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Copyright & Trademark ________________________________________________________i
Warranty___________________________________________________________________ ii
Contents___________________________________________________________________ iii
List of Tables _______________________________________________________________iv
List of Figures_______________________________________________________________ vi
1: About This User Guide_________________________________________ 1
Features __________________________________________________________________ 11
Block Diagram _____________________________________________________________ 12
Theory of Operation _________________________________________________________ 12
C Background __________________________________________________________ 12
C Controller ____________________________________________________________ 13
Operating Modes _________________________________________________________ 13
Bus Clock Considerations __________________________________________________ 21
C Controller Register Summary_______________________________________________ 22
C Controller Register Definitions ______________________________________________ 23
Slave Address Register ____________________________________________________ 23
Data Register____________________________________________________________ 24
Control Register__________________________________________________________ 25
Status Register __________________________________________________________ 26
Clock Control Register_____________________________________________________ 28
Extended Slave Address Register ____________________________________________ 29
Software Reset Register ___________________________________________________ 29
4: USB Controller ______________________________________________ 30
Features __________________________________________________________________ 30
Theory of Operation _________________________________________________________ 31
USB Background _________________________________________________________ 31
USB Interrupt ____________________________________________________________ 31
USB Core_______________________________________________________________ 31
USB Hardware/Software Interface ___________________________________________ 32
USB Transaction _________________________________________________________ 37
USB Register Summary ______________________________________________________ 38
USB Register Definitions _____________________________________________________ 39
Interrupt Status Register ___________________________________________________ 39
Error Register ___________________________________________________________ 41
Status Register __________________________________________________________ 43
Address Register _________________________________________________________ 45
Frame Number Registers __________________________________________________ 46
Token Register __________________________________________________________ 47
Endpoint Control Registers _________________________________________________ 49
Host Mode Operation________________________________________________________ 50
Sample Host Mode Operations ________________________________________________ 51
USB Pull-up/Pull-down Resistors_______________________________________________ 53
USB Interface Signals _______________________________________________________ 54
5: CAN Controllers _____________________________________________ 55
Data Exchanges and Communication _________________________________________ 56
Arbitration and Error Checking ______________________________________________ 56
CANBUS Speed and Length ________________________________________________ 57
Features __________________________________________________________________ 57
Theory of Operation _________________________________________________________ 58
CAN Register Summaries ____________________________________________________ 58
Register Summary ________________________________________________________ 58
Detailed CAN Register Map_________________________________________________ 60
CAN Register Definitions _____________________________________________________ 63
Figure 5-3. CAN Operating Mode.............................................................................................. 75
Figure 5-4. Bit Time, Time Quanta, and Sample Point Relationships .......................................77
Figure 5-5. CAN Bus Interface ..................................................................................................84
Figure 5-6. CAN Connector.......................................................................................................84
Figure 5-7. Power for CAN........................................................................................................ 85
Figure 5-8. CAN Transceiver and Isolation Circuits .................................................................. 86
C Controller Block Diagram ....................................................................... 12
11:: AAbboouutt TThhiiss UUsseerr GGuuiiddee
This User Guide describes the technical features and programming interfaces of the Lantronix
DSTni-EX chip (hereafter referred to as “DSTni”).
DSTni is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)-based single-chip solution (SCS) that
integrates the leading-edge functionalities needed to develop low-cost, high-performance device
server products. On a single chip, the DSTni integrates an x186 microprocessor, 16K-byte
ROM, 256K-byte SRAM, programmable input/output (I/O), and serial, Ethernet, and Universal
Serial Bus (USB) connectivity — key ingredients for device- server solutions. Although DSTni
embeds multiple functions onto a single chip, it can be easily customized, based on the
comprehensive feature set designed into the chip.
Providing a complete device server solution on a single chip enables system designers to build
affordable, full-function solutions that provide the highest level of performance in both
processing power and peripheral systems, while reducing the number of total system
components. The advantages gained from this synergy include:
Simplifying system design and increased reliability.
Minimizing marketing and administration costs by eliminating the need to source
products from multiple vendors.
Eliminating the compatibility and reliability problems that occur when combining
separate subsystems.
Dramatically reducing implementation costs.
Increasing performance and functionality, while maintaining quality and cost
Streamlining development by reducing programming effort and debugging time.
Enabling solution providers to bring their products to market faster.
These advantages make DSTni the ideal solution for designs requiring x86 compatibility;
increased performance; serial, programmable I/O, Ethernet, and USB communications; and a
glueless bus interface.
Intended Audience
This User Guide is intended for use by hardware and software engineers, programmers, and
designers who understand the basic operating principles of microprocessors and their systems
and are considering designing systems that utilize DSTni.
This User Guide uses the following conventions to alert you to information of special interest.
The symbols # and n are used throughout this Guide to denote active LOW signals.
Notes: Notes are information requiring attention.
Navigating Online
The electronic Portable Document Format (PDF) version of this User Guide contains hyperlinks.
Clicking one of these hyper links moves you to that location in this User Guide. The PDF file
was created with Bookmarks and active links for the Table of Contents, Tables, Figures and
This User Guide contains information essential for system architects and design engineers. The
information in this User Guide is organized into the following chapters and appendixes.
Section 1: Introduction
Describes the DSTni architecture, design benefits, theory of operations, ball
assignments, packaging, and electrical specifications. This chapter includes a
DSTni block diagram.
Section 2: Microprocessor
Describes the DSTni microprocessor and its control registers.
Section 2: SDRAM
Describes the DSTni SDRAM and the registers associated with it.
Section 3: Serial Ports
Describes the DSTni serial ports and the registers associated with them.
Section 3: Programmable Input/Output
Describes DSTni’s Programmable Input/ Output (PIO) functions and the
registers associated with them.
Section 3: Timers
Describes the DSTni timers.
Section 4: Ethernet Controllers
Describes the DSTni Ethernet controllers.
Section 4: Ethernet PHY
Describes the DSTni Ethernet physical layer core.
Section 5: SPI Controller
Describes the DSTni Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller.
Section 5: I2C Controller
Describes the DSTni I
Section 5: USB Controller
Describes the DSTni USB controller.
Section 5: CAN Controllers
Describes the DSTni Controller Area Network (CAN) bus controllers.
Section 6: Interrupt Controller
Describes the DSTni interrupt controller.
Section 6: Miscellaneous Registers
Describes DSTni registers not covered in other chapters of this Guide.
This chapter describes the DSTni Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) controller. Topics include:
Theory of Operation on page 4
SPI Controller Register Summary on page 5
SPI Controller Register Definitions on page 6
Theory of Operation
SPI Background
SPI is a high-speed synchronous serial input/output (I/O) port that allows a serial bit stream of
programmed length (one to eight bits) to be shifted into and out of the device at a
programmable bit-transfer rate.
SPI is an industry-standard communications interface that does not have specifications or a
standards organizing group. As a result, there are no licensing requirements. Because of its
simplicity, SPI is commonly used in embedded systems. Many semiconductor manufacturers
sell a variety of sensor, conversion, and control devices that use SPI.
DSTni SPI Controller
The DSTni SPI controller is located at base I/O address B800h. It shares an interrupt with the
C controller and connects to interrupt 2. The SPI controller is enabled using the DSTni
Configuration register. If set to 1, the SPI controller is enabled on serial port 3. This bit can
reset to 1 with an external pull-up resistor. Normally it resets to 0 on reset or power-up.
The SPI bus is a 3-wire bus serial bus that links a serial shift register between a master device
and a slave device. This design supports both master and slave operations. Typically, master
and slave devices have an 8-bit shift register, for a combined register of 16 bits. During an SPI
transfer, the master and slave shift registers by eight bits and exchange their 8-bit register
values, starting with the most-significant bit.
The SPI interface is software configurable. The clock polarity, clock phase, SLVSEL polarity,
clock frequency in master mode, and number of bits to be transferred are all software
programmable. SPI supports multiple slaves on a single 3-wire bus by using separate Slave
Select signals to enable the desired slave. Multiple masters are also fully supported and some
support is provided for detecting collisions when multiple masters attempt to transfer at the
same time.
A Wired-OR mode is provided which allows multiple masters to collide on the bus without risk of
damage. In this mode, an external pull-up resistor is required on the Master Out Slave In
(MOSI) ) and Master In Slave Out (MISO) pins. The wired-OR mode also allows the SPI bus to
operate as a 2-wire bus by connecting the MOSI and MISO pins to form a single bi-directional
data pin. Generally, pull-ups are recommended on all of the external SPI signals to ensure they
are held in a valid state, even when the SPI interface is disabled. For some device connections,
the ALT mode bit will swap the TX and RX pins.
The SPI controller has an enhanced mode called AUTODRV. This mode is valid in master
mode. In this mode, the SLVSEL pin is driven active when data is written to the data register.
After the last bit of data is shifted out, the SLVSEL goes inactive and an interrupt is generated.
The INVCS bit can generate either a positive or negative true SLVSEL pin.
When operating as a slave, the SPI clock signal (SCLK) must be slower than 1/8th of the CPU
clock (1/16th is recommended).
Note: The SPI is fully synchronous to the CLK signal. As a result, SCLK is sampled and then
operated on. This results in a delay of 3 to 4 clocks, which may violate the SPI specification if
SCLK is faster than 1/8th of the CPU clock. In master mode, the SPI operates exactly on the
proper edges, since the SPI controller is generating SCLK.
The SPI controller uses a 16-bit counter that is continually reloaded from DVD_CNTR_HI and
DVD_CNTR_LO. The counter divides the CPU clock by this divider and uses the result to
generate SCLK.
The SPI interface includes the internal interrupt connection, SPI interrupt.
In SPI master mode, an SPI interrupt occurs when the Transmit Holding register is
In SPI slave mode, an SPI interrupt occurs when the SLVSEL pin transitions from active
to inactive.
A familiar Interrupt Control register is provided for the SPI interrupt. The interrupt has a two
CPU clock delay from SLVSEL in slave mode because of synchronization registers.
SPI Controller Register Summary
Table 2-1. SPI Controller Register Summary
Hex Address Mnemonic Register Description Page
B800 SPI_DATA Data register
B802 CTL Control register
B804 SPI_STAT Status register
B806 SPI_SSEL Slave Select Bit Count register
B808 DVD_CNTR_LO DVD Counter Low Byte register
B80A DVD_CNTR_HI DVD Counter High Byte register
SPI Controller Register Definitions
SPI_DATA Register
SPI_DATA is the SPI Controller Data register.
Table 2-2. SPI_DATA Register
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
/// DATA[7:0]
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 2-3. SPI_DATA Register Definitions
Bits Field Name Description
15:8 ///
7:0 DATA[7:0]
Always returns zero.
The location where the CPU reads data from or writes data for the SPI interface.
CTL Register
CTL is the SPI Controller Control register.
Table 2-4. CTL Register
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 2-5. CTL Register Definitions
Bits Field Name Description
15:8 ///
Always returns zero.
Interrupt Request Enable
1 = enable the SPI to generate interrupts.
0 = disable the SPI from generating interrupts (default).
1 = enabled. Autodrv generates the sequence of selecting the serial device (CS)
and transferring data to it and then deselecting the device with no CPU
interaction. The transfer is started by writing to the data register.
0 = disabled (default).
Invert Chip Select
1 = inverted CS.
0 = normal (default).
Phase Select
Selects the operating mode for the SPI interface. The two modes select where
the opposite edge D-Flip-Flop is placed.
1 = the negative edge flop is inserted into the shift_out path to hold the data for an
extra ½ clock.
0 = a negative edge flop is inserted into the shift_in path (default).
Clock Polarity
Controls the polarity of the SCLK (SPI clock).
1 = SCLK idles HIGH.
0 = SCLK idles LOW (default).
HIGH = WOR bit configures the SPI bus to operate as an Open-Drain. This
prevents SPI bus conflicts when there are multiple bus masters.
LOW = WOR bit does not configure the SPI bus to operate as an Open-Drain.
Master Enable
Selects master or slave mode for the SPI interface.
1 = master mode.
0 = slave mode (default).
Alternate I/O Pinouts
Enable alternate I/O pinouts.
1 = alternate I/O.
0 = normal (default).
SPI_STAT Register
To clear a bit in the SPI_STAT register, write a 1 to that bit.
Table 2-6. SPI_STAT Register
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 2-7. SPI_STAT Register Definitions
Bits Field Name Description
15:8 ///
4:2 ///
Always returns zero.
Interrupt Request
1 = indicates the end of a master mode transfer, or that SLVSEL_N input has
gone HIGH on a slave transfer.
0 = indicates no end of a master mode transfer, or that SLVSEL_N input has not
gone HIGH on a slave transfer (default).
It takes two CPU clocks after SLVSEL_n changes to see the interrupt.
1 = SPIDAT register is written to while an SPI transfer is in progress or
SLVSEL_N goes active in master mode.
0 = SPIDAT register has not been written to or SLVSEL_N has not gone active in
master mode (default).
1 = a master mode collision has occurred between multiple SPI masters (SLVSEL
is active while MSTEN=1).
0 = a master mode collision has not occurred (default).
Transmitter Running
1 = master mode operation underway.
0 = idle (default).
Corresponds to the SLVSEL (MSCS*) pin on SPI core (pin is normally inverted at
the I/O pin).
Selects the SPI clock rate during master mode. DVD_CNTR_LO and this byte
generate a 16-bit divisor that generates the SPI clock.
33:: I
CC CCoonnttrroolllleerr
This chapter describes the DSTni I2C controller. Topics include:
Features on page 11
Block Diagram on page 12
Theory of Operation on page 12
Programmer’s Reference on page 22
C Controller Register Summary on page 22
C Controller Register Definitions on page 23
Master or slave operation
Multmaster operation
Software selectable acknowledge bit
Arbitration-lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave
Calling address identification interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to
START and STOP signal generation/detection
Repeated START signal generation
Acknowledge bit generation/detection
Bus busy detection
100 KHz to 400 KHz operation
Block Diagram
Figure 3-1 shows a block diagram of the DSTni I2C controller.
Theory of Operation
I2C Background
The I2C bus is a popular serial, two-wire interface used in many systems because of its low
overhead. Capable of 100 KHz operation, each device connected to the bus is software
addressable by a unique address, with a simple master/slave protocol.
The I
C bus consists of two wires, serial data (SDA), and a serial clock (SCL), which carry
information between the devices connected to the bus. This two-wire interface minimizes
interconnections, so integrated circuits have fewer pins, and the number of traces required on
printed circuit boards is reduced.
Figure 3-1. DSTni I
C Controller Block Diagram
The number of devices connected to the same bus is limited only by a maximum bus
capacitance of 400 pF. Both the SDA and SCL lines are bidirectional, connected to a positive
supply voltage via a pull-up resistor. When the bus is free, both lines are HIGH. The output
stages of devices connected to the bus must have an open-drain or open-collector to perform
the wired-AND function.
Each device on the bus has a unique address and can operate as either a transmitter or
receiver. In addition, devices can also be configured as masters or slaves.
A master is the device that initiates a data transfer on the bus and generates the clock
signals to permit that transfer.
Any other device that is being addressed is considered a slave.
The I
C protocol defines an arbitration procedure to ensure that if more than one master
simultaneously tries to control the bus, only one is allowed to do so and the message is not
corrupted. The arbitration and clock synchronization procedures defined in the I
are supported by the DSTni I
C controller.
C specification
I2C Controller
The I2C controller base address is D000h and shares INT2 with the SPI controller. The I2C bus
interface requires two bi-directional buffers with open collector (or open drain) outputs and
Schmitt inputs.
Operating Modes
The following sections describe the possible I2C operating modes:
Receive data byte, transmit ACK
Transmit repeated START
Transmit STOP
Transmit STOP then START
Return to idle
Transmit START when bus free
Slave Transmit Mode
In the slave transmit mode, a number of bytes are transmitted to a master receiver.
The I
C controller enters slave transmit mode when it receives its own slave address and a read
bit after a START condition. The I
C controller then transmits an acknowledge bit and sets the
IFLG bit in the Control register. The Status register contains the status code A8h.
Note: If the I
C controller has an extended slave address (signified by F0h - F7h in the Slave
Address register), it transmits an acknowledge after receiving the first address byte, but does
not generate an interrupt; the IFLG is not set and the status does not change. Only after
receiving the second address byte does The I
C controller generate an interrupt and set the
IFLG bit and status code as described above.
The I
C controller can also enter slave transmit mode directly from a master mode if arbitration
is lost in master mode during address transmission, and both the slave address and read bit are
received. The status code in the Status register is B0h.
After the I
1. The Data register loads the data byte to be transmitted, then IFLG clears.
2. The I
3. The I
C controller enters slave transmit mode:
C controller transmits the byte.
C controller receives or does not receive an acknowledge.
If the I
C controller receives an acknowledge:
− The IFLG is set and the Status register contains B8h.
− After the last transmission byte loads in the Data register, clear
AAK when IFLG clears.
− After the last byte is transmitted, the IFLG is set and the Status
register contains C8h.
− The I
C controller returns to the idle state and the AAK bit must be
set to 1 before slave mode can be entered again.
If the I
C controller does not receive an acknowledge:
− The IFLG is set.
− The Status register contains C0h.
− The I
C controller returns to the idle state.
4. If the I2C detects a STOP condition after an acknowledge bit, it returns to the idle state.
Slave Receive Mode
In slave receive mode, a number of data bytes are received from a master transmitter.
The I
C controller enters slave receive mode when it receives its own slave address and write
bit (least-significant bit = 0) after a START condition. The I
acknowledge bit and sets the IFLG bit in the Control register. The Status register status code is
The I
C controller also enters slave receive mode when it receives the general call address 00h
(if the GCE bit in the Slave Address register is set). The status code is 70h.
Note: If the I
C controller has an extended slave address (signified by F0h - F7h in the Slave
Address register), it transmits an acknowledge after receiving the first address byte, but does
not generate an interrupt; the IFLG is not set and the status does not change. Only after
receiving the second address byte does the I
C controller generate an interrupt and set the
IFLG bit and the status code as described above.
The I
C controller also enters slave transmit mode directly from a master mode if arbitration is
lost during address transmission, and both the slave address and write bit (or general call
address if bit GCE in the Slave Address register is set to one) are received. The status code in
the Status register is 68h if the slave address is received or 78h if the general call address is
received. The IFLG bit must clear to 0 to allow the data transfer to continue.
C controller then transmits an
If the AAK bit in the Control register is set to 1:
1. Receiving each byte transmits an acknowledge bit (LOW level on SDA) and sets the IFLG
2. The Status register contains status code 80h (or 90h if slave receive mode was entered
with the general call address).
3. The received data byte can be read from the Data register and the IFLG bit must clear to
allow the transfer to continue.
4. When the STOP condition or repeated START condition is detected after the acknowledge
bit, the IFLG bit is set and the Status register contains status code A0h.
If the AAK bit clears to zero during a transfer, the I
(high level on SDA) after the next byte is received and sets the IFLG bit. The Status register
contains status code 88h (or 98h if slave receive mode was entered with the general call
address). When the IFLG bit clears to zero, the I
C controller transfers a not acknowledge bit
C controller returns to the idle state.
Bus Clock Considerations
Bus Clock Speed
The I
C bus can be defined for bus clock speeds up to 100 Kb/s and up to 400 Kb/s in fast
To detect START and STOP conditions on the bus, the M I
10 times faster than the fastest master bus clock on the bus. The sampling frequency must be
at least 1 MHz (4 MHz in fast-mode) to guarantee correct operation with other bus masters.
The CLK input clock frequency and the value in CCR bits 2 - 0 determine the I
frequency. When the I
CLK input and the values in bits [2:0] and [6:3] of the Clock Control register (see Clock Control
Register on page 28).
C controller is in the master mode, it determines the frequency of the
C must sample the I2C bus at least
C sampling
Clock Synchronization
If another device on the I
the I
C controller synchronizes its clock to the I2C bus clock.
The device that generates the shortest high clock period determines the high period of
C bus drives the clock line when the I2C controller is in master mode,
the clock.
The device that generates the longest LOW clock period determines the LOW period of
the clock.
When the I
can stretch each bit period by holding the SCL line LOW until it is ready for the next bit. When
the I
C controller is in master mode and is communicating with a slow slave, the slave
C controller is in slave mode, it holds the SCL line LOW after each byte transfers until the
IFLG clears in the Control register.
Bus Arbitration
In master mode, the I
C controller checks that each logical 1 transmitted appears on the I2C bus
as a logical 1. If another device on the bus overrules and pulls the SDA line LOW, arbitration is
If arbitration is lost:
While a data byte or Not-Acknowledge bit is being transmitted, the I
C controller returns
to the idle state.
During the transmission of an address, the I
C controller switches to slave mode so that
it can recognize its own slave address or the general call address.
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