PurchaseCongratulations on the purchase of an RX1200.
This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for setting
up the product and operating it. Refer to "7 Safety Directions" for further information.
Read carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product.
The type and serial number of your product are indicated on the type plate.
Enter the type and serial number in your manual and always refer to this information
when you need to contact your agency or Leica Geosystems authorized service
Serial No.:_______________
SymbolsThe symbols used in this manual have the following meanings:
DangerIndicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
WarningIndicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended
CautionIndicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended
Trademarks•Windows and Windows CE are a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
•CompactFlash and CF are trademarks of SanDisk Corporation
•Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
use which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
use which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
injury and/or appreciable material, financial and environmental
Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as
they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and
efficient manner.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
In this manualChapterPage
1 How to Use this Manual8
2 Description of the System14
2.1 Terminology14
2.2 System Concept20
2.2.1Software Concept20
2.2.2Data Storage and Data Conversion Concept25
2.2.3Power Concept28
2.3 Transport Containers30
2.3.1Container Contents for the TPS Instrument30
2.3.2Container Contents for the GNSS Receiver33
2.4 RX1200 Components35
3 User Interface38
3.1 Keyboard38
3.2 Screen42
3.3 Operating Principles44
3.4 Icons45
4 Operation48
4.1 Equipment Setup48
4.1.1Fixing RX1200 to a Holder, Handstrap or GNSS Receiver48
4.1.2Setting up with the TPS Instrument59
4.1.3Setting up with the GNSS Receiver62
4.2 Batteries65
4.2.1Operating Principles65
4.2.2RX1220/RX1250 Battery67
4.2.3SmartAntenna Battery69
4.2.4GHT56 Battery71
4.3 Working with the CompactFlash Card73
4.4 LED Indicators on SmartAntenna78
4.5 LED Indicators on GHT5680
4.6 Working with the Clip-On-Housings for Devices on GHT5682
4.7 Basic Operation94
4.8 Licence Keys100
4.9 Guidelines for Correct Results with GNSS Surveys103
4.10 RX1250 Connections104
4.10.1Connection to SmartAntenna104
4.10.2Connection to a Digital Cellular Phone106
4.10.3Connection to a Personal Computer108
4.11 Working with the TPS Instrument114
4.11.1Working in Remote Mode114
4.11.2Working in Transparent Mode115
Table of ContentsRX12005
Table of Contents
4.11.3Working in Semi-Transparent Mode116
5 Local Mode118
5.1 Accessing the Main Configuration Menu118
5.2 Overview of the Main Configuration Menu120
5.3 Choosing a Sensor121
5.4 Local Settings123
5.5 Radio Settings127
5.5.1Radio Communication Settings127
5.5.2Configuring the Radios132
5.6 Working with a Sensor134
6 Care and Transport136
6.1 Transport136
6.2 Storage137
6.3 Cleaning and Drying138
7 Safety Directions140
7.1 General Introduction140
7.2 Intended Use141
7.3 Limits of Use143
7.4 Responsibilities144
7.5 International Warranty, Software Licence Agreement146
Appendix A Directory Structure of the Memory Device210
Appendix B Cables212
Index 216
Table of ContentsRX12007
How to Use this Manual
1How to Use this Manual
PathMain Menu: Manage...\Data stands for this working sequence:
ScreenCONFIGURE General Menu describes the name of the screen.
PageScreens can have more than one page. Units page describes a specific page of a
Fields and optionsFields displayed on the screen are described as <Coord System:> or <Coord
XXThe characters XX are used as place holders for screen names or multiple options
It is recommended to set-up the product while reading through this manual.
From the MainMenu select Manage... and then select Data.
screen. For example: ’...in CONFIGURE Units & Formats, Units page...’
System: Swiss>, if ’Swiss’ is the selected coordinate system.
that are all covered by a general description of appearance or functionality.
Example 1:STAKEOUT XX Stakeout indicates that the explanation
provided is valid for the screens STAKEOUT Polar Stakeout
and STAKEOUT Orthogonal Stakeout.
Example 2:In REFLINE Define Reference, Reference page, <Task: XX
Line> indicates that the explanation provided is valid for the
options <Task: Measure to Line>, <Task: Stake to Line> and
<Task: Gridstake Line>.
KeysTwo different types of keys can be found on the instrument. These are fixed keys
and softkeys.
Fixed keysKeys which can be pressed on the keyboard, for example:
• Function keys F1-F6.
• Function keys F7-F12.
• Alphanumeric keys.
• Arrow keys.
SoftkeysDisplayed on the screen, can be selected by using the
assigned fixed key. For example CONT (F1). The assigned
fixed key is shown in brackets.
How to Use this ManualRX12009
How to Use this Manual
IndexThe index is at the end of the manual.
Throughout the manual, stepwise instructions are used. Keys to be pressed within
these instructions are indicated, such as ENTER, CONT (F1) or SHIFT INDIV (F5).
Validity of this
Keys, fields and options on the screens which are considered as self-explanatory are
not explained.
•This manual applies to all RX1200 instruments. Differences between the various
models are marked and described.
•The RX1200 is available as RX1210 or with touch screen functionality as
RX1210T, RX1220T, RX1250 X. The names RX1210 and RX1220 are used
throughout the manual and may also represent the touch screen models. Only
use the supplied stylus on the screens of the touch screen models.
General description
Name of
User ManualAll instructions required in order to operate the product to
a basic level are contained in the User Manual. Provides
an overview of the product together with technical data
and safety directions.
Name of
System Field ManualDescribes the general working of the product in standard
Applications Field
Technical Reference
How to Use this ManualRX120011
use. Intended as a quick reference field guide.
Describes specific onboard application programs in
standard use. Intended as a quick reference field guide.
The RoadRunner application program is described in a
separate manual.
Overall comprehensive guide to the product and program
functions. Included are detailed descriptions of special
software/hardware settings and software/hardware functions intended for technical specialists.
How to Use this Manual
Available documentation depending on use case
Use caseUser ManualSystem Field
TPS RCSRX1200TPS1200TPS1200TPS1200
GPS SmartRover RX1200GPS1200GPS1200GPS1200
Field Manual
Format of the
The TPS1200 CD and GPS1200 CD contain the entire documentation in electronic
format. The User Manual is available in printed form.
How to Use this ManualRX120013
Description of the System
2Description of the System
AbbreviationsThe following abbreviations may be found in this manual:
TPSTotal Station Positioning System
GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System (generic term for satellite based
navigation systems like GPS, GLONASS, SBAS)
RCSRemote Control Surveying
RX1200 controllerDescription
RX1200This is a collective term describing the various models of the
multi-purpose controller.
For TPS, a component of RCS is RX1200. TPS1200 instruments
can be used with these controllers and radio modems (RadioHandle or TCPS27) to form RCS.
For GPS, these controllers can be used with GPS instruments.
RX1250 can replace RX1210/RX1220 but not vice versa.
Available models
RX1250 X x-xxxxSmartAntenna
Description of the SystemRX120015
Touch screen
Radio module
Internal battery
Windows CE
or GX1200
Description of the System
HoldersTwo types of holders exist. The type of holder to be used depends on the RX1200
GHT39•To mount RX1200 on a GLS11 prism pole or on an antenna
•For TPS RCS and GPS applications.
•Can be reversed so that it is mounted on the left hand side of
the pole.
GHT56•To mount RX1250 on an antenna pole or in combination with
GHT57 on a tripod.
•A clip-on-housing for a device can be attached. Refer to
GPS1200 Technical Reference Manual for information on
radios and digital cellular phones.
•A GEB211 or GEB221 battery to power a device in a clip-onhousing can be attached.
•For GPS applications.
•Can be reversed so that it is mounted on the left hand side of
the pole.
Radio modemFor TPS, a component of RCS is the radio modem, either RadioHandle or TCPS27.
RadioHandle This is both an integrated radio modem with attached antenna and
TCPS27Leica external radio modem with attached antenna.
TCPS27BTCPS27 set to operate as a base radio.
TCPS27RTCPS27 set to operate as a remote radio.
Description of the SystemRX120017
instrument carry handle.
Description of the System
RCS accessoriesFor TPS, the following accessories for RCS can be stored in the transport container:
GRZ4 360° prismEnables omnidirectional distance measurement to the target.
Does not require to be aligned to the instrument for measurements to be made.
GRZ101 360° mini
prism and GRZ101
GEB171 external
GEB70 external
GEB211 internal
Lighter smaller version of the GRZ4 360° prism. Can be
mounted to a GLS11 prism pole retaining the correct height
scale of the pole. This prism is not recommended for use with
the PowerSearch function.
This large Leica external battery enables continuous operation of both TPS1200 and TCPS27B for 18 h on a single
This small Leica external battery enables continuous operation of both TPS1200 and TCPS27B for 5 h on a single
This Leica two cell Li-Ion internal battery enables working with
RX1220 for 12 h on a single charge.
pole holder
tripod adapter
This unit enables RX1210 or RX1220T to be mounted on
either the antenna pole or, with the use of the supplied sleeve,
it can be mounted on the GLS11 prism pole. The GHT39 can
be reversed so that it is mounted on the left hand side of the
This adapter is intended for the mounting of TCPS27B to all
Leica standard tripods in order to optimise the radio transmission performance.
Scope of adjustability. The tripod adapter can be
adjusted both up and down along the tripod leg, and
the angle of TCPS27B can be adjusted to a vertical
LEICA Geo Office
Description of the SystemRX120019
LEICA Geo Office:An office software consisting of a suite of standard and
extended programs for the viewing, exchange and
management of data.
Description of the System
2.2System Concept
2.2.1Software Concept
DescriptionThe software concept depends on the RX1200 model.
The various types of software are explained in paragraph "Software type".
The software concept for the RX1200 models is explained in paragraph "Software
Software type
Software typeDescription
For RX1210 and RX1220T. This software covers display, sound
and communication settings of the RX1210 and RX1220T.
This important software covers the basic functions of the instrument. System software is also referred to as firmware.
The programs Survey and Setup are integrated into the firmware
and cannot be deleted.
The English language is integrated into the firmware and cannot
be deleted.
Numerous languages are available for the receivers. Language
software is also referred to as system language.
Software typeDescription
The system software enables a maximum of three languages
which can be stored at any one time - the English language and
two other languages. The English language is the default
language and cannot be deleted. One language is chosen as the
active language.
Description of the SystemRX120021
A suite of optional survey-specific application programs are
available for the instrument.
Some of these programs are freely available and can be loaded
and are immediately activated. The other programs must be
purchased and are only activated with a licence key.
Custom software specific to user requirements can be developed using the GeoC++ development kit.
Information on the GeoC++ development environment is available on request from a Leica Geosystems representative.
This is the software for the ATX1230/ATX1230 GG. It covers the
firmware for the measurement engine.
Description of the System
Software concept
Software uploadFor RX1210 and RX1220
TypeSoftware type uploaded to
RX1200TPS instrument / GPS receiver
RX1250•System software
Firmware can be uploaded to RX1210 and RX1220 via LGO, TPS1200 or GPS1200.
IF the product
being used is
TPS1200GPS1200 Technical Reference Manual.
•RX1200 software•System software
•Language software
•Application programs
•Customised application
THEN refer to
•Language software
•Application programs
•Customised application
IF the product
being used is
GPS1200TPS1200 Technical Reference Manual.
LGOonline help in LGO.
For RX1250
All software is stored in the System RAM of the RX1250. The software can be
uploaded onto a CompactFlash card in the RX1250 using the methods listed in the
table below.
After uploading, the software must then be transferred from the CompactFlash card
to the RX1250 System RAM. Refer to GPS1200 Technical Reference Manual for
Description of the SystemRX120023
THEN refer to
Description of the System
FromToInterfaceProgramRefer to
PCRX1250 CF card xxx- LGOonline help in
PCRX1250 CF card x-x-ActiveSync
PC CF card---x -
Microsoft ActiveSync is the synchronization software for Windows mobile-based
pocket PC’s. Microsoft ActiveSync enables a PC and a Windows mobile-based
pocket PC to communicate.
For SmartAntenna
SmartAntenna must always be connected to RX1250 when uploading the firmware.
Connect SmartAntenna and RX1250 via cable.
Uploading the firmware takes some time.
Card slot/
OMNI drive
2.2.2Data Storage and Data Conversion Concept
DescriptionData is stored within a job in a database on a memory device. This is a Compact-
Memory device
Description of the SystemRX120025
This chapter is valid for RX1250.
Flash card.
CompactFlash card:A CompactFlash card slot is standard. A CompactFlash
card can be inserted and removed. Various capacities are
Unplugging connecting cables or removing the CompactFlash card during the measurement may cause loss of data. Always return to GPS1200Main Menu before
removing the CompactFlash card and switch off the instrument before removing
Whilst other CompactFlash cards may be used,
Leica recommends to only use Leica CompactFlash cards and is not responsible for data loss
or any other error that may occur whilst using a
non-Leica card.
Description of the System
Data conversionExport
Data can be exported from a job in a wide range of ASCII formats. The export format
is defined in Format Manager which is a PC tool in LEICA Geo Office. Refer to the
online help of LGO for information on creating format files.
Data can be imported from ASCII, GSI8 or GSI16 format.
Transfer dataData can be transferred in various ways. Refer to " ActiveSync" and the online help
of LGO.
Card slot/
OMNI drive
RawRX1250 CF card LGOxxx-LGO
RawRX1250 CF card PCx-x-ActiveSync
Raw CF cardLGO---x LGO
Raw CF cardPC---x -
JobLGORX1250 CF card xxx-LGO
Card slot/
OMNI drive
Job LGOCF card---x LGO
JobPCRX1250 CF card x-x-ActiveSync
Job PCCF card---x -
ASCIIPCRX1250 CF card xxx-LGO
ASCIIPCRX1250 CF card x-x-ActiveSync
ASCIIPCCF card---x -
ASCIIRX1250 CF card PCxxx-LGO
ASCIIRX1250 CF card PCx-x-ActiveSync
ASCIICF cardPC---x -
Description of the SystemRX120027
CompactFlash cards can directly be used in an OMNI drive as supplied by Leica
Geosystems. Other PC card drives may require an adaptor.
Description of the System
2.2.3Power Concept
GeneralUse the Leica Geosystems batteries, chargers and accessories or accessories
recommended by Leica Geosystems to ensure the correct functionality of the instrument.
Power optionsRX1200
ModelApplicationPower supply
RX1210GPSVia cable
Via clip-on connector of the GPS receiver
TPS RCSExternally via cable
RX1220GPSVia cable
Vial clip-on connector of the GPS receiver
TPS RCSInternally via GEB211 battery
RX1250SmartRoverInternally via GEB211 battery
ModelApplicationPower supply
Externally via cable to battery.
Power for the antenna is supplied internally. One GEB211 battery fits into the
Description of the SystemRX120029
Description of the System
2.3Transport Containers
2.3.1Container Contents for the TPS Instrument
DescriptionComponents for RCS and SmartStation are combined in one transport container.
SmartStation A TPS1200 instrument integrated with an add-on GPS system,
comprising hardware and software components, forms
Components of SmartStation include SmartAntenna,
SmartAntenna Adapter with attached clip-on-housing and antenna
for a communication device and Communication side cover (not
included in transport container).
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