LEICA Viva GNSS User Manual

Version 3.5 English
Leica Viva GNSS
Getting Started Guide
Viva GNSS, Introduction


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Purpose of this manual
Quick references to specific topics
For detailed descriptions of all functions and settings of the product and applications, please refer to the Leica Viva Series Technical Reference Manual.
This Getting Started Guide is intended as a quick field reference manual for immedi­ately getting started with your Leica Viva Series equipment. The manual explains what you can find in your container, how everything fits together and how to get started on the basic applications.
Topic Refer to
What’s in my container? Chapter 1.1
How does the equipment all fit together? Chapter 1.2
What is this first screen I see when I turn on my instrument? Chapter 2.1
How do I get to the Main Menu? Chapter 2.1
How do I select things and move around the screens? Chapter 2.2
What are wizards? Chapter 2.2
How do I get started with jobs and codelists? Chapter 3
Topic Refer to
How to use the applications? Chapter 4
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Viva GNSS, Introduction 3
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Viva GNSS, Introduction
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Table of Contents

In this manual Chapter Page
1 Equipment
1.1 Container Contents 8
1.2 Setting up as a Post-Processing Base 15
1.3 Setting up as a Real-Time Base 21
1.4 Setting up as a Real-Time Rover 28
1.5 Setting up Viva Uno 37
1.6 Setting up Viva NetRover 44
1.7 Using the Backpack 47
1.8 Fixing the CS to a Holder and Pole 50
2 SmartWorx Viva and Principles
2.1 SmartWorx Viva 54
2.1.1 Screen 56
2.1.2 Icons 60
2.1.3 Main Menu 65
2.1.4 Leica Favourites 68
2.1.5 Active Assist 71
2.2 Operating Principles 73
Viva GNSS, Table of Contents 5
Viva GNSS, Table of Contents
2.3 Webserver 79
3 Jobs & Data
3.1 Creating a New Job 86
3.2 Creating a Codelist 88
3.3 Importing ASCII Data into a Job 92
4 Applications
4.1 Survey 97
4.2 Stakeout 100
4.3 Reference Line 105
Appendix A Working with Memory Devices
A.1 Formatting a Memory Device 108 A.2 Directory Structure of the Memory Device 111
2.3.1 Home 79
2.3.2 Icons 81
2.3.3 Go to Work! - Wake-Up 82
2.3.4 Current Status 83
2.3.5 Instrument 84
2.3.6 User 85
Appendix B Uploading System Files
Appendix C Leica Geo Office
Viva GNSS, Table of Contents 7
Viva GNSS, Equipment

1 Equipment

1.1 Container Contents

Container for GS10 instrument and delivered accesso­ries part 1 of 2
bc ed
a) GS10 instrument b) Single/double arm for antennas of
devices c) GFU device such as radio d) Antennas of device e) GAD32 telescopic rod f) GEB221 batteries g) Height hook h) Cables i) Antenna and GAD31 adapter j) SD cards
Container for GS10 instrument and
abcde gf
delivered accesso­ries part 2 of 2
a) CS15 field controller b) GHT62 holder for CS field controller
on pole c) Allen key d) Supplied stylus e) GHT36 base for telescopic rod f) GAD33 arm 15 cm g) GFU device such as radio h) Manual & DVD i) Tribrach j) GRT146 carrier k) GEB221 battery
l) GHT63 clamp
Viva GNSS, Equipment 9
Viva GNSS, Equipment
fg b h i
Container for GS15 instrument and delivered accesso­ries part 1 of 2
a) GDC221 car adapter b) GS15 instrument c) Cables d) Tribrach e) Manuals and DVD f) TNC QN-adapter g) GAD31 adapter h) GRT247 carrier i) SD cards
Container for GS15 instrument and
ab c
de f g
delivered accesso­ries part 2 of 2
a) GAD108 arm b) GAD34 arm 3 cm c) GHT36 base for telescopic rod d) GEB211/GEB212 batteries e) Allen key f) CS field controller g) GHT62 holder for CS field controller
on pole h) Antennas of device i) GAD32 telescopic rod j) Height hook k) GHT63 clamp
hi j lk
l) Supplied stylus
Viva GNSS, Equipment 11
Viva GNSS, Equipment
Container for Viva Uno instrument and delivered accessories part 1 of 2
a) Antenna and GAD31 adapter b) Manual & DVD c) CS field controller with GS GNSS
antenna cap d) Supplied stylus e) Height hook f) GHT62 holder for CS field controller
on pole g) GEB211 batteries h) GHT63 clamp i) GDC221 car adapter j) SD cards/CompactFlash cards
Container for Viva
ab c d
Uno instrument and delivered accessories part 2 of 2
a) SD cards/CompactFlash cards b) GEB211 batteries c) GRT146 carrier d) Tribrach e) Allen key f) Viva Uno instrument (CS field
controller with GS GNSS antenna cap) g) GHT61 hand strap h) Antenna and GAD31 adapter
f g h
Viva GNSS, Equipment 13
Viva GNSS, Equipment
aebc d
fgh ij
Container for Viva NetRover instru­ment and delivered accessories
a) CS10 field controller b) GHT62 holder for CS10 field controller
on pole c) GDC221 car adapter d) Cable e) Manual & DVD f) Supplied stylus g) GEB211 batteries h) GHT63 clamp i) GS08 GNSS antenna j) SD card/CompactFlash card

1.2 Setting up as a Post-Processing Base

Use The equipment setups described following are to be used for static operations over
Description The instrument can be programmed with the CS field controller before use which can
Viva GNSS, Equipment 15
then be omitted from the setup.
GNSS antenna/GS12 instrument/GS15 instrument is mounted directly using screw fitting. If using stub and adapter, procedures can vary slightly.
When using the adapter and carrier, ensure that the GNSS antenna/GS12 instru­ment/GS15 instrument and the adapter assembly slide down the full length of the carrier stub. An incorrectly mounted GNSS antenna/GS12 instrument/GS15 instrument will have a direct effect on the results.
GNSS antennas are AS05 or AS10. Procedures/setup can vary if AR10, AR25 or AT504 GG is used.
If the instrument is left in the container during use in high temperatures, the lid should be left open. Refer to the GS10/GS15 User Manual for operating and storage temperatures.
Use an external battery such as GEB171 to ensure operation for a full day.
Viva GNSS, Equipment
Equipment setup ­GS10
b c
h i
a) GNSS antenna AS05/AS10
b) GRT146 carrier
c) Height hook d) Tribrach
e) 2.8 m antenna cable
f) GS10 instrument g) Tripod h) GEB221 batteries i) SD card j) CompactFlash card k) CS field controller l) GEB211/GEB212 battery
Equipment setup -
a) GS12 instrument b) Height hook c) GRT146 carrier d) Tribrach e) Tripod f) CS field controller g) GHT61 hand strap h) GEB211/GEB212 battery i) SD card j) CompactFlash card
Viva GNSS, Equipment 17
Viva GNSS, Equipment
Equipment setup ­GS15
c d
f g
a) GS15 instrument
b) Height hook
c) GRT247 carrier d) Tribrach
e) Tripod
f) CS field controller g) GHT61 hand strap h) SD card i) GEB211/GEB212 batteries
j) CompactFlash card k) GEB211/GEB212 battery
Equipment setup step-by-step
Step Description
1. Set up the tripod.
2. Mount and level the tribrach on the tripod.
3. Ensure that the tribrach is over the marker.
Step Description
4. Place and lock the carrier in the tribrach.
GS10 GS12/GS15
5. Screw the GNSS antenna onto the
6. Check that the tribrach is still level. Screw the GS12/GS15 onto the
7. Insert the batteries into the instru-
8. Insert the SD card into the instru-
9. Connect the instrument to the GNSS
10. Switch on the CS field controller and connect it to the instrument if neces-
Viva GNSS, Equipment 19
antenna using the antenna cable and port ANT on the instrument.
Mandatory for the GS12 and optional for the GS10/GS15.
Insert the SD card (only GS15) and the batteries into the GS12/GS15.
Check that the tribrach is still level.
Insert the SD card or CompactFlash card and the battery into the CS field controller.
Viva GNSS, Equipment
Step Description
11. To hang the instrument on the tripod leg, use the hook on the rear of the unit. Or place the instrument in the container.
12. Insert the height hook into the carrier.
13. Measure the antenna height using the height hook.
14. Press the ON/OFF button on the instrument for at least 2 s to switch on the instrument .
To hang the CS field controller on the tripod leg, use the hook on the hand strap. Refer to the CS10/CS15 User Manual.

1.3 Setting up as a Real-Time Base

Use The equipment setups described following are to be used for real-time base stations
Description The GS10 instrument clips to the tripod leg. Connections are made to the GNSS and
Viva GNSS, Equipment 21
with the need of optimal radio coverage. Raw observation data can also be collected for post-processing.
radio antenna. The radio antenna is mounted on the antenna arm which clips to the GNSS antenna. The GS10/GS15 instrument can be programmed with the CS field controller before use which can then be omitted from the setup. The GS10 instrument can be used as a DGPS base station, if fitted with the DGPS option, and as a real-time base station. The connection between GS15 and CS field controller is made via Bluetooth.
GNSS antenna/GS15 instrument is mounted directly using screw fitting. If using stub and adapter, procedures can vary slightly.
When using the adapter and carrier, ensure that the GNSS antenna and the adapter assembly slide down the full length of the carrier stub. An incorrectly mounted GNSS antenna will have a direct effect on the results.
Viva GNSS, Equipment
Standard radio is used throughout the instructions. Digital cellular phones can also be used but the setup can differ slightly.
GNSS antennas are AS05 or AS10. Procedures/setup can vary if AR10, AR25 or AT504 GG is used.
If the instrument is left in the container during use in high temperatures, the lid should be left open. Refer to the GS10/GS15 User Manual for operating and storage temperatures.
Use an external battery such as GEB171 to ensure operation for a full day.
Equipment setup ­GS10
a) Radio antenna b) GAD33 arm 15 cm c) GNSS antenna AS05/AS10 d) Height hook e) GRT146 carrier f) Tribrach
g) 1.2 m antenna cable
antenna) h) Tripod i) GS10 instrument j) Radio in housing k) 1.2 m antenna cable
m n
(radio housing/radio
antenna) l) GEB221 batteries m) SD card n) CompactFlash card
o) CS field controller p) GEB211/GEB212 battery
Viva GNSS, Equipment 23
Viva GNSS, Equipment
m n
p e
Equipment setup ­GS15
a) GS15 instrument with
RTK slot-in device b) Height hook c) GRT247 carrier d) Tribrach e) Tripod f) CS field controller g) GHT61 hand strap h) SD card i) GEB211/GEB212
batteries j) CF card k) GEB211/GEB212 battery l) GAD109 transition
adapter m) RTK antenna n) GAD34 arm 3 cm o) GAD32 telescopic rod p) GHT36 base for tele-
scopic rod
Equipment setup step-by-step
Viva GNSS, Equipment 25
Step Description
1. Set up the tripod.
2. Mount and level the tribrach on the tripod.
3. Ensure that the tribrach is over the marker.
4. Place and lock the carrier in the tribrach.
GS10 GS15
5. Screw the GNSS antenna onto the carrier.
6. Check that the tribrach is still level. Press the ON/OFF button on the
7. Insert the SD card and the batteries into the instrument.
8. Connect the instrument to the GNSS antenna using the antenna cable and port ANT on the instrument.
9. Connect the CS field controller to the instrument if necessary.
Insert the SD card and the batteries into the GS15.
GS15 for at least 2 s to switch on the GS15.
Screw the GS15 onto the carrier.
Check that the tribrach is still level.
Insert the SD card or CompactFlash card and the battery into the CS field controller.
Viva GNSS, Equipment
Step Description
10. To hang the instrument on the tripod leg, use the hook on the rear of the unit. Or place the instrument in the container.
11. Insert the height hook into the carrier.
12. Measure the antenna height using the height hook.
13. Clip the antenna arm to the GNSS antenna.
14. Screw the radio antenna onto the antenna arm.
15. Attach the radio in its housing to port P2 or P3 on the instrument.
16. Connect the radio antenna to the radio using the second 1.2 m antenna cable.
Connect the CS field controller to the instrument if necessary.
To hang the CS field controller on the tripod leg, use the hook on the hand strap. Refer to the CS10/CS15 User Manual.
Insert the height hook into the carrier.
Measure the antenna height using the height hook.
Press the ON/OFF button on the instrument for at least 2 s to switch on the instrument.
Step Description
17. Press the ON/OFF button on the instrument for at least 2 s to switch on the instrument.
Viva GNSS, Equipment 27
Viva GNSS, Equipment

1.4 Setting up as a Real-Time Rover

Use The equipment setups described following are to be used for real-time rover with
Description The radio attaches to the GS10 instrument and is placed in the backpack. Connec-
extended periods of use in the field.
tions are made to the GNSS antenna, radio antenna and CS field controller. The cables coming from the backpack can be disconnected when an obstacle such as a fence has to be crossed. The CS field controller is fixed to the pole with the GHT62. Connection between the GS12/GS15 instrument and the CS field controller is made via Bluetooth.
GNSS antenna/GS12 instrument/GS15 instrument is mounted directly using screw fitting. If using stub and adapter, procedures can vary slightly.
When using the pole with stub, ensure that the GNSS antenna/GS12 instru­ment/GS15 instrument and the screw-to-stub adapter slide down the full length of the stub before tightening the locking ring. An incorrectly mounted GNSS antenna/GS12 instrument/GS15 instrument will have a direct effect on the results.
Aluminium poles are used. They can be replaced with their carbon fibre equiva­lent without any change to these instructions.
Standard radio is used throughout the instructions. Digital cellular phones can also be used but the setup can differ slightly.
GNSS antennas are AS05 or AS10. Procedures/setup can vary if AR10, AR25 or AT504 GG is used.
Viva GNSS, Equipment 29
Viva GNSS, Equipment
Equipment setup ­GS10
a) GNSS antenna AS05/AS10
b) Pole c) CS field controller
d) Grip for pole e) GHT62 holder f) Antenna cable
g) SD card h) CompactFlash card i) GEB211/GEB212 battery j) Radio antenna
k) GAD34 arm 3 cm l) Telescopic rod m) Backpack
n) 1.2 m antenna cable
(radio housing - radio
o) 1.8 m, CS to GS10 cable
p) Radio in housing
q) GEB221 batteries
r) GS10 instrument
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