Simply Brilliant!
Automatic image acquisition
Precise control of microscope functions is
essential for high quality fluorescence
imaging. By displaying a live image with
exposure adapted to the selected filter, it is
easy to compose the image in the field of
view. The camera’s sensitivity, which is
further improved by binning modes, makes it
suitable even when light levels are very low
as well as providing the following:
• Individual exposure and gain for each
filter position so that the optimum imaging
conditions are automatically set.
• Fully integrated fluorescence microscope
control for Leica MZ16 FA stereomicroscope, Leica DM and DMI upright and
inverted microscopes including the ability
to change filters and shutters easily
without manual operation.
• The ability to select a small region of
interest from the whole image to identify
an area of significance and view it in
• Image capture sequences can be automated for routine operation. Different
sequences can be stored for later recall,
allowing immediate set-up of frequently
used experimental conditions.
• Manual operation may be used where
specimens are too demanding for automatic sequences.
For a comprehensive overview of images,
a gallery is provided where associated
images are attached to the main view. This
means channel images can be displayed
Other benefits include:
• The image display adapts automatically
to the resolution of the acquired or
imported image including the ultra high
resolutions provided by Leica DFC digital
• Zoom and pan allows you to inspect an
image area in detail.
The overlay image is saved in to a named
folder, containing all channel and composite images as well as configuration