Lantronix EDS-MD Series, EDS-MD 8, EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 16 User Manual

Medical Device Server User Guide
Part Number 900-591
Revision K January 2019
© 2017 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of Lantronix.
Lantronix and EDS-MD are registered trademarks of Lantronix, Inc. in the United States and other countries. DeviceInstaller is a trademark of Lantronix, Inc.
Windows and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mozilla and Firefox are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation. Chrome is a trademark of Google Inc. Safari is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the
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All information contained herein is provided “AS IS.” Lantronix undertakes no obligation to update the information in this publication. Lantronix does not make, and specifically disclaims,
all warranties of any kind (express, implied or otherwise) regarding title, non-infringement, fitness, quality, accuracy, completeness, usefulness, suitability or performance of the information provided herein. Lantronix shall have no liability whatsoever to any user for any damages, losses and causes of action (whether in contract or in tort or otherwise) in connection with the user’s access or usage of any of the information or content contained herein. The information and specifications
contained in this document are subject to change without notice.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 2

Revision History

Date Rev. Comments
September 2011 A Initial Document for firmware release
October 2011 B Updated power cord part number information.
November 2011 C Updated ethernet port information and cover product image.
November 2011 D Added Suppliers Declaration of Conformity document.
March 2013 E Updated pinout diagrams and part number information.
March 2013 F Updated revision and trademark information.
January 2014 G Added RJ45 serial port image.
June 2014 H Updated power rating information.
April 2015 I Updated to firmware release which includes the addition of
April 2017 J Added wall mount information. Updated temperature and new
January 2019 K Updated Compliance standards and Declaration of Conformity
Ethernet 2 and 3 functionality.
certification information.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 3

Table of Contents

Intellectual Property ________________________________________________________2
Warranty _________________________________________________________________2
Contacts _________________________________________________________________ 2
Disclaimer ________________________________________________________________ 2
Revision History ___________________________________________________________3
Table of Contents 4
List of Figures ____________________________________________________________10
List of Tables _____________________________________________________________11
1: Using This Guide 13
Purpose and Audience _____________________________________________________13
Summary of Chapters ______________________________________________________13
Safety Information _________________________________________________________ 14
Cover _______________________________________________________________14
Power Plug ___________________________________________________________14
Input Supply __________________________________________________________ 14
Grounding ____________________________________________________________15
Fuses _______________________________________________________________15
There are fuses on the internal power supply serviceable only by Lantronix. ________15
Battery ______________________________________________________________ 15
Wall Mounting _________________________________________________________15
Port Connections ______________________________________________________15
WARNINGS OF NETWORK CONNECTIONS ________________________________16
Equipment Classifications _______________________________________________ 16
Environmental Conditions for Transportation and Storage _______________________ 16
Cleaning Instructions ___________________________________________________16
Electromagnetic Interference _____________________________________________ 17
Additional Documentation ___________________________________________________17
2: Introduction 18
Key Features _____________________________________________________________18
Applications ______________________________________________________________18
Protocol Support _________________________________________________________18
Troubleshooting Capabilities _________________________________________________19
Configuration Methods _____________________________________________________19
Addresses and Port Numbers ________________________________________________ 19
Hardware Address _____________________________________________________19
IP Address ___________________________________________________________20
Port Numbers _________________________________________________________20
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 4
Product Information Label ___________________________________________________ 20
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers 21
Package Contents _________________________________________________________21
User-Supplied Items _______________________________________________________21
Identifying Hardware Components ____________________________________________22
Serial Ports ___________________________________________________________22
Ethernet Port _________________________________________________________22
LEDs ________________________________________________________________23
Reset to Default Button _________________________________________________24
Technical Specification _____________________________________________________25
Installing the EDS-MD ______________________________________________________27
Finding a Suitable Location ______________________________________________27
Connect the EDS-MD to one or more serial devices ___________________________ 27
Wall Mounting Instructions __________________________________________________ 28
For Installations to Walls Requiring Anchors _________________________________ 28
For Installations to Walls Not Requiring Anchors ______________________________28
4: Using DeviceInstaller 30
Accessing EDS-MD Using DeviceInstaller ______________________________________30
Device Detail Summary _____________________________________________________31
5: Configuration Using Web Manager 33
Accessing Web Manager ___________________________________________________33
Device Status Page ________________________________________________________34
Web Manager Components _________________________________________________35
Navigating Web Manager ___________________________________________________36
6: Network Settings 38
Network 1 (eth0) Status ____________________________________________________38
Network 1 (eth0) Interface Settings ___________________________________________38
To Configure Network 1 (eth0) Interface Settings _____________________________ 40
Network 1 (eth0) Link Settings _______________________________________________40
To View or Configure Link 1(eth0) Settings __________________________________ 40
Network 2 (eth1) Interface Settings ____________________________________________41
To Configure Network 2 (eth1) Interface Settings _____________________________ 41
To View Network 2 (eth1) Interface Status ___________________________________41
Network 2 (eth1) Link Settings _______________________________________________42
To View or Configure Link 2 (eth1) Settings __________________________________42
Network 3 (eth2) Interface Settings ____________________________________________43
To Configure Network 3 (eth2) Interface Settings _____________________________ 43
To View Network 3 (eth2) Interface Status ___________________________________43
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 5
Network 3 (eth2) Link Settings _______________________________________________43
To View or Configure Link 3 (eth2) Settings __________________________________44
Network 2 (eth0) Status ____________________________________________________44
7: Line and Tunnel Settings 45
Line Statistics ____________________________________________________________45
Line Settings _____________________________________________________________45
To Configure Line Settings _______________________________________________45
To Configure Line Command Mode ________________________________________47
Tunnel Statistics __________________________________________________________48
To View Tunnel Statistics ________________________________________________48
Tunnel Settings ___________________________________________________________48
Serial Settings ________________________________________________________48
To Configure Tunnel Serial Settings ________________________________________ 49
Packing Mode _________________________________________________________49
To Configure Tunnel Packing Mode Settings _________________________________50
Accept Mode __________________________________________________________50
To Configure Tunnel Accept Mode Settings __________________________________52
Connect Mode ________________________________________________________ 52
Connecting Multiple Hosts _______________________________________________ 55
Host List Promotion ____________________________________________________56
Disconnect Mode ______________________________________________________56
To Configure Tunnel Disconnect Mode Settings ______________________________56
Modem Emulation ______________________________________________________ 57
To Configure Tunnel Modem Emulation Settings ______________________________57
8: Terminal and Host Settings 58
Terminal Settings _________________________________________________________58
To Configure the Terminal Network Connection _______________________________59
To Configure the Terminal Line Connection __________________________________59
Host Configuration ________________________________________________________59
To Configure Host Settings ______________________________________________60
9: Network Services 61
DNS Settings _____________________________________________________________61
To View or Configure DNS Settings: _______________________________________61
FTP Settings _____________________________________________________________62
To Configure FTP Settings _______________________________________________62
Syslog Settings ___________________________________________________________62
To View or Configure Syslog Settings ______________________________________63
HTTP Settings ____________________________________________________________63
To Configure HTTP Settings _____________________________________________ 64
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 6
To Configure HTTP Authentication _________________________________________ 65
RSS Settings _____________________________________________________________65
To Configure RSS Settings ______________________________________________66
Real Time Clock (RTC) Settings ______________________________________________ 66
To Configure RTC Settings ______________________________________________ 66
Email Settings ____________________________________________________________67
To View, Configure, and Send Email _______________________________________ 67
10: Security Settings 69
Public Key Infrastructure ____________________________________________________ 69
TLS (SSL) _______________________________________________________________69
Digital Certificates _________________________________________________________70
Trusted Authorities ________________________________________________________ 70
Obtaining Certificates ______________________________________________________70
Self-Signed Certificates _____________________________________________________70
Certificate Formats ________________________________________________________70
OpenSSL ________________________________________________________________71
Steel Belted RADIUS ______________________________________________________71
Free RADIUS ____________________________________________________________71
SSH Settings _____________________________________________________________72
SSH Server Host Keys __________________________________________________72
SSH Client Known Hosts ________________________________________________ 73
SSH Server Authorized Users ____________________________________________73
SSH Client Users ______________________________________________________ 74
To Configure SSH Settings ______________________________________________75
SSL Settings _____________________________________________________________75
Create a New Credential ________________________________________________75
To Create a New Credential ______________________________________________76
Upload Certificate ______________________________________________________76
Certificate and Key Generation ___________________________________________77
To Configure an Existing SSL Credential ____________________________________77
Trusted Authorities _____________________________________________________78
11: Maintenance and Diagnostics Settings 79
Filesystem Settings ________________________________________________________ 79
Statistics _____________________________________________________________79
To View Statistics ______________________________________________________79
File Display ___________________________________________________________80
To Display Files _______________________________________________________80
File Modification _______________________________________________________ 80
File Transfer __________________________________________________________81
To Transfer or Modify Filesystem Files ______________________________________81
Protocol Stack Settings _____________________________________________________ 82
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 7
IP Settings ___________________________________________________________82
To Configure IP Protocol Stack Settings ____________________________________ 82
ICMP Settings _________________________________________________________ 82
To Configure ICMP Protocol Stack Settings __________________________________ 82
To View ICMP Protocol Stack Settings ______________________________________83
ARP Settings _________________________________________________________ 83
To Configure ARP Network Stack Settings __________________________________83
SMTP Settings ________________________________________________________ 84
To Configure SMTP Protocol Stack Settings _________________________________ 84
Diagnostics ______________________________________________________________84
Hardware ____________________________________________________________84
To View Hardware Information ____________________________________________84
IP Sockets ___________________________________________________________84
To View the List of IP Sockets ____________________________________________85
Ping ________________________________________________________________85
To Ping a Remote Host _________________________________________________ 85
Traceroute ___________________________________________________________85
To Perform a Traceroute ________________________________________________86
Log _________________________________________________________________86
To Configure the Diagnostic Log Output ____________________________________ 86
Memory ______________________________________________________________ 87
To View Memory Usage _________________________________________________87
Processes ____________________________________________________________87
To View Process Information _____________________________________________87
Threads _____________________________________________________________87
To View Thread Information ______________________________________________87
System Settings __________________________________________________________88
To Reboot or Restore Factory Defaults _____________________________________ 88
12: Management Interface Settings 89
Command Line Interface Settings _____________________________________________89
Basic CLI Settings _____________________________________________________89
To View and Configure Basic CLI Settings ___________________________________ 89
Telnet Settings ________________________________________________________ 90
To Configure Telnet CLI Settings __________________________________________90
SSH CLI Settings ______________________________________________________ 90
To Configure SSH Settings ______________________________________________91
XML Settings _____________________________________________________________91
XML: Export Configuration _______________________________________________91
To Export Configuration in XML Format _____________________________________92
XML: Export Status _____________________________________________________ 92
To Export in XML Format ________________________________________________92
XML: Import Configuration _______________________________________________ 93
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 8
To Import Configuration in XML Format _____________________________________94
13: Updating Firmware 95
Obtaining Firmware ________________________________________________________95
Loading New Firmware through Web Manager __________________________________95
Loading New Firmware through FTP __________________________________________96
14: Branding the EDS-MD Device 97
Web Manager Customization ________________________________________________97
Short and Long Name Customization __________________________________________98
To Customize Short or Long Names _______________________________________98
Appendix A: Lantronix Technical Support 99
Appendix B: Binary to Hexadecimal Conversions 100
Converting Binary to Hexadecimal ___________________________________________100
Conversion Table _____________________________________________________100
Scientific Calculator ___________________________________________________100
Appendix C: Compliance 102
Appendix D: Lantronix Power Cords, Cables, Adapters and Serial Port Pinouts 106
Cables and Adapters ______________________________________________________106
Adapters and Serial Port Pinouts ____________________________________________107
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 9

List of Figures

Figure 2-1 EDS-MD Unit Product Label _______________________________________________ 20
Figure 3-1 Front View of the EDS-MD 16 Device Servers _________________________________ 22
Figure 3-2 Back View of the EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 and EDS-MD 16 Device Servers ___________ 22
Figure 3-3 RJ45 Serial Port_________________________________________________________22
Figure 3-4 EDS-MD Ethernet Switch in a Sample Hospital Record System____________________23
Figure 3-8 EDS-MD Dimensions_____________________________________________________27
Figure 3-9 Mounting Screws Included with the EDS-MD Medical Device Server in Inches ________28
Figure 3-10 Mounting the EDS-MD Device Server _______________________________________29
Figure 5-1 Device Status Page ______________________________________________________34
Figure 5-2 Components of the Web Manager Page ______________________________________35
Figure 13-1 Uploading New Firmware ________________________________________________95
Figure B-2 Windows Scientific Calculator ____________________________________________101
Figure B-3 Hexadecimal Values in the Scientific Calculator ______________________________101
Figure C-3 Suppliers Declaration of Conformity ________________________________________103
Figure C-4 EU Declaration of Conformity _____________________________________________104
Figure 18-2 RJ45 Pinout Diagram___________________________________________________107
Figure R-3 RJ45 Receptacle to DB25M DTE Adapter (PN 200.2066A) _____________________107
Figure R-4 RJ45 Receptacle to DB25M DCE Adapter (PN 200.2073) ______________________108
Figure R-5 RJ45 Receptacle to DB25F DTE Adapter (PN 200.2067A ) _____________________ 108
Figure R-6 RJ45 Receptacle to DB25F DCE Adapter (PN 200.2074) ______________________ 109
Figure R-7 RJ45 Receptacle to DB9M DTE Adapter (PN 200.2069A) ______________________109
Figure R-8 RJ45 Receptacle to DB9M DCE Adapter (PN 200.2071) _______________________110
Figure R-9 RJ45 Receptacle to DB9F DTE Adapter (PN 200.2070A) _______________________ 110
Figure R-10 RJ45 Receptacle to DB9F DCE Adapter (PN 200.2072) ______________________ 111
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 10

List of Tables

Table 3-5 System LEDs on the Top of EDS-MD Device Server ____________________________24
Table 3-6 Serial Indicator LEDs on the Top of EDS-MD Device Server ______________________24
Table 3-7 RJ45 LEDs on the Back Panel (Ethernet Indicators). ____________________________ 24
Table 5-3 Web Manager Pages ____________________________________________________36
Table 6-1 Network 1 (eth0) Interface Settings __________________________________________38
Table 6-2 Network 1 (eth0) Link Settings ______________________________________________40
Table 6-3 Network 2 (eth1) Interface Settings __________________________________________41
Table 6-4 Network 2 (eth1) Link Settings ______________________________________________42
Table 6-5 Network 3 (eth2) Interface Settings __________________________________________43
Table 6-6 Network 3 (eth2) Link Settings ______________________________________________43
Table 6-7 GRE Settings ___________________________________________________________44
Table 7-1 Line Configuration Settings ________________________________________________ 46
Table 7-2 Line Command Mode Settings ______________________________________________47
Table 7-3 Tunnel Serial Settings ____________________________________________________48
Table 7-4 Tunnel Packing Mode Settings _____________________________________________49
Table 7-5 Tunnel Accept Mode Settings ______________________________________________ 51
Table 7-6 Tunnel Connect Mode Settings _____________________________________________53
Table 7-7 Tunnel Disconnect Mode Settings ___________________________________________56
Table 7-8 Tunnel Modem Emulation Settings __________________________________________ 57
Table 8-1 Terminal on Network and Line Settings _______________________________________58
Table 8-2 Host Configuration _______________________________________________________59
Table 9-1 DNS Settings ___________________________________________________________61
Table 9-2 FTP Settings ___________________________________________________________62
Table 9-3 Syslog Settings _________________________________________________________62
Table 9-4 HTTP Settings __________________________________________________________63
Table 9-5 HTTP Authentication Settings ______________________________________________65
Table 9-6 RSS Settings ___________________________________________________________65
Table 9-7 RTC Settings ___________________________________________________________66
Table 9-8 Email Configuration ______________________________________________________67
Table 10-1 SSH Server Host Keys ___________________________________________________72
Table 10-2 SSH Client Known Hosts _________________________________________________73
Table 10-3 SSH Server Authorized Users _____________________________________________73
Table 10-4 SSH Client Users _______________________________________________________74
Table 10-5 Create New Keys _______________________________________________________74
Table 10-6 Create a New Credentials ________________________________________________ 76
Table 10-7 Upload Certificate Settings _______________________________________________76
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 11
Table 10-8 Certificate and Key Generation Settings _____________________________________ 77
Table 11-1 File Statistics __________________________________________________________79
Table 11-2 File Display Settings ____________________________________________________80
Table 11-3 File Modification Settings _________________________________________________80
Table 11-4 File Transfer Settings ____________________________________________________81
Table 11-5 IP Protocol Stack Settings ________________________________________________82
Table 11-6 ICMP Protocol Stack Settings _____________________________________________82
Table 11-7 ARP Protocol Stack Settings ______________________________________________83
Table 11-8 SMTP Protocol Stack Settings _____________________________________________84
Table 11-9 Ping Settings __________________________________________________________85
Table 11-10 Traceroute Settings ____________________________________________________86
Table 11-11 Log Settings __________________________________________________________86
Table 11-12 System Settings _______________________________________________________88
Table 12-1 CLI Configuration Settings ________________________________________________89
Table 12-2 Telnet Settings ________________________________________________________ 90
Table 12-3 SSH Settings __________________________________________________________90
Table 12-4 XML Exporting Configuration ______________________________________________91
Table 12-5 Exporting Status ________________________________________________________92
Table 12-6 Import Configuration from Filesystem Settings ________________________________ 93
Table 14-1 Short and Long Name Settings ____________________________________________ 98
Table B-1 Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion _________________________________________100
Table C-1 Applicable Medical Standards _____________________________________________102
Table C-2 Applicable ITE Standards ________________________________________________ 102
Table D-1 Lantronix Cables and Adapters ____________________________________________106
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 12

1: Using This Guide

Purpose and Audience

This guide provides the information needed to configure, use, and update the Lantronix® EDS-MD® medical device server models: EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 and EDS-MD 16. It is intended for system integrators who are installing this product into their designs.
Note: EDS-MD device servers are commonly referred to as either EDS-MD 4/8/16 or as
EDS-MD when mentioned within a description equally applicable to any of the three models.

Summary of Chapters

The remaining chapters in this guide include:
Chapter Description
2: Introduction Main features of the product and the protocols it supports. Includes
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
4: Using DeviceInstaller Instructions for viewing the device and configuration using UPnP and
5: Configuration Using Web Manager
6: Network Settings Instructions for configuring network settings.
7: Line and Tunnel Settings Instructions for configuring line and tunnel settings.
8: Terminal and Host Settings Instructions for configuring terminal and host settings.
9: Network Services Instructions for configuring DNS, FTP, HTTP and Syslog settings.
10: Security Settings Instructions for configuring SSL security settings.
11: Maintenance and Diagnostics Settings
12: Management Interface Settings Instructions for configuring CLI and XML settings.
13: Updating Firmware Instructions for obtaining and updating the latest firmware for the
14: Branding the EDS-MD Device Instructions on how to brand your device.
Appendix A: Lantronix Technical Support
Appendix B: Binary to Hexadecimal Conversions
Appendix C: Compliance Lantronix compliance information.
Appendix D: Lantronix Power Cords, Cables, Adapters and Serial Port Pinouts
technical specifications.
Instructions for installing the EDS-MD.
the DeviceInstaller utility.
Instructions for accessing Web Manager and using it to configure settings for the device.
Instructions EDS-MDto view statistics, files, and diagnose problems.
EDS-MD device.
Instructions for contacting Lantronix Technical Support.
Instructions for converting binary values to hexadecimals.
Information about the device driver for Windows host.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 13

Safety Information

This section describes the safety precautions that should be followed when installing and operating the EDS-MD.
This equipment is not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic
mixture including air, oxygen or nitrous oxide. To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a supply mains with protective earth.
The EDS-MD is not to be used in life support or as a life sustaining product. No modification of this equipment is allowed.


Warning: Do not remove the cover of the EDS-MD device server. There are no
user-serviceable parts inside. Opening or removing the cover may expose you to dangerous voltage that could cause fire or electric shock. Do not operate the EDS-MD if the housing is broken.
1: Using This Guide
Note: Refer all servicing to Lantronix.

Power Plug

When disconnecting the power cord from the socket, pull on the plug, not the cord.
Always connect the power cord to a properly wired and grounded power source. Do not use
adapter plugs or remove the grounding prong from the cord.
Only use a power cord with a voltage and current rating greater than the voltage and current
rating marked on the unit.
The appliance inlet serves as the main supply disconnect. Do not position the EDS-MD in
such a way that it is difficult to the disconnect EDS-MD.
Install the unit near an AC outlet that is easily accessible.
Always connect any equipment used with the product to properly wired and grounded power
To help protect the product from sudden, transient increases and decreases in electrical
power, use a surge suppressor, line conditioner, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
Do not connect or disconnect this product during an electrical storm.

Input Supply

Check nameplate ratings to assure there is no overloading of supply circuits that could affect
over current protection and supply wiring.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 14
1: Using This Guide


Maintain reliable grounding of this product.
Pay particular attention to supply connections when connecting to power strips, rather than
directly to the branch circuit.


There are fuses on the internal power supply serviceable only by Lantronix.


A Lithium battery cell inside the unit maintains the unit's date and time when the device is powered off. Do not attempt to replace it. The battery is serviceable only by Lantronix.

Wall Mounting

If wall-mounted units are installed, the following items must be considered:
Do not install the unit in such a way that a hazardous stability condition results because of
uneven loading. A drop or fall could cause injury.
Make sure to install the EDS-MD unit in an environment with an ambient temperature less
than the maximum operating temperature of the EDS-MD device. Therefore, consideration should be given to installing the equipment in an environment compatible with the maximum ambient temperature (Tma) specified by the manufacturer.
Maintain reliable earthing of wall-mounted equipment. Give particular attention to supply
connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (e.g. use of power strips) because of the effect that overloading of the circuits might have on overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used when addressing this concern.
Note: Before operating the EDS-MD device, make sure the device mounting is secured.

Port Connections

Only connect the network port to an Ethernet network that supports 10 Base-T/100 Base-TX/
1000 Base-T.
Only connect device ports to equipment with serial ports that support EIA-232 (formerly RS-
232C). Unless specified otherwise, only connect USB ports to USB thumb drives.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 15
1: Using This Guide
Warning: To avoid overloading and overheating, do not use a USB port as a
charger port or a power port for other devices such as a cellular phone, PDA device, disk drive, etc.


The integration of the EDS-MD medical device server into an IT network may constitute a Medical Electrical (ME) System. It is recommended that the system leakage current be measured to verify that the basic requirement for the safety of the ME System, after installation or subsequent modification of the system, does not result in an unacceptable risk.
The integration of the EDS-MD into a IT network may result in unforeseen risks associated with the interconnection of the EDS-MD Programmable Electronic Subsystem (PESS)/Programmable Electrical Medical Systems (PEMS) to IT Networks. Connection of equipment containing PEMS to an IT NETWORK/DATA COUPLING that includes other equipment could result in previously unidentified risks to patients, operators or third parties. The entity accountable for the use and maintenance of an ME EQUIPMENT or an ME SYSTEM should identify, analyze, evaluate and control these RISKS. Subsequent changes to the IT NETWORK/DATA COUPLING could introduce new RISKS and require additional analysis. Changes to the IT NETWORK/DATA COUPLING include:
Changes in NETWORK/DATA COUPLING configuration
Connection of additional items to the IT NETWORK/DATA COUPLING
Disconnecting items from the IT NETWORK/DATA COUPLING
Update of equipment connected to the IT NETWORK/DATA COUPLING
Upgrade of equipment connected to the IT NETWORK/DATA COUPLING

Equipment Classifications

Classification according to the type of protection against electric shock: Class I Equipment
Classification according to the degree of protection against electric shock: No Applied Parts
Classification according to the degree of protection against ingress of water: IP20
Classification according to the mode of operation: Continuous Operation

Environmental Conditions for Transportation and Storage

An ambient temperature range of -30°C to +80°C
A relative humidity range of 0% to 95%, noncondensing
An atmospheric pressure range of 50 kPa to 106 kPa

Cleaning Instructions

1. Disconnect all cables and unplug AC power cord from the device.
2. Prepare a disinfectant solution using 1 part bleach mixed with 9 parts water.
3. Lightly moisten a tissue with the mild detergent and wipe down only the outside of the device.
4. Allow the device to air-dry or wipe dry with a clean dry tissue before use.
Caution: To avoid electric shock and for the device to work properly, do not allow
cleaning solution to get inside the device, specifically the interface port connectors or the power inlet. Do not immerse the device in any liquid.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 16

Electromagnetic Interference

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the EMC limits for the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC (EN 55022 Class A and EN 60601-1-2). These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a typical medical installation. The equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, may cause harmful interference to other devices in the vicinity. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference with other devices, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving device
Increase the separation between the equipment
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the other
device(s) is connected
Consult the manufacturer or field service technician for help

Additional Documentation

1: Using This Guide
Visit the Lantronix Web site at for the latest documentation and the following additional documentation.
Document Description
EDS-MD Medical Device Server Command Reference
EDS-MD Medical Device Server Quick Start
DeviceInstaller™ Utility Online Help
Com Port Redirector Quick Start and Online Help
Secure Com Port Redirector User Guide
Instructions for accessing Command Mode (the command line interface) using a Telnet connection, SSH connection or through the serial port. Detailed information about the commands. Also provides details for XML configuration and status.
Instructions for getting the EDS-MD device up and running.
Instructions for using the Windows® operating system-based utility to locate the device server and to view its current settings.
Instructions for using the Windows operating system-based utility to create virtual com ports.
Instructions for using the Windows operating system-based utility to create secure virtual com ports.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 17

2: Introduction

The EDS-MD medical device server is a complete network-enabling solution. This device server allows system integrators and administrators to go to market quickly and easily with Ethernet networking and web server capabilities. EDS-MD models are available in 4, 8 and 16 port configurations.

Key Features

Power Supply: Direct plug-in to wall AC with universal 100-240 VAC input.
Controller: 32-bit ARM11 microprocessor running at 600 megahertz
Memory: 64 megabit Flash, 2 gigabit DDR2 DRAM, and a 4 gigabyte SDHC card (internal
only-not user replaceable).
Ethernet: Gigabit Ethernet support (10/100/1000Base-T) speed auto-sensing, automatic MDI/
MDIX (straight and cross-over cables are OK to use)
Serial Ports: 4 to 16 ports depending on model (EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 or EDS-MD 16),
electrically isolated from one another and other circuits. Hardware/Software handshaking capability. Custom/standard baud rates up to 921600 bits per second (bps).
USB Ports: 2 ports of fixed full-speed 2.0 USB Host, electrically isolated from one another
and other circuits, capable of providing 0.5A each.
Temperature Range: 0°C to +50°C (32° to 122°F).


The EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 and EDS-MD 16 device servers are suitable for these application scenarios:
Patient Monitoring Devices
Glucose Analyzers
Infusion Pumps

Protocol Support

The EDS-MD medical device server contain a full-featured IP networking stack:
ARP, UDP, TCP, ICMP, DHCP, Auto IP, Telnet, SMTP, DNS, FTP, TFTP, and Syslog for
network communications and management.
TCP, UDP and tunneling to the serial port.
TFTP for uploading/downloading files.
FTP, SFTP, HTTPS and HTTP for firmware upgrades and uploading/downloading files.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 18

Troubleshooting Capabilities

The EDS-MD medical device servers offer a comprehensive diagnostic toolset that lets you troubleshoot problems quickly and easily. Available from the CLI or Web Manager, the diagnostic tools let you:
View critical hardware, memory, buffer pool, IP socket information and routing table
Perform ping and traceroute operations
Conduct forward or reverse DNS lookup operations
View all processes currently running on the EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 and EDS-MD 16 device
server including CPU utilization
View system log messages

Configuration Methods

After installation, the EDS-MD unit requires configuration. For the unit to operate correctly on a network, it must have a unique IP address on the network. There are four basic methods for logging into the EDS-MD 4/8/16 device server and assigning IP addresses and other configurable settings:
2: Introduction
Web Manager: View and configure all settings easily through a web browser using the
Lantronix Web Manager. (See Configuration Using Web Manager on page 33.)
DeviceInstaller: Configure the IP address and related settings and view current settings on
the EDS-MD 4/8/16 device server using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) on a PC attached to a network. You will need the latest version of the Lantronix® DeviceInstaller™ utility. (See
Accessing the PremierWave XC HSPA+ Device Using DeviceInstaller on page 30.)
Command Mode: There are a few methods for accessing Command Mode (CLI): making a
Telnet connection, or connecting a PC or other host running a terminal emulation program to the unit’s port. (See the EDS-MD Medical Device Server Command Reference for instructions and available commands.)
XML: The EDS-MD 4/8/16 device server supports XML-based configuration and setup
records that make device configuration transparent to users and administrators. XML is easily editable with a standard text or XML editor. (See the EDS-MD Medical Device Server Command Reference for instructions and commands).

Addresses and Port Numbers

Hardware Address

The hardware address is also referred to as the Ethernet address, physical address, or MAC address. The first three bytes of the Ethernet address are fixed and identify the unit as a Lantronix product. The fourth, fifth, and sixth bytes are unique numbers assigned to each unit. Sample hardware address:
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 19
2: Introduction

IP Address

Every device connected to an IP network must have a unique IP address. This address references the specific unit.

Port Numbers

Every TCP connection and every UDP datagram is defined by a destination and source IP address, and a destination and source port number. For example, a Telnet server commonly uses TCP port number 23.
The following is a list of the default server port numbers running on the EDS-MD 4/8/16 device server:
TCP Port 23: Telnet Server (Command Mode configuration)
TCP Port 80: HTTP (Web Manager Configuration)
TCP Port 21: FTP
UDP Port 30718: LDP (Lantronix Discovery Protocol) port
TCP/UDP Port 10001: Tunnel 1 (see note below)
Note: Additional TCP/UDP ports and tunnels will be available, depending on the product
type. The default numbering of each additional TCP/UDP port and corresponding tunnel will increase sequentially (i.e., TCP/UDP Port 1000X: Tunnel X).

Product Information Label

The product information label on the unit contains the following information about the specific unit:
Part Number
Serial Number (MAC Address)
Country of Origin
Product Revision
Manufacturing Date Code
Bar Code
Serial Number
Part Number
Country of Origin or Manufacture
Note: The hardware address on the label is
also the product serial number. The hardware address on the label is the address for the Ethernet (eth0) interface.
Figure 2-1 EDS-MD Unit Product Label
Manufacturing Date Code
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 20

3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers

This chapter describes how to install the EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 and EDS-MD 16 device servers.

Package Contents

Your EDS-MD package includes the following items:
One EDS-MD device server (an EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 or EDS-MD 16)
One RJ45 CAT 5E cable (part number 500-207-R) for network connection
One RJ45 cable loopback adapter (part number 500-153)
EDS-MD Medical Device Server Quick Start Guide
Note: Power cords designed for the EDS-MD are sold separately. Refer to Table D-1 for
a list of power cords.

User-Supplied Items

To complete intallation of your EDS-MD device server, you need the following items:
RS-232 serial devices that require network connectivity. Each serial port of the EDS-MD
device supports a directly connected RS-232 serial device.
A serial cable for each serial device to be connected to the EDS-MD unit. All devices attached
to the device ports support the RS-232C (EIA-232) standard. Category 5 cabling with RJ45 connections is used for the device port connections.
Note: To connect the serial port of an EDS-MD medical device server to a DTE device,
you need a DTE cable, such as the one supplied with your EDS-MD package, or an RJ45 patch cable and DTE adapter. To connect the serial port of the EDS-MD device server to a DCE device, you need a DCE (modem) cable, or an RJ45 patch cable and DCE adapter. For a list of the Lantronix cables and adapters you can use with the EDS-MD, see the
Appendix D: Lantronix Power Cords, Cables, Adapters and Serial Port Pinouts on page
An available connection to your Ethernet network and an Ethernet cable.
A working, properly grounded power outlet.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 21

Identifying Hardware Components

Figure 3-1 shows the front of the EDS-MD 16. Figure 3-2 shows the back of the EDS-MD 4, EDS-
MD 8 or EDS-MD 16.
Figure 3-1 Front View of the EDS-MD 16 Device Servers
Figure 3-2 Back View of the EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 and EDS-MD 16 Device Servers
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
Note: EDS-MD 4
has 4 RJ45 Serial Ports and EDS-MD 8 has 8 RJ45 Serial Ports.
USB Port
RJ45 Ethernet Ports
Power Connector

Serial Ports

In the front of the device, the EDS-MD 4 has 4 serial ports, the EDS-MD 8 has 8 serial ports, and the EDS-MD 16 has 16 serial ports. All are configured as DTE and support up to 921600 baud.

Ethernet Port

The back panel of the EDS-MD 4/8/16 provides a network interface via the “Main 1” RJ45 port. This port can connect to an Ethernet network at 10/100/1000Base-T. The Speed LED on the back of the EDS-MD shows the connection of the attached Ethernet network. The EDS-MD 4/8/16 can be configured to operate at a fixed Ethernet speed and duplex mode (half- or full-duplex). Otherwise by default, the EDS-MD auto-negotiates the connection to the Ethernet network.
Figure 3-3 RJ45 Serial Port
Note: Additional Ethernet interfaces can be enabled through the Ethernet switching
function. The EDS-MD switch includes one Ethernet up link connection and two down link connections. See Figure 3-4 for an example demonstrating a sample network topology and constraints.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 22
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
Figure 3-4 EDS-MD Ethernet Switch in a Sample Hospital Record System
(1) Single IP only
(2) The EDS-MD device server can only be managed through the management port (Main 1)
(3) Devices attached to switch port 2 or 3 can communicate with the hospital record system
(4) Devices attached to switch port 2 and 3 cannot access EDS-MD device applications


Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the EDS-MD show status information.
Each serial port has a corresponding status LED.
The Ethernet port LEDs indicate Speed, Activity, Power, and Status.
The tables below describe the LEDs on the EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 or EDS-MD 16.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 23
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
Table 3-5 System LEDs on the Top of EDS-MD Device Server
LED Description
Steady Green Unit operational.
Off Unit powered down or not operational.
Table 3-6 Serial Indicator LEDs on the Top of EDS-MD Device Server
LED Description
Green Indicates there is a tunnel connection to or from the EDS-MD.
Red Not supported.
Off There is no tunnel connection on the serial line.
Note: Number of Serial LEDs correspond with the EDS-MD model number. For
instance, EDS-MD 4 has 4 LEDs, EDS-MD 8 has 8 LEDs, and EDS-MD 16 has 16 LEDs.
Table 3-7 RJ45 LEDs on the Back Panel (Ethernet Indicators).
LED Description
Left LED Green Connected at 1000 Mbps.
Left LED Amber Connected at 100 Mbps.
Left LED Off Connected at 10 Mbps or no link.
Right LED Green (Solid) Full duplex with no activity
Right LED Green (Blinking) Full duplex with activity
Right LED Amber (Solid) Half duplex with no activity.
Right LED Amber (Blinking) Half duplex with activity.
Right LED Off No connection.

Reset to Default Button

The EDS-MD device can be restored to factory defaults which includes clearing all networking settings. The IP address, gateway and netmask are set to all zeros. The reset-to-default button is located on the side of the housing, accessible with a paper clip or other similar object, through a pin hole.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 24
To restore factory default settings:
1. Power cycle the unit.
2. During the bootup, hold down the reset-to-default button for a minimum of 25 seconds.
3. Release the button. The firmware restores factory default settings to the configuration.

Technical Specification

Category Description
Ethernet Ports 3 RJ45 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T Ethernet ports
Left LED Indicator See Table 3-7.
Right LED Indicator See Table 3-7.
Isolation from internal circuit 1.5 KVAC
Isolation from adjacent port 1.5 KVAC
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
Auto sensing
Automatic MDI/MDI-X crossover
Full duplex IEEE 802.3x flow control
Half-duplex back pressure flow control
USB Ports 2 of USB-A Host, USB 2.0, Full Speed only
Output Capability 0.5 A
Isolation from internal circuit 1.5 KVAC
Isolation from adjacent port 1.5 KVAC
Serial Ports Options of 4-port, 8-port, 16-port
RS232 Serial Ports DTE via RJ45 connectors
Baud rate Selectable from 300 bps to 921600 bps
Serial Line Formats Characters: 7 or 8 data bits
Stop bits: 1 or 2
Parity: odd, even, none
Modem Control DTR/DSR
Flow Control Hardware: CTS/RTS
Software: XON/XOFF
Serial LED Indicators See Table 3-6.
Protection from ESD 15kV (human body model)
Isolation from internal circuit 1.5 KVAC
Isolation from adjacent port 1.5 KVAC
Reset-to-Default-Parameters Switch Side panel pin-hole recessed push button switch
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 25
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
Category (continued) Description
Power Input AC Connector IEC60320 C14 receptacle with no power switch
Power Usage 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 0.4A, 23W maximum
Dimensions L x W x H = 8.25 x 7.5 x 2.4 in. (21 x 19 x 6 cm)
Weight 16-port = 2.0 lbs (0.9 Kg)
8-port = 1.8 lbs (0.82 Kg)
4-port = 1.75 lbs (0.8 Kg)
Environmental Temperature Operating 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)
Temperature for Transportation and Storage -30° to 80°C
Humidity 0% to 95% non-condensing
Atmospheric Pressure 50 kPa to 105 kPa
Humidity Operating 20% to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 26

Installing the EDS-MD

Finding a Suitable Location

You can install the EDS-MD medical device server either on a shelf, on a desktop or mounted
on the wall (see Wall Mounting Instructions on page 28).
If using AC power, do not use outlets controlled by a wall switch.
Warning: To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be
connected to a supply mains with protective earth.

Connect the EDS-MD to one or more serial devices

All serial ports on the EDS-MD medical device server support RS-232 devices.
1. Power off the serial devices.
2. Attach a CAT 5 serial cable between the EDS-MD unit and your serial device. See Appendix D: Lantronix Power Cords, Cables, Adapters and Serial Port Pinouts on page
106, for a list of cables and adapters you can use.
3. Connect an Ethernet cable between the Ethernet port of the EDS-MD device and your Ethernet network.
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
4. Insert the power cord into the power connector located in the back of the EDS-MD device server. Plug the other end into an AC wall outlet.
5. Power up the serial devices.
Figure 3-8 EDS-MD Dimensions
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 27

Wall Mounting Instructions

For Installations to Walls Requiring Anchors

These instructions are for mounting the EDS-MD medical device server to walls made of solid concrete, block, brick or pasterboard.
1. Locate the place where you want to mount your EDS-MD and mark four holes using your EDS-MD mount as a guide for the screws.
2. Drill four 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) diameter holes at a depth of 1.25 inches (32 mm). See
Figure 3-10 for the screws the dimensions of the screws that come with your EDS-MD medical
device server, and Figure 3-10 for the location of the screw holes.
3. Insert the anchors until they are flush with the surface.
4. Thread four pan head top mount screws through your EDS-MD mount hole and through the anchor, tightening them.

For Installations to Walls Not Requiring Anchors

These instructions are for mounting the EDS-MD medical device server to walls made of solid wood at least 2 inches thick.
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
1. Locate the place where you want to mount your EDS-MD and mark four holes using your EDS-MD mount as a guide for the screws. See Figure 3-10 for the location of the screw holes.
2. Drill four 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) diameter holes at a hole depth of 1.25 inches (32 mm). See Figure
3-10 for the screws the dimensions of the screws that come with your EDS-MD medical device
3. Thread four pan head top mount screws through your EDS-MD mount hole, tightening them.
Figure 3-9 Mounting Screws Included with the EDS-MD Medical Device Server in Inches
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 28
3: Installation of EDS-MD Device Servers
Figure 3-10 Mounting the EDS-MD Device Server
Note: Figure 3-10 represents
the installation of an EDS-MD device server to a wall, indicating where anchors and screws should be positioned.The actual screw type to be used and whether an anchor is necessary for your installation will depend on the material of the wall to which the EDS-MD will be installed. See Figure 3-9 for the screw types and the anchors that come with the EDS-MD device server and see the correct installation section depending on your wall type:
For Installations to Walls Requiring Anchors or For Installations to Walls Not Requiring Anchors.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 29

4: Using DeviceInstaller

This chapter covers the steps for locating an EDS-MD unit and viewing its properties and device details. The Lantronix® DeviceInstaller™ application is a free utility program provided by Lantronix that discovers, configures, upgrades and manages Lantronix device servers.
For instructions on using the DeviceInstaller utility to configure the IP address and
related settings or for more advanced features, see the DeviceInstaller Online Help.
Auto IP generates a random IP address in the range of to, with a netmask of, if no BOOTP or DHCP server is found. These addresses are not routable.

Accessing EDS-MD Using DeviceInstaller

Note: Make note of the MAC address. It may be needed to perform various functions in
the DeviceInstaller application.
To use the DeviceInstaller utility, first install the latest version from the downloads page on the Lantronix web site
1. Run the executable to start the installation process and respond to the installation wizard prompts. (If prompted to select an installation type, select Typical.)
2. Click Start -> All Programs -> Lantronix -> DeviceInstaller 4.3 -> DeviceInstaller.
3. When DeviceInstaller starts, it will perform a network device search. To perform another search, click Search.
4. Expand the EDS-MD 4, EDS-MD 8 or EDS-MD 16 folder by clicking the + symbol next to the folder icon. The list of available Lantronix EDS-MD 4 devices appears.
5. Select the EDS-MD unit by expanding its entry and clicking on its IP address to view its configuration.
6. On the right page, click the Device Details tab. The current EDS-MD device configuration appears. This is only a subset of the full configuration; the full configuration may be accessed via Web Manager, CLI or XML.
EDS-MD® Medical Device Server User Guide 30
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