Lenovo PHAB Safety, Warranty & Quick Start Guide [es]

Lenovo PHAB
Safety, Warranty & Quick Start Guide
Lenovo PB1-750M
Read this guide carefully before using your Lenovo PHAB.
Read before using your Lenovo PHAB
Read first-Regulatory information
Device models equipped with wireless communications comply with the radio freque ncy and safety standard s of any country or region in which it has been approved for wireless use. In addition, if your product contains a telecom modem, it complies with the requirements for connection to the telephone network in your count ry.
Be sure to read the Regulatory Notice for your country or region before using the wirele ss devices contained in your device. To obtain a PDF versio n of the Re gulator y Notice, refer to the “Downloading publications” section below.
Getting support
To get support on network service and billing, contact your wireless network operator. To learn how to use your device and vi ew its technical s pecifi cations, go to http://support.lenovo.com
Downloading publications
Electronic versions of your publications are available from http://support.lenovo.com. To download the publications for your device, go to http://support.lenovo.com and follow the instructions on the screen.
Accessing your User Guide
Your User Guide contains detailed information about your device. To access your User Guide, go to http://support.lenovo.com and follow the instructions on the screen.
Legal notices
Lenovo and the Lenovo logo are tradema rks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product, or service names may be trade marks or service marks of others.
Manufactured under license from Dolby L aboratories. D olby, Dolby Atmos, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
LIMITED A ND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If data or software is delivered pursuant a General Services Administration “GSA” contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subjec t to restrictions set forth in Contra ct No. GS-35F-05925.
Lenovo PHAB overview
Lenov o PB1-750 M
WLAN+LTE (Voice)
Earphone jack
Microphone Card slot Micro USB connector
Rear camera
10 7
Front camera
Light/Proximity sensor
On/Off button
Flash light
(inside the receiver cover)
Indicator light
Volume button
Preparing your Lenovo PHAB
A Micro SIM card provided by your carrier is required in order to use cellular services. A microSD card is required to store data. Install the Micro SIM cards and the microSD card as shown.
Step 1.
Insert the eject tool that comes with your device into the hole in the card tray.
Step 2.
Pull out the card tray and do one of the following:
Position the SIM1 card in Slot1 and the microSD card in Slot2.
Both of the card slots support 4G/3G/2G data services, but you can enable only one Micro SIM card for data connection at a time. If you want to change the Micro SIM card used for data connection, go to Settings > SIM Cards > Celluar Data.
Carefully insert the tray with the installed cards back into the slot.
Step 3.
SIM1 card
in Slot1 and the SIM2 card in Slot2, or position the
Starting to use your Lenovo PHAB
Before using your device, you might need to charge the battery. Charge the battery as shown.
Connect your device to a power outlet using the included cable and USB power adapter.
Low battery Fully charged
Turning on/off
Turn on: Press and hold the On/Off button u ntil the
Lenovo logo appears. Tur n of f: Press and hold the On/Off but ton for a few
seconds, then ta p Power off. Restart: Press and hold the On/Off button for about 10 seconds.
Taking screenshots
Press and hold the On/Off button and the volume down button at the same time.
Important safety and handling information
Plastic bag notice
DANGER: Plastic bags can be dangerous. Keep plastic bags away fro m babies and
children to avoid da nger of suffoc ation.
Built-in rechargeable battery notice
DANGER: Do not attempt to replac e the internal rec hargeable lithium ion batter y. Risk
of explosion if the battery is replaced with an incorrect type. Contact Lenovo Support for factory replacement.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) cable and cord notice
WARNING: Handling the cord on this product or cords associated with accessories
sold with this product will expose you to lead, a ch emica l known to th e State of California to cau se canc er, and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash ha nds after handling.
Prevent hearing damage
Your device has a headphone connector. Always use the headphone connector for headphones (also called a headset) or earphones.
CAUTION: Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss. Adjustment of the equalizer to ma ximum increa ses the earphone and headphone output voltage and the sound press ure level. Therefore, to protect your hearing, adjust the equalizer to an appro priate level.
Excessive use of headphones or earphones for a long period of time at high volume can be dangerous if the output of the headphone or earphone connectors do not comply with specifications of EN 50332-2.
The headphone output connector of your device complies with EN 50332-2 Sub clause 7. This specification limits the device's maximum wide band true RMS output voltage to 150 mV. To help protect against hearing loss, ensure that the headphon es or earphones you use also comply with EN 50332-2 (Clause 7 lim its) for a wide band characteristic voltage of 75 mV. Using headphones that do not comply with EN 50332-2 can be dangerous due to exc essive sound pressure levels.
If your dev ice cam e with headphones or ear phone s in the pac kage, as a set, the combination of the headphones or earphones and the device already complies with the specifications of EN 50332-1. If different headphones or earphones are used, ensure that they comply with EN 50332-1 (Clause 6.5 Limitation Values). Using headph ones that do not comply with EN 50332-1 can be dangerou s due to excessive sound pressure levels.
Sound pressure warning statement
For the dev ice that is tested in accordance with EN 60950-1: 2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011, it is mandator y to perform audi o tests for EN50332.
This dev ice has been teste d to comply with the Sound Pressure Level requi rement laid down in the a pplicable EN 50332-1 and/or EN 50332-2 standards. Permanent hearing loss may occur if earphones or headphones are used at high volume for prolonged periods of time.
Warning s tatement: To prevent pos sible hearing damage, d o not listen at high volume levels for a long period of tim e.
European Union Compliance Statement
Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive
Lenovo de clares that this product is in compliance with:
The essential require ments and other relevant provisio ns of the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive, 1999/5/EC
All other relevant EU directives The Declaration of Conformity information is located in the Regulatory Notice To obtain a PDF versio n of the Regulatory Notice, go to http://support.lenovo.com.
Service and Support information
The following information describes the technical support that is available for your product, during the warranty period or throughout the life of your product. Refer to the Lenovo Limited Warranty for a full explanation of Lenovo warrant y terms. S ee “Lenovo Limited Warrant y notice” later in this document for details on accessing the fu ll war rant y.
Online technical support
Online technical support is available during the lifetime of a product at: http://www.lenovo.com/support
Telephone technical support
You can get help and information from the Customer Support Center by telephone. Before contacting a Lenovo technical support representative, please have the following information available: model and serial number, the exact wording of any error message, and a description of the problem.
Your technical support representative might want to walk you through the problem while you are at your device during the call.
Worldwide Lenovo Support telephone list
Important: Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice. The most
up-to-date telephone list for the Customer Support Center is always available at: http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone
If the telephone number for your country or region is not listed, contact your Lenovo resell er or Lenovo marketing representative.
Warranty information
Lenovo Limited Warranty notice
This product is covered by the terms of the Lenovo Limited Warranty, versio n L505-0010-02 08/2011. Read the Lenovo Limited Warranty (LLW) at http://www.lenovo.com /warranty/llw_02. You can view the LLW in a number of langua ges from this Web site. If you cannot view the LLW from the Web site, contact your local Lenovo office or reseller to obtain a printed version of the LLW.
Warranty period and type of Warranty service
Country or Region Purchase Warranty Period
France, Germany, Italy, Austria, United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, New Zealand
Guatemala, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, El Salvador
Parts and Labor - 1 year Battery Pack - 1 year Earphone - 1 year
Parts and Labor - 1 year Battery Pack - 1 year Earphone - 1 year
Type of Warranty Service
Type of Warranty Service
Country or Region Purchase Warranty Period
Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia, Mauritius, Mozambique, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria,
Uganda, Ghana, Oman,Tanzania, Namibia
United States of America, Canada,
Mexico, Japan
Taiwan, South Korea
Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland
Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria,Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Cyprus
Saudi Arabia
* Excludes some components. 90-day limited warranty for power adapters, keyboards, plastics and hinges. Earphone warranty term is only app lied to the countr y that has earphone in bun dle sales with Le novo PHAB product.
Types of Warr anty Service
1. Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”) Service
2. On-site Se rvice
3. Courier or Depot Service
4. Customer Carry-In Ser vice
5. Mail-in Service
6. Custome r Two-Way Mail-in Serv ice
7. Product Exchange Service For a full ex planation of the t ypes of warranty ser vice, refer to the full warranty. See “Lenovo Limited Warranty notice” for details on access ing the full warranty.
Parts and Labor - 1 year Battery Pack - 1 year
Earphone - 1 year
Parts and Labor - 1 year Battery Pack - 1 year
Earphone - 1 year
Parts and labor - 1 year Battery Pack - 1 year Earphone - 1 year
Parts and Labor - 1 year Battery Pack - 1 year Earphone - 1 year
Parts and Labor - 1 year Battery Pack - 1 year
Earphone - 1 year
Parts and Labor - 2 years
Battery Pack - 1 year
Earphone - 1 year
Parts and Labor - 2 years Battery Pack - 1 Earphone - 1 year
Parts and Labor - 2 years Battery Pack - 2 years Earphone - 2 years
Parts and Labor - 2 years Battery Pack - 2 years Earphone - 2 years
Parts and Labor - 2 years Battery Pack - 1 year Earphone - 1 year
Environmental, recycling, and disposal information
General recycling statement
Lenovo encourages owners of information technology (IT) equipment to responsibly recycle their equipment when it is no longer needed. Lenovo offers a variet y of programs and services to assist equip ment own ers in recycling their IT products. For information on recycling Lenovo products, go to http://www.lenovo.com/recycling.
Important WEEE information
Electr ical and elec tronic equipm ent marked with t he symbol of a cros sed-out wheel ed bin may not be dis posed as unsor ted municipa l waste. Waste of electr ical and elec tronic equipm ent (WEEE) sh all be treated se parately using the collection framework available to customers for the return, recycling, and treatme nt of WEEE.
Country-specific information is available at: http://ww w.lenovo.com/recyclin g
Recycling information for Japan
Recycling and disposal information for Japan is availabl e at: http://ww w.lenovo.c om/recycling/japan
Additional recycling statements
Additional information about recycling device components and batteries is in your
User Guide. See “Accessing your User Guide” for details.
Battery recycling marks
Battery recycling information for Taiwan
Battery recycling information for the United States and Canada
Battery recycling information for the European U nion
Energy efficiency mark
Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)
Tur key
The Lenovo produc t meets th e requirements of the Repu blic of Turkey Directive on the Restriction of th e Use of Cer tain Hazardous Substances in Waste Ele ctrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
Türkiye AEEE Yönetmeliğine Uygunluk Beyanı
Bu Lenovo ürün ü, T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlı ğı’nın “Atık Elekt rikli ve Elektron ik Eşya Bazı
Zararlı Ma ddelerin Kullanımını n Sınırlandırılmasına Da ir Yönetmelik (AEEE)” dire ktiflerine
AEEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur.
Цим підтверджуємо, що проду кція Леново відповідає вимогам нормативних актів України,
які обмежують вміст небезпечних речовин
RoHS compliant as per E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011.
Lenovo products sold in Vietnam, on or after Septembe r 23, 2011, meet the requirements of the Vietn am Circu lar 30/2011/TT-BCT (“Vietna m RoHS”).
European Union
Lenovo products sold in the European Union, on or after 3 Januar y 2013 meet the requirements of D irective 2011/65/EU on the restr iction of the use of certain haza rdous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (“RoHS recast” or “RoHS 2”).
For more information abou t Lenovo progress on RoHS, go to: http://www.lenovo.com/social_responsibility/us/en/RoHS_Communication.pdf
EurAsia compliance mark
Wireless-radio compliance information
Tablet models equipped with wireless communications comply with the radio freque ncy and safety standards of any cou ntry or region in which it has been approved for wireless use.
Mexico wireless-radio compliance information
Advertencia: La operación de e ste equipo está sujeta a las siguie ntes dos
condiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equi po o dispositivo debe ace ptar cualquie r interferenc ia, incluyendo la que
pueda causar su operación no deseada.
Brazil wireless-radio compliance information
Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, n ão tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estaçõe s do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.
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