and you increase the throttle position (locomotive
speeds up), turn it to the left and you decrease the throttle position (locomotive slows down).
Since the rotary control-knob has a stop-limit to the right and to the left, you will know when you have reached the maximum speed or come to a complete stand-still without having to look at your handheld.
4.3 The direction switch
The direction switch has 3 positions:
Switch up: locomotive moves forward
Switch to center: locomotive stops. Turning the rotary control-knob knob does not influence the locomotive's speed.
Switch down: locomotive moves backwards
12 Information SET-02
4.4 The keys
Only a few well arranged keys are necessary for the controlling of your locomotives:
With this key you scroll through the addresses which are saved in the "stack". When using the menu this key becomes the "ok" or check key.
"Shift" key: after you have pressed this key, the smaller printed numbers and symbols on the other keys become active. This key is comparable to the "Shift" key on a typewriter or computer.
Function 0 on / off. Function 0 is used by most decoders for the locomotive's headlights. After the "shift" key has been pressed, this key is used to scroll through the menu.
These 4 keys are used to switch between functions of the locomotive decoder or, within a menu, to choose the number of the 4-digit display that you wish to alter.
The allocation is shown on the LH200: with key 4 you choose the first digit on the right, with key 3 the second digit from the right up to key 1 which will then choose the fourth digit from the right.
To use function numbers 5-8 first press the "Shift" and then the number.
Emergency stop. This key has a variety of uses and effects. For example, switching off the voltage on the track, stopping all locomotives, stopping the locomotive indicated, or entering programming track mode. This will be described below.
5 Emergency Stop
If you want to immediately stop
operation press the key.
The voltage on the track will be switched off, and all locomotives stop immediately. During an emergency stop, the LED of the power station LV200 flashes, and in the LH200 display flashes.
To resume operation, press the key again. If you are within a menu when the key is pressed, the menu will
close down. If you desire, you can alter the function of this key.
Information SET-02 13
You can choose whether you want to switch off the voltage on the track by pressing this key or whether only the locomotive, whose address you presently see on the display, is to be stopped. You will learn how you set this function from the section "Configuring your SET-02" which starts on page 34
6 The LH200 menus
In this section you will learn:
- the range of functions that can be accessed with the aid of the
LH200 menus
- how to select the desired menu
- how the menus are displayed on the LH200 display
All the LH200 menus are selected in the same way:
+ First press the "shift" key. On the display a dot will appear on the upper
right hand side.
Next you press the menu key. You can now scroll through all the menus using this key.
Key Display Description
Enter a new locomotive address in the LH200 stack in order to control a new locomotive.
Display /change the speed-step mode the LH200 will use to control the locomotive whose address was on the display when you entered the menu.
Programming on the main (operations mode programming): allows changing of the features of the locomotive decoder while on the operational layout.
Multi unit operation. With this menu you can add remove or display locomotives that are within multi unit consists.
System configuration settings
After scrolling through all the menus, the LH200 returns the display to the last locomotive controlled.
Use the
key to confirm selection of any menu.
14 Information SET-02
6.1 Entering numeric values within a menu
To enter numeric values within a menu, always follow the same procedure: Choose the relevant digit with the appropriate key and alter the value by turning the knob. This procedure is described in more detail in the following section.
7 Selecting the Locomotive you wish to Control
In this section you will learn about:
- how to scroll through the stack to select a new locomotive
- how to enter a new locomotive address into the LH200
Before controlling a locomotive, its address must first be selected. There are two ways of selecting a locomotive address other than the one that is currently displayed. Either you scroll through the stack until the desired address is displayed or, if the address is not yet present in the stack, enter a different address in the stack replacing the one that is currently displayed.
7.1 Scrolling through the stack
The stack facilitates quick access to up to 6 locomotive addresses. Each entry in the stack can contain any locomotive address between 0 and 9999. This will ensure you have fast and reliable access to the locomotives, which are most important for the current operating session at the touch of a few buttons. When shipped, the locomotive addresses 0 through 5 are the default values in the stack.
When pressed this key switches over to the next locomotive address in the stack, and the address is shown in the display. Having reached the top of the list, the following key stroke will again display the digit address at the bottom of the list.
7.2 Entering a new locomotive address into the LH200 stack
From the factory the locomotive addresses 0 through 5 are stored in the stack. If you want to enter a different address in one of the 6 entries of the stack lists, scroll through the stack until an address is displayed that you want to overwrite. In DCC there is a concept of a short (2 digit) address and a long(4digit) address. The LH200 makes this transparent to the user. Simply enter the address you desire and the LH200 does all the work for you.
Information SET-02 15
Example 1: entering a 2-digit digit address
In the following example the current address "03" in the stack is changed to "46". The locomotive with the address 3 will remain running on the layout with the LH200 knob position that was present before the menu option was selected. In the following the user action is on the left and the display results are on the right.
First you select the address menu:
Go to the menu "Enter a new digit address into the stack"
Now confirm the address menu selection with the "A" key:
Now the entire right digit of the address (the ones digit) flashes on the display.
Alter the value of this digit by turning the rotary control-knob to the right (value increases) or to the left (value decreases). In this example the value is altered to 6.
Now select the 10s digit. The value 6 is now valid as the ones digit and the 10s digit begins to flash.
Turn the rotary control-knob until the desired value is shown and conclude the input with key "A" key.
The new selected locomotive can now be controlled by the LH200. You can now adjust the positioning of the rotary control­knob and the direction switch as described above.
Example 2: entering a 4-digit address
In this example the address 46 in the stack is replaced by the address 1234.
First we enter the address menu:
Go to menu " Enter a new locomotive address into the stack"
Now confirm the address menu selection with the "A" key:
16 Information SET-02
The furthest right digit of the address display now flashes.
Alter the value of this digit by turning the rotary control-knob to the right (value increases) or to the left (value decreases). In this example the value is altered to 4.
Now select the next digit you desire to alter. The value 4 is now valid as the ones digit and the 10s begins to flash.
Turn the rotary control-knob until the desired value is shown.
If a 4-digit number locomotive is desired, pressing either the "1" or "2" key extends the display 2 more digits. If the "2" key is pressed, the third digit from the right flashes.
Turn the rotary control-knob until the desired value for the second digit from the left is shown, here 2.
Pressing the "1" key causes the left hand digit to flash indicating that this is the digit you desire to change.
Again the value is altered, in this example it is altered to 1. End with "A" key to complete the final take over of the address.
Now adjust the position of the rotary control-knob and the direction switch as described above.
Until you press the check key (the "A  " key), which indicates that your selection is complete, you can switch back and fourth between the individual digits as often as you like by pressing keys 1 through 4 until the desired address is correctly displayed on the LH200 display.
Advice: All 4 digits of the display do not have to be altered. If certain digits
already have the correct value, you can leave them as they are and go to the next digit.
Information SET-02 17
Example: You want to alter address 1234 to 1334. Here you only have to select the second digit from the left with key '2' and then alter its value. When finished simply confirm the selection with "A  " key
8 Operating a Locomotive with your LH200
In this section you will learn about:
- how the rotary control-knob and the direction switch are used to
match the speed of an operating locomotive
- how to control the locomotives functions
Once you have selected desired locomotive address and this address is in the LH200 display, it is possible to control the locomotive.
If the direction switch is correct, you can immediately take over the displayed locomotive address by moving the rotary control-knob. If the direction switch is in the wrong position you must first move the direction switch to the correct position. You will know that this is the case when one of the dots in the centre stops flashing.
Dot is not flashing:
direction switch is in correct position.
Take over the locomotive by turning the
rotary control-knob.
Dot is flashing:
direction switch is in wrong position. In
order to take locomotive over, simply
change the direction-switch.
Such actions might result in a change the speed of the locomotive. It is better to adjust the position of the rotary control-knob in the manner described in the following section.
8.1 Adjusting the rotary control-knob position to the speed
of the selected locomotive
After you have selected the desired address, and in order to adjust the rotary control-knob to the current speed, move the direction switch to the centre position. This is only necessary if a difference between the LH200 knob speed and the current locomotive speed are different. The display will indicate in which direction you need to move the rotary control-knob to correct for this difference:
18 Information SET-02
Now place the direction switch in the correct position, up (forwards) or down (backwards). If the upper dot appears in the middle of the display, then you must move the switch up (the forwards position). If the lower dot appears in the middle of the display you must move the switch down switch it down (the backwards position backwards).
8.2 Switching the locomotive decoder functions on and off
The LH200 can control up to 9 locomotive decoder functions. To control these functions the locomotive must first be wired so that the desired function works. Activating a function which is not supported by the locomotive decoder will have no effect.
The functions 0 through 4 can be switched on and off by pressing the function key once.
Information SET-02 19
switches function 0 on or off (normally the direction-dependent front lighting).
switches function 1 on or off
switches function 2 on or off
switches function 3 on or off
switches function 4 on or off
For functions 5 through 8 you need 2 keystrokes.
switches function 5 on or off
switches function 6 on or off
switches function 7 on or off
switches function 8 on or off
Of course these functions can only be used, if the decoder installed in the locomotive has the corresponding function outputs and if these outputs are connected to a locomotive function (lighting, smoke generator, coupling and so on).
9 Matching the LH200's Throttle Notches to the
Decoder's Speed Steps
In this section you will learn:
- what throttle notches and speed steps are
- which throttle notch modes you can select
- how you can use the LH200 to match the number of throttle
notches to a specific locomotive address
The range from a stop to the maximum speed of a locomotive is divided into throttle notches. In the prototype locomotive there is only a need for a very limited number of throttle notches. For our models we often want much smoother operation than offered in the prototype. The more precisely the speed can be controlled, (that is the more steps up or down in speed that the whole range can be divided into) the greater the number of throttle notches that are needed. The LH200 rotary control knob has 256 different throttle positions to provide the maximum smoothness in operation.
DCC decoders support a variety of speed step modes. The most common are 14, 28, and 128. Speed step modes reflect the number of throttle notches that the decoder will support. SET-02 supports all three of these speed step modes. Since different commands are sent to the decoder in all three modes it is necessary to match the number of LH200 throttle notches to the
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