Leica EL6000 User Manual


The Cool


External Fluorescence Light Source

With Metal Halide Bulb

Leica EL6000

No alignment necessary

Long bulb life

No heat to microscope and specimen

For all Leica upright, inverted and stereo microscopes

Leica EL6000 User Manual

Don’t Waste Your Time on Bulb Alignment

Features and Benefits:

External light source with

– No heating of microscope,

elastic 2 m liquid light guide

stage or specimen


– Reduced weight for stereomicroscope



Average 2000 h lifetime

– Reduced operating costs in comparison

of EL6000 bulb:

with HBO bulb


– Ideal for long term experiments


– No difficult adjustment necessary

metal halide bulb


Increased output for blue/

e.g. FITC, GFP excitation

green excitation



– Reduces excitation light


– Less photobleaching or stress


to living specimen

Ultra fast shutter

Switch off of excitation within approx. 6 ms

Optimized internal airflow

Cool and silent

Order nos. of the editions in: English 914513 III/08/DX/FD.H.

