Lenco TAB-711 User Manual [en, de, fr, es]

MID-7509CM ROCKCHIP方 案 EN G LI SH M A NU AL 标准 说 明书 ,封 面 封底70g书纸, 135x102mm,钉装
For i nfo rm at ion and s up po rt,W WW. le nc o. eu
Table of Contents
Table of Conte nts...... .. ......... ......... ......... .. .P1
Features ......... .. ......... ......... ........... ......... .P2
Getting St arted.... .. ......... ......... ......... .. .P4-P5
About Appli cations.. ........... ......... ......... P5-P6
Preinsta lled Applica tions.... .. ......... ......... ...P6
Connect to a W i-Fi networ k.......... ......... .P7-P8
Optional C onnection s.......... ......... ......... ....P9
Specific ations... ........... ......... ......... .. .......P1 0
Browse the Web. Vis it your favor ite website s
Check your e -mail Keep in touc h with friend s and family
Watch You Tube™ vide os Browse the w orld’s most popul ar video­sharing co mmunity
Read your fa vorite book s Download t housands of b ooks with the included E -book reade r *
Discover t housands of a pps for Androi d™ Games, app lications , and more with marketpl ace(need fo r customer in st alled)
Connect to t he Internet w irelessly High-spe ed Wi-Fi 802. 11 b/g/ n networkin g
Enjoy your m edia librar y anywhere
Portable p owerhouse p lays popula r music, video,an d photo forma ts microSD me mory card rea der Increase y our storage c apacity (up t o 16 G B supporte d)
Built-in c amera Convenie nt front-fa cing camera
Automati c orientati on detectio n Read any way y ou want; the di splay adjus ts automati cally!
Reading bo oks in the ePub f ormat requi re s the includ ed E-book rea der applica tion.
Unit at a Glance
1 2 3 4
Press this button to reset the system when the device is halted.
Press to turn the unit on, or to turn the screen on or off. Press and hold to access the Power Off menu.
Press to view the option menu.
Press this button to return to a previous screen.
5. microSD
Load external microSD memory cards here.
6 7 8
6. Headphone
Audio output connection for headphones.
7.DC IN 5V
Change and power the tablet with the included power adapter.
Connect to a USB device or a computer to transfer data (e.g. music, videos,photos, files).
Connect to a USB device
Getting Started
Turning the Tablet on or off
To turn the tabl et on: Press and ho ld the Power ke y until the LCD screen tur ns on. Wait un til the Home sc reen appears; t he tablet is no w ready for use .
To turn the tabl et off :
1.Press an d hold the Powe r key until the Device Opt ions menu app ears.
2. Touc h ok the screen t o turn off the tablet .
Turning the Screen On or off (Standby)
When the tab let is on, you ca n turn off the screen to co nserve batt ery power. Sim pl y press the Power ke y once to turn th e screen off . Press the Pow er key again to t urn the screen bac k on.
To conserve ba ttery power, t he screen can be set to tu rn off a utomatica lly when the tablet i s not in use (bet ween 1 minute and 3 0 minutes). This Scree n timeout opt ion can be foun d in the Displ ay menu.
Getting Started
Unlocking the Screen
When the scr een turns off, you wi ll have to unlock the s creen when you tur n it back on. To unlock the sc reen, drag th e lock icon acr os s the screen t owards the lo ck icon.
About Applications
To open an appli cation, tou ch the applic ation icon on the ho me screen or in t he Launcher where you ca n tap the icon ri ght up on the home scree n to get in..
Launcher s creen:
The screen shown above is for illustrative purposes only. Reserves the right to modify and improve the final list of applications available on the tablet.
About Applications
Preinstalled Applications
Some applications have been installed on your tablet for your convenience. These applications include:
Browse the w eb.
Perform si mple mathem atical oper at ions.
Take picture s or videos wit h the frontfac ing camera.
Check your e -mail.
Play music .
Access the S ettings men u to adjust the tablet’s optio ns.
Setti ngs
Preinstalled Applications
Installing Applications
You can al so download a n install add it ional applicat ions from the d evice’s applica tions marketpl ace, the web br owser, or othe r sources.
The tablet m ust be set to all ow installa ti on of applicat ions from non -Market sou rc es. The Unknown so urces optio n can be set in the Applicat ion setting s menu.
Connect to a Wi-Fi network
The Notifi cation bar di splays icon s th at indicate your table t’s Wi -Fi status.
Notifica tion that an op en Wi-Fi netw or k is in range.
Connecte d to a Wi-Fi netw ork (waves indicate c onnection s trength).
[no icon] There ar e no Wi-Fi netw orks in range, or th e Wi-Fi radio i s off.
1. Turn on the Wi -Fi radio if it i s not already on. To turn on Wi-Fi: a.Go to the Ho me screen: Pr ess the Home key. b.Open the S ettings men u: tap the icon r ig ht up on the home s creen to get in to the launcher, t hen touch Set tings icon. c.Open the W ireless & net works menu: S li de the icon to ON s tatus.
When Wi-Fi i s on, the table t will look for a nd display a li st of availab le Wi-Fi netw or ks.
If a network t hat you have co nnected to previous ly is found, th e tablet will connect to i t.If you don’ t see your network in t he list, you ca n force the tablet to re -scan. To scan for netw orks, tap the Menu k ey, and t hen touch Sca n.
Connect to a Wi-Fi network
2. Select an available Wi-Fi network to connect to:
In the same Wi-Fi settings menu above,touch a network in the list.
If the network is open,the tablet will prompt you to confirm connection to the network. Touch Connect to confirm.
If the network is secured (as indicated by a Lock icon),the tablet will prompt you to enter a password or other credentials.Touch the Wireless password box to show the on-screen keyboard and then use it to enter the password. Touch Connect to confirm.
When you have successfully connected to a Wi-Fi network, the Notifications bar at the the low of the screen will show a Wi-Fi signal indicator.
To learn about how to add a Wi-Fi network when it is not in range or when the router is set to obscure the network name (SSID); or to configure advanced Wi-Fi options, please refer to the manual.
Optional Connections
Connecting to a Computer
Connect the tablet to a computer to transfer files.
1.Connect your tablet to the computer.
With the included USB cable: Plug the small end of the cable into the USB 2.0 high speed connector of the tablet. Plug the large end of the cable into an available USB 2.0 high speed port on the computer.
2.When your tablet is connected,slide up the USB icon right down on the screen and then touch icon USB connected.
3.Mount the storage.
Touch button Turn on USB storage to mount the tablet’s built-in storage. When it is mounted, you can copy files to or from your tablet.
Please visit www.henag.com for the latest product information. Design, specifications, and manual are subject to change without notice.
Wi-Fi Networking
Audio Output
PC Interface
Additional Features
Operating System
Playback Time (hours)
ROCKCHIP RK2918 1.0GHz(Cortex A8)
512MB DDR3
4~16GB(option) flash built-in; micro SD card slot (max.32GB supported)
7.0”TFT LCD(800x480), Capcitive touchscreen
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
3.5mm headphone
USB 2.0 high speed
Built-in microphone Front facing camera(0.3MP)
1.5W speaker And roid™ 4 .0
Rechargeable Li-poly battery power Adapter(DC 5V,2A)
Up to 6 hours music, 3 hours video, 4 hours web browsing
Music was te sted with a 128 k bps MP3 file; v id eo was tested w ith a 1920x10 80 MPEG-4/AVC file ; browsing w as tested wit h the screen br ig htness set to defau lt. Actual pla yback resul ts m ay vary.
If at any time in the future you should need to dispose of this product please note that: Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice. (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive)
1202057 MID-7509CM 德 (DE说明书, 135x102mm,钉装
Zur I nf or ma ti on und Unterstütz un g, w ww. lenco.eu
Inhalt…… ………………... .. ......... ......... .......P1
Funktion en....... .. ......... ......... ......... .. ......... P2
Aufbau des G eräts.... ........... ......... ......... .. .P3
Erste Schr itte..... .. ......... ......... ....……... P4 -P5
Anwendun gen...... ........... ......... ………P5-P6
Bereits in stalliert e Anwendunge n.......... .....P6
Verbindun g mit einem Wi- Fi Netzwerk .. ..P7-P8
Wei tere Anschlü sse...... ......... .. ......... .…….P9
Technische D aten..... ........... ......... .......…P 10
Im Interne t surfen Besuchen S ie Ihre Liebl ingsseite n im Web .
E-Mails le sen Bleiben Si e mit Freunde n und Familie i n Verbindun g.
YouTu be™ Videos ansc ha uen Surfen Sie d ie weltweit b eliebtest e Vid eoplattfo rm.
Bücher les en Laden Sie mi t dem integri erten E-boo k Reader* Tausende B ücher herun ter.
Entdecke n Sie unzähli ge Apps Für Andro id™ Spiele, So ftware und me hr mit Market pl ace (auf Kunde nwunsch ins talliert) .
Schnurlo ses Interne t High Speed W i-Fi 802.11 b/g/n Ne tzwerk
Sie haben üb erall Zugri ff auf I hre Medienbi bliothek.
Tragb ares, leistun gsstarkes Table t zu m Abspiele n von Musik-, Video - und Bilderfo rmaten. microSD Sp eicherkar tenleser Erweiter ung der Speic herkapazi tä t (unterst ützt bis zu 16 GB )
Integrie rte Kamera Praktisc he vorderse itige Kamer a
Automati sche Orient ierung Lesen Sie ve rtikal oder h orizontal ; da s Display pa sst sich auto matisch an!
Zum Lesen vo n Büchern in eP ub-Format w ir d die mitgel ieferte E-b ook Reader So ft ware benötigt .
Aufbau des Geräts
1 2 3 4
6 7 8
Falls das Gerät stockt, drücken Sie diese Taste, um das Gerät zurückzusetzen.
Taste drücken, um das Gerät einzuschalten, und um den Bildschirm ein- oder auszuschalten. Gedrückt halten, um das Menü zum Ausschalten aufzurufen.
Anzeige des Optionen-Menüs.
4. ESC
Zur vorherigen Bildschirmanzeige zurückkehren.
5. microSD
Anschluss externer microSD Speicherkarten.
6. Kopfhörer
Audioausgang für den Anschluss von Kopfhörern.
7. DC IN 5V
Mit dem mitgelieferten Adapter das Tablet aufladen und versorgen.
USB-Gerät oder Computer anschließen, um Daten (z.B. Musik, Videos, Bilder, Dateien) zu übertragen.
9. USB-Buchse
Anschluss eines USB-Geräts
Erste Schritte
Tablet ein- oder ausschalten
Tablet einsc halten: Halten Sie d ie Betriebs taste gedrü ck t, bis sich der LCD B ildschirm e inschalte t. Warten Sie, bis das H auptmenü er scheint; da s Tablet ist nun b etriebsbe reit.
Tablet aussc halten:
1. Halten Si e die Betrieb staste gedr üc kt, bis das Option en-Menü ers cheint.
2. Berühre n Sie OK auf dem Bi ldschirm, u m das Tablet auszusc halten.
Bildschirm einschalten oder ausschalten (Standby)
Während da s Tablet e ingeschal tet ist, kann d er Bildschi rm ausgesch altet werde n, u m Energie zu sparen. D rücken einm al die Betrie bs taste, um den Bilds chirm auszu schalten. D rü cken Sie die Betr iebstaste e rneut, um den B il dschirm wieder ein zuschalte n.
Um die Batteri e zu s chonen, könne n Si e die Einstell un g vornehmen, da ss s ich der Bildschirm w äh rend des Nichtg eb rauchs automatisc h au sschaltet (zw is chen 1 und 30 Minuten). Die Option zum a ut omatischen Ausschalte n de s Bildschirms f in den Sie im Display-M en ü.
Erste Schritte
Bildschirm entsperren
Wen n sich der Bild schirm ausg eschaltet h at, müssen Sie d iesen entsp erren, soba ld sie ihn wieder ein schalten. Um den Bilds chirm zu ents perren, zie he n Sie den Sperre n-Icon über d en Bildschi rm auf den Freigabe -Icon.
Um eine Anwen dung zu öffnen, tip pen Sie auf den entspr echenden Ic on im Hauptme nü o der im Launche r; tippen Sie a uf den Icon im Hauptmen ü zum Öffnen …
Launcher -Anzeige:
Die obere Abbildung dient nur der Veranschaulichung. Die tatsächliche Liste der Anwendungen auf dem Tablet unterliegt möglichen Änderungen und Weiterentwicklungen.
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