High Pressure Freezing for Everybody
The Leica EM PACT2 high pressure freezer serves the needs of
molecular and cell biologists and all researchers who want an “in
vivo” impression of their cellular structures and functions in question – without the artefacts of chemical fixation but with the
high resolution information of EM immunocytochemistry, frozen
hydrated sections and freeze fracturing.
The Rapid Transfer System EM RTS allows correlative LM/EM
experiments, taking a live specimen from a light microscope (e.g.
a confocal microscope) to freezing in less than 5 seconds. In the
same way, time resolved experiments are possible. Safety and
reproducibility for the specimen are increased while operator
mistakes are reduced.
Structural details of the C. elegans
head in cross-section.
T. Müller-Reichert (MPI-CBG, Dresden,
Germany) and Kent McDonald
(University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Leica EM PACT2 –
High Pressure Freezer
Function: All You Need is LN2…
The specimen is locked (1) and set under pressure (2) just before
freezing (3) via the synchronization mechanism (4). Only the tissue
in the specimen holder is under pressure and not the complete
specimen chamber. As any fluid can be used in the universal
hydraulic system, toxic vapors (e.g. ethanol) are avoided.
Perfect results
– High cooling rates by strong jet of LN
– 120 samples can be frozen per hour
– Variety of specimen carriers available for all purposes
Easy to install
– Compact and mobile
– Standard electrical supply
– Compressor on EM PACT2 trolley
Easy to use
– Touch-sensitive color screen, menu prompts
– Bayonet loading device for automatic orientation
– Specimen ejection into LN2bath
– LED bath illumination
– 600 ms temperature/pressure curve displayed for each run
– Internal memory for 8 000 freezing runs
– Data download on memory stick
Safe and convenient
– Low LN2consumption
– Dewar with drain outlet
– Universal hydraulic system – can even use water
– Low noise
– Maintenance free “long life pods”