EN Instructions
The photographs and other
images of the product in this
manual an d on the packaging
are as accurate as p ossible, but
do not claim to b e a perfect reproduction of the product.
Thank you for choosing the LANAFORM NAIL LAMP nail dryer.
Its tray-less rounded design will
make it easi er for you to dry y our
ngernails and toenails. All you
have to do is insert your hand or
foot and t he infrare d sensors w ill
automatically detect your nails,
which will start the nail-drying
proces s. With its t wo LED and UV
func tions and it s adjust able timer
function, the NAIL LAMP nail
dryer will allow you to use both
a LED as well as a U V gel polish.
This device is not intended
for use by people, including
children, with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities,
or people with a lack of experience or knowledge, unless
someone responsible for their
safety can supervise or instruct
them beforehand on how to use
the device. Children should be
supervised to make su re they do
not play wi th the device.
Use this device only in accordance with the instructions given
in this manual.
Do not dismantle the device
or use par ts that are not recommended by LANAFORM as this
will inva lidate the warr anty.
Check that your mains voltage
is the sam e as that of your d evice.
Always place the nail dryer on
a hard, at, horizontal surface.
Keep it away from heat sources
such as st oves, radiato rs, etc.
Do not leave t he device in d irect
Do not connect or disconnect
the plug or electrical transf ormer of the dev ice with wet han ds.
• If t he power cable is d amaged,
it must be r eplaced by a similar
cable available from the supplier
or the supplier’s after-sales department.
Unplug the device before
cleaning it.
Do not dispose of or store the
device in places from which it
is likely to f all or to be accidentally pushed into a bath, sink or
any other receptacle containing
water. Do not i mmerse th e device
in water or l et it fall into w ater or
any other li quid. This co uld cause
a serious electric shock. Do not
attemp t to retrieve a dev ice that
has falle n into water. Discon nect
the power supply immediately.
Electrical appliances should
never be left unattended when
connec ted. Unplug it when you
are not usi ng it.
Keep the power cable away
from hot surfaces.
Never use this appliance in a
room in which aerosols (sprays)
are used or where oxygen is administered.
Do not put items of clothing
or towels under or on top of the
This nail dryer is designed for
domestic use only.
• Do n ot use this device wi thout
medical advice in the f ollowing
cases: i f you are pregnant, if you
are allergic to UV radiation, if
your skin has any scars, tattoos
or beaut y spots, if you have skin
cancer, if you have any unusual
skin discolouring, if you are
taking a ny medicine or if y ou are
photos ensitive. If y ou are unsure ,
consult your doctor before using
Do not look at the UV lamp
If you exp erience an y pain when
using this equipment, stop using
it immediately and consult your
doc tor.
Keep children away from the
packaging materials. They could
Excessive exposure to UV rays
can caus e sunburn . Over-fre quent
exposure to UV rays causes skin
to age and increases the risk of
skin can cer.
Over-exposure to UV rays can
cause da mage to the ski n or eyes.
If you noti ce changes o n your skin,
consult a doctor.
If you know you are allergic
to UV rays, consult your doctor
befor e using the devic e.
Only use the type of lighting
that has been recommended.
Failure to follow these instructions may vo id the warran ty.
(see illu stration s at the
beginning of the instructions
for use):
1 LED lights
2 ON/OFF button
3 and 4: Time r button 30 (3)
or 60 (4) second s
5 Nail Lamp d evice
6 AC adapter
Using the device
1 Place the d evice on a st able, at
and dry s urface.
2 Connect the adapter to the
socket located on the product.
3 Selec t the dryi ng time: 30 (LED
gel polish) or 60 (UV gel polish)
seconds. If you go through this
stage, the timer will immediately
be set at 9 9 seconds.
4 Place your hand or foot under
the device and the infrared
sensor s will detec t it and initiate
Problem Possible cause Solution
The device does not light up The adapt er is not
Connect the appliance
The function
selec tor has not bee n
Selec t the drying p eriod requ ired by
pressing the selector.
switched on.
No voltage. Take the prod uct back to LA NAFORM’s
• Unplug the device and allow it
to cool be fore cleanin g it.
Do not immerse the device in
liquid to clean it.
• Us e a gentle deter gent. Pat dr y
with a dr y, clean cloth.
Never use abrasive cleaners, a
brush, gl ass or furni ture clean ing
products or paint thinner.
Store the device in its box in a
safe, dr y, cool place.
Do not put t he device in c ontact
with shar p or pointed item s that
might dam age the outer su rface.
Do not wrap the power cable
round the device. (This may
cause wear and tear and break
the cable).
after-sales service.
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The poli sh is not dryin g. The dry ing time is
too short.
The poli sh is not
All the packaging is composed
of materials that pose no hazard
for the environment and which
can be disposed of at your local
sorting centre to be used as
secondary raw materials. The
cardbo ard may be dispose d of in
a paper recycling bin. The packaging lm m ust be taken to your
local so rting an d recycli ng centre.
When you hav e nished us ing the
device, please dispose of it in an
environmentally friendly way and
in accord ance with the law.
LANAFORM guarantees this
product against any material or
manufa cturin g defect f or a perio d
of two yea rs from th e date of purchase, except in the circumstances desc ribed below.
The LANAFORM guarantee does
not cover damage caused as a
produc t does not cover damage
caused by abusive or inappropriate or inco rrect us e, acciden ts, the
use of unauthorized accessories,
changes made to the product
or any other circumstance, of
whatever sort, that is outside
LANAFORM’s control.
LANAFO RM may not be hel d liable
for any t ype of circ umstant ial, indirec t or specic da mage.
All impli cit guaran tees relat ing to
the suit ability of the p roduct are
limited to a period of two years
from the initial date of purchase
as long as a copy of the proof of
purcha se can be suppli ed.
On recei pt, LANAFO RM will repa ir
or replace your appliance at its
discretion and will return it to
you. The guarantee is only valid
through LANAFORM’s Service
Centre. An y attempt to maint ain
this product by a person other
than LAN AFORM’s Service C entre
will rend er this guaran tee void.
result of normal wear to this
product. In addition, the guarantee covering this LANAFORM
Turn on the dr ying proce ss again.
Choose a p olish that reac ts to LED and/
or UV light.
FR Manuel
Les photographies et autres
représentations du produit
dans le présent manuel et sur
l’emballage se veulent les plus
dèles possibles mais peuvent
ne pas assurer u ne similitude
parfaite a vec le produit.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir
acheté le sécheur d’ongles NAIL
LAMP de LANAFORM. Son design
arrondi sans plateau vous facilitera le séchage de vos ongles
de mains et pieds. Il vous sura
de déposer votre main ou votre
pied et les capteurs infrarouges
détecteront automatiquement
vos ongles, ce qui débutera le
séchage des ongles. Grâce à ses
deux fon ctions Le d et UV ainsi qu e
sa fonction Timer adaptable, le
sécheu r d’ongle NAIL LAMP vous
permet tra d’util iser un vernis g el
aussi bie n Led qu’UV.
Cet appareil n’est pas prévu
pour être utilisé par des personnes, y compris les enfants,
dont les capacités physiques,
sensorielles ou mentales sont réduites, ou des personnes dénuées
d’expéri ence ou de con naissance,
sauf si el les ont pu béné cier, par
l’intermédiaire d’une personne
responsable de leur sécurité,
d’une surveillance ou d’instructions préalables concernant l’utilisation de l’appareil. Il convient
de surveiller les enfants pour
s’assurer qu’ils ne jouent pas
avec l’appareil.
• N’ut ilisez cet a ppareil que d ans
le cadre d u mode d’emploi déc rit
dans ce manuel.
Ne démontez pas l’appareil et
n’utilisez pas des pièces qui ne
sont pas recommandées par LA
NAFORM sous peine d’annulation
de la garan tie.
• Vér iez que la tensi on de votre
réseau corresponde à celle de
Placez toujours le sèche-ongles
sur une surface dure, plane et horizontale. Eloignez-le des sources
de chaleur telles que les poêles,
radiateurs, etc.
• Ne l aissez pas l ’appareil ex posé
directement à la lumière du soleil.
• Ne branchez, ni ne débranchez
la che ou le transformateur
électrique de l’appareil avec des
mains mouillées.
• Si le cordon d’alime ntation est
endommagé, il doit être remplacé
par un cor don similai re disponi ble
auprès du fournisseur ou de son
service après-vente.
• Dé branchez l ’appareil avant d e
le nett oyer.
Ne dispo sez ou stoc kez pas l’appareil da ns des endro its desqu els
il est susceptible de tomber ou
d’être poussé accidentellement
dans une baignoire, un évier ou
tout autre récipient contenant
de l’eau. Ne l’i mmergez pas da ns
l’eau et ne le laissez pas tomb er
dans l’eau ou dans tout autre
liquide. Cela pourrait causer un
grave choc électrique. Ne saisissez
jamais un a ppareil qui es t tombé
dans l’eau. Débranchez immédiatement la p rise.
Un appareil électr ique ne doit
jamais rester branché sans surveillance. Débranchez-le lorsque
vous ne l’ut ilisez pas.
Éloignez le cordon électrique
des surfaces chaudes.
N’utilisez jamais cet appareil
dans une pièce où des produits
aérosols (sprays) sont employés
ou dans une p ièce où de l’ox ygène
est administré.
• Ne p lacez pas de vêtem ents ou
de serviettes sous ou par dessus
Le sèche-ongles est conçu
pour un usage domestique uniquement.
Il est int erdit d’uti liser cet ap pareil san s avis médica l dans les cas
suivant s : si vous êtes enceinte,
si vous présentez des allergies
au rayonnement UV, si votre
peau présente des cic atrices, tatouages o u des grains de b eauté,
si sou rez d’un canc er de la peau,
si vous présentez des décolorations cutanées inhabituelles, si
vous pren ez des médi caments ou
si vous ête s photosen sible. En cas
de simple d oute, consultez vo tre
médecin avant l’utilisation du
Ne regar dez jamais di rectem ent
la lampe à UV.
Si vous ressentez une douleur
quelconque durant l’utilisation
de cet appareil, stoppez immédiatement l’usage de celui-ci et
consultez votre médecin.
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