The information in this guide may change without notice. The manufacturer assumes no
responsibility for any errors which may appear in this g uide.
AppleTalk, Chooser, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer Corporation.
LaserJet and Bitronics are trademarks of Hewlett Packard. Centronics is a registered
trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corporation. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe
Systems, Inc. DEC and LAT are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation . Ethernet is
a trademark of XEROX Corporation. NetWare is a trademark of Novell Corporation.
UNIX is a registered t rademar k of The Op en Group. Wind ows for W orkgro ups, Windo ws
95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft
Copyright 2000, Lan tronix. All rights rese rved. No part o f the contents of this boo k may be
transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of
Lantronix. Printed in the United States of America.
The revision date for this manual is 26 June, 2001
Part Number: 900-201A
Rev. B
This product has been designed to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device
pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against such interference when operating in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, an d can radiate r adio frequency en ergy, and if n ot installed and
used in accordance with this guide, may cause harmful interference to radio
Operation of this equipment in a reside ntial area is likely to cause interference in which
case the user, at his or her own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may
be required to correct the interference.
Changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by Lantronix will void the
user’s authority to operate this device.
Cet appareil doit se soumettre avec la section 15 des statuts et règlements de FCC. Le
fonctionnement est subjecté aux conditions suivantes:
(1) Cet appareil ne doit pas causer une interférence malfaisante.
(2) Cet appareil doît accepter n'importé quelle interférence reìue qui peut causer une
Warranty Statement
Declaration of Conformity
1: Introduction
The Lantronix EPSs (EPS1 and EPS2) are ethernet print servers that provide shared
network access to printers for a variety of network protoco ls and operating systems. The
print servers support the TCP/IP, IPX (NetWare), Local Area Transport (LAT),
AppleTalk (EtherTalk), and Microsoft LAN Manager protocols. They can queue
multiple pending jobs and service those jobs in the order in which they are received from
Note:In this manual, all EPS servers will be referred to as “the EPS” un-
less a distinction needs to be made between models.
The EPS stores its executable software in Flash (rewritable) ROM, meaning that it d oes
not have to download software from a host each time it boots. Software must only be
downloaded when a new software version becomes available . See Appendix D for more
1.1 How to Use This Manual
This guide is structured as follows:
◆ Chapter 2, Installation explains how to physically install the EPS.
◆ Chapter 3, Getting Started explains the minimum configuration needed.
◆ Chapters 4 through 8 cover protocol-speci fic set u p need ed t o i nsta ll print queues
and otherwise use the EPS.
❍Chapter 4, TCP/IP Configuration
❍Chapter 5, NetWare Configuration
❍Chapter 6, LAT Configuration
❍Chapter 7, AppleTalk Configuration
❍Chapter 8, DLC Configuration for LAN Manager
◆ Appendices A through F provide supplementary information.
❍Appendix A, Contact Information
❍Appendix B, Troubles ho oti ng
❍Appendix C, Pinouts
❍Appendix D, Updating Software
❍Appendix E, Specifications
How to Use This ManualIntroduction
❍Appendix F, Frequently-used Commands
Read chapters 2 through 4 in order, then proceed to the proto col-specific chapter that relates
to your network. Refer to Appendix F as needed. The Print Server Reference Manual,
located on the CD-ROM and web site, provides additional information about configuring
and using your EPS.
2: Installation
This chapter describes th e various EPS models and shows how to install them into a basic
network situation.
2.1 EPS1/2 Product Description
The front panel of the EPS has an RJ45 serial connector and either one (EPS1) or two
(EPS2) DB25 parallel connectors. The port names are Port_1 (serial), Port_2 (top
parallel), and Port_3 (bottom parallel, EPS2 only ).
Serial Port
Parallel Ports
The back panel of the EPS has a power connector, an RJ45 Ethernet connector for
10BASE-T, and an AUI Ethernet connector.
The bottom of the EPS has a label noting the unit’s Ethernet address, needed for
configuration, and 4 DIP switches (explain ed in the Installation section).
1 0
Factory NVR / Normal
Silent Boot / Verbose
Option 3
The defaul t na m e o f the EPS is EPS _x xxx xx, where xxxxxx denotes the last 6 digits of
its Ethernet address.
EPS1/2 Product DescriptionInstallation
The top panel of the EPS has 7 LEDs. Table 2-1 explains their functions during normal
Table 2-1: LED Functionality
LEDFunction During Normal Operation
PWRLights solid green to indicate that the unit has
POLARITY Lights solid yellow to indicate th at the 10BASE- T
cable is swapped.
GOOD LINKLights solid green to indicate a working Ethernet
connection (either 10BASE-T or 10BASE2).
OKLights green ( blinks occasion ally) to indicate the
unit is functioning proper ly.
NETWORKBlinks yellow to indicate Ethernet activity.
PARALLELBlink s yel low to ind ica te para llel por t act ivi ty.
SERIALBlinks yellow to indicate serial port activity.
InstallationInstalling the EPS
2.2 Installing the EPS
The following diagram shows a properly-installed EPS:
Serial Printer
To install the EPS, complete the following steps in order. Refer to the numbers in the figure
for help.
1Set the DIP switches on the bottom of the unit. Their function s are explain ed in Ta-
ble 2-2.
Table 2-2: DIP Switch Functions
SwitchPosition 1Position 0 (default)
1Factory NVR: EPS is restored to
factory defaults at power-up.
2Silent Boot: The EPS does no t print
any status information unless it cannot boot.
4AUI: The EPS uses the AUI network
Note:Switches are only checked at power-up. C hanging th em while the unit
Normal: Saved EPS settings are used
at power-up.
Verbose Boot: The EPS prints boot status and PostScript-compatible test jobs
to the serial and parallel ports during
the boot sequence. (Recommended for
first-time setup)
10BASE-T: The EPS uses the
10BASE-T Ethernet interface.
is operating will have no effect.
2Connect at least one printer to the EPS using an available serial or parallel port.
Installing the EPSInstalla tion
3Attach the EPS to the network using a 10BASE-T cable, transceiver, or AUI cable.
The EPS must have one and only one valid Ethernet connection in order to boot
properly. Use switch 4 to set the correct Ethernet connection type. To boot the EPS
without attaching it to the network, attach a terminated MAU to the AUI port or connect the 10BASE-T port to a disabled hub port.
4Attach one end of the power cable to the EPS; plug the other end into an electrical
outlet. Power will come on automatically.
5Allo w 45 seconds for the EPS to fully boot.
❍It will run through a set of power-up diagnostics for approximately 12 seconds.
The 4 LEDs will show varying patterns corresponding to the test bein g run.
❍It will try to obtain configuration information via DHCP, BOOTP, and RARP.
This step could last approximately 15 seconds if no hosts answer the requests.
The OK LED will blink approximately 3 times per second, and the NETWORK
LED will blink occasionally as network requests are transmitted.
❍It will determine if the code in its Flash is valid. If so, it will load the code and
begin normal execution. If not, the EPS will have to download software. See
Appendix D for more information.
6If you have set DIP switch 2 to Verbose (the default), check the status page that
prints when the unit boots.
Note:If the Test page or status page does not print, refer to Appendix B.
3: Getting Started
It is important to consider the following points before logging into and configu ring the
◆ You must configure the EPS IP address b efore any TCP/IP functionality is
available. (See Setting the IP Address on page 4-1) You cannot us e the ThinWeb
Manager until you have configured an IP address.
◆ Changing any server, service, or port setting requires privileged user status. The
default privileged pass word is system.
◆ The login password is requ i red f or remote console logi ns . Th e defau l t login pass-
word is access.
Note:If you would like to chang e eith er th e privile ged or login p asswor d,
either use EZWebCon or refer to the Print Server Reference Manual
located on the CD-ROM.
3.1 Configuration Methods
3.1.1 EZWebCon
The EZWebCon configuration software is the recommended way to configu re the EPS.
EZWebCon’s graphical user interface guides first time users through the initial
configuration process and allows experienced users to update any configurable
EZWebCon requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the client. Lantronix provides
JVM installers for Solaris and 32-bit Windows users, as well as source code and
instructions for compiling it for other systems.
The EZWebCon software is located on the distribution CD-ROM. All instructions for
installing EZWebCon are provided in the README file. For assistance once
EZWebCon is running, refer to the EZWebCon on-line help.
Note:EZWebCon is also available from the Lantronix website and FTP
server. See Appendix D for more information.
3.1.2 Incoming Logins
You can log in via EZWebCon to configure the EPS. you can also use incoming LAT
and TCP/IP logins.
ServicesGetting Started
Incoming Telnet is only possible if your EPS has an IP address configured. Incoming
Telnet is enabled by default to allow TCP/IP conn ections. To change this setting, use the
Define Server Incoming command described in the Command Reference chapter of the
Print Server Reference Manual located on the CD-ROM.
Incoming logins do not prompt for a login password, so you may wish to disable them for
security reasons. If i t is undes irable to dis able inco ming lo gins, t he EPS can be confi gured
to prompt for a password with the Define Server Incoming Password Enabled command.
3.1.3 Console Terminal
To configure the EPS via a console terminal, attach a terminal to the serial port and press
the Return key. You will see a Local> prompt at which you can enter configuration
3.2 Services
With few exceptions, you must create a service before you can configure print queues on
the EPS. A service is a resource accessible to network hosts. A Lantronix service is also
known as a remote printer name or remote queue name on many operating systems.
The EPS offers one login service and one default service per port. The service names are:
EPS_xxxxxxLogin service
EPS_xxxxxx_S1Serial port (Port_1) service
EPS_xxxxxx_P1Parallel port (Port_2) service
EPS_xxxxxx_P2Parallel port (Port_2) service, EPS2 only
The default service names are based on the server name; ther efore the server name must be
no more than 13 characters. If you change the server name, the service names will change
as well. For example, changing the server name from EPS_xxxxxx to BIOLAB will change
the service names to BIOLAB_TEXTS1 and so on.
The default serial port services have the TCP/IP, NetWare, LAN Manager, and AppleTalk
protocols enabled. Parallel port services have TCP/IP, NetWare, and LAN Manager
enabled. LAT is disabled by default on all services provided by the EPS because many
network managers object to the frequent LAT service announcements. AppleTalk is
disabled on parallel port services because AppleTalk requires Bitronics mode, which is
disabled by default.
If you need to modify a default service, see the Server Config ur at i on chapter of the Print Server Reference Manual located on the CD-ROM.
4: TCP/IP Configuration
The EZWebCon configuration soft ware is the easiest way to con figure the EPS. The following sections co ver IP address configuration and print c onfiguration met hods for TCP/
IP hosts.
4.1 Setting the IP Address
The EPS IP address must be configured before any TCP/IP functionality is available. Use
one of the following methods to set the IP address: EZWebCon; a directed Ping packet;
a BOOTP, DHCP, or RARP reply; or commands entered via the comman d line interface.
4.1.1 Using EZWebCon
Use the following steps to assign an IP address using the EZWebCon Expert Shell.
1From the Action menu, select Assign IP Address.
2En ter or change the IP-related settings:
AFor Ethernet Address, enter the number that appears on the bottom label of
your EPS.
BFor IP Address, enter the desired IP address to use for this EPS.
CFor Subnet Mask, change the values provided o nly if you wish to u se a mask
other than the default. The default value should be correct in most cases.
DFor Loadhost, enter the IP address of th e lo adhost where you intend to store
your operating code and SDK files (if used).
3Click OK.
4Reboot the EPS. EZWebCon will let you know whether the configuration was
Note:If you have an older version of EZWeb Con, refer to th e Readme that
was included with it.
4.1.2 Using a Directed Ping Packet
The ARP/ping method is available under UNIX and Wind ows-based systems . If the EPS
has no IP address, it will set its address from the first directed IP packet it receives.
Setting the IP AddressTCP/IP Configuration
On a UNIX host, create an entry in the host’s ARP table and substitute the intended IP ad-
dress and the hardware address of the EPS, then ping the EPS. This process typically requires superuser privileges.
In order for the ARP command to work o n Windows, the ARP table on the PC must have
at least one IP address defined other than its own. If the ARP table is empty, the com mand
will return an error message. Type ARP -A at the DOS command prompt to ver ify that
there is at least one entry in the ARP table.
There should be replies from the IP address if the ARP command
When the EPS receives the ping packet, it will notice that its IP address is not set and will
send out broadcasts to see if another node is using the specified address. If no duplicate is
found, the EPS will use the IP address and will respond to the ping packet.
The EPS will not save the learned IP address permanently; this procedure is intended as a
temporary measure to enable EZWebCon to communicate with the EPS, or allow an administrator to Telnet into the EPS. Once logged in, the administrator can enter the Change IPaddress command to make the address permanent.
Figure 4-3: Configuring Permanent IP Address
% telnet
Lantronix EPSx Version n.n/n (yymmdd)
Type Help at the ‘Local_>’ pro mpt for assistanc e.
Enter Username> gopher
Password> system (not echoed)
Any host wishing to access the EPS will have to be told the EPS’s IP address. This is typically configured in the unix file /etc/hosts or via a nameserver. Refer to the host’s documentation for additional information.
TCP/IP ConfigurationLPR Printing
4.1.3 Using a BOOTP, DHCP, or RARP Reply
At boot time a host-based DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP server can respond to an EPS request
for an available IP address. For information about configuring the DHCP, BOOTP, or
RARP server, see your host documentation.
4.1.4 Using the Command Line Interface
1Connect to the serial port (Port_1) using a console terminal or a terminal emulation
program, and press Return. The serial port settings are 9600 baud , 8 bits , 1 stop bi t,
no parity.
2Become the privileged user.
Figure 4-4: Becoming the Privileged User
Password> system (not echoed)
3Enter the new IP address.
Figure 4-5: Configuring the IP Address
Local>> define server ipaddress
4.2 LPR Printing
The EPS provides two major methods of printing via TCP/IP: Berkeley remote LPR and
RTEL host software.
Two parameters must be configured for LPR printing:
1The IP address or host name of the EPS.
2The remote output queue (the name of the service on the EPS).
In addition, there are a few important things to note about LPR printing:
◆ Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, and Windows 98 do not support LPR di-
rectly; however, Lantronix has provided a peer-to-peer printing solution on the distribution CD-ROM.
◆ Because of the way the LPR protocol is typically implemented on the host, the pro-
cessing options and banner page are sent after the job data itself. Th e EPS will print
a banner page at the end of a job, and cannot support most of the LPR options. If it
is necessary to have the banner page at the beginning of the prin tout, install and use
the RTEL software. If banners are not needed, they can be disabled.
LPR PrintingTCP/IP Configuration
◆ The EPS cannot print multiple copies of the print job when using the “-#n” lpr op-
◆ If two print queues on the host refer to two services on the same EPS, they must use
separate spooling director i es.
◆ No special purpose input or output filters can be used when printing via LPR. If this
functionality is necessary, use the named pipe interface program in the RTEL print
queue configuration software.
4.2.1 LPR on Windows NT 3.5.1 (and later)
This section assumes that TCP/IP, Simple TCP/IP, and Microsoft TCP/IP printing have
been installed on the Windows NT host.
1In th e Control Panel, double-click the Printers icon.
2Double-click the Add Printer icon.
3In the window that appears, choose My computer and click Next.
TCP/IP ConfigurationLPR Printing
4Select the Add Port button and click Next.
5Select LPR Port.
Note:If LPR Port is not an optio n, open t he Network C ontrol Panel and add
“Microsoft TCP/IP Printing” to the List of services.
6Enter the name or IP address of your EPS on the first line, and enter the name of your
EPS print service on the second line.
LPR PrintingTCP/IP Configuration
7Select the manufacturer and printer type.
8Enter the queue name.
9If applicable, choose Shared and select the type of operating system that the printer
will be working with. (First confirm that the print queue is working.)
TCP/IP ConfigurationLPR Printing
10 Test the printer by choosing Yes and clicking Finish.
4.2.2 LPR on Windows 95/98
To enable LPR printing on Windows 95/98, you must download and install the LPR for
Windows 95/98 application from the Lantronix FTP site (
1On the FTP home page, click on pub.
2Click on lpr_win32.
3Download the file ltxlpr.exe.
4Install the file ltxlpr.exe. Once installation is co mplete, a readme file will o pen au-
5Follow the directions in the readme file to configure LPR on your PC.
4.2.3 LPR on UNIX Hosts
The Berkeley remote printing system is supported on many machines, and is simple to configure. This section describes how to configure LPR print queues on generic UNIX hosts
such as SUN hosts. There are slight variations in LPR configuration for AIX, HP, and SCO
hosts, as will be explained in the following sect ions.
1Install a print queue on your host by adding the EPS name and IP address to the
/etc/hosts file:
Figure 4-6: Adding /etc/hosts Entry EPS_xxxxxx
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