For inf or ma ti on a nd s up po rt, WW W.lenco. eu
17,5 cm (7”) portable dvd player
Before co nnecting, ope ra ting or adjusti ng this product ,
please re ad this user's ma nu al carefully an d completely.
Table of Content
Table of Contents
Important Safety Instructions
Safety Precautions
Basic Operation
Identification of Controls
Main Unit
Remote control unit
Dear Cust omer:
Thank you f or purchasing thi s Portable DVD pl ay er with swivel sc reen &
USB/SD. W hen opening the box f or the first time , pl ease check whet her
all the acc essories are pres ent. Before con ne cting parts and p ower,
please ca refully read the us er manual and alw ay s keep these
instruc tions close by your P ortable DVD pla yer with swivel scr een & USB/SD.
Box conte nt:
2 x main unit
2 x Remote co ntrol including b attery
2 x AC adapter
2 x headpho ne
1x Car Adapt or
Note: if so me parts are missin g please contac t your dealer as soon a s possible.
SETUP Menu Setting
General Page
Audio Setup Page
Video Setup Page
Preference Page
Password Setup Page
Battery Parameters
Parameters and specifications
Important Safety Instructions
Warning: To reduce the risk of elec tric shock, do no t remove
the cover o r back. There a re no user-serv ic eable parts
inside. R efer servicing to q ualified pers onnel.
Warning: To prevent fire or elect ric shock hazar d, do not
expose th e unit to rain or moist ure.
Do not expo se the Adaptor and por table DVD to wate r
(drippi ng or splashing) an d no objects fill ed with liquids,
such as vas es, should be place d on the unit.
Keep the po rtable DVD away fro m direct sunlig ht and heat
source su ch as radiators or st oves.
Do not bloc k the ventilation o penings. Slot s and openings on
the unit ar e provided for vent ilation. Th e openings shou ld
never be bl ocked by placing yo ur portable DVD o n a cushion,
sofa or oth er similar surfac e.
Do not plac e the portable DVD on u nstable cart, s tand,
tripod, b racket or table. The unit may fa ll, resulting in
possibl e damage or injury.
Never pla ce heavy or sharp obj ects on the LCD pan el or
Only use th e AC adapter include d with portable D VD. Using
any other a dapter will void yo ur warranty.
The plug of AC a daptor is used as the d isconnect dev ice, the
disconn ect device shall re main readily op erable.
Unplug th e power from the outl et when the unit is n ot in use.
Attenti on should be drawn to t he environmen tal aspects of
battery d isposal.
CAUTION : Danger of explosi on if battery is in correctly
replace d. Replace only wit h the same or equiv alent type.
WARNNING: The battery (batt ery or batterie s or battery
pack) sha ll not be exposed to ex cessive heat su ch as
sunshin e, fire or the like.
WARNNING: Exce ssive sound pre ss ure from earpho nes or
headpho nes can cause heari ng loss.
WARNNING: Only u se attachment s/ accessories s pecified
provide d by the manufactur er, the portable D VD is supplied
by AC adapte r, the AC adapter is used a s disconnect de vice,
the disco nnect device shal l remain readil y operable.
Caution : Danger of explosi on if battery is in correctly
replace d, replaced only wi th the same or equi valent type
(Lithiu m battery)
This mark ing indicates tha t this product sh ould not
be dispos ed with other house hold wastes
through out the EU. To prev ent possible ha rm t o the
environ ment or human healt h from uncontro lled
waste dis posal, recycle it r esponsibly to p romote
the susta inable reuse of mat erial resourc es. To
return yo ur used device, ple ase use the retur n and
collect ion systems or cont act the retaile r where
the produ ct was purchased. They can tak e this
product f or environmenta l safe recyclin g.
To prevent po ssible hearing da mage, do not list en at high
volume le vels for long perio ds.
Safety Precautions
Warning: This digital video d isc player empl oys a laser system.
Use of cont rols,adjustme nts, or the perfo rmance of proce du res
other tha n those specified h erein may resul t in hazardous
radiati on Exposure.
Warning: To prevent direct expo sure to laser bea m,do not open
the enclo sure.Visi ble laser radia ti on when open.
Warning: Use onl y the power suppl y li sted in the user in structions
Power sup ply adaptor
Manufac turer:Shenzhen Ma ss Power Electr onics Limited
Model num ber: SEF0900100 E1BA
Adapter t ype:VDE
Use only or iginal AC adaptor
Warning: Never s tare directly i nt o the laser beam.
Caution : Do not install this p roduct in a confi ned space such
as a book cas e or similar unit.
Warning: when th e unit using by chi ld , parents must ma ke sure
to let the ch ild understand al l contents in Ins truction book how
battery u sing to guarantee u sing battery co rrectly all the tim e.
Warning: when fi nd battery over he at, swell or dour, p lease
stop usin g battery and conta ct service cent re for getting
replace ment.
Warning: do not ch arging batter y on t he place of insufficient
ventila tion such as: mattr ess, sofa, cush ion , soft mat... .. .
Warning: we will n ot take any respo ns ibility if user i ncorrectly
use batte ry, not follow ing our warning i ns truction labe l on the
battery c ase.
warning :The USB memory sti ck should be plug ged in the unit
directl y.USB extens ion cable shoul d no t be used to avoid fa iling
of data tra nsferring and int erference cau sed.
WARNING: When us ing the headpho ne : Prolonged exp osure to
loud soun ds may lead to tempor ary or permanen t hearing loss.
When part icipating in the tr affic lis tening to a persona l player
can make th e listener less awa re of potential d angers such as
approac hing cars.
Notes on Copyrights:
It is forbi dden by law to copy, broadcast, s ho w,broadcast vi a
cable, pl ay in public, or rent c opyrighted ma te rial without
permiss ion.
This prod uct features the co py protection f unction develop ed by
Macrovi sion.Copy prote ction signals a re recorded on some d iscs.
When reco rding and playing t he pictures of th ese discs picture
noise wil l appear.This prod uct incorpora tes copyright pro tection
technol ogy that is protect ed by method clai ms of certain U.S.
Patents a nd other intellec tual property r ights owned by Macr ovision
Corpora tion and other righ ts owners.Use o f this copyright pr otection
technol ogy must be authori zed by Macrovis ion Corporation , and is
intende d for home and other li mited viewing u ses only unless
otherwi se authorized by ma crovision Cor poration. Rever se
enginee ring or disassemb ly is prohibite d.
charg e
stron g
impac t
ove r
hea t
40 ˚C