Lenovo Storage S2200 and S3200
ThinkServer LPe12002 PCIe 8Gb 2 Port FC HBA by Emulex
ThinkServer LPe16000B Single Port 16GB Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex
ThinkServer LPe16002B Dual Port 16GB Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex
LPe16002B-M6-L 16Gb 2p FC
ThinkServer LPe16004B-M6-L PCIe 16Gb 4 port FC HBA by Emulex
X X X X X X X X OCe14102-U iSCSI
ThinkServer QLE1250 PCIe 8Gb Single Port FC Adapter by Qlogic
ThinkServer QLE2562 Dual Port 8GB Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic
ThinkServer QLE2672 PCIe 16Gb 2 Port FC Adapter by Qlogic
ThinkServer 9300-8e PCIe 12Gb SAS Adapter by LSI
ThinkServer LPe12002 PCIe 8Gb 2 Port FC HBA by Emulex
ThinkServer LPe16000B Single Port 16GB Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex
ThinkServer LPe16002B Dual Port 16GB Fibre Channel HBA by Emulex
X X X X X X X X LPe16002B-M6-L 16Gb 2p FC
ThinkServer LPe16004B-M6-L PCIe 16Gb 4 port FC HBA by Emulex
X X X X X X X X LPm15004-M8-L 8Gb 4p FC
X X X X X X X X OCe14102-U iSCSI
ThinkServer QLE1250 PCIe 8Gb Single Port FC Adapter by Qlogic
ThinkServer QLE2562 Dual Port 8GB Fibre Channel HBA by Qlogic
X X X X X X X X ThinkServer QLE2672 PCIe 16Gb 2 Port FC Adapter by Qlogic
ThinkServer 9300-8e PCIe 12Gb SAS Adapter by LSI
Options compatibility matrix
Windows HCL for S2200 and S3200
S2200: http://windowsservercatalog.com/item.aspx?idItem=0d883d2d-3b67-3a5a-5467-2bd51d179509&bCatID=1338
S3200: http://windowsservercatalog.com/item.aspx?idItem=237dae19-2715-206f-95cc-e918bfe83147&bCatID=1282
VMware HCL for S2200 and S3200
Interoperability Matrix
This document provides a reference of Lenovo Storage S2200 and Lenovo Storage S3200 qualification of HBA and server operating
system configurations tested and validated by Lenovo engineering. This document provides compatibility supporting ThinkServer,
System x, and Flex systems.
ThinkServer and Lenovo Storage NAS
(See server compatibility information for server OS and adapter support)
Updated: December 9, 2015
© 2015 Lenovo. All rights reserved. Trademarks: Lenovo, the Lenovo logo, System x, ThinkServer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Visit www.lenovo.com/lenovo/us/en/safecomp.html periodically for the latest information
on safe and effective computing.

Lenovo Storage S2200 and S3200
Emulex 8Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Emulex 16Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Emulex 10GbE Virtual Fabric Adapter III for System X
Emulex 10GbE Virtual Fabric Adapter 5+ for System X
Emulex 10GbE Virtual Fabric Adapter 6+ for System X
Qlogic 8Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Qlogic 16Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Qlogic 8200 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ VFA for System X
Brocade 16Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
IBM 6Gb SAS HBA Controller (x3630M4)
N2125 SAS/SATA HBA for System X
N2225 SAS/SATA HBA for Lenovo System X
N2226 SAS/SATA HBA for System X
Emulex 8Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Emulex 16Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Emulex 10GbE Virtual Fabric Adapter III for System X
Emulex 10GbE Virtual Fabric Adapter 5+ for System X
Emulex 10GbE Virtual Fabric Adapter 6+ for System X
Qlogic 8Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Qlogic 16Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
Qlogic 8200 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ VFA for System X
Brocade 16Gb FC Dual/Single Port HBA for System X
IBM 6Gb SAS HBA Controller (x3630M4)
N2125 SAS/SATA HBA for System X
N2225 SAS/SATA HBA for System X
N2226 SAS/SATA HBA for System X
Options compatibility Matrix
Windows HCL for S2200 and S3200
S2200: http://windowsservercatalog.com/item.aspx?idItem=0d883d2d-3b67-3a5a-5467-2bd51d179509&bCatID=1338
S3200: http://windowsservercatalog.com/item.aspx?idItem=237dae19-2715-206f-95cc-e918bfe83147&bCatID=1282
VMware HCL for S2200 and S3200
Interoperability Matrix
System X
(See server compatibility information for server OS and adapter support)
Updated: December 9, 2015
© 2015 Lenovo. All rights reserved. Trademarks: Lenovo, the Lenovo logo, System x, ThinkServer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Visit www.lenovo.com/lenovo/us/en/safecomp.html periodically for the latest information
on safe and effective computing.