Leica R-Lenses
September 2003 Chapter 3: 180 mm and 280 mm lenses
__ LEICA APO-ELMARIT-R 180 mm f/2.8 __ LEICA APO-TELYT-R 280 mm f/4
by Erwin Puts
Chapter 3
Telephoto lenses have a long tradition at Leica. The first 20 cm f/4.5 Telyt lens was introduced as long ago as 1935 for the Leica rangefinder camera. An additional mirror reflex housing was required for the accurate determination of the field of view and the focus. This 200 mm lens was designed for landscape work, animal photography and sports photography. It is intere­sting to read that sports photography in modern large stadiums was only possible at longer distances, and this required the long lengths. The lens was also quite suitable for portrait stu­dies, the classical head-and-shoulders type.
The Telyt was three times as expensive as the standard 50 mm f/3.5 Elmar lens, and with the mirror reflex housing it was five times as expensive.
The design was a true telephoto design: the total length was about 0.8x the focal length. A long focus lens is simply a lens with a longer focus than a standard lens (more than 2x). Exam­ples: 90 mm Elmar, 105 mm Elmar, 135 mm Elmar lenses. There are also lenses with a telescopic construction: example: 800 mm f/6.3 Telyt-S. This type of lenses has been in use since 1700. The very first telephoto lens was introduced in 1891 by the English firm of Dallmeyer. By now this design is 112 years old, and it was only recently upgraded to a very high opti­cal performance, not in the least by the efforts of Leitz.
The first 180 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-R lens for the Leica R-System was introduced in 1967 as a counterpoint to the 180 mm f/2.8 Zeiss Sonnar lens that was introduced in 1966 for the Zeiss Contarex system. With five elements in four groups, it was a state-of-the art design, but the Elmarit lens weighed 300 grams (10.6 ounces) more than the Sonnar lens. The price-ratio to the standard lens was now 2:1. The second version (of 1980) weig­hed only 750 grams (26.5 ounces) and it had a somewhat bet­ter performance. Gradually, 180mm lenses were beginning to be used for hand held dynamic photography when a tripod would be a hindrance in following rapid movements of the sub­jects.
The Achilles heels with telephoto lenses are the chromatic errors and the size of the secondary spectrum or chromatic dif­ference (typically 0.002 times the focal length [F]). Visible light is composed of wavelengths with frequencies from short waves of about 380 nm (nanometers) to long waves of about 780 nm. Lenses are generally corrected for two specific wavelengths: 643 nm (red) and 479 nm (blue), so that both these wavelengths will focus on the same image plane. This plane is located behind the plane where the third impor­tant wavelength (green, 546 nm) is focused. The longitudinal difference between these two locations is called the chromatic difference. If only two wavelengths are focused in the same plane, all the others will focus somewhere else on the optical axis. The sum of these aberrations is called the secondary
spectrum. 'Secondary' may also be read as 'residual chromatic errors'.
A 180 mm telephoto lens has a magnification factor of 3.6x compared to the standard lens and this means that the residual chromatic errors will also be enlarged 3.6 times. At the start of the seventies it became clear that the performance of these long focus lenses lagged behind that of wide-angle and normal lenses and therefore needed improvement. New glass types with high refractive indices and anomalous (non-linear) disper­sion were needed.
Light waves are refracted by different amounts depending on their wavelengths. The power of the lens depends on the wave­length. This is called dispersion. Normally the power will increa­se continuously with decreasing wavelength. If the power chan­ges abruptly, this is not normal or non-linear or anomalous.
New glasses with these characteristics were developed in the former Leitz glass laboratory and later produced by Schott, Corning and others. By means of an appropriate optical design, the secondary spectrum could be reduced to so small an amount that for all intents and purposes an image free of color defects could be created. This state of correction is known as apochromatic correction.
Erwin Puts
Leica Camera AG
Chapter 3
In 1975 Leitz Canada designers computed the 180 mm f/3.4 Apo-Telyt-R lens for scientific purposes that required a very high information content. It is a seven-element system with four groups, corrected for the infrared region and it performs best at infinity. At the same time Canon introduced a new 300 mm f/2.8 lens with synthetically grown fluorite crystals, a solution that Leitz did not wish to use. With the 180 mm f/3.4 Apo-Telyt-R, Leitz offered a high perfor­mance lens that undoubtedly inspired a friendly competition with other prominent companies. Reduction of the weight of lenses was the primary concern and goal as such lenses grew in popularity for hand-held photography in available light. Sub­sequently, new lenses were introduced: in 1977 (180 mm f/4 Elmar-R) and in 1980 a new computation was made for the 180 mm f/2.8 lens. For a short period there was a choice of three 180mm lenses (f/4, f/3.4 and f/2.8) that were close in price: in relation to the standard 50 mm f/2 Summicron-R lens the ratio was: 2.4:1,
2.9:1 and 3:1.
The second version of the 180 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-R lens could not outperform the 180 mm f/3.4 Apo-Telyt-R lens. And the shortest focusing distance of 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) was unre-
markable. In addition, the ergonomics were no longer state-of­the-art as more and more companies introduced internal focu­sing.
In 1998 Leica introduced the new 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R, a system that can be described as "Return of the Empire". The price ratio to the 50 mm Summicron now became 3.5:1, just as it was in the thirties. A lens with the focal length of 280 mm for the Visoflex system was introduced in 1961, and in 1970 a 250 mm lens was intro­duced for the Leica R-system. Both versions offered commendable but not top performances. The same challenge of optimal weight, high performance and short near focusing distance existed here as it did with the 180 mm focal length, and the first computations by leitz were not entirely convincing.
This changed abruptly with the introduction in 1984 of the 280 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R, an outstandingly good performer with internal focusing and a weight of almost three kilograms (6.6 pounds). These characteristics required the use of a tripod and they restricted the lens to static photography. With a price ratio of 10.6:1, it was not a lens for the normal Leica user.
__ LEICA APO-ELMARIT-R 180 mm f/2.8
Chapter 3
In 1993 the 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R was introduced. Perfor­mance was improved, especially in the outer zones; the weight was reduced to 1875 grams (66.1 ounces) and the price ratio of
4.8:1 was much better.
In terms of performance, both new lenses, the 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R and the 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R, are world-class lenses and they represent the finest examples of the outstan­ding excellence of the current quality of optical design at Leica Camera AG.
__ Artistic considerations
Both lenses share essentially the same characteristics, but the strongest visual effects can clearly be seen with the 280 mm lens. Pictures with these lenses show the classical compressed image: two cars in a row look as if they collided and many cars acquire a new wedge shape. Pictures of groups of people look like the paintings of people by Rembrandt.
We can explain this with a small experiment:
Let us photograph two objects of the same size that are located one meter (3.28 feet) from each other at a distance from one meter (3.28 feet) from the first object. The second object is then twice as far away from the lens as the first object. Therefore the second object will be seen and reproduced at half the viewing angle of the first object. It will be halved in linear size.
Now we move the camera to a distance of three meters (9.8 feet) from the first object. Now the viewing angle of the second object is 3/4 of that of the first object. The linear magnification is thus 3/4 of that of the first object. Our brain assumes that large objects are always close to us. As the second object has 'grown' from 1/2 to 3/4 the size of the first object, we assume that it must now be closer to that object.
This effect explains why telephoto lenses produce a compres­sed or foreshortened perspective.
__ LEICA APO-TELYT-R 280 mm f/4
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