Lenovo System x PDU Technical Reference

System x PDU Technical Reference – International
Lenovo basic Power Distribution Units (PDUs) provide an economical, basic power distribution capacity for rack based systems.
Lenovo switched Power Distribution Units (PDU) provides outlet dense advanced power distribution for efficient energy monitoring to help protect and manage your System x® rack environment.
Lenovo switched and monitored Power Distribution Units (PDUs) simplify deployment and provide outlet-dense advanced power distribution for efficient energy management to protect and manage your high-availability System x rack environment.
Rani Doughty rdoughty@lenovo.com
Matthew Archibald marchibald@lenovo.com
Questions / Comments: power@lenovo.com Data Center Services, Enterprise Business Group
Revision History
1.0 – July 15, 2009 Initial Release. First published by William S Champion.
1.2.0 – February 17, 2010 Corrected Ultra Density PDU part numbers, update server label ratings.
1.3.0 – April 21, 2010 Added Switched and Monitored PDU section
2.0.0 – September 20, 2010
Major format change to make navigation easier. Updates to Line Cords and Plugs section. New section added, PDU Mounting Options. New Basic 0U PDUs added.
2.1.0 – January 19, 2011 New Switched & Monitored PDUs added. Update to line cord information, helpful links, and IEC 309 Pin & Sleeve Plug Decode section.
2.2.0 – August 12, 2011 Updated pictures for some of the new Switched & Monitored PDUs, System x server label ratings, and look/feel of tables.
2.3.0 – June 20, 2012 Updated 3 phase PDU information to include total derated circuit capacity. Updated withdrawn. List statistics the Switched and Monitored PDUs gather. Added navigational aids and circuit capacities section to Introduction. Updated images of PDUs. Added withdrawn PDUs section to the Introduction. Update FE diagrams.
2.3.1 – February 03, 2014 Update to Label Rating section to include new systems. Add feature code information for PDUs.
3.0.0 – August 01, 2014 Major Release, format change, and corrections. Added the Higher Voltage DC PDU.
3.0.1 – March 07, 2015 Update to template, tables, link errors
3.0.2 – March 27, 2015 Update to template
Gordon Harris – System x product marketing
Jerrod Buterbaugh – System x, Data Center Services
Table of Contents
HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE...........................................................................................................................7
PDU TYPES EXPLAINED.............................................................................................................................8
Basic PDUs (non-Monitored)..................................................................................8
Monitored PDUs.....................................................................................................8
Switched and Monitored PDUs...............................................................................8
SUMMARY OF PDUS................................................................................................................................9
C13 AND C19 PLUGS.............................................................................................................................13
CIRCUIT CAPACITIES................................................................................................................................14
BASIC PDUS (NON-MONITORED)..................................................................................................15
UNIVERSAL RACK PDU...........................................................................................................................18
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................18
Front View and Outlets.........................................................................................21
Input Line Cords...................................................................................................22
Specifications – Asia Pacific.................................................................................23
Specifications – EMEA.........................................................................................23
Accessory Kit........................................................................................................25
Installation and Maintenance Guide.....................................................................29
FRONT END PDU..................................................................................................................................30
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................30
Front and Back View and Outlets.........................................................................31
Input Line Cords...................................................................................................32
Accessory Kit........................................................................................................34
Installation and Maintenance Guide.....................................................................39
DPI® ENTERPRISE – C13 PDU................................................................................................................40
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................40
Front View and Outlets.........................................................................................42
Input Line Cords...................................................................................................44
Accessory Kit........................................................................................................46
Installation and Maintenance Guide.....................................................................52
DPI ENTERPRISE – C19 PDU..................................................................................................................53
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................53
Front View and Outlets.........................................................................................54
Input Line Cords...................................................................................................56
Accessory Kit........................................................................................................58
Installation and Maintenance Guide.....................................................................63
ULTRA DENSITY ENTERPRISE PDU............................................................................................................64
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................64
Front and Back View and Outlets.........................................................................66
Input Line Cords...................................................................................................69
Accessory Kit........................................................................................................72
Installation and Maintenance Guide.....................................................................78
0U 24 C13 PDU................................................................................................................................ 79
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................79
Front View and Outlets.........................................................................................80
Input Line Cords...................................................................................................82
Installation and Maintenance Guide.....................................................................89
0U 12 C19 / 12 C13 PDU.................................................................................................................. 90
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................90
Front View and Outlets.........................................................................................90
Input Line Cords...................................................................................................92
Installation and Maintenance Guide.....................................................................97
1U HIGHER VOLTAGE PDU.....................................................................................................................98
Quick Specs..........................................................................................................98
Front View and Outlets.........................................................................................98
Input Line Cords.................................................................................................100
Accessory Kit......................................................................................................102
Installation and Maintenance Guide...................................................................108
MONITORED PDUS.....................................................................................................................109
DPI ENTERPRISE PDU+ C13.................................................................................................................110
Quick Specs........................................................................................................110
Front and Back View and Outlets.......................................................................111
Single phase – 39M2816
Input Line Cords
Accessories kit...................................................................................................116
Installation and Maintenance Guide...................................................................120
SWITCHED AND MONITORED PDUS............................................................................................121
1U 12 C13 SWITCHED AND MONITORED PDU........................................................................................123
Quick Specs........................................................................................................123
Front and Back View and Outlets.......................................................................124
Single phase –
Input Line Cords.................................................................................................127
Accessory Kit......................................................................................................129
Installation and Maintenance Guide...................................................................134
1U 9 C19 / 3 C13 SWITCHED AND MONITORED PDU.............................................................................135
Quick Specs........................................................................................................135
Front and Back View and Outlets.......................................................................137
Input Line Cords.................................................................................................140
Accessory Kit......................................................................................................143
Installation and Maintenance Guide...................................................................148
0U 24 C13 SWITCHED AND MONITORED PDU........................................................................................149
Quick Specs........................................................................................................149
Front View and Outlets.......................................................................................149
Input Line Cord..................................................................................................151
Installation and Maintenance Guide...................................................................157
0U 12 C13 / 12 C19 SWITCHED AND MONITORED PDU.........................................................................158
Quick Specs........................................................................................................158
Front View and Outlets.......................................................................................158
Input Line Cord..................................................................................................160
Installation and Maintenance Guide...................................................................166
LINE CORDS AND PLUGS.............................................................................................................167
UNIVERSAL RACK PDU LINE CORD PLUGS.................................................................................................167
39Y8952 Universal Rack PDU 230VAC (CEE7-VII Europe)................................167
39Y8953 Universal Rack PDU 230VAC (Denmark/Switz. IEC 309 P+N+G)........168
39Y8954 Universal Rack PDU 220VAC (Israel SI-32).......................................168
39Y8955 Universal Rack PDU 230VAC (Italy CEI 23-16)...................................169
39Y8956 Universal Rack PDU 220-250VAC (South Africa SABS 164)..............169
39Y8957 Universal Rack PDU 230VAC (UK BS 1363/A)....................................170
39Y8958 Universal Rack PDU 230-240VAC (AUS/NZ 3112 Australia/NZ).......170
39Y8960 Universal Rack PDU 220-240VAC (Brazil NBR 14136).......................171
39Y8961 Universal Rack PDU 230VAC (India IS 6538).....................................171
39Y8962 Universal Rack PDU 220VAC (Argentina IRAM 2073).........................172
Universal Rack PDU 16A/200-240VAC (IEC320 C19 to C20)............................172
FRONT END PDU LINE CORD PLUGS........................................................................................................173
39Y8934 Front End 220-240VAC / 32A Cord (IEC 309 P+N+G)........................173
39Y8935 Front End 220-240VAC / 63A Cord (IEC 309 P+N+G)........................174
39Y8936 Front End 220VAC / 30A Cord (KSC 8305 30A).................................176
39Y8937 Front End 230VAC / 32A Cord (AUS/NZ 3112 32A)..........................177
1U PDU DETACHED LINE CORD PLUGS....................................................................................................178
40K9611 – DPI 32A Cord (IEC 309 3P+N+G)....................................................178
40K9612 – DPI 32A Cord (IEC 309 P+N+G)......................................................179
40K9613 – Lenovo DPI 63A Cord (IEC 309 P+N+G)..........................................180
40K9617 – Lenovo DPI 32A Cord (AUS/NZ 3112 32A).....................................181
40K9618 – DPI 30A Cord (KSC 8305 30A)........................................................182
0U PDU ATTACHED LINE CORD AND PLUGS..............................................................................................183
Attached 16A 3ph Cord (IEC309 3P+N+G)........................................................183
Attached 32A 1ph Cord (IEC309 P+N+G)..........................................................184
Attached 32A 3ph Cord (IEC309 3P+N+G)........................................................185
HIGHER VOLTAGE DC PDU LINE CORD AND HARD WIRING..........................................................................186
HVDC Line cord and plug....................................................................................186
RE-TERMINATION FOR A/NZ..................................................................................................................187
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROBE FOR MONITORED PDUS...............................................188
EMP SHIPMENT MATRIX......................................................................................................................190
Note: The EMP can also be connected to a supported UPS if the UPS is equipped
with a Network Management Card (NMC)..........................................................191
What's in the box?...............................................................................................191
LABEL RATINGS....................................................................................................................................192
Label Ratings Explained......................................................................................192
Flex System Enterprise Chassis Label Rating.....................................................192
NeXtScale System Chassis Label Rating
BladeCenter System Chassis Label Rating
System x Tower Server Label Rating
System x Rack Server Label Rating
DS Storage Label Rating
Expansion (EXP) Unit Storage Label Rating
Storwize Label Rating
iDataPlex Chassis Label Rating
System x Top of Rack (ToR) Ethernet Switch Label Rating
xSeries Server Label Rating
ADDITIONAL PLUG INFORMATION...........................................................................................................210
IEC 320 Connectors...........................................................................................210
Rong Fend RF-203P Connector.........................................................................212
IEC 309 Plug Sleeve Ratings..............................................................................212
IEC 309 Pin Decode............................................................................................214
INGRESS PROTECTION (IP) DECODE.........................................................................................................215
THREE PHASE POWER CALCULATION DIAGRAMS.......................................................................................215
60A Three Phase Delta Power Calculations.......................................................215
50A Three Phase Delta Power Calculations.......................................................216
30A Three Phase Delta Power Calculations.......................................................216
32A Three Phase Delta Power Calculations.......................................................216
16A Three Phase Delta Power Calculations.......................................................219
HELPFUL LINKS....................................................................................................................................221
Only Lenovo System x Power Distribution Units (PDUs) that are currently marketed Internationally are included in this guide. The intent of this guide is to provide PDU information needed in planning power requirements.
This guide is best used in softcopy form, since it contains hyperlinks for navigation.
This guide covers the following PDUs:
Basic PDUs (non-Monitored)
Monitored PDUs
Switched and Monitored PDUs
For questions or additional information on rack, stack and power related topics, contact power@lenovo.com.
How to use this guide
This guide is sectioned up by PDU types (non-Monitored, Monitored, and Switched and Monitored PDUs).
To help determine the type of PDU required, refer to the PDU types explained section which discusses the differences between these type of PDUs.
Once the type is selected, refer to the individual sections on Basic PDUs, Monitored PDUs, and Monitored and Switched PDUs for additional information and options available.
PDU types explained
The following section discusses the differences between an Lenovo Basic PDU, a Monitored PDU, and a Switched and Monitored PDU.
Basic PDUs (non-Monitored)
A Basic PDU does not have the ability to collect power statistics or have the outlets controlled remotely.
Monitored PDUs
A Monitored PDU (also known as PDU+) has the ability to collect power statistics. These statistics can be viewed through the PDUs web interface or via System Management tool such as Lenovo Systems Director, Active Energy Manager (AEM).
A Monitored PDU does not have the ability to control the outlets remotely.
Switched and Monitored PDUs
A Switched and Monitored PDU has the ability to collect power statistics. These statistics can be viewed through the PDUs web interface or via System Management tool such as Lenovo Systems Director, Active Energy Manager (AEM).
A monitored PDU has the ability to control the outlets remotely (switch individual outlets on/off) via the PDUs web interface or via Lenovo Active Energy Manager (AEM).
All monitored (and switched and monitored) PDUs collect the below data at a PDU level and outlet level:
PDU Input Statistics: Input Voltage (V) - Present Value, Min, Max Input Current (A) - Present Value, Min, Max Power Factor (0.0 – 1.0) - Present Value, Min, Max Input Frequency (Hz) - Present Value, Min, Max Input Power (W) - Present Value, Min, Max Cumulative Kilowatt Hours – Present Value, Min, Max
Individual Outlet Statistics: Output Voltage (V) - Present Value, Min, Max Output Current (A) - Present Value, Min, Max Output Power Factor (0.0 – 1.0) - Present Value, Min, Max Load Watts (W) - Present Value, Min, Max Cumulative Kilowatt Hours – Present Value, Min, Max
Summary of PDUs
This section is a quick summary and links to all of the available PDUs Internationally.
Basic PDUs
PDU Option
Phase (ph)
Voltage (V) Line Cord
Number / Type Outlet
Page Link
Universal Rack PDU*
39Y8952 1ph 230VAC 16A CEE7-VII Europe 7 / C13 18
39Y8953 230VAC 32A Denmark/Switz.
IEC309 P+N+G
39Y8954 220VAC 16A Israel SI-32
39Y8955 230VAC 16A Italy CEI 23-16
39Y8956 220-250VAC 16A Sth Afr SABS 164
39Y8957 230VAC 13A UK BS 1363/A
39Y8958 230-240VAC 15A AUS/NZ 3112
39Y8959 220VAC 16A China GB 2099.1
39Y8960 220-240VAC 16A Brazil NBR 6147
39Y8961 230VAC 16A India IS 6538
39Y8962 220VAC 16A Arg IRAM 2073
All** 100-250VAC 16A IEC320 C19 to C20
Front End PDU
39Y8934 1ph 220-240VAC 32A IEC 309 P+N+G 3 / C19 31
39Y8935 63A IEC 309 P+N+G
39Y8936 230-240VAC 32AAUS/NZ 3112
39Y8937 220VAC 30A KSC 8305
DPI® Enterprise – C13 PDU
39Y8941 1ph 220-240VAC 32A IEC 309 P+N+G 12 /
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
230-240VAC 32A AUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
DPI Enterprise – C19 PDU
39Y8948 1ph 220-240VAC 32A IEC 309 P+N+G 6 / C19 53
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
230-240VAC 32AAUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
3ph Y 380-415VAC 32A (32A/ph) IEC309
* - The Universal Rack PDU has a 15A a limit due to all the outlets are connected to a single 15A internal breaker. ** - This line cord comes with all the Universal Rack PDUs in addition to country specific line cord. Note: ph indicates phase (1 or 3), Δ indicates three phase delta, and Y Indicates three phase Wye
Basic PDUs Continued
PDU Option
Voltage (V)
Line Cord (Derated)
Number / Type of Outlet
Pag e Link
Ultra Density Enterprise PDU
71762NX 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 9 / C19
3 / C13
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
32A AUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
3ph Y 380-
32A (32A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
0U 24 C13 PDU 46M4122 3ph Y 380-
16A (16A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
24 / C13
46M4131 1ph 200-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G
0U 12 C19 / 12 C13 PDU
46M4143 3ph Y 380-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 12 /
C12 12 / C13
1U Higher Voltage PDU
44T0966 - 240V-
90A DC Hardwired (no plug)
6 / Rong Feng RF­203P
Monitored PDUs
PDU Option
Phase (ph)
Voltage (V) Line Cord
Number / Type of Outlet
Page Link
DPI Enterprise PDU+ C13
39M2816 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 12 / C13 103
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
32A AUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
Switched and Monitored PDUs
PDU Option
Phase (ph)
Voltage (V)
Line Cord (Derated)
Number / Type of Outlet
Page Link
1U 12 C13 Switched and Monitored PDU
46M4004 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 12 / C13 116
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
32A AUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
3ph Y 380-
32A (32A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
1U 9 C19 / 3 C13 Switched and Monitored PDU
46M4002 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 9 / C19
3 / C13
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
32A AUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
3ph Y 380-
32A (32A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
0U 24 C13 Switched and Monitored PDU
46M4119 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 24 / C13 139
0U 12 C13 / 12 C19 Switched and Monitored PDU
46M4137 3ph Y 380-
32A (32A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
12 / C19 12 / C13
Note: ph indicates phase (1 or 3), Δ indicates three phase delta, and Y Indicates three phase Wye
C13 and C19 plugs
There are two types of PDU to PSU line cords available. These are C13 to C14 and C19 to C20.
Figure 1 shows the C13 to C14 plugs. These plugs are used for the following:
Lenovo NeXtScale chassis's.,
Lenovo System x Rack servers,
Lenovo System x Tower servers, and
Lenovo BladeCenter S (model dependent)
Figure 2 shows the C19 to C20 plugs. These plugs are used for the following:
Lenovo BladeCenter,
Lenovo Flex System, and
Lenovo PureFlex System
Figure 2: C19 to C20 plugs
Figure 1: C13 to C14 plugs
Circuit Capacities
The following table represents the derated values/Watt capacities for power circuits running between 13A-63A@100V-415V for both single phase and three phase electrical circuits.
Branch Circuit Rating Volt-ampere (VA) 13A / 230V 1ph 2990VA 15A / 230V 1ph 3450VA 15A/ 240V 1ph 3600VA 16A/ 220V 1ph 3520VA 16A / 230V 1ph 3680VA 16A / 240V 1ph 3840VA 16A / 380V 3ph Y 6080VA / ph 16A / 415V 3ph Y 6640VA / ph 30A / 220V 1ph 6600VA 32A / 220V 1ph 7040VA 32A / 230V 1ph 7360VA 32A / 240V 1ph 7680VA 32A / 380V 3ph Y 12160VA / ph 32A / 415V 3ph Y 13280VA / ph 63A / 220V 1ph 13860VA 63A/ 240V 1ph 15120VA
Note: the symbols represent the following:
ph indicates phase (1 or 3), Δ indicates three phase delta, Y indicates three phase WYE, P indicates pole or hot conductor, N indicates neutral conductor, and G indicates ground conductor.
Basic PDUs (non-Monitored)
The following section provides information and part numbering for Basic PDUs. Click on the description of each PDU to read more information.
PDU Option
Phase (ph)
Voltage (V)
Line Cord (Derated)
Number / Type of Outlet*
Page Link
Universal Rack PDU**
39Y8952 1ph 230VAC 16A CEE7-VII Europe 7 / C13 18
39Y8953 230VAC 32A Denmark/Switz.
IEC309 P+N+G
39Y8954 220VAC 16A Israel SI-32
39Y8955 230VAC 16A Italy CEI 23-16
39Y8956 220-
16A South Africa SABS 164
39Y8957 230VAC 13A UK BS 1363/A
39Y8958 230-
15A AUS/NZ 3112
39Y8959 220VAC 16A China GB 2099.1
39Y8960 220-
16A Brazil NBR 6147
39Y8961 230VAC 16A India IS 6538
39Y8962 220VAC 16A Argentina IRAM
All*** 100-
16A IEC320 C19 to C20
Front End PDU 39Y8934 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 3 / C19 31
39Y8935 63A IEC 309 P+N+G
39Y8936 230-
32AAUS/NZ 3112
39Y8937 220VAC 30A KSC 8305
DPI® Enterprise – C13 PDU
39Y8941 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 12 /
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
32A AUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
DPI Enterprise – C19 PDU
39Y8948 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 6 / C19 53
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
32AAUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
3ph Y 380-
32A (32A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
PDU Option
Phase (ph)
Voltage (V)
Line Cord (Derated)
Number / Type of Outlet*
Page Link
Ultra Density Enterprise PDU
71762NX 1ph 220-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 9 / C19
3 / C13
63A IEC 309 P+N+G
32A AUS/NZ 3112
220VAC 30A KSC 8305
3ph Y 380-
32A (32A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
0U 24 C13 PDU 46M4122 3ph Y 380-
16A (16A/ph) IEC 309 3P+N+G
24 / C13
46M4131 1ph 200-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G
0U 12 C19 / 12 C13 PDU
46M4143 3ph Y 380-
32A IEC 309 P+N+G 12 /
C12 12 / C13
1U Higher Voltage PDU
44T0966 - 240V-
90A DC Hardwired (no plug)
6 / Rong Feng RF­203P
* For outlet types refer to the C13 and C19 plugs section for additional information. ** The Universal Rack PDU has a 15A a limit due to all the outlets are connected to a single 15A internal breaker. *** This line cord comes with all the Universal Rack PDUs in addition to country specific line cord.
Universal Rack PDU
This section discusses the Lenovo Universal Rack PDU. This section is broken up into the following sections.
Quick Specs
Front View and Outlets
Input Line Cords
Specifications – Asia Pacific
Accessory Kit
Installation and Maintenance Guide
Quick Specs The following table is a quick overview of the Universal Rack PDU. For additional
information refer to the Specifications – Asia Pacific and Specifications – EMEA sections.
PDU 39Y8956 + Line Cord 4.3m SABS (South Africa)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A /230V
Power Capacity 3680VA @ 230V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8952 + Line Cord 4.3m CEE7-VII (Europe)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A /230V
Power Capacity 3680VA @ 230V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8957 + Line Cord 4.3m BS 1363/A (HK/UK)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 13A/230V
Power Capacity 2990VA @ 230V
Power Limit per PDU 15A (line cord 13A)
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8958 + Line Cord 4.3m AS/NZ 3112 (Aust/NZ)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 15A/230V
Power Capacity 3450VA @ 230V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8959 + Line Cord 4.3m GB 2099.1 (China)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A/220V
Power Capacity 3520VA @ 220V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8960 + Line Cord 4.3m NBR 6147 (Brazil)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 15A/125V
Power Capacity 1875VA @ 125V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8961 + Line Cord 4.3m IS6538 (India)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A/240V
Power Capacity 3840VA @ 240V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8962 + Line Cord 4.3m IRAM 2037 (Argentina)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A/220V
Power Capacity 3520VA @ 220V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8953 + Line Cord 4.3m IEC 309 P+N+G (Denmark/Switzerland)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A/230V
Power Capacity 3680VA @ 230V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8954 + Line Cord 4.3m SI 32 (Israel)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A/230V
Power Capacity 3680VA @ 230V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
PDU 39Y8955 + Line Cord 4.3m CEI 23-16 (Italy)
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A/230V
Power Capacity 3680VA @ 230V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
All PDUs + Line Cord IEC320 C19 to C20
Outlets types Seven IEC C13
Type 16A/100-250VAC
Power Capacity 3200VA @ 200V
Power Limit per PDU 15A
Phase Single phase
Front View and Outlets
Figure 3 displays a front view of the DPI Universal Rack PDU.
Figure 4 displays the outlet numbering and amperage of the DPI Universal Rack PDU. The PDU has a 15A internal breaker and C13 outlets. See the Specifications – Asia
Pacific and Specifications – EMEA sections for additional information.
Figure 3: Front view of the DPI Universal PDU
Figure 4: Outlets and amperage
Input Line Cords
The following input line cords are for connecting the PDU to appropriate power circuits. This may include for example, the wall or floor outlets to provide power to the PDU. See the Universal Rack PDU line cord plugs section for pictures of the plugs.
PDU P/N Feature
Country Line Cord Shipped with PDU Current
39Y8956 5958 South
4.3m SABS 164 single phase 16A/230V 16A/15A**
39Y8952 5954 Europe 4.3m CEE7-VII single phase 16A/230V 16A/15A**
39Y8957 5959 HK/ UK 4.3m BS 1363/A single phase
39Y8958 5960 Aust/NZ 4.3m AS/NZ 3112 single phase
39Y8959 5961 China 4.3m GB 2099.1 single phase
39Y8960 5953 Brazil 4.3m NBR 6147 single phase 15A/125V 15A
39Y8961 5962 India 4.3m IS6538 single phase 16A/240V 16A/15A**
39Y8962 5952 Argentina 4.3m IRAM 2037 single phase
39Y8953 5955 Den/Swis 4.3m IEC 309 P+N+G single phase
39Y8954 5956 Israel 4.3m SI 32 single phase 16A/230V 16A/15A**
39Y8955 5957 Italy 4.3m CEI 23-16 single phase 16A/230V 16A/15A**
All PDUs 6252 All IEC320 C19 to C20 1phase 16A/100-
*For technical specification refer to Specifications – Asia Pacific / Specifications –
EMEA section.
** Line current is limited to 15A due to the input circuit breaker of the PDU.
Specifications – Asia Pacific
The following table are specifications for the Universal Rack PDU for AP.
Asia Pacific - Universal Rack PDU – Specifications
Input Line Cord* to PDU or
Aus/NZ Honk Kong / UKTaiwan
Outlets types seven IEC
seven IEC C13
seven IEC C13
seven IEC C13
seven IEC C13
Power Capacity** 3000VA @
3450VA @ 230V
2990VA @ 230V
1800VA @ 120V
3300VA @ 220V
Power Limit per Outlet
10A 10A 10A 10A 10A
Power Limit per PDU
15A circuit breaker
15A circuit breaker
15A circuit breaker
15A circuit breaker
15A circuit breaker
Monitoring/ Switching
No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No
U Space 1U, half rack width
Grounding Screw No
* For input line cord part numbers refer to the Input Line Cords section. ** For the purpose of this table, you can consider 1VA = 1 Watt.
Specifications – EMEA
The following table are specifications for the Universal Rack PDU for EMEA.
EMEA – Universal Rack PDU – Specifications
Input Line Cord*
to PDU or UPS 16A/230V United Kingdom Saudi Arabia (US
Outlets types seven IEC C13 seven IEC
seven IEC C13 seven IEC C13
Power Capacity**
3000VA @ 200V 3450VA @
2990VA @ 230V
1800VA @ 120V
Power Limit per Outlet
10A 10A 10A 10A
Power Limit per PDU
15A circuit breaker
15A circuit breaker
15A circuit breaker (13A line cord)
15A circuit breaker
Monitoring/ Switching
No/No No/No No/No No/No
U Space 1U, half rack width
Grounding Screw
* For input line cord part numbers refer to the Input Line Cords section. ** For the purpose of this table, you can consider 1VA = 1 Watt.
Accessory Kit
The following items make up the accessory kit that contains miscellaneous hardware for installing the Rack PDU in a rack cabinet. These are shipped with the PDUs.
These accessories are for supporting the racking of the DPI PDUs in either the side pocket of a rack or U space of a rack. Some parts may be unused, depending on how and where the PDU is installed.
Refer to the following Racking section for information on racking the DPI PDU.
Figure 5: Accessory kit
This section discusses mounting the DPI PDU in the side pockets of a rack and EIA (U space) of a rack.
Mounting in side pocket
Mounting the DPI PDUs in the side pocket requires the use of the small vertical mounting plate, shipped as part of the PDU accessory kit, see the Accessory Kit section for additional information.
For racking in an Enterprise rack see the following section.
Figure 6: Mount in side of rack
Mounting In Lenovo Enterprise Rack (9308 & 1410) & Lenovo Enterprise V2 Rack (9363) Rear Zero Pocket
Mounting the DPI PDU (39Y8951) in the side pocket of an enterprise rack requires the use of the horizontal mounting bracket, shipped as part of the PDU accessory kit, see the Accessory Kit section for additional information.
Two DPI PDUs will fit in the side pocket with this mounting bracket.
Figure 7: DPI PDU side pocket mounting in Enterprise rack
Mounting in EIA (U space) of rack
Mounting the DPI PDU (39Y8951) in the U space of a rack requires the use of the horizontal mounting bracket, shipped as part of the PDU accessory kit, see the
Accessory Kit section for additional information.
Two PDUs will fit in 1U of rack space as seen in figure 8.
Figure 8: DPI PDU horizontal U Space mounting in rack
Installation and Maintenance Guide
The following link is the installation and maintenance guide for the Lenovo Universal Rack PDU:
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