Leica EM HPM100
High Pressure Freezer
Superior cryofi xation of biological and industrial samples

High Pressure Freezing
High pressure freezing is by far the most signifi cant sample preparation method for morphological and immunocytochemical high
resolution studies for electron microscopy.
High pressure freezing has made it possible to observe aqueous
biological and industrial samples near to native state.
The 2100 bar of high pressure applied to the sample during
high pressure freezing using the Leica EM HPM100 suppresses
ice crystal formation and growth, while cryo immobilization
immediately after pressurization prevents structural damage to
the sample.
High pressure frozen samples can be completely vitrifi ed up to a
thickness of 200 μm, a 10 to 40-fold increase in the depth of amorphous ice. No conventional freezing method can generate such
large, well frozen samples.
The unique 6 mm diameter carrier system of the Leica EM HPM100
allows even more sample area to be frozen, like no other high
pressure freezing instrument.
The state-of-the-art design of the Leica EM HPM100 enables express sample handling and easy use with perfect freezing results.

Inspired to Make the Difference
The Unique Leica EM HPM100 Features
• Automatic freezing of samples with one button operation
• Extremely high cooling rates
• Perfect freezing of samples up to 6 mm diameter
• No cryoprotectants required
• Rapid transfer loading device for CLEM work
• Fast, ergonomic sample loading
• Express sample handling for fast freezing
• Graphical data display of actual temperature,
time and pressure for each run
• Integrated work station
• Integrated stereomicroscope and adjustable LED illumination
• Universal and application specifi c sample carriers
• Integrated Dewar with drain outlet
• Automatic sample transfer to LN2 – no manipulation required
• Automatic bake-out cycle
• Thermally insulated process chamber
• Integrated touch control screen with prompt window
• Freezing process cover for ultimate safety
• USB interface for data storage and transfer
• Integrated air compressor
• Compact and mobile
• Uses standard 100–250 V power supply
Leica Design by Werner Hölbl

Simplicity with Technology
The Leica EM HPM100 is an automatic and easy to handle high pressure freezing instrument. With a one button operation, a cartridge
holding the sample is inserted into the high pressure chamber.
Sample cartridge
Upper cylinder
The sample cartridge is made of high performance insulating polymer and consists of three components: two cylinders with a fl ow
channel, and a carrier plate with an opening to hold the sample
carrier assembly.
Carrier plate
The sample cartridge functions as process chamber and sample
holder at the same time.
The integrated insulating fl ow channels direct the freezing onto
the sample.
Lower cylinder
This results in well frozen samples and low liquid nitrogen consumption.
An air-driven intensifi er pressurizes the liquid nitrogen to 2100 bar. The process chamber is fi lled with a small volume of alcohol prior
to freezing. The high pressure liquid nitrogen valve opens after the freezing pressure is reached. The pressurized liquid nitrogen is
injected into the process chamber. The fl ow channels direct the rapid fl ow of liquid nitrogen along the sample carrier surfaces. This
induces extremely high cooling rates.
High cooling rates with the high-pressurized liquid nitrogen system
1 LN2 storage
2 Feed pump
3 Non return valve
4 Air driven pressure intensifi er
5 High pressure LN
6 Alcohol reservoir
7 Alcohol dosing system
8 Non return valve
9 Sample cartridge
10 High pressure chamber
11 Pressure sensor
12 Temperature sensor
13 Exhaust
14 Locking pins
15 Cartridge handling system
The vitrifi ed sample is automatically transferred to the LN2-fi lled Dewar. The freezing process is digitally displayed on a graph showing
the actual temperature, time and pressure.