Lenovo PB2670Y User Manual

Lenovo PHAB2 Plus
Safety, Warranty & Quick Start Guide
Lenovo PB2-670Y
Read this guide carefully before using your device.
Reading before using your device
Reading first - regulatory information
Be sure to re ad the Regu latory Notice for your country or region before using the wirele ss devi ces con tained i n your dev ice. To obtain a PD F versi on of the Regulatory Notice, refer to the “Downloading publications” section below.
Getting support
To get support on network service and billing, contact your wireless network operator. To learn how to us e your dev ice and v iew its tec hnica l speci fication s, go to http://support.lenovo.com.
Downloading publications
Electronic versions of your publications are available from http://support.lenovo.com. To download the publications for your device, go to http://support.lenovo.com and follow the instructions on the screen.
Accessing your User Guide
You r Use r Guide c ontain s detai led info rmation a bout yo ur devic e. To access you r User Guide, go to http://support.lenovo.com and follow the instructions on the screen.
Legal notices
Lenovo an d the Leno vo logo are t radema rks of Len ovo in the Un ited Sta tes, other countr ies, or bo th.
Other c ompany, prod uct, or se rvic e names m ay be trade marks o r serv ice mar ks of others.
Manufa ctured u nder li cense f rom Dolby L abora tories . Dolby, Dolby At mos, and th e double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
LIMITED A ND RESTR ICTED RIG HTS NOTICE: I f data or so ftwa re is deli vered pu rsuant a General Services Administration “GSA” contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subjec t to restri ctions s et fort h in Contr act No. GS- 35F-05925.
Lenovo PHAB2 Plus overview
Model Version
1 3 4 5
WLAN + LTE ( Voice)Lenovo PB2-670Y
Front camera Light/Proximity sensor Indicator
Volume buttons
Multitask button Back buttonHome button
Rear camera
Card tray
Micro USB connector
On/Off button
14 15
Fingerprint sensor
Touch screen
Laser focusHeadset jack
Preparing your device
You can use cellular services by inserting the Micro-SIM card or Nano-SIM card provided by your carrier. Install the SIM cards and the microSD card as shown.
Step 1.
Insert the eject tool that comes with your device into the hole in the card tray.
Step 2.
Pull out the card tray and do one of the following:
Position a Micro-SIM card in Slot 1 and a microSD card in Slot 2; Position a Micro-SIM card in Slot 1 and another Nano-SIM card in Slot 2.
Step 3.
Carefully insert the tray with the installed cards back into the slot.
Micro-SIM an d Nano- SIM card s work wit h your dev ice. Only FAT32 microSD card work with your device. You might need to format
microSD card of other type before using it with the instructions on the screen
Do not ins ert or re move the SI M card wh ile your d evice is o n. Doing s o can perma nently d amage yo ur SIM ca rd or devi ce.
Starting to use your device
You might need to charge the battery before using your device. Charge the battery as shown.
Connect your device to a power outlet using the cable and USB power adapter provided.
Low battery Fully charged
Turning on/off
Turn on: Press and hold th e On/Off button u ntil the
Lenovo logo appears. Tur n of f: Press and ho ld the On/Off but ton for a few secon ds, then ta p Power off.
Restart: Press an d hold the O n/Off b utton fo r a few seco nds, the n tap Reboot.
Taking screenshots
Press and hold the On/Off button and the Volume down button at the same time.
Important safety and handling information
Plastic bag notice
Danger: Plastic b ags can b e dange rous. Kee p plasti c bags away f rom babi es and
childr en to avoid da nger of s uffoc ation.
Built-in rechargeable battery notice
Danger: Do not atte mpt to repl ace the in ternal re charg eable l ithium i on batte ry. Risk of
explosion if the battery is replaced with an incorrect type. Contact Lenovo Support for factory replacement.
Caution about high volume usage
Warningexposu re to loud no ise from a ny sourc e for exte nded pe riods of ti me may
affec t your hea ring. T he loude r the soun d, the les s time is re quired b efore you r heari ng could be a ffec ted. To protect you r heari ng:
Limit the amount of time you use headsets or headphones at high volume.
Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings.
Turn the volume down if you can’t hear people speaking near you.
If you expe rienc e hear ing disc omfor t, includ ing the se nsatio n of press ure or fu llnes s in your ear s, ringi ng in your e ars or mu ffled s peech, y ou shoul d stop liste ning to th e device through your headset or headphones and have your hearing checked.
European Union compliance statement
European Union conformity
EU contac t: Lenovo, Ei nsteino va 21, 851 01 Bratislava, Sl ovakia
Compliance with the R&TTE Directive
This pro duct is in c ompli ance wi th the ess ential r equire ments a nd other re levant provisions of the EU Council Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) Directive, 1999/5/EC. The Declaration of Conformity information is located in the Regulato ry Notices, whi ch you can d ownloa d from the L enovo Sup port We b site. See “Downloading publications” in this document for additional information.
NOTE: R&TT E 1999/5/EC r emains i n force du ring the t ransit ion per iod of Rad io Equipme nt Dire ctive (RE D) 2014/53/EU un til 12 June, 2017. After then , RED 2014/53/EU will t ake the pl ace of R&TT E 1999/5/EC.
EurAsia compliance mark
Service and support information
The following information describes the technical support that is available for your product, during the warranty period or throughout the life of your product. Refer to the Lenovo Limited Warranty (LLW) for a ful l explan ation of Le novo warr anty te rms. See “Lenovo L imited Wa rrant y notice” l ater in thi s docum ent for det ails on a ccess ing the fu ll warranty.
Online technical support
Online technical support is available during the lifetime of a product at:
Telephone technical support
You can get help and information from the Customer Support Center by telephone. Before contacting a Lenovo technical support representative, please have the following information available: model and serial number, the exact wording of any error messa ge, and a de script ion of the pr oblem.
Your technical support representative might want to walk you through the problem while you are at yo ur devic e durin g the call.
Worldwide Lenovo support telephone list
Important: Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice. The most
up-to-date telephone list for the Customer Support Center is always available at: http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone
If the tele phone n umber fo r your cou ntry or r egion i s not listed , contac t your Len ovo resell er or Len ovo marke ting repr esent ative.
Warranty information
Lenovo Limited Warra nty notice
This pro duct is c overed by th e terms of th e LLW, version L5 05-0 010-02 08/2011. You can read t he LLW at http://w ww.lenovo.c om/war rant y/llw_02. You can r ead the LLW in a numbe r of langu ages fro m this Web si te. If you ca nnot vie w the LLW from th e Web site, cont act your l ocal Le novo offi ce or rese ller to ob tain a pri nted vers ion of the L LW.
Warranty period and type of warr anty service
Country or region Warranty period
Germany, Italy, Austria, United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, New Zealand
Parts and Labor - 1 year Battery Pack/Earphone
- 1 year
Type of warranty service
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