Tomake sure youhaveeverything
To o p erate withsafety
To get to k no wyourWav er un n erscope
Toinstal land powerup
To in itialize
To ch eckthe system status
To in stallnewsoftw ar eand f irmw ar e
To acti vate the scr e e nsave r
To use menus, men u button s an d knobs
To choo se buttonand knob pr efer ences
2ISSUED: January2002LTXXX-OM-E Rev B
WhenY ourW aver unn eris Deliv ered
First, verify that all items on the packing list or invoice copy have be en shipped to you. (The items are also
listed below.) Seco n d,che ckthe SYSTEM STATUS displa yonce your Wa v e runn e r oscilloscopeis installed (se e
page 12). Contact your nearest LeCroy customer service center or national distributor if a nything is missing or
damaged. If there is something missing or damaged, and you do not contact us immediately , w ecannot be
responsiblefor replace me nt.
The following is shipped w ith the standard Wave runner scope:
: The w arr an ty below r ep laces all
10:110MΩ PP006 Passive Probe — one pe r channel
AC Pow er Cord and Plug
Performan ceor Calibra tion Certificate
Front Scope Cover
Two 250 V Fuses
Operator’s Manual
Quick Reference G uide
Declaration of Conformity .
other warranties, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to anyimplied
warranty of merchantability, fitness, or
adequacy forany particular purpo se o r
use. LeCroy shall not be liable for any
special, in cidental, orconse quen tial
damages, w hetherin con tr act or
oth er w ise. The customeris respo n sible
fo rthe transportatio nandins uran ce
ch arges fo rtheretu rn of pr oducts to
the serv ice facility . LeCroywill r eturn
all products underwarranty with
tr a nsport p repa id .
The Waverunner oscilloscope is warranted for normal use and operation, within specifications, for a
period of three years from shipment. LeCroy will either repair or, at our option, replace any product
r e turnedto on eof ourauth orize dservice center s withinthisperiod . However, in or d e rto dothis we
must first examine the product and find that it is defective due to workmanship or materials and not
due to misuse, neglect, accident, orabnor m al con dition s or oper ation .
Spare an d r ep lacemen t parts, and r ep airs, all have a 90-day w ar r an ty.
The o scill o scope’s firm ware has bee ntho roughlytested an d is pr esu m edto be functional.
Never th el ess, it is supplie d witho ut warrantyof an ykind coverin g detailedper fo r m an ce. Products not
made by LeCro yare co v er ed solely by the war r an tyof th e original equipmen t manufacture r.
LTXXX-OM-E RevBISSUED: January20023
W e offer a variety of services unde r the heading of Maintenance Agreements. These give extended w arranty
and allowyou to budget maintenance costs after the initial three-year w arranty has exp ired. Installation,
training, enhancements, and on-site repairs — a mong other services — are available through special
supplemental support agreements. I nquire at your L eCroy customer service center or national distributor.
Help with installa tion, calibration, and the use of your Waverunner scopein a rangeof app lic a tions is also
available from your customer service center.
If you do ne ed to return a L eCroy product, identify it b y its model and
serial numbers (see pa ge 12). Describe the defect or failure, and provide
your name and contact number.
Forfactoryreturns, useaReturn AuthorizationNumber (RAN ),
obtainable from customer service. Attach it so that it can be clearly seen on
the outside of the shipping pa ckageto ensure rapid forwarding w ithin
Return those products requiring only maintenance to y our customer
service cen ter.
Within the w a rranty period, transportation charges to the factory w ill be y our responsibility, while products
under w arranty w ill be returned to you w ith transport p repaid by L eCroy . Outside the w arranty pe riod, you w ill
ha veto p rovideus with a purchase orde r numbe r before the wo rk can be do ne. Yo uwill be billed for parts and
labo r re la tedto the rep air wo rk, as well a s for ship p ing.
shipments. W e recommend using air freight.
To maintain you r Wa verunner scope’s performance w ithin specifications, haveus calibrate it a t least once a year.
LeCroy offers state-of-the-art technology by continually refining and improving the instrument’s capabilities
and ope ration. Wefrequently update both firmware and softwa re during service, free of charge during
war ranty.
: If you n e e d to return
y ourscop e, use th e o r iginal
shipping carton. If this is not
po ssibl e, th e cartonused
sho uld be rigid. The scop e
sh o uld be packedso th at it is
surr o un de d bya min im umof
four inches (1 0 cm) of shock
absor ben t mater ial.
Yo ucan also ins tall newfirmw a reyourself, without the n e ed of a factory refit. Simply provideus with y o u r
Wa verunner serial number and ID, and the version number of the software already installed (see page12),
along w ith ordering information. We will provide y ou with a uniqueoption ke y that has a code to be entered
through the instrument’s front panel to upgrade you r softw are. In addition, the very latest versions of LeCroy’s
uniq u eoscilloscop esoftw are app lica tions can b edownload e dfrom theInternet, free of charge. Inclu ded are
ScopeExplorer and ActiveDSO.
4ISSUED: January 2002LTXXX-OM-E Rev B
ScopeExplorer is a highly practical PC-based connectivity tool that interfaces Wa verunner to a PC that is
running Microsoft Windows, via the rea r p anel GPIB (IEEE 488) or RS-232 port. Specia llydesig ned by
LeCroy for its oscilloscopes, ScopeExplorer a llows you to perform data and image transfers and other remote
operations from scope to PC w ith just a fewkeyboa rd strokes or mouse clicks. See Chapter 12, “U se
Waver unner wi t h PC,” for more about using ScopeExplorer w ith your Wave runner scope.
S copeE xplorer now has a virtual front panel to allowfull control of remote scopes.
ActiveDSO works on any PC running Windows 95, 98 or N T, and enables you to exchangedata with a
variety of Window s app lications or programming language s that support the ActiveX standard, such as MS
Office, Internet Explorer, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Visual Java. ActiveDSO hides the intricacies of
programming for each of these interfaces and p rovides a simple and consistent interface to the controlling
application. You can also visually embed ActiveDSO in any OL E automation compatible client and use it
manually without programming . You could, for example, gene rate a report by importing scope data straight
into Excel or Word, analyze your wave forms by bringing them directly into MathCad, archive measurement
results “on the fly” in a Microsoft Access database, and automatetests usingVisualBasic, Java, C ++, or
Excel (VBA).
Visit our website at download these and other free software ap plications.
LTXXX-OM-E RevBISSUED: January20025
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